Throughout the countless years, the seven great sects dominated the Eastern Plains. The Beast King War had been held in Dragon City’s arena countless times. But whether it was in terms of how splendid the scene was or how strong the participating spirit beasts were, there was not a single previous Beast King War that could compare to today’s.

The Hidden Fog Sect had produced such a strong dark star ice serpent after so many difficulties, so where did Radiance Temple also come up with such a strong phoenix luan?

This was the thought of resentment that every Hidden Fog Sect cultivator had in their heart at this moment.

Hu Fu gasped for breath. His withered chest rose up and down like ragged and tattered bellows. He lifted a hand and rubbed his filthy eyes. Then, with anxiousness and unease, he looked at the black-robed figure in front.

Qin Yu didn’t turn his head so Hu Fu couldn’t see his expression. But, Qin Yu’s unmoving posture and his tall and straight back were like a mountain that held up the skies. It made one feel relief and trust.

Hu Fu relaxed. As long as mister stood firm then there was a chance. He had personally cultivated the dark star ice serpent and had pulled it back from the brink of death twice. Mister was more aware than anyone else of how strong it was.

“Don’t worry, the dark star ice serpent will win. We…will not be defeated!” Hu Fu’s old and hoarse voice was filled with a firm resolve.

Many eyes looked towards Hu Fu and then Qin Yu. For some reason, most of the worry in their hearts disappeared and they calmed down once more.

That’s right. Even if Radiance Temple’s phoenix luan was fierce, they had mister on their side. After experiencing all sorts of accidents, the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators had become similar to Yun Die. They had an almost blindly fanatical faith in him.

On the platform, the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators weren’t able to hide their changing expressions from the surrounding crowd. The audience was surprised.

Just who was this mysterious black-robed person? Why did the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators trust him so much that his mere presence could calm them down? Was it possible that even in this situation, he still had a card he could use?

But the Beast King War finals had already begun. Before victory and defeat was decided, all strength beyond the arena was isolated outside. Even if this person had some methods, they would be difficult to display.

Kacha –

Kacha –

Cracks rapidly appeared on the cold black ice that covered the dark star ice serpent’s body. Shards of ice fell to the ground, crashing into the stone tiles below.

It curled its body upwards and raised its head high. Its eyes locked onto the phoenix luan in the skies, its gaze cold and unfeeling.

Before the finals started, the dark star ice serpent believed that with its strength, it could easily seize the position of leader. It never expected that it would be left in such a distressed state.

Its original idea was to give a good performance here so that mister would view it in a more favorable light. But now that its plans were ruined, the dark star ice serpent was thoroughly enraged.

Hou –

It roared out loud and opened its mouth. A mass of white air took shape in its jaws as it ruthlessly spat forwards.

Weng –

Weng –

The black cold ice fragments on the ground began to tremble as the air mass formed. At this time, they flew up into the air and burst out.

The air was frozen by absolute cold. White marks visible to the naked eye appeared. The black ice fragments howled forward along these white marks, like blocks of ice rapidly flowing across a white winter river.

At this time, everyone who saw this scene was shaken. In an instant, the stars seemed to move around them as their surroundings changed. They could see themselves standing next to a massive ice river that roared into the void. Because of the violently shaking waters turning white, the floating black pieces of ice became even more striking.

The white river was a dragon and the black ice was like armor. At this moment, the river’s momentum suddenly increased. The river water scattered in all directions. With a mind of its own, it formed the outline of a great dragon’s head. The dragon head opened its mouth wide and one could clearly see the huge teeth inside that bit down.


Countless cultivators cried out in shock and staggered backwards. Sweat streamed down their bodies, instantly soaking their robes wet. What they felt just now was that giant ice dragon soaring up and biting down at them. A terrifying aura penetrated into their hearts. Its terrifying power and might left their souls trembling. They weren’t able to resist at all, and could only stretch out their necks and wait for death.

At this time, as shouts filled the air, everyone sobered up. The river of ice and the great dragon had all vanished. It was only now that they realized they had been caught up by the flow of strength and had fallen into an illusion.


To be exact, this wasn’t merely an illusion. Rather, it could be called the true meaning of the dark star ice serpent’s attack. Although it resembled an ordinary breath attack, it actually contained the power of a river of ice that could transform into a giant dragon.

Their faces flushed red. But before their embarrassment disappeared, they were interrupted by the next scene. Their jaws dropped down in shock.

The ice river attack had arrived. The phoenix luan clearly sensed the terrifying power contained beneath its humble surface. Its blood red but calm eyes flashed with a trace of dignity.

It launched its wings outwards and black flames ascended. Then, it flapped its wings forward. A heaven-shaking explosion erupted. The black tornado that scattered the heavenly tribulation appeared once more.

The audience members who had just detached themselves from the true meaning of that strength were shaken once more. Then, their minds were drawn in again.

In the void, there was the giant dragon formed from the vast ice river. What lay in front of it was an incomparably large black rod. Its surface was rough and it was wrapped in black flames.

The rod rose up and smashed down as fast as a thunderbolt. The ice dragon flew up to meet it, its horn sparkling with a cold luster.

Bang –

The flame-wrapped staff collided with the ice river dragon. Terrifying fluctuations of strength erupted. It was like a hurricane sweeping out in all directions, forming visible shockwaves of strength.

The shockwaves stretched out endlessly like surging waves in the sea. At the core of the collision, the black rod and ice river dragon simultaneously broke apart. When they collapsed, they released another detonation of power, causing the already amazing shockwaves of energy to instantly increase by ten times, a hundred times over.

It was like a monstrous tsunami that blocked out the skies, rumbling as it came pounding down. As for the cultivators who witnessed this collision, they felt as if they were helpless ants placed beneath the tsunami.

Bang –

In the following explosion, the dark star ice serpent was sent careening backwards. Its sharp claws dug into the ground of the arena, leaving deep claw marks in the stone.

Across from it, the flying phoenix luan also fluttered backwards. The black flames on its body paused for a moment before burning again.

Pa –

Pa –

Amongst the countless watching cultivators in the arena, including Radiance Temple, Moonkeep Tower, and the Hidden Fog Sect, those that had lower cultivators or weaker wills directly fainted to the ground, blood seeping from their heads. As for those left standing, besides a small minority that had deep cultivations, everyone else had turned pale white and their eyes were now filled with alarm and fear.

All of these people had been shaken and mentally injured through witnessing the collision, destruction, and ensuing fallout of the true meanings behind the two attacks. If they weren’t able to break through the fear in their hearts it would leave behind a shadow that they could never rid themselves of. It might even affect their future cultivation.

And all of this happened in a state where the arena isolated out most of the strength from the two spirit beasts. If they were to face this openly without any defenses supporting them, then there were likely fewer than a dozen people both inside and outside the arena that could protect themselves.

Thinking this, the audience couldn’t help but reveal fear and alarm when looking at the martial field. Through the countless years that the Beast King War had been held, this was likely the first time that the observing cultivators had suffered large-scale injuries.

Perhaps this struggle could be called a battle of the ages. Although no one could say if a more incredible one would occur in the future, they could decisively state that there had never been a Beast King War comparable in the past.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes. This phoenix luan’s strength wasn’t normal; it was overdrawing upon its own life. Thinking about it, this should be related to the Dark Parliament.

Had they made two sets of preparations?

As he thought about how he was almost swallowed up and replaced by his shadow, a cold light flashed in Qin Yu’s eyes. He turned and said, “All those with insufficient cultivations are to immediately leave the arena.”

Qin Yu had never underestimated the Dark Parliament’s strength. Since they chose to use Radiance Temple’s phoenix luan as their chess piece to stop the Hidden Fog Sect from winning, they had to be confident in their chances.

The dark star ice serpent still had strength remaining, but the phoenix luan should also be holding back. This battle had yet to reach its peak.

If one didn’t leave now, they would likely be left lying unconscious on the ground and dragged out later.

Hu Fu didn’t doubt Qin Yu’s judgment. He immediately shouted, “Those with cultivations below the Calamity Immortal realm are to leave immediately!”

Everyone had witnessed what had just happened with their own eyes, and no one was unwilling to follow this order. A group of people nodded respectfully and quickly left, carrying away their unconscious fellow cultivators with them.

Radiance Temple and Moonkeep Tower did the same thing at almost the same time. They ordered those of their sect with weaker cultivations to leave. These three similar actions frightened many watching cultivators. After a short hesitation, they stood up and started to leave.

Soon, the entire arena was emptied out. The only ones who remained were the experts of the three great sects and the observing cultivators who believed they were strong enough.

Qin Yu swept his eyes over the audience. Many of these people were only trying to test their luck. After some time, they would likely suffer severe hardships. He naturally couldn’t bother warning these people.

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