Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 777: The Blood Red Face

At this time, a new change occurred on the field. After blocking the dark star ice serpent’s attack, the phoenix luan took the initiative to attack. It flapped its wings with a clear cry. A black tornado appeared, rumbling as it spun around.

Although its momentum was astonishing, if one counted this time, it was the third occurrence of the phoenix luan using this move. Numerous cultivators quietly furrowed their eyebrows together.

Going back and forth, did Radiance Temple’s phoenix luan only have this move? The dark star ice serpent had seen it twice before so it was likely prepared for it. To use the same technique would be meaningless.

It was at this time that a change occurred. Near the black tornado, another column of wind appeared. The chaotic roaring sounds in the air grew louder.

But this wasn’t the end; it was merely the beginning. More and more wind columns appeared. In the blink of an eye, there were nine of them.

Each one spanned from the heavens to the earth and possessed the power to break apart heavenly tribulation (in a state where most of the heavenly tribulation’s strength had been used up and it was about to dissipate) and had the ability to crash into that ice river dragon and perish together with it. Now, nine of them were here together. Their strengths were superimposed and their powers didn’t just add up together, but multiplied each other in some way!

At this moment, both inside and outside the arena, and even throughout all of Dragon City, there were only the sounds of howling as the nine wind columns twisted and revolved.

Everyone looked up. Between the nine wind columns they could see the phoenix luan wrapped in blazing black flames. Looks of awe and dread subconsciously appeared in their eyes, and all of their previous suspicions and doubts completely vanished.

So what if the phoenix luan was only able to summon these wind columns? Having achieved this level of power with them, it now had the strength to crush everything. What did it matter if an opponent had an endless number of methods they could use? This was absolute strength. In the world of cultivation, this was the sole criteria that separated the strong and the weak!

The black flames on the phoenix luan’s body grew higher and brighter. The blood red color of its eyes became even richer, as if they would leak blood at any time. It turned its head and looked towards the Radiance Temple camp. Then, there was a flash of gentleness in its eyes before they filled with a firm resolve.

Bei Qing’s expression didn’t change. With no change to her aura, it was like she didn’t sense those eyes on her at all.

Since she chose to stick to her decision and forcibly suppress the majority opinion from the Elders, she had prepared herself to sacrifice the phoenix luan.

She was loved by a monster beast. Although in a way it was able to contrast against her beauty, the truth was that Bei Qing didn’t like it at all. But in order to control the phoenix luan, she had concealed herself well for all these years. However, having good acting skills didn’t mean she wouldn’t be bored or tired of the act.

So using this opportunity to completely sever the entanglement of the phoenix luan and solidifying her position in Radiance Temple was killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, the curtain had yet to fall on this play. There was one more scene that still needed to be played out. The moment the phoenix luan was about to turn away, Bei Qing’s lips moved and her hands faintly trembled.

The phoenix luan saw this. So it sent out a cry filled with joy and excitement, as if it didn’t matter even if it were to die.

Turning around, the phoenix luan looked at the dark star ice serpent before closing its eyes. Black flames wildly rose around its body, submerging it within.

“In truth, I know that you don’t like me. All of these years have been superficial, but that doesn’t change the fact that I like your heart.

“I have tried for a long time to obtain your approval. But not only did I achieve nothing in the end, I made you loathe me even more.

“So since you want to get rid of me, I will fulfill your wish. This is also the last time I can help you to make sure your future days pass in peace.

“But I still hope that my death today can leave behind even the smallest trace in your heart.

“With that, I will be satisfied.”

As the black flames swallowed the phoenix luan, the nine wind columns started to move. They easily tore through the ground, leaving behind incomparably deep gashes in the martial field.

They approached each other. The rapidly rotating black winds didn’t collide. Rather, they started to fuse together.

As they fused, the skies above Dragon City, and everything that could be seen for thousands of miles around, suddenly turned blood red. It was deep and bright, as if a trillion lives had been slaughtered and their blood had been sucked out to paint the heavens red.

A low roar resounded in everyone’s hearts. It was difficult to describe this sound. It was as if all the slaughter and destruction in this world was encapsulated within it.

Then, in the blood red vault of heaven, a giant face appeared. It lowered its head and looked down upon the world.

Seeing this face, everyone’s minds quaked and they fell into a state of fear and panic. They felt as if they stood upon the precipice of death, about to be ripped and smashed apart at the next moment.

In the arena, pleasant surprise flashed in the eyes of the Dark Parliament puppet cultivator. This phoenix luan’s abyssal bloodline was far more formidable than expected. It was actually able to summon such an astonishing existence.

They had won!

Even if this was only a projection, even if it only made a casual attack, even if its strength was weakened a hundred times over because it crossed the endless span of space to arrive here…killing the dark star ice serpent would be easy.

The only thing worth regretting was that after this summoning, the phoenix luan’s life would reach its end. If he knew earlier that the spirit beast possessed such a formidable bloodline, he would have made some preparations so that it would at least survive.

The Dark Parliament was always interested in potent bloodlines!

But nothing could be changed anymore. The puppet cultivator sighed in regret. Then as he thought about how the Dark Parliament would obtain the Chaotic Sky Chronicle after today, he lit up with joy.

As for the previous assassination attempt…yes, it had been the Dark Parliament that had tried that, but where was the evidence?

Even if Ning Qing clenched his teeth and blamed the Dark Parliament, as long as he wasn’t able to put forth sufficient evidence, he would have to hand over that disciple of his after his defeat…no one could renege on a deal with the Dark Parliament. No one!

When it came to this, he was confident.

On the Hidden Fog Sect platform, Qin Yu frowned. He originally thought that he was wary enough of the Dark Parliament, but he never imagined they would give him such a surprise.

Since this was so, why did they have to make unnecessary moves and try to assassinate him? There was only one explanation for this: unexpected changes had occurred within the Dark Parliament.

Was this hidden surprise outside of their plans?

Qin Yu forced a smile.

Although the Dark Parliament had flipped over the table, this didn’t mean that the result of the Beast King War didn’t matter.

Only by achieving victory could he occupy the advantage and take the initiative to force the Dark Parliament to give up.

And if he lost…Qin Yu could guarantee that with the Dark Parliament’s style so far, they would stubbornly refuse to admit they tried to assassinate him.

But in this sort of situation, wanting to win was nearly impossible.

Qin Yu looked up at the blood red face in the skies. He didn’t know its origin, but he could clearly feel the horrifying power behind it.

After personally raising and cultivating the dark star ice serpent, it had experienced a transformation nearing the level of a rebirth. Its strength surpassed the most formidable recorded ancestors of the Hidden Fog Sect. But when facing this blood red face, Qin Yu couldn’t think of any way to win.

This could be called a dead end. But to be more accurate, this unsolvable problem only came when looking at things from Qin Yu’s perspective.

In other words, there were people who could resolve this problem…for instance, that being who constructed Dragon City and thus constructed this arena.

Sometimes, asking people for help on one’s own initiative was an effective method of repairing relationships and soothing any possible conflicts.

Moreover, Qin Yu believed that if he asked now, the Ancient wouldn’t refuse.

He took a deep breath. Then, beneath his black robes, he transmitted his request.

Soon the Ancient gave a reply; he really did have the means to win.

Hu Fu shivered. His dark and opaque eyes were filled with despair.

Could it be that the heavens had decided the Hidden Fog Sect must perish?

In this situation, facing that terrifying blood red face, no matter how great his confidence was in Qin Yu, that confidence would still collapse at this moment.

Because this was a strength that surpassed the limits of imagination. Mister was fierce, but he was only one person. He was not some omnipotent god.

The atmosphere was constrained!

The Hidden Fog Sect cultivators were all in a state of unwillingness and helplessness. They were close to becoming the arena leader, just a step away. But this single step was like a moat, one that they could never overcome.

At this moment, high up on the stone chair, Qin Yu stood up. He stretched out his arms as if he were hugging the entire arena.

Hu Fu and the other Hidden Fog Sect people all opened their eyes. They were like people drowning in a lake, grasping onto that final straw of hope.

Bei Qing took a deep breath and suppressed the annoyance in her heart. If she knew that the phoenix luan’s bloodline was so formidable, then maybe…but there were no maybes in this world. With things having come this far there was no turning back.

She looked at Qin Yu and sneered inwardly. At this time, why didn’t he feel despair and give up? At least his personality was tenacious.

But none of that mattered. Today’s result was decided!

The Moonkeep Tower Master looked away from the blood red face and glanced at the Hidden Fog Sect’s platform. Pity and ridicule appeared on her face once more.

These humble and lowly ants, they actually tried to change their destiny. They were doomed to suffer defeat!

But this time, since they had chosen to revolt, they needed to withstand the consequences…perhaps not too long after this, there would only be six great sects on the Eastern Plains!

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