Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 789A: Desert World

A hint of poignant relief flashed in Twilight’s eyes. As she thought, this was how her master conducted himself. How could someone as powerful and arrogant as him be willingly chased down by these people?

As she looked at the shocked and horrified would-be killers in front of her, she smirked in disdain. Once master obtained the strength from his remnant body, none of these people would escape.

Of course, Twilight didn’t forget that this also included her. However, she had already put forth her greatest effort. Since she wasn’t able to kill master, dying by master’s hand was the most natural progression of events.

“Go, stop the Dragon City Master!”

“No matter the price, we cannot allow him to obtain his remnant body!”

“Slay him!”

With a deep roar, the puppet was the first to rush into the collapsed space. By relying on its tyrannical body it struck open a straight channel inside.

The black wolf braced its weak body, clenched its teeth, and followed behind. It was well aware of its master’s personality. Once its master restored his strength, all that awaited it was certain destruction.

The youth from the northern border had a solemn expression. Since he had decided to come here, there was no more turning back. If he couldn’t kill the Dragon City Master then his entire tribe would be slaughtered. He thought back to his little daughter who had just taken her first steps and he tightened his grip on his spear, his gaze becoming even firmer and more resolute!

The shadow that blocked out the skies shrunk down to a mass around ten feet in size. The darkness was so thick that it nearly congealed into essence. Within the tumbling morass, one could faintly make out a face.

The Western Tomb’s Chief Judge had a serene expression. As a zealous follower of the Dao Monarch, he was willing to discard his life to protect the Dao Monarch’s orthodoxy.

“Your excellency, let us go.”

Dorelis slowly nodded.

After passing through the shattered space, there was the stone door with a gap opened in it. The interior was shrouded in mist and couldn’t be seen clearly at all.

Twilight was the last to step in. Like passing through flames, she could clearly feel a burning heat.

In the next moment, a wave of heat rushed against her. She sucked in a deep breath of dry air. It rubbed against her throat, causing light scratching sounds.

All she saw was endless yellow sand and blue skies. The sun hung low in the heavens, recklessly sending out scorching rays of heat. Because the temperature was so high, the air was distorted as it rose. Perhaps this was the reason why they hadn’t been able to clearly see within when they stood outside the stone door.

Of course, even if they couldn’t tell what lay in the distance in this world of sand, that didn’t matter. Because regardless of what direction they looked in, whether it was east, west, north, or south, everything appeared the same.

Twilight subconsciously licked her lips. She paused. Even with her cultivation, she suddenly developed a sense of thirst.

She looked up at the extremely low sun that seemed especially large, and she narrowed her eyes. After pausing for a time, she looked around. Sure enough, everyone else had noticed something wrong. They had gloomy expressions on their faces.

The black wolf roared out, “Twilight, you should have a way to lock onto the Dragon City Master’s aura! Hurry and find him!”

Shua –

All eyes gathered on her.

Twilight shook her head. “I have already helped once. If you cannot kill master, then that is your problem. I won’t do anything again.”

“You…” The black wolf was enraged. It panted out, “Twilight, don’t forget that we are all standing aboard the same ship. If the Dragon City Master restores his strength, no one will be able to escape!”

“Then I won’t run.” Twilight slowly said, “For me, trying to kill master once is already my limit.

“If any of you are unhappy, you can attack me. Of course, I will resist...because only my master has the qualifications to collect my life.”

The black wolf howled out, “You have gone insane!”

Twilight didn’t speak further. She casted her eyes down, a faint expression on her face.

Everyone could sense her resolve. Their complexions paled and a dangerous aura tumbled around them.

The puppet lifted a hand, “Let’s not delay any further. Every second that passes means we will be in that much more danger.” He looked at Dorelis. “Honored messenger of the Dao Monarch, I wonder if you have a means that can help us lock onto the Dragon City Master’s aura?”

Dorelis nodded. “I can, but you should all be able to feel that the strength in this projection has been completely exhausted.”

The Chief Judge bowed, “Messenger, I am willing to offer my strength to you.”

“Then there’s no problem.” Dorelis lifted a hand and placed it on the Chief Judge’s shoulder. He stuffily coughed as the blood drained from his face.

A mass of holy light appeared in Dorelis’ hands. It stretched out longer and longer until it turned into an arrow that aimed towards a direction.

“It’s that direction.”

The puppet took a step forward and yellow sand blew apart. Its body turned into a series of afterimages as it followed in the direction of the pointed arrow.

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

The others followed after.

The Chief Judge took a deep breath, his body wavering. He never imagined that a position-locating technique would cause such severe losses to him.

Dorelis said, “Your current condition isn’t suitable for you to chase. Rest for now and later you can follow after me by sensing my aura.”

The Chief Judge nodded, “That is all I can do. I will have to leave everything to the messenger. I ask you to do everything you can to kill the Dragon City Master.”

“Of course.”

With a nod, Dorelis stormed forwards. Her graceful figure quickly disappeared into the distance.

Twilight looked at her departing back and then at the cross-legged Chief Judge who was trying to recover his energy. Without a word, she followed after.

Dorelis turned around and their eyes met. She smiled and said, “You seem to be a very contradictory woman.”

Twilight asked in return, “Then what about you? I am very curious, why did you help master and cause such losses when you used that position-locating technique? You did it on purpose.”

Pa –

Pa –

Dorelis clapped her hands. “You are quite intelligent. But don’t you understand the basic principle that the more you know the more dangerous it will be for you?”

Twilight shook her head, “You cannot kill me.”

Her expression was calm.

“Then let’s join forces.” Dorelis brightly smiled. “You already helped them once and fulfilled your pledge. So, the current you should be hoping that the Dragon City Master survives.

“And what a coincidence. Although I happen to be the Dao Monarch’s messenger, due to certain reasons I also hope that he can survive.”

Twilight deeply looked at her. “You had better not be lying to me.”

“Certainly not.”

Dorelis laughed. How could one of the most formidable enemies of the Dao Monarch quietly die here?

It had to be known that she was a person with incredibly lofty ideals and ambitions. And when it came to things like ideals and ambitions, one should always work harder.

What if she was lucky and succeeded?

The great sun, yellow sand, high temperature – this was the only constantly playing song in this space. Everything he saw around him was empty and silent, without any vitality at all.

A black-robed Qin Yu walked forward silently. Wherever he passed by he left behind deep footprints in the ground. Hot winds swept past, stirring up plumes of sand. But no matter what happened, these footprints remained, as if they were forever embedded in the desert.

After an unknown period of time, this difficult sojourn came to an end. Qin Yu looked up and forward, revealing his chapped lips beneath his black robes.

He licked his lips and softly said, “Found you.”

He lifted his foot and stamped the ground. A powerful force blasted into the desert and a trillion grains of sand flew into a violent riot, forming tumbling waves.

With his foot at the center, shockwaves and an earthshaking roar rumbled out in all directions. As the sand rolled and rustled, a palace hidden deep within the desert slowly appeared.

It wasn’t considered too large; one could see its entirety in a single glance. But no matter how hard one looked, even if it was between the tiles, there wasn’t a single gap to be found. It was as if this underground palace had been carved from a single large block of stone.

Qin Yu stepped forward and landed in front of the palace’s entrance. He suddenly frowned. His eyes turned, locking onto some position.

Over there, a cultivator lay on the ground. His eyes were filled with despair and his final movements were frozen in time where he was grasping out at something.

Thinking for a bit, Qin Yu walked over. His steps carried the wind with him. When this wind touched the cultivator’s body, the lifelike corpse disintegrated into powder that fell to the ground.

Qin Yu wasn’t surprised by this at all. He could clearly feel that this person was a corpse. However, his corpse released an aura that interested ‘Qin Yu’, so he decided to come over.

With a flick of his sleeves, the corpse powder was sent flying away. A glittering crystal, pitch black in color, appeared in front of his eyes.

‘Qin Yu’ looked at it for several moments and smiled. He reached forward and the crystal fell into his hands.

Upon touching his skin, the black crystal fused into him. In the next moment it appeared in Qin Yu’s soul space.

“Do you feel it? This is quite an interesting thing. After you fuse with it, it can increase your strength and also conveniently save you some trouble.”

Qin Yu never imagined that he would obtain something like this. When the crystal integrated into his body, he received a massive amount of information.

It was fragmented a great deal, but it was actually simple to summarize: after today, he was one of the seven Senators of the Dark Parliament, Senator Morning Star!

This corpse belonged to the previous Morning Star who had disappeared for a long time and whom no one had been able to find. It was clear that he had died here due to unknown reasons, and the black crystal he left behind was the status symbol of a Senator.

Besides Qin Yu’s identity as the Western Tomb’s Saint Son, he inexplicably obtained the additional title of Senator. Qin Yu wryly smiled. If he obtained a few more titles, he would be able to change his identity every day.

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