Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 808: Human-shaped Dinosaur

Dorelis curled her lips in a jeer. “Wonderful. If you are so worried about suffering something as simple as a slap, how can I leave you disappointed?

“But let me warn you ahead of time, it would be best if you were prepared. Don’t look at me and think I am weak and delicate. The truth is that I’m quite strong. I fear this slap will hurt a little.”

As she spoke she had already walked in front of him. Her hand was raised, ready for the slap.

Everything was thinking that Dorelis looked like a delicate woman and her aura was also ordinary, so how strong could she possibly be? They also thought that this Sha Liuhe was extremely lucky. Even after being stomped into the ground twice he had only suffered a loss of face and was still alive and jumping around.

But before this thought fell, the sound of a slap came, crashing into everyone’s ears. It wasn’t a ‘pa’, but a ‘bang’, as if a mountain had crashed down from the skies and landed on the earth, the shockwaves deafening everyone.

Everyone’s jaws fell open at the same time. They blankly stared as Sha Liuhe looked as if a great beast had wildly careened into him. His head twisted violently as he was sent flying away.

Those with relatively good eyesight could see that when the slap landed, Sha Liuhe’s face had distorted where he was struck. Then this distortion expanded like waves, diffusing outwards.

Finally, when Sha Liuhe crashed into the ground with a loud bang, his body was contorted into a mess like twisted bread.

Gudong –

Everyone gulped at the same time. All of them had frozen in place.

The thought that had been floating around in their minds was tossed away into the highest heavens. Hey, little sister, is this called being a little strong? You are simply a human-shaped dinosaur!

Although this slap didn’t strike them, everyone felt pained for Sha Liuhe. Before this they thought he was lucky, but now…haha…hahaha…

Blood gushed out from his nose and mouth. Sha Liuhe’s vision flashed black as his ears roared with thunder. He barely managed to maintain consciousness. His entire body felt as if it would break apart at any moment and every inch of his blood, flesh and bones groaned with pain.

The slightest movement caused pain to flood over him like a tide. He sucked in several deep breaths and then violently coughed. He was curled up into a ball, looking both pathetic and miserable.

Dorelis blew a breath at her palm and flung it around. She unhappily said, “You aren’t too bad. Your facial skin is so thick that my hand is hurting now!”

Hearing this, the crowd was left speechless.

Sha Liuhe, who had just managed to stop coughing, was so mad upon hearing this that he almost fainted. His eyes ruthlessly glared at her from beneath his disheveled hair, as if he wanted to shear her flesh off.

Dorelis pressed her hands across her chest and innocently said, “Aiya, don’t look at me like that. I’m scared…but, if you want to retaliate against me, I’m afraid you won’t have a chance.”

Sha Liuhe was startled. Then, he cried out loud. Vicious cracks and wounds opened up all over him and blood crazily gushed out. It was as if something was compressing his body. In just an instant, most of the blood inside him had drained out and he turned paper white.

The smell of blood flooded the senses. Everyone in the crowd fell deathly silent!

No one imagined that the true strength of this slap would only erupt at this moment. This slap wasn’t to humiliate someone, but to directly reap their life!

Moreover, who could imagine that such a long-legged and big-chested beautiful young woman would possess such horrifying strength?

A slap already possessed such power. Who dared to underestimate her!?

Suddenly, all of the cultivators that had been fantasizing about Dorelis paled and quickly hurried out of the way.

“You…” Just as Sha Liuhe spoke, he used up all of his strength. Then, with a loud pop, he blew apart like a balloon that had been overfilled with air.

Flesh and blood flew in all directions. Dorelis lifted her hands and grasped forward. A blurry phantom abruptly appeared. It struggled to escape but couldn’t.

“You damned woman, I’ll remember this!” With a roar of hatred, the phantom disintegrated.

Dorelis drew back her hand and frowned. It was unexpectedly an avatar-like technique that had allowed this person to escape.

But running away was running away. After what happened today, even if this Sha Liuhe wasn’t on the verge of death he would still be severely injured. By the time he managed to restore himself, she might already be back in her main body.

Hehe, she’d let Qin Yu deal with the headache in the future!

Vast Sea City.

Vast Sea City was a large city at the southernmost tip of the boundless continent. Due to its location between the sea and land, a large number of transactions were conducted here, and the nearly infinite amounts of commerce had developed this city into a dazzling pearl of the world map. Every day, it took in a giant volume of commodities from the sea.

A strange yet ordinary team arrived at the city on this day. There were two men and two women. From the looks of things, the old man was likely a steward, the young woman standing beside the young man was his concubine, and the young girl behind them was a maid.

What was strange was that those who came to Vast Sea City were mostly traders and others in similar businesses. They came in troops of considerable size and had many people with strong bodies and auras. After all, there were some precious spiritual objects and sea beasts that couldn’t be placed into magic storage tools. It was one thing to come here and purchase these objects, but to take them away safely was the true show of skill.

What was ordinary was that in recent days, many such small groups appeared in Vast Sea City. With just a glance, one could see that there weren’t tourists that had come here to enjoy the food. But, there were few people who dared to try and take advantage of these obviously fat sheep. When people looked at them, there was mostly awe in their eyes.

When the group of four entered, no one in Vast Sea City showed even the slightest hint of surprise. The group simply asked around and chose a large inn to stay at.

But when they were checking in, there was a small commotion.

The bustling inn only had two rooms left when the group arrived. The young master seemed to be a little hesitant. Then, the young woman beside him, the one with the tyrannical figure that was bursting at the seams, leaned over and whispered in his ears. Next she looked at the dazed innkeeper and said they would take both rooms.

Soon, there was envy.

At night, these rooms clearly wouldn’t be split up into two men and two women. The surrounding men looked at Qin Yu, then at the seductive woman beside him, and then at the young maid who seemed innocent but was also incomparably beautiful. Their eyes soon turned red.

Before they could wipe the drool from their lips, another wave of guests arrived. This time it was two women that wore black veils over their faces. However, looking at the shape of their bodies, they were definitely beautiful.

They wanted a room…

But sorry, there were no more.

The two women were obviously embarrassed. They hesitated for a moment and then the shorter one said, “Innkeeper, are you sure you cannot arrange anything. Us two sisters are very tired right now and would prefer not to keep running around.”

This voice was comforting to listen to. While the innkeeper was old, he wasn’t old to the point where his heart was as motionless and still as a mountain. If he could help, he would be happy to.

But if there were no rooms left there were no rooms left. The innkeeper forced a smile and said that he couldn’t do anything. He casually glanced at the young man who was still waiting at the counter; how come this boy had arrived a step ahead of them?

Although these two beautiful women who came afterwards had nothing to do with him, if he had to choose whether to watch this young man enjoy the embrace and blessings of two ladies at night, or to allow these two women to stay at his inn…

Of course he would choose the latter! There was no need to even mention it!

However, this subconscious glance caused the two women waiting at the counter to understand. Their eyes swept over the young master, and after a slight pause the shorter woman said, “Mister, may I ask if you could spare us a room? We are willing to pay twice the original cost for it.”

Qin Yu was having a headache on how to deal with things later tonight, so when he heard this question he absent-mindedly shook his head. But then, he suddenly thought of something and said, “How about this. It seems you two young women are worried...”

“It’s no good to be worried.” The concubine-like woman suddenly spoke up. “Didn’t we say that we were staying together tonight? There is also that girl Yun Die. If you give the room to others, where is Uncle Lin going to rest tonight?”

She batted her eyes. “Or, are you saying that these two young girls here tempted you, and you were planning on giving them the room before doing something?”

The complexions of the two women changed. The one who spoke took a step forward, but the even taller woman behind her grabbed onto her from behind and shook her head at her.

Qin Yu knew that his plan to give away his room and then escape had failed. Otherwise, who knew what this Dorelis woman would try and do next. He forced out a smile and pulled her away.

If it were just like this, then it would be fine if the two sides never saw each other again. However, Dorelis later raised a ruckus over wanting to go out and eat some seafood. When Qin Yu and his party went out for dinner, they unexpectedly stumbled upon the two women again.

The taller woman was fine, but as for the shorter one…even though she wore a veil, Qin Yu could still sense her steely knife-sharp eyes pointed at him.

Yes, he had lost his appetite even more.

It took a long time for Dorelis to finish eating her fill. When they left, they passed by the two women. Dorelis suddenly commented, “To think you’d be so arrogant even with such a small chest.”

A few words almost caused a war.

Luckily, the tall woman desperately held the shorter one back. But this time, even the tall woman had a dissatisfied expression beneath her veil.

Qin Yu pulled Dorelis back to his room. Senior Lin had already bid his goodbyes for the night. His mission was to look after Qin Yu; he simply didn’t care about how Qin Yu spent his night with these two women.

“What’s your problem? Why do you keep aiming at others when you don’t even know them?”

Dorelis squinted her eyes, “Does your heart ache?”

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