The cultivators that ran up to the deck were stunned for a moment before their faces paled.

Bang –

A massive shadow crashed onto the deck. Even with the array formation slightly blocking it, several unlucky people were crushed into meat patties.

“Ahh! Run! Run away!”

With sharp screams, the streams of people running out from their cabins suddenly diverged in all directions.

But soon they were left drowning in despair. This was because the cultivators who ran to the front and flew away from the ship pitifully screamed out loud and fell into the sea before they were even able to fly out of sight.

Thick spikes pierced through the chests of these people…today, three great beasts had attacked the Beast Trainer Alliance’s ship!

The situation had spun completely out of control.

The giant beasts hidden in the sea used tactics to eliminate the only threat on the ship. After that, they no longer needed to conceal themselves.

Three giant shadows emerged from the water. Their six cold eyes locked onto the ship and all the cultivators on it.

But what happened next was unexpected. Before the giant beasts launched another attack, strong and powerful tentacles reached over the battle-worn ship and pulled it away into the unknown darkness of night.

It wasn’t that no one tried to escape, but anyone who tried to leave the ship would be invisibly eliminated. After several waves of cultivators were killed, no one attempted to flee anymore.

Everyone ran back into their cabins, hiding beneath the flickering lighting array formations. Their pale faces waited for the final judgment of their fate.

Qin Yu’s complexion was ugly. He thought that this might be because things went too smoothly at the start, causing all of his luck to be emptied out.

With Senior Lin and Dorelis here, and in addition to himself, even if the three giant sea beasts outside were strong, it wouldn’t be difficult for them to escape. But once he did this his status would inevitably be exposed and there would be no more chance of him attending the tournament.

As Qin Yu’s thoughts raced, his heart suddenly shrank. He raised a hand and pushed Yun Die away. In the next instant the cabin broke apart. Qin Yu stormed back to avoid being sucked in.

Hualala –

Black sea water appeared in front of him. Strong winds brought along the great beast’s pained and angry roars. Qin Yu grabbed onto a wooden plank and stood firm. He narrowed his eyes and looked up. Because the great beast dragging the ship was too large, it had been injured by the explosion from within the ship. As it tumbled about, the waters were soon dyed red.

Qin Yu looked around and thought that the owners of this ship were sufficiently ruthless. There was clearly some sort of self-destructive device hidden in the ship. The sudden explosion had caused the entire ship to collapse, breaking into a dozen smaller chunks.

From the look of things, it should have been activated by the sailors who ran away. Could it be they knew the reason for which the giant beasts were towing the ship away?

Without any time to think, sea water crazily swelled forth. Qin Yu shouted out that he would meet everyone at Starfall Archipelago and then wildly dashed into the cabin. He had already prepared himself. Once the broken ship sank to the seabed, he would quietly retreat and find some way to reach Starfall Archipelago.

From behind, he could hear the enraged roars of the giant beasts as well as the despairing screams of a massive number of cultivators. The ship’s self-destruction had thoroughly enraged the giant beasts. They discovered that they couldn’t bring away the cultivators on the ship and began to slaughter them en masse.

Qin Yu silently shook his head. Looking at the present situation, if just 30% of the cultivators on board could survive, that would be something to thank the heavens and earth for.

He suddenly heard sounds nearby. Qin Yu didn’t care too much. Even if the ship had been shattered into a dozen sections, each section was still very large so it was normal for there to be other people here. But when he pushed open a door and saw who was in the cabin, he was left momentarily stunned.

“Brother-in-law! You’ve finally arrived! Hurry and kill them!”

Hearing this sentence, Qin Yu’s lips twitched. He thought that this girl’s personality was far too poor. With just a blink of an eye he ruined her act.

You want to turn me into cannon fodder so that you have more time to escape? Keep on dreaming!

“You three, you have been on this ship long enough that you know I have no connection to them. You should do whatever it is you want to do. I won’t be disturbing you.”

As he finished speaking he turned and walked away.

After a brief hesitation, the woman from amongst the group of three attacked. She snapped her wrist and the black whip in her hand quietly rushed forwards like a shadow.

Although Qin Yu had spoken correctly, since he had witnessed today’s events there was a chance that this could leak. They couldn’t take that risk.

Qin Yu flickered to the side and avoided the whip strike from behind. This time, he feared he was going to be tricked by this little girl.

As expected, when the three saw Qin Yu’s movements their eyes flashed and they attacked at almost the same time.

Bang –

A dull thumping sound accompanied by a strong tang of incomparably formidable power directly entered everyone’s ears. It caused their senses to tremble and their hearts to skip a beat.

The pupils of the black-robed man at the front fiercely contracted. He looked at the rapidly approaching figure and just as fear emerged in his eyes, he was sent flying backwards. He smashed through the cabin walls and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The man and woman behind him slowed for a moment. But since they had already attacked, there was no way they could give up midway. Qin Yu’s speed was even faster than theirs.

Realizing the cold killing intent coming from Qin Yu, the man roared out loud and raised a saber before chopping down with it. He vowed that this saber strike was his absolute peak attack, but it had no effect at all.

The dazzling saber light shattered. The man’s palm burst apart and he felt a severe pain transmit through his chest. The moment before his consciousness fell into darkness, he thought about how things would be different if they didn’t try to stop this person…but, there were no ‘ifs’ in this world.

Kacha –

Qin Yu released his hand, allowing the woman to slump to the ground.

From start to finish, it took less than a single breath of time to completely exterminate all three cultivators.

The two sisters that hadn’t yet escaped were stunned. They looked at Qin Yu and then the corpses on the ground and their faces paled.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash. The originally stable ship fragment was violently knocked away. It spun around, thoroughly disintegrating.

Qin Yu’s feet sank and he remained steadily attached to the ground. But, the two women across from him clearly didn’t possess this ability.

With a scream, one panicked and grabbed a nearby table while the other was shaken and sent tumbling away.

“Big sister!”

Xue Yueyue screamed.

Hualala –

The sturdy hull was torn apart, revealing the sea water outside. It was like the open mouth of a great beast, waiting for prey to fall in.

“Am I going to die here?” Xue Qingqing mumbled, her face paper white. Fear gushed out from the depths of her heart.

But soon, her eyes flew open. “No, I don’t want to!”

Xue Yueyue released her hand. Her body hurtled to the side as she grabbed the hand of her sister. Then, using her other hand, she grabbed onto the broken hull.

Sharp splinters dug into her palm, but Xue Yueyue didn’t seem to feel anything at all. She smiled, “I’ve got you!”

As she was about to pull her sister back up, a loud explosion filled the air. The faces of the two sisters were completely drained of all blood. A giant tentacle tore through the sea water and soared towards them. With just one collision, they would be grinded into pieces.

“Hurry and let go!”

Xue Yueyue said with a face full of grief. They were already out of time.

A shadow flashed in front of them and the two sisters felt as if they had been flipped upside down. In the next moment, a massive collision erupted. A shockwave blew them out of the cabin.

The giant tentacle screamed out loud and crashed into the water. The shadow violently drew backwards, his legs submerging deep into the hull of the ship.

Qin Yu paled a little. He used some strength and leapt out. Then, he turned around and grabbed someone before dashing forward.

One couldn’t help but praise the durability of the Beast Trainer Alliance’s ship. Even if it was reduced to numerous pieces, as long as there were still sections that were intact and the door was closed, it could temporarily resist the influx of sea water.

Moreover, this ship was truly, truly sturdy. For example, in the fragment where Qin Yu was, even though it had been bashed around more than once, it still hadn’t completely collapsed.

He rushed into a fairly intact cabin and closed all the windows and doors. After extinguishing the lights, Qin Yu pulled the two women close and fell silent.

As the ship fragment rode along the sea, it was constantly attacked by rough and stormy waves. If it wasn’t for Qin Yu holding onto them, the two women would have been sent tumbling up and down. Looking up, they could faintly see his solid back in the darkness.

Although they knew that they would suffer if they ended up in his hands, for some reason they felt a sense of ease as they listened to his calm breathing in the darkness. It was as if by standing behind him, there was no need to fear any wind or rain.

Perhaps because Qin Yu had injured the giant beast or perhaps because they had reached a safe region of the sea, there was no follow-up pursuit. The sound of the roaring sea water gradually calmed down.

Qin Yu’s tense body relaxed a little. After waiting for a few more moments, he loosened his hands and activated the illuminating array formation. The sudden brightness caused the two women to feel uncomfortable. They subconsciously raised their hands to block the light.

Then Qin Yu’s faint voice resounded in their ears. “Don’t think that I’ve forgotten what happened just because I saved you two.”

The Xue Sisters felt their hearts sink. Looking at Qin Yu’s expressionless face, they started to panic.

“It was I who framed you. If you want to do something, then do it to me. Don’t touch my big sister!” Xue Yueyue said behind clenched teeth.

Anxiousness flooded Xue Qingqing’s mind. Her chest tumbled and she coughed up blood. Then, she slumped to the floor. Just before she fell unconscious she could hear the screams of her little sister.

Seeing the despairing Xue Yueyue hold onto her sister and cry, Qin Yu suddenly revealed an awkward expression. But, he soon covered it up.

After thinking for a moment he squatted down and said, “If you don’t want her to die then stop crying. Give her to me!”

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