At this time, Xue Qingqing pulled off her veil. When Qin Yu saw her, he was left absent-minded for a moment.

That’s right. In this type of severe situation, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that their life and death was on the line. Yet, he had actually been distracted for a brief moment!

It was hard to describe Xue Qingqing’s beauty. If one looked at any single part of her alone, she would appear ordinary. But when all of her features were combined together, it produced inconceivable changes.

In Qin Yu’s life, he had seen many beautiful women. For instance, just in this world there was Yun Die and the woman of a thousand styles, Dorelis.

But neither of them were able to compare with Xue Qingqing’s beauty. She was like the hazy moon half-hidden behind the cloud, leaving one in infinite reverie.

Just by looking at her, one could imagine all sorts of incredible things. Moreover, even though it was faint, Qin Yu felt something strangely familiar.

“Ah, she looks like Big Sister Purple Moon…”

Within Qin Yu’s soul space, Meimei’s voice rose up.

Qin Yu regained his composure. No wonder she felt he was so familiar. Xue Qingqing’s shocking reveal had left him unable to respond for some time.

Now that he looked at her face again, he could see many familiar things.

How could he describe this? If it hadn’t been pointed out by Meimei, then even if Xue Qingqing and Purple Moon stood next to each other, he wouldn’t have thought they looked alike.

But once this truth was revealed, he could see similar places everywhere. If he were to look at them longer, he would even think that they were printed from the same mold.

This was an extremely strange feeling.

The strange fish beneath the sea didn’t give Qin Yu any more time to feel odd.

In the moment Qin Yu was distracted the fish discovered that this was their opportunity. Then, without any hesitation, they launched an all-out attack.

Bang –

Sea water erupted. At least several hundred giant strange fish blasted into the air. They didn’t rush at Qin Yu but instead opened their mouths and spat out black gas.

This black gas instantly gathered together. Then, as endless sea water rose up, the water sucked up the black gas. Soon, a pitch black strange fish condensed from sea water appeared before them.

Its body was over a kilometer long. Its ferocious scales and the horn that jutted out from its head made it look even more gruesome and fierce.

Hou –

The strange fish reared back its head and roared. Qin Yu stuffily coughed and his complexion paled.

The sharp sound was like an endless rain of thorns that tried to drill into his body from every angle. It pierced through his eardrums and stabbed into his mind.

Behind him, the Xue Sisters fainted in less than a second. Their bodies continuously twitched.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. This sonic attack didn’t cause much damage to him, but the Xue Sisters found it impossible to resist.

If things continued like this, it wouldn’t be long before the two of them turned into icy cold corpses.

Qin Yu took a deep breath. The two hearts within his chest started to beat vigorously. He opened his mouth and roared.

Hou –

It was like the skies collapsed onto the earth, filling the air with an endless ancient and desolate aura. Even the tumbling sea was instantly suppressed.

The strange fish formed of sea water stiffened. Its eyes revealed shock and fear.

But soon, this fear vanished from sight, turning into burning heat. It stared tightly at Qin Yu, as if it saw an unprecedented delicacy.

Deep in the sea, the school of fish controlling the giant strange fish all anxiously roared. All of their eyes were locked onto Qin Yu.

Rumble rumble –

Massive black clouds appeared above the boundless sea. With a rumble, thunder crashed down. But the target of this thunder was not Qin Yu or the Xue Sisters. Rather, it was the giant strange fish condensed by sea water.

The strange fish was covered by lightning and its body shrank. But, this only made it seem even more realistic.

That’s right, it seemed to have truly come to life. Its giant eyes no longer possessed just simple emotions. Rather, they were filled with the thoughts and wisdom of a living creature.

The giant strange fish swept out its tail and soared into the skies. It drilled into the thunderclouds up above, opened its mouth, and swallowed them down.

Piki paka –

The lightning crackling across its body thickened before vanishing from sight.

Qin Yu’s complexion changed. He didn’t believe that this strange giant fish had swallowed so much thunder in order to give him a chance to kill it.

With a thought, purpleback bluewing ants howled out. Qin Yu released his hands and ordered the ants to take the Xue Sisters far away. He expected that a difficult battle would soon occur, and he didn’t want any distractions on the field.

Without warning, Qin Yu took a step forward. He punched out a fist without turning his head.

Bang –

With a loud sound, the sea water below sunk down, forming the shape of a massive bowl.

Qin Yu drew backwards. Lightning spread up along his arm, wreaking havoc through his body.

Across from him, the giant strange fish still floated. But, there was only a vague outline now, like a shallow shadow.

Its mouth was twisted and deformed after being punched. But, what caused Qin Yu’s heart to sink was that its injuries were restored in the blink of an eye, and it hadn’t sustained any serious damage at all.

With a loud roar, the giant strange fish disappeared once again. Qin Yu took a deep breath, his eyes even more dignified than before.

But this time, the giant strange fish didn’t immediately attack. It seemed to be searching for some flaw in Qin Yu’s stance.

The air was almost frozen solid. A powerful and fierce aura erupted from Qin Yu’s body. He was like a great beast entrenched in his position, ready to erupt with his full strength at any moment.

Bang –

The sea water blew apart. Qin Yu punched and the great wave that hurtled into the skies was split.

“This is bad!”

Qin Yu was startled, but he didn’t have enough time to turn and react. With a deep shout, the Ancient’s heart erupted. A formidable strength instantly spread out and covered his back.

In the next moment, something smashed into him. Qin Yu was like a stone that ruthlessly crashed into the sea.

Even with the barrier of blood energy, he still felt as if he was about to be torn apart.

Half of his body was numb with pain and his inner organs had received heavy injuries!

He quickly sank into the sea. Qin Yu held his breath. Only then did he feel the fiery pain racing through his right shoulder. If it was as he thought, there should have been a horrifying wound opened up there.

Luckily, when Qin Yu was injured, the Ancient’s heart erupted with its power. The numbness coursing through his body rapidly subsided and he could even clearly feel his organs regenerating.

If someone could see the wound on Qin Yu’s back, they would see that faint traces of black gas were being continuously pushed out.

Flesh and skin regrew. Soon, strands of flesh and blood stitched together and the wound healed up.

The rapid improvement within his body made Qin Yu breathe a sigh of relief. His eyes swept across the dark waters all around and he suddenly found the key to breaking through this conundrum.

The giant strange fish swallowed the thunderclouds and turned invisible. Moreover, its strength had reached a tyrannical level. But from the very beginning, the key to this battle never lay in its body.

If he eliminated the school of strange fish below the sea’s surface then the giant strange fish up above would collapse and disintegrate on its own without him needing to attack it.

Yes, this was the way to go.

Qin Yu moved his feet and sea water exploded beneath him, pushing him forwards like a cannonball. He pierced through the sea water, forming a straight tunnel in his wake.

Although his divine sense couldn’t travel too far from his body, it was enough to lock onto all nearby living beings.

And in this situation, the excited strange fish didn’t try to hide themselves at all. To Qin Yu, they were like burning torches in the pitch black night.

I’ve found you!

Qin Yu lifted a hand and pressed forward. A bombardment of strength rushed out. Sea water boiled and sizzled, covering the school of strange fish.

With this fist, Qin Yu didn’t hold back at all. He had already activated the power of the Ancient’s heart, and it was like a bomb had exploded beneath the sea.

In an instant, over ten strange fish were torn apart. Their hashed meat and blood immediately turned the surrounding sea water blood red.


Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. He discovered that there was an additional fierce poison in the blood red sea water. When it touched his body, swathes of black spots appeared.

This poison clearly came from the slaughtered strange fish.


After the size of the strange fish increased several dozen times over, they actually gained the ability to use poison. But against Qin Yu, this was useless.

With a thought, all of the poison that invaded his body was forcefully extracted to his left index finger. It became crystalline clear, as if carved from the most beautiful jade.

After confirming that this poison didn’t cause any damage to him, Qin Yu coldly sneered. He raised a hand and punched out again.

Bang –

Over a dozen strange fish were killed again!

The hidden giant strange fish had discovered Qin Yu’s plan. It roared in rage and indignation. Then, its massive body plunged into the sea.

But in this way, its concealment had become useless. The changes in the sea water clearly marked its location. 

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