Walking up the island, Qin Yu soon saw the unconscious Xue Sisters. They had been relatively fortunate. They were lying in a patch of shrubs and while their clothes were tattered, revealing some skin, they weren’t injured at all.

While the two beautiful women were pleasant to observe, Qin Yu really wasn’t in the mood to appreciate the scenery.

He looked around and came to a stop. He wavered a bit, as if he didn’t want to continue ahead.


A cold cough rang in Qin Yu’s ears, leaving his field of vision ringing. Then, a wave of imprisoning strength descended. It wrapped around him, bringing him soaring towards the center of the island.

Qin Yu’s complexion paled but he maintained total silence. Based on that claw attack just now, if the master of this island wanted to kill him, it would be far too easy.

Since he was still alive, this proved that perhaps things weren’t as bad as he thought.

Of course, this was all Qin Yu’s own hypothesis. He had no idea what the true situation was like.

He flew forward at an astonishing pace. His surroundings flashed around him a few times, and before he could clearly make out what was happening, he came to a sudden stop.

Shua –

The imprisoning strength dispersed. Qin Yu shook the dizziness from his mind. When he regained his senses, he saw that he was outside a cave.

The cave’s entrance was extremely large; it was at least a hundred meters tall. But compared to the giant claw he saw before, it was at least three or five times smaller.

Was this the place?

“Come in!”

A low and deep voice echoed out from the cave.

Qin Yu clenched his teeth and stepped inside. The cave was unexpectedly bright, and the source of this light was a white ape sitting on a boulder, coldly glaring at him.

That’s right, its fur was shining!

Each strand of hair resembled a firefly, but one that was far, far brighter.

Just by sitting there the white ape was like a small sun, causing the temperature in the cave to be much higher than the outside.

Perhaps to increase the humidity in the air, there was a pool that was roughly cut open nearby. It was filled with sea water.

At this time, there was a palm-sized fish swimming inside the pool. It occasionally looked up at the ape, fear in its eyes.

For some unknown reason, Qin Yu felt that this small fish looked very familiar…so he honestly and respectfully bowed and said, “Junior Qin Yu greets senior White Ape!”

Even though White Ape was expressionless, his eyes still seemed cruel and cold. He looked at Qin Yu and said, “I smell the blood of my kind from you. You have most likely killed those of my ape lineage in the past. Based on this alone, I should kill you.”

Qin Yu froze. His heart beat wildly. He didn’t think that this white ape was just randomly speaking. For an existence of his level, killing him wasn’t much more difficult than crushing an ant. But, what the white ape said was true. Qin Yu’s mouth and throat were dry but he didn’t know what to say. A cold sweat covered his forehead.

“Humph! Young brat, since you know I have the motive to kill you and it would only take me a slight movement from my claw, you should honestly answer my following questions.” Speaking to here, White Ape paused for a moment. He randomly flicked his hand and two sharp claws collided, producing sparks and a sharp sound.

Qin Yu was frozen in place. Without saying anything, he hurriedly nodded.

White Ape scrunched up his nose. “I can feel a familiar aura from your body. Let me remind you, it is a peak fire strength. Hand it over.”

Qin Yu’s thoughts raced and he approximately guessed what White Ape was talking about. It was most likely the chicken overlord that was still deeply slumbering. As he thought, that fellow was a world-class trouble stirrer of the highest degree!

After a brief hesitation, Qin Yu handed over the chicken overlord. As for resisting…heh, don’t even think about it!

White Ape’s eyes focused on the chicken overlord’s body. There was tension, concern, and worry in his eyes. Upon seeing this, Qin Yu immediately felt relieved.

It was clear that White Ape had no interest in anything like having a roasted chicken for dinner.

“Mm?” White Ape furrowed his eyebrows together as he discovered the chicken overlord’s current condition. He looked at Qin Yu, his eyes turning cold. This look was like being in the warm spring and immediately entering into bitter winter. Qin Yu felt unwell all over.

“Tell me, what did you do? How could it fall into its heart demon!?”

Hearing this question, Qin Yu almost choked on himself. Hey, if you ask me, who am I going to ask?

Of course, he could only keep these words in his belly. If he were really to say this out loud…well, he wasn’t tired of living just yet.

“Ah…reporting to senior White Ape, the situation is like this…”

Forget about whether or not it was embarrassing. At times like this, he should just say what needed to be said.

Soon, White Ape’s complexion changed. He looked at the sleeping chicken overlord as well as its hard ‘rod’. From its eyes, Qin Yu could sense a complex range of emotions, such as it having had such high hopes and then feeling so much resentment for its expectations having failed to be met that it wanted to choke someone to death.

Qin Yu thought it was disgraceful and White Ape also thought it was disgraceful. While the species were different, from a certain angle, since the chicken overlord had obtained this inheritance, it could be called a descendant.

The majesty and renown of his predecessors and the lives they lived with such pride had all been thoroughly ruined by this little bastard!

An embarrassing silence followed.

White Ape took a deep breath. When he looked at the chicken overlord, the gentleness and joy from before were gone. All that was left was the coldness of a blizzard.

“If it is in such a state, why did you bring it here?”

Qin Yu respectfully answered, “This junior heard that in the Beast Trainer Alliance there is a treasure called the Icesoul Jade Bed. It is said to have a miraculous effect on treating heart demons.”

At this time, he explained how he came here to attend the Beast Trainer Alliance’s tournament.

White Ape fell into thought. When he looked at Qin Yu, his gaze was a bit warmer.

“You are a beast trainer?”

Qin Yu nodded.

White Ape shook his head. “I really didn’t see that at all.”

Before Qin Yu felt awkward, White Ape continued, “I also know about the functions of the Icesoul Jade Bed; it should be useful. You go and attend the tournament. This little bastard will stay here with me. I will stabilize its condition and train it a little so that it won’t disgrace anyone in the future!”

Qin Yu could feel the deep callousness and harshness in these words. He paid silent tribute to the chicken overlord for a second.

Thinking for a moment, he asked, “Senior White Ape, this island is blocked in with fog all around. How am I to leave?”

White Ape rubbed its head. “I almost forgot, you cannot leave while the great array is active.” He tore off a white hair and gave it to Qin Yu. “Go to the back of the island, there is a ship there. If you keep this hair with you, you won’t be trapped in the array formation.”

Qin Yu received the hair with both hands, “Thank you, senior!”

White Ape waved a hand, “You may go.”

Looking at Qin Yu’s back, White Ape’s eyes sparkled. “How interesting. The Ancient race is still alive in this world!”

Qin Yu made his way out from the center of the island and hurriedly found the Xue Sisters. Their luck continued to be good; during this period of time they hadn’t been hunted down and killed by other predators on this island.

He picked up a woman in each hand. Then, after determining his location, he hurried over to where White Ape said there would be a ship.

This island covered a vast area and ancient trees shrouded out the sun and skies. As he shuttled through the forest, he could faintly feel a terrifying aura looming all around him.

Perhaps it was because he kept the White Ape’s hair on his body. In the eyes of the sinister creatures lurking all around, the hair was like a pass token of some sort. Most of these creatures just glanced at him and retreated.

The journey proceeded smoothly. When Qin Yu crossed the island and saw the sea on the other side, he put the Xue Sisters down. He turned around and looked back at the boundless forest behind him. He subconsciously raised a hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Qin Yu was sure that if he didn’t have White Ape’s hair with him, making it through the island safely would have been the babblings of a moron.

With a moan, Xue Yueyue woke up. Her complexion changed first. When she checked her surroundings and saw Qin Yu, only then did she relax.

“Big Brother Qin…”

Her cry seemed to affect her injuries. Xue Yueyue hacked a cough and her pale face turned even paler.

Qin Yu turned around. “You’ve woken up.”

Xue Yueyue nodded. Then, a look of panic came across her face. “My big sister, she…”

Qin Yu frowned. “Worry about yourself first. She’s fine.” He walked over and poured some magic power into her, alleviating some of her pain.

Xue Yueyue was grateful. “Thank you, Big Brother Qin.”

Qin Yu shook his head. “Can you walk?” As he finished speaking, he shook his head and said, “Forget it. I’ll take you.”

Qin Yu held her in his arms and walked over to the beach. He didn’t say anything, but Xue Yueyue who was held in his arms blushed red. She thought back to the words she said before about serving him, and she bowed her head as her heartbeat began to accelerate.

Qin Yu thought she wasn’t doing well so he asked her how her condition was. Xue Yueyue shook her head, but her heart started to beat faster and faster. Looking at her expression that seemed both ill and alright, Qin Yu thought that women really were hard to understand, so he simply decided not to say anything.

Moments later, standing atop a great boulder by the sea, he found the ship that White Ape was talking about. But when he looked more carefully, he couldn’t help but suck in a deep breath. It took a great deal of effort for him to suppress the desire to curse out loud.

Yes, there was a ship here and it wasn’t small either. But Qin Yu could guarantee that it had been docked here for hundreds of years, if not more, without anyone maintaining it. The entire ship was dilapidated and soaked in sea water.

A wave of water splashed over and swept away a large amount of rotten wood. Qin Yu’s lips couldn’t help but twitch. He looked at Xue Yueyue and said, “It seems we are going to spend a bit more time on this island.”

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