Due to the large number of participants in the primaries, it was divided into four separate tournament venues. Some time was required in order to collate the results so the rankings were released two days later.

Without needing to announce anything, after the Beast Trainer Alliance finalized their ranking list all participants received the information through their jade tokens.

Qin Yu was sitting down cross-legged in his room. His eyes suddenly flew open and he took out his participating token. It shined with light.

“The results have come out!”

He searched it with his divine sense. Moments later, he looked up and subconsciously rubbed his chin.

89th place.

Although Qin Yu had been intentionally concealing his abilities, the truth was that this ranking was still beyond his expectations.

Unexpectedly, he had been just a bit away from dropping out of the top 100. His original idea had been to maintain a position in the top 50 in order to guarantee himself the qualifications to participate in the finals.

Tsk tsk, the alliance’s tournament was truly known as being the highest platform for beast trainers to display their abilities. It really was a competition where formidable beast trainers appeared in droves.

It seemed that he would have to be more serious in the following rounds. If he somehow failed the tournament because he was playing around too much, that would be the greatest joke of all.

If he tried to remain too low-key and eventually fell out from the very bottom…Qin Yu wouldn’t allow that sort of thing to occur.

He looked up at the birdcage hanging at the window and the seemingly thoughtful and contemplative red bird inside.

This fellow was quite good at concealing his abilities. Otherwise, even if he intentionally delayed himself in the primaries, his current ranking wouldn’t be so low.

Mm, perhaps it was time to have a good chat with it.

Qin Yu walked over to the window. The red bird turned its head, its eyes calm and serene.

“Little Red, tell me what conditions you have for you to help me obtain the qualifications to enter the mystic realm.”

The red bird looked at Qin Yu. It stared at him for a long time before slowly shaking its head.

Qin Yu didn’t believe this was a sign that it was refusing to help him. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have gone through so much trouble following him out of the mountain valley.

Moreover, Qin Yu had never been someone who liked being played around with. Did this bird really think it could make a mess just because it boarded his ship? That was too naïve!

“You don’t know what you want?”

The red bird nodded.

Qin Yu smiled. “How about this? Let's take this as me owing you a favor. If you think of something in the future, you can tell me then.”

After a brief hesitation, the red bird nodded.

After the conversation was finished, it continued looking up at the skies outside the windows. It had a cold and indifferent face and it was impossible to tell what it was thinking.

Qin Yu knew that it wasn’t yearning to soar free in the skies, but was in deep contemplation about something.

To be ranked 89th amongst thousands of beast trainers was still a fierce result. Many people glanced over Qin Yu’s name and started to secretly inquire into his identity.

Ever since the Great Beast Trainer Tournament began, only the top ten ranking beast trainers obtained the most attention and glory. But, this didn’t mean other people didn’t receive their just rewards.

As long as they displayed superior strength in the tournament, they would naturally be noticed by interested parties and contact would be attempted.

Of course, those that paid attention to Qin Yu were of a far lower level and number than those paying attention to the top ten.

After the primaries, the most dazzling new star on Starfall Archipelago was someone surnamed Luo He.

It was said that this person came from the Tong Region’s Luo Family, a family which had been fallen for tens of thousands of years already. He was said to be a rare beast trainer talent that you wouldn’t even meet in 10,000 years.

In the primaries, Luo He was assigned to the northern tournament venue. Due to his sharp perception, he was able to find a four-winged white tiger.

Even the alliance was shaken by this, because the four-winged white tiger wasn’t something they had planted there. This proved how strong Luo He was, because even the Beast Trainer Alliance hadn’t been able to find that formidable monster beast.

The four-winged white tiger was of a bloodline variant; it was absolutely rare. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to describe it as ‘formidable’. From this point alone, Luo He was ranked first in the primaries. Even if there were people who weren’t convinced, there was nothing they could say about it.

The white tiger bloodline was originally vicious and bloodthirsty, much less this bloodline variety. Its temperament wasn’t something to laugh at either. If Luo He was able to subdue it, this was a testament to his strength.

For a time, countless olive branches were extended, including those from the Beast Trainer Alliance itself. As long as Luo He reached out a hand, he could obtain wealth and status that ordinary people could never hope to imagine.

Many private conditions were offered, to the point that it would leave anyone who heard them dumbfounded. But Luo He didn’t agree to any of them. He only said that he would make a decision once the competition ended.

This point revealed how great his self-confidence was!

At the same time, another piece of news began to spread out. Luo He said he wanted to revitalize the Tong Region’s Luo Family so that they flourished once again.

So he hoped to represent the Luo Family and recruit some elite beast trainers.

When this news spread out, many people revealed heated eyes.

From Luo He’s performance, he was absolutely a strong character and his future was bound to be limitless. If they could grab onto this kind of golden thigh, their prospects would be equally bright.

In particular, many of the participants at Starfall Archipelago didn’t come here to compete in the rankings. Rather, their main purpose was to demonstrate their skills. If they could be noticed and chosen by a formidable beast trainer, it would be a chance for them to change their destiny.

For instance, the Xue Sisters who had stolen the identities of others and mixed their way into Starfall Archipelago using trickery. The two of them had passed the primaries but their rankings were average at best.

Xue Yueyue glanced over Qin Yu’s name. She subconsciously bit her lips and looked to the side. “Big sister, should we give it a try?”

Xue Qingqing slowly shook her head. “There’s no hurry. We can make a decision after the final rankings.”

“Mm.” Xue Yueyue nodded. The two sisters fell silent.

They had both seen Qin Yu’s name. To be ranked 89th was already a good result, but as they recalled that person, they unanimously recognized that he was hiding his strength, otherwise his ranking wouldn’t be so low.

Qin Yu was originally their best choice, but what a pity…

Xue Qingqing sighed inwardly.

Three days after the primaries, the semi-finals began.

Qin Yu’s guess wasn’t wrong. The semi-finals were related to the monster beast chosen in the primary round.

The topic this time was for all participants to utilize identical materials in a storehouse to strengthen the vitality of the monster beast they chose as much as possible in 10 days.

The ranking would be determined by the largest increase in vitality and the largest proportional increase.

Regarding this, the alliance’s explanation was that only by living long enough was there the possibility of becoming stronger; because life offered infinite possibilities.

This was a reasonable explanation.

Every participant was taken into an especially divided small house. Before entering, they were sternly warned to never try to cheat.

This was because all the materials in the storehouse had been specially marked. If other materials were secretly used, it would be immediately discovered.

Even so, three days before the semi-finals began many people chose to take this risk. As for whether anyone succeeded, that was unknown for the time being. But it was true that many people failed and were disqualified.

After the third day, this situation occurred much less often. Perhaps many people were unable to find a shortcut and realized they could only depend on themselves.

Since Qin Yu was both a real and fake beast trainer, he had no idea how to use such a high-skill ability like improving a monster beast’s vitality.

But at the very least, he recognized materials that could promote vitality, and most of these things were included in the storehouse provided by the alliance.

There were many different types. Of course, the range by which these materials could increase vitality was extremely small and they weren’t considered too precious.

Still, this was a great show of wealth. Many beast trainers sighed inwardly at the absurd fortunes of the Beast Trainer Alliance.

If so, things became far simpler.

But in order to avoid being spotted as an abnormality, Qin Yu still tried to reduce any suspicions on himself. He took many materials and laid them out in a haphazard fashion. Luckily, many other beast trainers did this. Their goal was to avoid their unique techniques being copied by others, so Qin Yu didn’t stand out at all.

He summoned the projection of the little blue lamp and strengthened the materials he took from the storehouse. To Qin Yu, this round was extremely simple.

Certainly, the red bird was kept away from the existence of the little blue lamp. There was no room for discussion on this.

Ten days soon passed. Because of the incident in the primaries, Qin Yu wasn’t sure if he needed to put in a bit more effort. In the end, the red bird made the choice for him. It ate all of the strengthened materials in one sitting.

Whatever. In any case, the red bird was extremely good at concealing its abilities. Qin Yu sternly warned it not to overdo things.

After Luo He became famous, he was stripped clean and placed under a magnifying glass, every single detail and aspect of him examined. With him as an example, Qin Yu didn’t want to attract attention even more.

After all, he still had a fake identity. The less he was noticed the better it was, lest an accident occur.

The Beast Trainer Alliance ran at full capacity but it still took a full five days for a ranking list to be organized.

First place – Luo He!

This time, the title of genius was without doubt. Everyone knew that on this day, a true shining star had risen from the ground.

Qin Yu found his own name in 63rd place. He was satisfied with this ranking.

But soon, he would encounter something that he wouldn’t be satisfied with at all.

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