Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 826B: Embryo Egg

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Lying down in the pitch dark coffin, Qin Yu could hear occasional beating sounds. They were low and deep like the striking of a hammer. Each strike seemed to move the world, sending out a formidable will that suppressed all.

Because of the little blue lamp, while Qin Yu was in the coffin, he clearly saw what happened outside. He saw Luo He kill Yun Yueming as well as the black hole appear from his palm and imprison the embryo egg.

It really was him!

As time passed, inside the net of black light, the embryo egg phantom became increasingly clear. From a shadow, it seemed as if it was slowly substantializing into reality.

And the beating sounds he heard came from the embryo egg. Moreover, as it came closer and closer to reality, these sounds became increasingly clear.

“That is the will within the shadow vortex.” The little blue lamp said. “It seems that my estimates were flawed. I don’t know why the sky reaching jade pendant would appear here, but there must be a problem with it. Otherwise with its strength, even if its opponent is the power of the world’s source, it still would not be able to forcefully summoned through a projection!”

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows, “What do we do?”

The little blue lamp said, “Stop him!” After a brief pause, its voice was even more firm and decisive. “He must be stopped!”

Qin Yu said, “Are you confident?”

If it was just Luo He then he wouldn’t care. But right now, what descended on his body was the strength of the will within the shadow vortex.

To be more exact, this strength came from the source will of the world!

The little blue lamp said, “I’m not. But we have to try, even if it is only a 10% chance!” It seemed to take a deep breath as it said, “You must be confused why I have suddenly become so aggressive. But to tell you the truth, we have no other choice.

“Without accident, it will be forcefully summoned here and destroyed by the will within the shadow vortex. If we were to bear witness to all of this and yet stay out of it…trust me, even if we manage to escape today, in the future we will be cursed and eventually fall into extinction because of it!”

Qin Yu: …

How was the sky reaching jade pendant related to the embryo egg? And what was its background? After encountering it in a dire situation, he couldn’t even escape without suffering calamity and had to help it at the risk of his own life. Was there such a domineering thing in this world!?

“Restrain your thoughts and don’t waste any of your energy. Soon, we really will have to go all-out.” The little blue lamp was calm and serene. But in this serenity, one could sense the resolve of someone who had tossed everything aside.

“In a moment, I will transfer the entirety of my strength to resist the shadow vortex’s will. You will have to do everything in your power to kill that person in the shortest time possible. As long as he dies then it will lose its medium and the will of the shadow vortex will have no choice but to retreat.

“Believe me. While this battle is dangerous, it also might bring about unexpected harvests…Qin Yu, I have a feeling that whether or not you obtain its approval will depend on this.”

The little blue lamp no longer spoke but Qin Yu could feel a terrifying strength spanning across time and space, constantly gathering here.

At this time, the little blue lamp felt like a genuine great sun hanging in the skies!

It was enormous, boundless, unstoppable, and capable of reducing everything it touched to powder!

It really was going to go all-out.

Qin Yu knew that while the little blue lamp was prepared to utilize its full strength, even if it was defeated here it would still survive. Perhaps it would fall into a long slumber until a new person found it. But if he failed he would certainly die here, and he was sure he would die a horrific death.

If he didn’t want to die then he would have to bet it all and win!

Qin Yu closed his eyes, quietly waiting.

Beneath the net of black light, the embryo egg was almost fully condensed. At this time, there was a loud explosion as the entire tomb sank several dozen feet down.

The smooth stone tiles laid across the ground cracked like webs. They even spread all around the tomb, causing a groaning sound that seemed like mournful howls.

An invisible suction strength was released from the embryo egg. It was like the aggregation of all good and joy in the world. Just by looking at it, one desired to take it and possess it regardless of all else.

Luo He’s breathing turned heavy and red blood vessels rose up on the surface of his eyes, turning his gaze blood red. He took a step forward but the black hole of his palm sent out a fluctuation, awakening him. A cold sweat seeped out on his forehead.

A moment ago, he had unexpectedly developed a sudden impulse to recklessly protect the embryo egg no matter what the consequences were…

If it weren’t for that one’s strength, Luo He knew he would have already become a puppet and been controlled.

What an amazing and terrifying embryo egg!

His pupils shrank with dread and alarm. Luo He no longer dared to look anymore. He closed his eyes and grasped forward.

Bang –

The black hole rapidly grew in size. The net of black light contracted, slowly pulling the embryo egg over.

The entire process was extremely slow. Even the net formed from black light continuously collapsed and reformed.

It was clear that even though it looked as if the embryo egg was simply being dragged over, this was actually at the cost of an astonishing loss of strength.

Qin Yu suppressed his impulses. He had some idea of what the little blue lamp was plotting. It wanted the shadow vortex’s will to lose some strength first; this would increase their chances of success.

Even if this was an infinitesimally small amount, in the face of death, any fraction of success was worth striving for.

The embryo egg drew closer and closer to the black hole. Faintly, one could hear excited roars from the black hole.


The little blue lamp roared. Qin Yu’s eyes flashed open and a potent aura erupted from his body.

Bang –

The coffin lid was blown open as he rushed out. Without hesitation, he raised a fist and punched out.

Qin Yu had poured all of his strength into this punch. At the same time, the little blue lamp erupted with all its gathered strength.

In the moment of life or death, one couldn’t hold anything back. This punch was a surprise attack while the opponent had their guard lowered; this attack ensured the greatest chance of victory!

Bang –

There was a heaven-shaking ringing as the black hole suffered a violent bombardment. Its edges trembled and the devouring power it released stagnated.

Then, the net of black light that wrapped around the embryo egg collapsed.

Hum –

Light flashed across the surface of the embryo egg. It shined like a blazing fire star. The light swept out, creating an impact that tore the rest of the net into pieces.

Hou –

An enraged roar spread out from the vortex. Although there was nothing but darkness inside, Qin Yu could feel a pair of eyes lock onto him.

It was like an invisible mountain had arrived, capable of suppressing the heavens and earth!

Luckily, this feeling only lasted for a flicker of time before it was blocked by the little blue lamp. Otherwise he feared his mind would have been ground into dust.

“Qin Yu!”

Luo He clenched his teeth and roared, his face twisting with anger.

It’s him! It’s him again!

From when Yun Die refused to be his disciple, this was the fourth time that Qin Yu had shattered his plans at a crucial moment. But this time, he had no path to withdraw. If he didn’t succeed here, all that awaited him was death.

Looking at Qin Yu in front of him, Luo He wished he could eat his raw flesh and drink his blood. All of the hatred and loathing he felt gathered up in his chest.

“Kill him! Kill him!”

A voice roared from the black hole. An invisible strength burst out from within it, like a volcano that had erupted, able to burn everything to ashes.

The shadow vortex’s will’s hatred towards Qin Yu was a hundred times more intense than Luo He’s. It had waited countless years for this chance.

If it failed, it would be impossible to use this sort of surprise attack again. And if it wanted to find a different way, it had no idea just how many more years it would have to use up.

“Leave this to me. Remember what you need to do: kill that man as fast as possible!” The little blue lamp shouted out.

In the next moment, a great sun phantom appeared in the tomb. The terrifyingly high temperature burned the air and it released a dazzlingly blind light that no one could look straight at.

Bang –

It was like two stars colliding together in the vast and endless space. An explosion erupted from the high speed collision, and destructive shockwaves spread through the entire tomb.

With a stuffy cough, Qin Yu swayed on his feet and blood dripped from the corners of his lips. He could hear pained groans coming from every inch of his body.

Fortunately, the destructive shockwaves dispersed almost the moment they appeared. The black hole and the great sun phantom disappeared from the tomb at almost the same time.

With Qin Yu’s connection to the little blue lamp, he knew it hadn’t disappeared. Rather, from the moment it started fighting, both sides had been dragged into another dimension. As for where this dimension came from, he had no idea.

Qin Yu sucked in a deep breath and looked up at Luo He. His eyes were cold and dense. He stepped forward without hesitation.

Whoosh –

His body tore through the air, releasing sonic booms. A series of afterimages followed behind him, as if he were a human-shaped arrow.

The moment those destructive shockwaves were released, Luo He had also received some injuries. He wiped the blood from his lips and demonically grinned. Then, he pressed his hands forward.

His blood-stained fingertips thrust into the air. Then there was the sound of a roar in his ears as a blood red great wolf appeared.

It seemed to be condensed from an endless sea of blood. The smell of blood was so thick that it was almost tangible. It faced Qin Yu and opened its great bloody maw, chomping down on him.

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