Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 836: Leaving the Alliance

When they thought about how the sudden actions of the Sea God occurred soon after the mystic realm opened, the intelligent members of the Beast Trainer Alliance focused all their attention on Qin Yu.

“Did Qin Yu have any companions when he entered the alliance? Or was there anyone in the alliance who was close to him? Find these people and have them remain in the alliance for the time being!”

President Daogasi’s eyes shined with a sharp light.

But the elites of the alliance came up empty-handed once more.

That’s right, they easily investigated and came up with the names of the closely related Dorelis, Senior Lin, and Yun Die. They even found out about the Xue Sisters that he was close to.

But after sending people to their residences, they found nothing but empty rooms. Following the clues, they came to Su Hongyi, but she shook her head and said she didn’t know anything.

Because of East Han’s death and with her Su Family background, the alliance wasn’t able to question her too much. But, it was impossible for so many people to quietly leave.

The entire sea region was within the alliance’s sphere of influence. If they had the intention of searching for some people, it wasn’t too difficult.

But as the Beast Trainer Alliance was preparing to move, White Ape came over, holding the shocked and dazed chicken overlord in hand. He gave a straightforward warning, “Seeing that you are about to give me a generous offering, I will give you a word of caution. It would be best if you didn’t search for Qin Yu’s trail, otherwise catastrophe will soon find you!”

The issue was dropped like this.

Although the alliance had no idea what basis White Ape was making this judgment on, no one was willing to take the risk.

Because looking at Senior White Ape’s appearance, if the alliance decided to go their own way and do their own thing, he would immediately go wild.

If White Ape went wild…this would be another calamity!

White Ape opened the Beast Trainer Alliance’s treasury and made his way in. It was only half a day later that he came out with a satisfied expression, leaving numerous pale-faced alliance figures in his wake.

In White Ape’s words, “I was going to be fine taking away just half, but since I gave you such an important warning today and saved you from such a grave disaster, taking another 20% isn’t going too far.”

What kind of warning was so special!?

President Daogasi’s tall and strong figure suddenly appeared frail and thin. His voluminous clothes stirred in the wind, appearing as if he had withered overnight.

Commandeering her own ship, Dorelis and the others easily found Qin Yu. He had a reasonable explanation prepared for her, but Qin Yu only laughed in his heart.

Dorelis stared tightly at Qin Yu’s face. She suddenly asked, “What did you do after entering the alliance’s mystic realm?”

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t do anything at all.”

Dorelis laughed, “If I believed you I would be an idiot! Be honest with me. Are you the reason why the Sea God went on a rampage?”

Qin Yu denied everything. His manner was earnest and solemn, as if he were an innocent bystander who had no involvement in what happened.

When it came to the sky reaching jade pendant and the embryo egg’s brand mark inheritance, Qin Yu wouldn’t say a single extra word no matter who asked.

Dorelis had a stern expression, “My instincts tell me you are lying.”

Senior Lin agreed with this. He stared at Qin Yu, a deep look in his eyes.

Qin Yu was standing right in front of him, but if he closed his eyes he couldn’t sense his aura at all. It was like he was nothing but an illusory shadow!

And all these changes were discovered after Qin Yu entered the mystic realm. Although he couldn’t say for sure that Qin Yu was the reason why the Sea God went berserk, he was definitely related. Otherwise, where did these changes come from?

This Qin Yu was truly wrapped in a shroud of mystery. Perhaps he needed to remind his master to be a bit more cautious, in case an accident occurred.

The issue was dropped with that.

If Qin Yu decided to conceal something, it certainly wouldn’t be discovered by others. Even if they suspected something, it was meaningless without evidence.

Dorelis left in a huff. But before she left, she glared at Qin Yu and sneered, “You won’t remain smug forever!”

Qin Yu soon understood her meaning. He looked at the disturbed Xue Sisters in front of him and rubbed his forehead.

He suddenly thought that his actions would cause the two sisters to overthink things so he lowered his hand. “What plans do you have?”

Xue Qingqing looked up and stared at Qin Yu with wide eyes. She bit her lips, her face pale like a frightened little beast.

Xue Yueyue grabbed her little sister’s hands and did her best to remain calm. She said, “Big Brother Qin, after we reach the shore we can part ways. We sisters will remember all the care you’ve given us these past days.”

Qin Yu was silent for a moment. He slowly said, “You don’t have to overthink things. Since you’re here, I’ll do my best to place you somewhere safe. But I also have something important that I am involved in right now and there are dangers involved, so it isn’t suitable for you two to remain by my side.

“So if you have someplace you want to go, I will deliver you there. Otherwise, I can make arrangements for the two of you.”

Xue Qingqing’s eyes reddened. “Big Brother Qin, we have no place to go!”

Xue Yueyue bit her lips. She knew that with Qin Yu’s personality, since he spoke so openly and honestly, he didn’t want to further entangle himself with them.

There was no chance to stay by his side. Finding a safe place to settle down in was already the best possible result for the two of them.

“We will leave everything in Big Brother Qin’s hands.”

Qin Yu’s thoughts raced. With his current status, whether it was the Dark Parliament or Western Tomb Divine Church, it would be easy to place the Xue Sisters somewhere. But, he only had a shallow connection to these two forces where they were using each other. He had no idea what their relationship would be like in the future. If he sent the Xue Sisters to them, they might be at peace for a time but he feared he would only be harming them in the end.

And Qin Yu owed them a great favor.

If the Xue Sisters hadn’t gifted him the Dao Monarch’s blood, he suspected he wouldn’t have been able to fuse together with the embryo egg. The result could be imagined.

That was an indirect lifesaving graciousness.

Although Qin Yu had saved the Xue Sisters more than once before, things like benevolence and favors couldn’t be equated to each other in numbers alone.

Logically speaking, Qin Yu believed he needed to give them proper arrangements.

After considering things over and over, Qin Yu thought of Dragon City.

First of all, due to the Ancient consciousness, the Dragon Soul was his ally for the time being.

And in Dragon City there was the Shadow Clan and Zhou Li. With her disposition, if she knew that Qin Yu had arranged for the Xue Sisters to stay there, she would definitely look after them. With two layers of protection, there would be no issue with the Xue Sisters’ security.

As for other things such as whether or not the Xue Sisters would find life in Dragon City suitable for them, he didn’t have time to consider that.

“Alright. I have a choice for you to make.”

Moments later, the Xue Sisters earnestly bowed and left. They agreed to go to Dragon City without any objections.

Qin Yu felt that when it came to people like the Xue Sisters who knew when to advance and retreat, he should secure them even more. He didn’t want to involve Senior Lin nor did he want to go to Dragon City himself. If he encountered Zhou Li, it would only make things even more awkward.

So, he decided to have Dorelis make the trip. She was sufficiently strong for the journey and recently she had become even more annoying. If they parted for some time, he would at least have a bit more peace and quiet.

Qin Yu knocked on Dorelis’ cabin door. It was unknown what they discussed, but when he left looking refreshed, she walked out after him with a face so dark and gloomy it looked like it would drip water. But in the end she still agreed to help deliver the Xue Sisters to Dragon City.

The ship temporarily anchored on an island to resupply. As Qin Yu sent the Xue Sisters away, he cupped his hands together, “Until we meet again!”

Xue Qingqing parted her lips, “Big Brother Qin…”

She had many words to say, but she couldn’t say a single one.

Xue Yueyue gripped her hands. “Big Brother Qin, goodbye!”

Dorelis smirked. Even the blind could see the emotions in the eyes of these two girls, and yet that young boy Qin Yu wasn’t moved at all. What a heartless bastard.

“Let’s go, let’s go, we still have a long way to travel. We must hurry and change ships.”

They boarded a ship bound for another direction. Even when they were far away, Qin Yu could still see the two sisters standing on the deck, waving at him.

Yun Die eerily said, “Teacher, you are far too popular. This makes me feel a great deal of pressure!”

Qin Yu lightly knocked her head. “What nonsense are you saying? Let’s go!”

He turned and boarded the ship.

Some people, some emotions, were destined to only ever briefly cross paths.

He had too much on his mind and couldn’t attend to these things any longer.

He hoped they would do well in the future.

Yun Die rubbed her sore forehead and clenched her fists in indignation. She ruthlessly thought, “Teacher, I will never give up and hand you over to those cheap whores outside!”

Sending away the Xue Sisters could be considered as resolving one of his concerns. Qin Yu sat on the deck and calmly looked at the changing colors of the skies.

Waves splashed and tumbled around him. The sky was a deep blue and a light sea breeze rolled along the wind. It was a rarely seen calm and peaceful side of the sea.

Yun Die thought for a moment. She brought over a deck chair and placed it to his side. “Teacher, can I sit here?” Before Qin Yu could voice his agreement, she turned and sat down. Then, she stretched out her waist so that her curves were fully outlined.

After getting acquainted with her teacher’s personality and in addition to her thoughts of ‘seducing him’, while her respect for Qin Yu hadn’t faded in the least, most of her fear and dread of him had disappeared.

Qin Yu shook his head and closed his eyes. “You are already sitting down, so can I ask you to leave?”

Listening to the helplessness in his words, Yun Die chuckled. “Of course I won’t leave. And I don’t think teacher would ask that either.”

Qin Yu didn’t respond and Yun Die didn’t mind. She reclined back comfortably against the chair, feeling incomparably relaxed.

Staying by teacher’s side felt amazing…

Moments later, Yun Die spoke up once again. “The sea is too peaceful today. It’s like the surface of a calm great lake.”

The closed-eyed Qin Yu suddenly furrowed his eyebrows. “What did you say?”

Yun Die blinked her eyes. “I said that the sea is peaceful…”

“After that.”

“…It’s like the surface of a calm great lake.”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed open. He looked at the serene sea in front of him and slowly frowned. He mumbled, “Dorelis…” He took a step forward and said, “Wait here!”

Before his voice fell he had already flown out from the ship. As he took a step down, the calm mirror-like space surrounding them suddenly shattered.

The skies inside were dim and dark, with turbulent waves raging all around. One could hear the angry roars of the sea.

Qin Yu stepped in and the gap vanished from sight.

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