Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 858B: Flesh and Blood Distortion Art

This Flesh and Blood Distortion Art was something created by a mighty being of humanity. This powerhouse hadn’t been able to endure watching his fellow humans degenerating into food for the ‘obams’, so after meditating for countless years and putting in a great deal of effort, he finally created this exquisite supernatural art. As long as one successfully mastered this body transformation art they could change their bodies and they could mingle within the ‘obams’ without being detected.

Unfortunately, this Flesh and Blood Distortion Art had extremely high requirements for the cultivator. Oftentimes, only one person out of a hundred thousand would succeed, and they also needed a great deal of time. As for this Qin Yu, while his origin was mysterious, he clearly had no experience with the Flesh and Blood Distortion Art before. For him to successfully cultivate it so quickly, this was impossible.

Humph! It was likely that the miss had brought this person here from her family. This man simple had high eyes but little skill. In a moment, she would ruthlessly mock him and then find a way to have the miss change her mind so this idiot stayed at Nine Nether Peak. If he didn’t, he would allow become a burden to her!

“Alright. Since you’ve successfully practiced it, then show me, I’m waiting!” Little Zhao said without expression.

Qin Yu said, “Okay.” He took a step back. Then, with a thought, it was like every bone had been drawn out of his body as he collapsed to the floor like a puddle of slime. Then, this puddle of slime seemed to be pulled and squeezed by an invisible pair of hands. When everything calmed down, Qin Yu had become a two-foot tall gray and ordinary looking ‘obam’.

Little Zhao’s eyes flew open and she could no longer maintain the indifference on her face. Her heart filled with shock.

This was impossible! This was absolutely impossible!

“Miss Little Zhao, how is it?” Qin Yu asked.

Little Zhao quickly regained her composure and her eyes filled with even more iciness and disgust. She asked, “You’ve practiced the Flesh and Blood Distortion Art before?”

Qin Yu shook his head, “I haven’t…”

“Humph! There is no need to try and explain. I will report this matter to the miss. If you dare to have any thoughts that you shouldn’t have, it would be best for you to forget them now!”

She turned and left, loathing in her eyes. What she hated was this type of person who intentionally put on an act.

Could it be that when the miss said she wanted to find a betrothal partner for her, it was Qin Yu? No, she would never agree to this. She would have the miss withdraw her order no matter what!

She was Little Zhao. If she was going to marry in her lifetime it would only be to a genuine powerhouse. Someone like Qin Yu would never enter her eyes.

“We will be descending the mountain tomorrow. You had best be prepared!” Before her voice fell, Little Zhao had turned and vanished from sight.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. He had no idea where her hostility came from. If he wanted to complete the mission in this sort of atmosphere, it would make things much more difficult.

But things had already been decided and he didn’t believe he had the qualifications to bargain with the Stronghold Master or Doctor Ye. He let out a dark sigh. It seemed he would have to see how things went.

Great King City.

The mysterious powerhouse that had destroyed the world barrier and crashed into the little mountain range still hadn’t been found. As time passed, the ‘obam’ masters that rushed over to search all returned empty-handed.

Pa –

There was a resounded whip crack. A human youth that pulled a cart had the back of his clothes torn apart to reveal bloody purple markings. Most of his back swelled up as he fell to the ground screaming.

Around the city gate, a large area was immediately emptied out. Several fellow slaves trembled as they fell to the ground, trying their best not to make a single sound.

Riding on a camel-like beast, an ‘obam’ with pale white fur looked down with cruelty and loathing. “A lowly slave dares to block my path!?”

He was clearly in a bad moon and this whip strike wasn’t enough to dispel his anger. Several more strikes followed, causing the human youth to tumble on the ground again and again. But this boy’s luck was far too poor. As he was struggling on the ground he knocked over a large cart beside him that was carrying filthy cargo. Immediately, a strange smell covered him.

The youth’s face paled as if he could already see his miserable ending.

As expected, the white ‘obam’ laughed, his face distorting with joy. He grinned fiendishly and slapped the large camel-like beast he was riding. “This is your lunch. You may enjoy it now!”

Kacha –

The pitiful screams came to a sudden stop as the sounds of chewing and splashing blood soon followed. The camel-like best let out excited growls as it tore at the corpse on the ground.

The white ‘obam’ laughed. He threw over a silver coin to compensate the slave’s master and then swaggered away with his subordinates in tow.

Soon, human slaves that were responsible for cleaning the road rushed over with buckets and mops in hand. They skillfully washed away the blood on the ground. It was obvious that they had done this many times already.

Qin Yu, who had used the distortion art to transform into an ‘obam’, watched all of this from the side. Though he had a calm expression his heart was left shaking.

In all of his life’s experiences, the worlds he had visited were ones where humanity was in control. He never thought that there would be worlds where humanity would become slaves for other races, even becoming their food.

Although he already learned about these things, after truly witnessing it with his own eyes it still left a great psychological impact on his mind.

Fortunately, the events he had experienced throughout the years had forged him a strong mind. While his heart was shaken, he displayed a faint expression that was no different from the surrounding ‘obams’.

The ‘obam’ to his side opened her mouth and said, “Let’s go.”

They continued walking towards the city gate.

After paying the city entrance fee, the two gray and low status ‘obams’ made it into Great King City. There, they arrived at an enormous inn. Arrangements seemed to have already been made. They were led to a rear courtyard where over ten similar low status ‘obams’ were waiting.

“Just wait here. The lord steward will be coming soon!” The ‘obam’ guard that led the way coldly sneered and stood to the side.

Soon, a pale ‘obam’ with only traces of gray wrapped around his four hooves walked into the crowd. He wore tailored white clothes and he possessed a calm and elegant demeanor. He looked across the crowd and faintly said, “You are all lucky people who have obtained the chance to serve within the City Lord Mansion. Although you will be doing the most humble of work, this will still be the greatest glory of your lives! But remember, the one that lives within the City Lord Mansion is the most, most, most precious great lord. If any of you cause any trouble you will be subjected to the harshest punishment!”

He waved a front hoof. “Enough. After verifying their status, send them along. Don’t delay the City Lord’s time.”

The ‘obam’ guard revealed a flattering expression, “yes, lord steward, don’t your worry.” He bowed deeply, his long nose nearly touched the ground. After the steward left, he immediately got back up and sneered, “You all heard it. If you don’t want to die then work hard!”

He waved a hand. Soon, several other ‘obams’ carried in a white stone. “After a moment you can place your filthy hooves on this examination stone. Remember to be gentle. The value of this examination stone far surpasses your imagination. If there is any damage you won’t be able to compensate it for the rest of your lives!”

Qin Yu glanced around at the guards and furrowed his eyebrows together. Ever since entering the city he had been keeping an eye out. The strength of these ‘obam’ didn’t seem that great. Could it be that he hadn’t encountered a genuine ‘obam’ powerhouse yet?

The examination proceeded smoothly. The Flesh and Blood Distortion Art perfectly blocked out his human aura. Qin Yu and Little Zhao along with the other ‘obams’ were soon brought into a large car surrounded with black cloth as they made their way up to the City Lord Mansion, swaying along the road.

The ‘obam’ Dorafi was incomparably satisfied with his life. He wore gorgeous steward robes and was able to enjoy top quality goods through the day. When he patrolled the City Lord Mansion he received looks of awe and respect from the servants. And in essence, he was just a lowly and humble gray; he belonged to the inferior and low ranking ‘obam’ population just like the ‘obam’ in front of him.

The reason that Dorafi was able to fight back against his fate and reach the highest point of his life, even having considerable status within the City Lord Mansion, was all thanks to the noble, beautiful, and wonderful City Lord. It was the City Lord’s generous benevolence that had given him everything he possessed now. So whether it was his original intention or what he had come to realize, Dorafi had never concealed the fact that he was the most loyal dog beneath the City Lord’s feet. Any attempts to harm the City Lord’s safety or benefits couldn’t be allowed.

Swift and ice cold eyes swiftly swept over the gray ‘obams’ in front of him. He roared out loud, “I do not care where you came from or what your background is. All you need to do is remember that from here on out, your identities are those of the humblest servants of the honored and great City Lord Sophia! If I ever learn that any of you aren’t loyal to the City Lord, or if any of you harm the dignity or benefits of the City Lord, I will make sure that you regret being born in this world!”

After finishing his roaring, Dorafi waved his hand. “Bring these dirty fellows to wash themselves and have them clothed in the garb of the low-level servants. Tell them what they must do and where they can move!”

“Yes, respected lord steward.” A female ‘obam’ with white fur smiled and bowed. She had a slender pair of eyes – within the ‘obam’ race this was a symbol of great beauty. And, her slightly white fur showed that her blood was mixed with ‘obams’ from a higher bloodline.

Dorafi’s heart heated up as he recalled the happy memories of pressing her beneath him. But his expression remained solemn and dignified. Without saying anything, he nodded and turned to leave. He understood that everything he had today was due to a great stroke of luck. There were countless ‘obam’ eyeing him with envy, all of them constantly thinking of how to replace him.

So during his daily work he never allowed any mistake to occur so that no one could find a place to criticize him…mm, once it was time to rest in the evening he would find a reasonable excuse to call Kasu into his room. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed this beautiful woman and he was looking forward to it.

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