Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 864: Sun and Moon Force Field

The cold look in Qin Yu’s soul suddenly vanished. He suddenly shuddered as a feeling of incomparably weakness surged out from all around him, making his consciousness flash black.

The powerful eruption of soul force just now that scared away the Lord of the Black Skull had only been possible using a secret soul art he borrowed from the jade pendant embryo egg. If he hadn’t done that, he feared that cunning and vicious otherworld being would really tear apart the contract.

It had unexpectedly been able to sense the auras of the Purple Moon, Blue Sun, and Cosmic Seacross Bell and tested Qin Yu because of it. From this one could see that it had been sorely tempted.

After a long time, the weak feeling slowly subsided. He lifted a hand and sealed away the black skull. Then, he looked at the quietly burning flames to the side. In his weakened state, the earnest desire from his soul was even greater than before. Qin Yu had to take a deep breath to suppress the impulsion to absorb it.

In order to help him absorb and grasp control of the Ancient’s heart, Purple Moon, Blue Sun, and the Cosmic Seacross Bell had exhausted their strength and fallen into a deep sleep. This soul force was meant to awaken them. This was not just to repay the favor, but realistically speaking, one the three of them woke back up, his strength would sharply increase.

“Now is the time. Awaken!”

The burning black soul flames split into three parts. Then, as if dragged by an invisible strength, they each poured into three different regions of his soul space.

Hum –

Hum –

Hum –

The interior of his soul space trembled. Within the fluctuations, a purple moon, blue sun, and the Cosmic Seacross Bell appeared. They directly absorbed the soul flames.

Seeing this, Qin Yu relaxed. His lips curved up in a smile. It really did work.

The first to awaken was the Cosmic Seacross Bell, Meimei. She cried out loud and cheered out, “I’m alive! This is wonderful!”

At this time, a halo of light rippled across the dim and darkened purple moon, flowing like shadows across the surface of the moon.

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed and he revealed a heavy expression. As he saw this flowing light, he seemed to have discovered something else.

Before he observed more, blue light shined and the quiet blue regained its vitality. It began to release fluctuations of its strength.

At this time, the light of the purple moon and blue sun wove together, fusing into one. Qin Yu’s eyes lit up, “This is?”

Dark golden light flashed in the depths of his eyes. He instantly pierced through all superficial layers, seeing the essential truth that lay underneath.

The light of the purple moon and blue sun melded together, forming a strange rule. It was different from the world’s Great Dao; it was artificially produced. And producing rules represented an unimaginable realm, one that far exceeded the so-called God realm.

Moreover, at this time within Qin Yu’s eyes, this rule itself seemed to be hiding an even more astonishing secret.

Qin Yu had an intuition that he now stood at the edge of this opened up secret. As long as he wanted to he could decipher it any time he wanted.

Hesitation appeared in his eyes. He already knew that there was a connection between Purple Moon and Blue Soon, and they also had many hidden secrets. If it was before then he wouldn’t hesitate and would see decipher this rule and verify Purple Moon and Blue Sun’s identity.

But now, after the incident of the Ancient’s heart, Purple Moon and Blue Sun and both used actions to prove themselves. Qin Yu was willing to place his trust in them. Since they didn’t want to explain on their own initiative, they had to have their own reasons. He didn’t want to make a decision for them without their consent.

Suddenly, fluctuations spread out from his soul; this was the jade pendant embryo egg that had fused with him. In the next moment, the rule in front of Qin Yu seemed to sense something and automatically unsealed itself.

Golden motes of light broke out from the rule and the shadow of the rule quickly blurred. Because these motes of lights were not just part of the rule but also represented its secrets.

As if attracted by something, the golden motes of light flew towards Qin Yu. Although they couldn’t be sensed with the naked eye, he could feel it when they landed on him.

This feeling was like drops of cool rain water sprinkling on his body and then fusing into his flesh and blood.

“This is…”

Qin Yu’s eyes flew open with shock. But he was soon immersed in the feeling. He subconsciously closed his eyes.

The artificial rule that appeared between the purple moon and blue sun contained a complete inheritance. In ancient times, a great being with transcendent cultivation had done this before he did something extremely dangerous. This was in order to prevent his inheritance from dying out.

After a long time, Qin Yu opened his eyes. At this time, a phenomenon appeared. In his left eye a purple moon hung high and in his right eye a blazing sun burned recklessly.

His left eye was a moon, his right eye was a sun!

Shua –

Shua –

Two figures appeared, simultaneously bowing. Their long dresses outline their perfect figures.

“Maid Linglong Purple Moon greets the Divine Lord!”

“Maid Sangnan Blue Sun greets the Divine Lord!”

Their voices were flooded with unconstrained excitement.

Qin Yu drew in a deep breath. The sun and moon phenomena in his eyes vanished. He looked at the kneeling Purple Moon and Blue Sun. Although the memories were incomplete, he understood their approximate background.

In ancient years, at a time period that extended even back to prehistoric times, a trillions galaxies shined radiant in the void. This included the solar and lunar stars which revolved around the primal world. They wielded the circulation of darkness, controlling yin and yang.

Above the lunar and solar stars there were Star Palaces that were established above them. They possessed an ancient inheritance and were formidable enough to look down upon all sides. But as the river of time continued flowing, due to unknown reasons, a great change occurred in the inheritances of the Solar and Lunar Palaces. They soon disappeared and all their descendants vanished with them.

Purple Moon. Her given name was Linglong and she was the master of the Lunar Palace.

Blue Sun. Her given name was Sangnan and she was the master of the Solar Palace.

Of course, to be more precise, they were only a trace of the undying true spirits left behind countless years after the masters of the two palaces perished.

Qin Yu shook his head, “I am not your divine lord.”

Purple Moon said, “No, there is no way we would mistake your aura. Even after billions of years it remains the same.”

Blue Sun fell to her knees. “Perhaps you haven’t recovered the entirety of your memories, but your identity is without a doubt. Only the supreme Divine Lord can directly activate the inheritance of rules…Divine Lord, you have finally returned!”

Qin Yu was silent for a moment. He could already guess that the Divine Lord they spoke of had already vanished between the heavens and earth, and all that was left of him was a brand mark that remained within the jade pendant embryo egg. It was because this mark triggered the inheritance rule that they had this misunderstanding.

Should he continue explaining things to him? When it came to the jade pendant embryo egg, Qin Yu wasn’t able to say anything more. And without that as an explanation, he feared he wouldn’t be able to convince them. His thoughts raced and he said, “Rise.”

“Yes, Divine Lord.” Purple Moon and Blue Moon respectfully stood to the side. They occasionally looked over, their eyes full of respect and excitement.

But they were in far too weak a state. Even though they had regained consciousness with the help of the soul flames, as their mood violently fluctuated at this time, their bodies flickered as if they could disappear at any moment.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. “Go back and rest first. If there is anything then we can speak about it later.”

Purple Moon and Blue Sun nodded and agreed without hesitation. It seemed that no matter what Qin Yu said, to them it was a supreme order that could not be disobeyed.

Shua –

Shua –

Their figures vanished back into their main bodies. In the next moment, the purple moon slowly rose up as if pulled by an invisible strength. It situated itself at the center of Qin Yu’s soul space.

At the same time, the blue sun rapidly dimmed down, like a vanishing phantom. It then appeared within his dantian sea.

“Mm?” Qin Yu was startled. This was because he could sense that as the purple moon and blue sun came to a stop where they were, a strange force field suddenly appeared, covering him. Within this force field, he felt as if he had leapt outside of the world…no, this description wasn’t right. To be more precise, it was like he had been separated from the network of omnipresent rules that existed between the heavens and earth.

There were countless lives within the boundless universe. And whenever these living beings developed their own minds and wisdom, they would eventually take the initiative to embark on the road of cultivation, chasing after higher and higher limits as time passed.

As their cultivation boundary rose they would control a more terrifying strength and their lifespans would increase. They could even achieve a realm where they coexisted with the moon and the sun.

But this still wasn’t the limit. Or, perhaps it could be said that there was an unreachable distance that existed between them and the limit because they still existed within the rules. Even if they were nearly immortal there would come a day when their lifespans ran out and they turned into bones. Their lifetime of bitter and diligent cultivation would ultimately come to nothing!

For a truly peak living being that stood at the top of existence, they were bound all the time. And what bound them were the world rules that gave them their terrifying strength.

To rely on these world rules and yet want to break through them, this was the painful paradox that all peak living beings faced. They would never have imagined that a pitiful and weak human, one so small and lowly that they could simply ignore, would have achieved something that they longed for even in their dreams!

To break free from the rules and obtain true freedom. To soar through the highest heavens and deepest earth, to wander the boundless universe without the imprisonment of the rules…

Qin Yu was left shaken. Although he didn’t understand his current condition he felt an unprecedented state of relaxation, as if a thousand burdens had been taken off his shoulders.

Although there was no difference in his boundary and strength from before, Qin Yu believed that if he punched or kicked or used any supernatural ability or magic art, its power would rise to a whole new level…as if in this state, he had escaped a certain burden he was born to bear!

Hum –

Hum –

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