Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 103

"HEY!!! Everyone, are we all going in?!" , Shin Fan looked incredulous. "Inside, it's a haunted house hey! There are a lot of scary ghosts hey!" , Shin Fan thought that the crowd didn't understand the situation and repeated the explanation on one side.

"Uh- it's okay la, after all, ghosts and stuff don't exist..."

"No! Absolutely - no! Even if it doesn't exist, seeing the fruit would still-", Manabu seemed to hug herself halfway with a cold and shivered.

"Ugh... As expected, can't Miss Truefan still get over this fear of ghosts?" , seeing that True Sail was hesitant to take a step, Nessun said with a sigh of relief.

"Who, who's afraid of ghosts! I'm not afraid!" , Shin Fan barely straightened his back and looked fearless, though his shoulders were shaking faintly. "Just go in and take a look, simple! Like, if I come out, Yamahara can't even say I'm afraid of ghosts anymore!"

Uh - why does it sound like you're going to war and never coming back....

"Well, I'll do as Mamoru-san commands." , Nessun bowed slightly, then made an inviting gesture. "Then, if you will please enter, I will take my leave."

After saying that, Naisaint walked towards the side path and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"What, what should I do...", as soon as Naisei left, Manabu immediately collapsed and dreadfully hid behind Subaru, poking his head out to look at the haunted house.

"Don't worry about it, it's broad daylight, even if there are ghosts or something, they won't come out." , Subaru patted Makifumi's head. "Alright, let's go."


And so, with Hyuga at the front, Saji in the middle, and Subaru at the end with three drag queens, the six of them walked together towards the surprise (xia) in front of them that had been prepared for them by the maid ladies.

Chapter 186 - Makifumi and Saji's birthday party! (iv)

"Nah, Subaru, there are no ghosts in this world, right, ghosts or anything like that, right?"

"Yeah, it doesn't exist."

"Mashed red beans?"

"It's true."

"Mashed red beans red beans?"

"Really la, you believe me."

"Mashed red beans mashed red beans?"

"Really- I mean, True Sail, you've asked me several times already." , Subaru drooped his eyes and spoke once more, "Ghosts and such really don't exist, don't worry, what you just saw was actually all Miss Nessune-san and the others pretending to be them."


"Alright, going in." , Subaru put his hand on the door, took a deep breath, and then pushed hard to get inside.

As if it was a wooden door in disrepair, a sharp creak sounded and the door was slowly pushed open, the smell of decay hitting it.

"Come on, get in." , with the natural light shining in from outside, Subaru picked up what appeared to be a flashlight already prepared next to the door.

"Really, do we really have to go in...?"

"True Sail." , Subaru half crouched in front of Makifan and put his hand on Makifan's shoulder. "It's okay lah, Miss Nesshoumaru also told us, this is a surprise party for Miss Makifan, so it won't be dangerous at all lah, even if you don't believe me, you have to trust Miss Nesshoumaru."

"Well...", Shinefan lowered her head somewhat hesitantly, and later raised her head to look at Subaru firmly. "Subaru, I believe you."

Subaru smiled slightly and ruffled True Sail's hair, "Well, that's good, let's go in then."

"But speaking of which, this place has been really abandoned for a long time." , the first step inside, the rotten floorboards creaked with an overwhelming sound. Subaru didn't even dare to step on the floor too hard, worried if this weak floor would suddenly break a big hole.

"True Sail, is there another exit here besides this door?"

"There." , Makifumi pointed to a wall. "The other door would have been directly visible from this side, but-"

"It's supposed to be sealed up. It looks like Miss Nessun wants us to walk around this house before we get out."

"Well, you're the only one who's familiar with this place, Sanada-san, why don't you show us how to find our way out?"

"Go for it, Mansail."

"Well, it's frustrating, but we can only count on you here."

"Oh~~ True Sail, FIGHT~~"

"Please, True Sail, take us out with you."

"Everyone -", seeing the five of them looking at him hopefully, True Sail froze for a moment, then squeezed his fist, finally rising to the occasion. "Yes! Just let me take everyone out with me! Demons and monsters and whatnot, keep on going!"


"Then... this way first! I remember this way over is the stairs, and then we can get to the second floor."

"Let's go."

Subaru handed the flashlight to the last of the group, Saji, and went ahead of the group, assuming the role of pioneer.

"By the way, what was this place originally used for?" , Subaru looked around, this building was no different than a private residence, except that it was a larger one.

"Well - from what dad said, this place was given to the Misawa family's servants to live in a few years ago, but then it was rebuilt next to the main house, and this place was abandoned and not used."

"Hey? Was it only a few years ago?" , Subaru looked incredulous.

The rotting boards, the ash on the walls, and the moss that could be seen from time to time - it looked like a building that had been abandoned for decades.

Was everything the handiwork of Nessho-san and the others?... To actually change a house to look like this for a party, and with the approval of Sanohan's parents... Rich people are damned.

No wonder though, that would explain why Shinefan was more familiar with this place, it looks like he should have visited here when he was even younger.

"Ah, here's the stairs!"

Passing through the corridor without anything happening, the crowd came to a circular staircase as described by True Sail.


The moment Subaru stepped onto the stairs, as if triggering some mechanism, all the lights in the first floor hall suddenly lit up, and then flickered with frequency.

Click, click, click!

The just passed by, closed room, the doors were all opened. Then, one by one, wearing a terrifying mask, dressed as a maid but covered in blood, and holding a chainsaw in his hand slowly walked out.


As if instructed by something, the maids united to start the chainsaw. The violent roar clearly told the crowd that it should be a real one....

"What are you waiting for, run!" , seeing that the maid was getting closer and closer, Subaru anxiously urged the crowd, while pushing the nearby Manabu and Jihana.


As if that was all it took for the five lorries to remember to run away, they screamed and ran upstairs, with Subaru right behind them and a couple of chainsaw maniacs swinging their chainsaws as they chased after them.

No, no, no, the script isn't right! Isn't the haunted house just a scare? What's this chainsaw mania that keeps chasing us!!!!!

Oops!!!! Subaru glanced backwards, the chainsaw maniac was getting closer and Subaru could even feel the chill emanating from the chainsaw.

Swish! The fastest running chainsaw maniac had enough in his hands to reach Pleiades, and with a cracking sound, the chainsaw maniac raised his chainsaw and struck down heavily on Pleiades.

Damn! Really? Subaru stirred, barely dodging the chainsaw maniac's attack distance, but his knee also knocked on the stairs steps, too late to feel much pain, Subaru a hand to hold up spread legs and run.

The second chainsaw came across as if it was going to cut Subaru down at the waist, Subaru bowed his head and the chainsaw flew past Subaru's hair, the cold sweat on Subaru's forehead instantly running down.

Just as the third one was soon to attack as well, the six finally finished running the long staircase, and the chainsaw maniacs, as if they were restricted, were only standing on the next step of the second floor, constantly waving the chainsaws in their hands, along with the blood on their clothes and masks, looking extremely hideous.

"Looks like they shouldn't be able to come to the second floor." , Subaru was finally relieved and leaned weakly against the wall.

"Subaru-san, how's it going, are you alright?!" , Chihuahua rushed to the side of Subaru and asked worriedly, the way Subaru struggled to avoid the chainsaw maniac's chase just now, Chihuahua's heart clenched at the sight of Subaru almost getting cut down.

"I'm fine, where is everyone?"

"I'm fine." , responded Makifumi, taking a few breaths.

It looked like the others were fine, just a little tired, and Subaru put his head down and sat his butt on the floor, wanting to get some rest before he set off -


While sitting down, Subaru's hand accidentally shot a puddle of liquid, Subaru raised his hand to shine a flashlight, a red blood, Subaru followed the blood to where it was coming from-.

"Oh my god, everyone, it looks like we're in trouble."

Subaru said as he looked down the hallway, over there, a figure was slowly walking this way.

Chapter 187 - Makifumi and Saji's birthday party! (v)

"Guys, it looks like we're in trouble."

Subaru said to the back as he stared at the approaching silhouette.

After the silhouette reached the point where it was probably still only a few meters away, the lights all came on and the silhouette's true face finally appeared in front of everyone.


The next second after the lights came on, Manabu let out a scream and buried his head behind Subaru's back never to peek out again.

The snow-white skirt, the arms that hung down naturally and the head that was covered by black hair, whose features were completely invisible, and the blood that flowed out of nowhere and covered the entire hallway....

"Run!!!" , Subaru crawled up from the ground and picked up the real sail, urging.

"Yes, yes!" The first time I saw them was when I was a little girl, and they all answered in unison and ran away.

Wait, four?

"Oh~ Ghost-san~", Hyuga stood completely still and even waved at the ghost that floated over.

"Hyuga-san, now is not the time to say hello...", Subaru rushed back and picked up Hyuga in a 100 meter sprint, quickly catching up with the group.

"Oh~~Ghost-san goodbye~~"

"This way! You can go down this way and go around to the entrance over there!" , True Sail pointed to a corner not far away.

"Let's all sprint with a bang! We'll be out of here in no time!" , Subaru puffed up. That said, though, Subaru always felt that it wouldn't be that simple.


Sure enough, after a corner, the stairway that was supposed to be downstairs was now filled with chainsaw maniacs, the roar of the chainsaws constantly stimulating the nerves of the crowd. Although these chainsaw maniac demons are restricted from stepping onto the floor of the second floor, but, it also completely blocked the way for the six people to go to the first floor.

There was a blockade in front, and there were evil spirits slowly drifting closer behind.

"Quick, everyone, hurry up to the third floor!" , in time, Subaru shouted, and took the lead in stepping up the stairs to the third floor.

Before taking a few steps, several sharp laughter sounds rang out above the six people, and soon, from the stairs floated down several ghosts that were exactly the same as earlier, and more than a notch faster than the ghosts from earlier.

The six people hurriedly fled backwards, although it seemed that those ghosts could only move around on the third floor. The ghosts that had been drifting slowly since a moment ago were getting closer and closer to them, and the area where the six could move was being compressed.

Subaru hurriedly tried the doors of each room one by one, his clothes completely wet with sweat.

Finally, after trying the last few doors, a door was finally pushed open by Subaru with a strong prayer from everyone.

"This way this way!" Subaru said, "I'm not sure what kind of trap is in there, but I'm not sure what kind of trap is in there," he said.

When the little girls were inside, Subaru closed and locked the door, and even put the small table next to the door.

Tuk Tuk....

It wasn't long before a soft knock came from outside the door, and although it was light and slow, the knock sent chills down everyone's backs. They even imagined the image of an evil spirit knocking on the door, and were too busy shaking their heads to shake this horrible fantasy out.

Taking a general look at the room, the unaltered condition of the room didn't look dangerous.

"By the way, where is this place...", having a good chance to catch his breath, Subaru sat down on a chair and took a few deep breaths.

"Here, as I recall... ah, right! This is a recreation room with two doors, and the other door is right next to the stairs we just came up!"

"Well, that's just as well we can go out that door and run in the other direction."

Seeing that the room was too dark, Subaru walked over to the window and pulled the curtains open - it didn't help at all, the entire window of the room was boarded up, no wonder it could create such a dim environment inside the hallway...

"Alright, let's go." , After resting for a few minutes and recovering a little bit of energy roughly, Subaru greeted everyone to continue on their escape.

It wasn't that Subaru didn't want to take another break, and with that beckoning knock on the door, Subaru was sure he was definitely not the only one who wasn't resting well.

"Oh~~ Hyuga come open the door~~"

Hyuga took the lead towards the other doorway, and the moment he was about to step into the area in front of the door-...

By some light, Subaru noticed that the floor in front of the other door had a very noticeable crack, but Hyuga was oblivious to it and still took a step towards that area.

"Hyuga-san! Watch out!" , Subaru immediately spoke up to warn, but it was too late, Hyuga had already stepped on it, and with a sound of boards shattering, it was as if Hyuga had vanished in an instant as if he had vanished from the ground.


"Hyuga sauce!"

The five of them ran to the spot where Hyuga had fallen, the original floor disappeared and was replaced by a slide that led nowhere.

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