Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 111

Although he didn't quite understand whether the conditions Subaru gave were good or not, Tor could guess from the shaken expressions of the three Yao.

Subaru stretched his hands: "Yah~~ There are many reasons lah, but I'm mainly doing it for the company."

Tor looked at Subaru with great suspicion, "Really? Isn't the company all about the money?"

"That's true, but-"

"Wouldn't that be fine, if you just tell me, I'll go to Fafner's and get you some of the treasure. The company can also grow ah."

"...Although you do have a point but-", Subaru was a bit helpless. "My original purpose in acquiring the company wasn't to make money, you should know that too. How do I put it, well - in short, it's that I'm doing it for development, definitely not for any impure purpose, you can trust me on that!"

"Hmm, who knows." , Thor don't look away, he walked into the house first and threw down, "You've been living with Misei-san for so long, who knows if you've turned into a perverted sister-controller, but today you saw those girls older than you and were immediately charmed."

Tor....where the hell did you learn those words....

"Hey! What are you doing in my house, you useless angel?"

"It's not like I'm here for you, so shut up, you stupid dragon."

Before Subaru even entered the door, he heard the sound of arguing coming from inside the living room, and it was obvious which two were arguing. Subaru was very calmly changing his shoes slowly in the entranceway - and as for the fight inside the living room? Let them argue, it's not like it's been once or twice anyway....

"Oh, yeah? Don't you think it's rude to enter someone's home without their master's permission?"

"I did ask for advice, and the guy agreed.", said Japari. , said Kabari, pointing at the person sitting in front of the TV.

"Huh? Me? Oh yeah, I'm the one who opened the door, hehehehe...", Lottie destroyed the chips in her hand and scratched her head in embarrassment.

"...whatever.", "...whatever." , Thor turned around and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Come on, I'm tired of seeing you arguing every day, aren't you tired of seeing each other?" , Subaru walked in through the entrance and sputtered.

"Jubari, what is it? Ah, is it too much kryptonite again this month and you don't have money to eat~~", Subaru cheaply wiggled his eyes at Jubari, it wasn't the first time or two that something like running to Subaru's house to scrounge up food because of too much kryptonite.

"Fortunately, I haven't played any games that need kryptonite very much lately. Instead, it's you!" , Jubari held out her finger to Subaru. "We agreed at the beach to come back and play games together! Why haven't you come to me for so long?!"

"Hey?" , Subaru was stunned, then remembered what he had promised Kabari when he went to the beach. "This ah, sorry, I've been too busy to play lately..."

"Che~~ It's just writing a light novel, where can I get busy.", Jia Baili muttered. , Jia Baili muttered.

"Well, I'll play it, I'll definitely go play it when I'm free, okay."

"Whatever, I'll go home when it's all said and done, come see me again when you can play sometime."

"It's hard to come, let's go after dinner."

"I think I'd better, save some stupid dragon from poisoning me."

"What are you talking about?" , the kitchen Thor quit and came out carrying a spoon. "Do I need to waste a meal I've prepared with great care for you, you invalid angel?! You think too highly of yourself, don't you?"


Jubilee and Thor stared at each other hard, with a flicker of electricity hidden between them, and if eyes could kill, those two would have probably been fighting for countless rounds by now.

"Well, let's discuss such things after dinner..."

Subaru came out to be the peacemaker, but quite rightly, not a single person paid any attention to him....

Alright, you two go on, I'm going to go cook dinner. Subaru, with a show of hands, ran inside the kitchen to prepare dinner himself.


"Let's see, what kind of game is it that Jubilee keeps recommending to me..."

Subaru clicked on the link that Jia Baili had sent herself, and immediately a game's official homepage popped up. .

"Jedi-survival...Battle Royale. What the hell?"

Subaru tilted his head, looking at the official description with confusion.

Anyway, let's download it first, and after that, I'll just let Jubaili teach me how to play it. After downloading the game, Subaru casually browsed through the other sections of the official website.

When the ringtone suddenly rang, Subaru casually picked up his phone, took a glance at the screen, and then answered it.

"Hello? Yeah, it's me. What's up? HEY? Something important? Well, um, I see, so...tomorrow then? I'll just have time tomorrow. Um, well, that's what I'll say, bye."

Chapter 201 You just stay right here.

"In other words, don't you guys want to use the songs I wrote for you guys to go to lovelive in this sense?"

"No, it's not." , Run even waved his hand. "It's just that we felt that littlewings wouldn't be considered a real band if we kept using Subaru-niichan's creations, so we wanted to create our own songs!"

"Yeah...", Subaru thought a little troubledly for a moment.

Saying that it was something important, Subaru rushed over early in the morning the day after receiving the call, it did seem quite important now, but it also gave Subaru a bit of a headache.

"After all, our original idea was also to create a song of our own ah." , Himi said.

"Ham, Subaru, what do you think?"

"Me?...", Subaru tilted his head. "I do think it's pretty good, but, lovelive is about to start, right, are you guys going to make it in time?"

"It's okay!" , Run responded. "If we had Subaru-san I'm sure we could have made the song before Lovelive!"

That's too much to trust me... Subaru's mouth twitched a few times.

"Yeah, Subaru writes so many beautiful songs, there must be some trick to it, right?"

"Ham, Subaru, tell us."

"The trick-", Subaru's expression was a bit strange, then he cleared his throat and continued, "Unfortunately, if the trick is to tell us, then my answer is, no."


"Yes, just no. Every song is a unique creation, and if you can write a song successfully with a single trick, how can there be so many styles of songs, when all songs should be the same, right? So, if you really want to talk about the trick, it doesn't exist."


Seeing all three of them hanging their heads a bit in disappointment, Subaru said comfortingly, "Well, well - although there's no trick that can help you, it's not like songwriting is completely untraceable."

"Hey, so then, there's still a way, after all?"

"Hmm." , Subaru nodded, remembering something a certain music teacher had said in a previous life. "Do you experience this: sometimes you hum a tune unintentionally, and it's not a tune you've heard before, but one you've created?"

"Ah! There's hey there's hey!" , Himi was the first to raise her hand. "It happens a lot when I take a shower, I always hum an inexplicable tune, but then forget about it after the shower."

"Right! It's this tune, even though it's just a few seconds, or even just a beat sometimes, but it's really just a tune that you create yourself, and if you can capture that one tone and develop it and gradually improve it, at the end of the day, it's a song."

"Hey~~! Is that so?!" , Simi glared, then knocked her head a little remorsefully. "Then I've hummed so many tunes before and now I can't remember them all, damn it!"

"Haha, if you can't think of it, you don't have to force it, this songwriting thing is originally about an inspiration, and if you deliberately pursue it, you will inevitably fall into a cliché."

"Good!" , Simi suddenly stood up, squeezing her fists, her fighting spirit burning brightly. "Run! Empty! Let's go take a shower now! That way, we'll definitely be able to write our own songs!"

Subaru looked embarrassed and hesitantly said, "No, no, no, I told you you can't force this kind of thing-"

"Well!!! And one time isn't enough, you must wash it three times today! We have to get the tune composed before Lovelive!"

Run you also.....

"Ham, does Subaru want to come along? That'll help us think of songs together too, right?" , Air tilted his head and suddenly grabbed Subaru by the arm.

"Together?! No, no, no, let's forget about such things, ahahahaha..."

Simi crossed her arms and said with some dissatisfaction, "What the hell? Don't you want Subaru? Subaru if you come we can put on our bathing suits say."

"That's not a good idea... Then again, I'm not in the habit of humming songs in the shower, so I'd rather not, hmm."

"Che, it's obvious that you even went to the beach with that group of people from the girls' basketball club, but you're still saying it's inappropriate." , Himi gave Subaru a very disgusted glance.

"That's because it was at the beach and now it's at home - no! How do you know?!"

"I already knew that." , Hiromi sighed and took out her phone to show Subaru. "That Manabu guy already sent us a text to show us."

Subaru is now at the beach with us oh, you guys can just watch, ha, ha, ha. And then attached to it was a picture of the six of us taken by Nessun when it was almost over at the end.

Mansail this guy....

"Ahem! Anyway, that's not the point!" , Subaru said in all seriousness. "The point is, I told you before that you can't force things like songwriting too much! You can't reap good results by deliberately taking a shower just to write a song!"

"Ham, I got it." , Air nodded, then suddenly took off her skirt in one hand.

"Wow. Empty, what are you doing?" , Subaru even died covering his eyes, subconsciously about to flee to the door, but before taking a step his hand was held by some soft place.

"It's okay, Subaru's words, if you want to see it, you can."

"What do you mean it's okay! The relationship is so much bigger! Let go of me! Put some clothes on!" , Subaru tried to withdraw his hand, but with just a little movement, the soft touch assaulted his arm, making Subaru completely afraid to move.

"It's okay...'s oh~koku doesn't mind at all."

"No, no, no, it's better to mind this kind of thing."

"It's okay oh? Empty, just for Subaru, oh?"

"Well, I know, thank you very much. But as it turns out you'd better get dressed and I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"In that case, there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll just put it on."

A few seconds later, Air's voice came back.

"Okay, Subaru, I'm done wearing it, so open your eyes."

"...Empty, do you, can you dress with your feet?"

"Ham, wouldn't say that, though I think it's interesting."

Wouldn't you how to put on a dress!!!! Both hands haven't let go since then, do you completely take me for a fool! Subaru grasped at his heart and spat out, all the while keeping his eyes closed in death, even if any hint of light hitting his eyes would make him feel deeply guilty.

"Alright, Air, stop playing around." , Simi's voice suddenly remembered, sounding as if she was a bit helpless.

"Air sauce, Subaru-nii-san seems to be troubled hey...", Run also said.

"Oh, okay then."

Air replied. Subaru then felt the softness of his arm disappear, and he was relieved and turned towards the trio with some embarrassment - though his eyes were still tightly closed that is.

"Well, don't close your eyes either Subaru, Air is wearing clothes." , Simi continued again.

Upon hearing that, Subaru opened his eyes. It turned out that Air wasn't just wearing...cough, or not at all...cough! as she had expected. Instead, they're wearing school swimsuits with empty names on their chests.

It was okay. Subaru breathed a sigh of relief. If anyone had seen me standing next to a shirtless schoolboy, my life would have been over-.

No, a school swimsuit? Subaru was stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up and made a show of running out the door...

"Yo! I heard that Subaru came to our house, and this time I bought some good food, Subaru must-"

The door was slammed open and Justice smiled brightly with a bag of food in his hand, saying that it suddenly stopped.

"Well, Subaru, just stay here and don't move around, I'll go to my room and get my gun."

"Wait! Father! It's all a misunderstanding!!!"

Chapter 202: Open Black? I'm a K98 thief!

At night, walking home, Subaru wrapped his arms around himself, thinking about the three of Run about lovelive.

"So I misunderstood, I'm so sorry, hahahaha...", the scene of Justice laughing and patting his shoulder suddenly came to his mind, Subaru shook his head a little laughingly.

I don't know why I thought of Justice, but that idiot priest, who pulled out a gun at every turn and thought of himself as a gangster godfather?!

In any case, since the three Runners wanted this, they couldn't force themselves to change their wishes. Just........

Just to be on the safe side, let's prepare a song ahead of time.


Subaru suddenly stopped in front of his house, a yellow fur was wandering around blindly in front of his own door.

"I say Japari, if you want to go in, just go in, what are you wandering around here for?"

"You know what! I'm but-", Jubilee said turning her head and shutting up immediately.

"But what?"

"Nothing! Can't we have a walk after dinner?!" , Jubari glared at Subaru.

"Okay okay." , Pleiades stalls, walks around Japari to the inside of the courtyard and suddenly turns back, "I'm going in, come in and have a seat?"

"Well, whatever."

"So, what's up with your post-dinner walk around my house?"

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