Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 114

"Hey, a little privilege." , Subaru gave a wink to Simi and lifted the badge on his chest that symbolized his staff status.

"Ham, Subaru~", a yellow haired one came over as if it was awake, then grabbed Subaru by the waist.

"Haha, Air, and Hime, your clothes look nice too! Perfect for you!"

"Nah, Subaru-kun." , who was chatting with the lollies, Spike Nago leaned in and tugged at Subaru's clothes with a mysterious face. "They're littlewings, right, can we meet them?"

"Well? Ah, I forgot about it, of course I can." , Subaru slapped his head to make some space. "This is Run, Himi, and Air. Well, these are the muses, they are Spike Nago, Kotori, Kumi, and Nicole... By the way, Run and the others like you guys a lot, and they even sang your songs in the karaoke!"

"Whoo-hoo! Subaru-nii-san...", Run blushed shyly, then squeezed her little fist like a drum for herself, walked up to Spike Nago and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Goshima Run, please meet me for the first time."

"Wow~ So cute!" The two teams quickly became acquainted, and Subaru, who had taken on the task of introducing them, was left alone to enjoy the performance.

The two teams quickly became acquainted, and Subaru, who had been tasked with the introductions, was simply left out to enjoy the performance on stage.

"I say, those two should be A-rise, are they second on stage?" , Subaru suddenly pointed to the stage and asked a bit hesitantly.

Everyone followed suit and looked at the stage.

"Ah, it really is A-rise hey, I didn't expect them to draw second out."

"It sure is amazing! It's worthy of the group that has been occupying the top spot on the charts!"

"But we won't lose either! You said it, didn't you, Run! Empty!"

"Of course! I'll do my best!"

"Yes!!! We Muses won't admit defeat either!"

Before they took the stage, these two teams were burning up the stage.

Subaru suddenly remembered something and said to Run, "By the way, Run, how many of you guys are on stage?"

"Hey, don't you know, we're the tenth one drawn oh." , Himi tilted her head and answered for Run.

"Ham, I'm the one who drew it." , Air proudly gave a thumbs up.

Well, not good and not bad sign.

"Nah, Run-san, what song has Subaru-kun prepared for you this time?" , Spike Nago leaned in to follow Run, looking curious.

"We're using a song that we composed ourselves this time."

"We're using a song that Subaru-kun prepared for us this time!"

"Hey?" , Spike Nao and Run froze, and at the same time turned to look at Subaru, who scratched his head, looking like he didn't know what was going on.

Simi said against Subaru's ear, "Subaru, did you even write a song for them?"

"Since I was asked to help them, I wrote a song for them, the song they're competing in this time."

"So." , Himi didn't have much of an expression and retreated back after answering.

"Speaking of which, what happened to your original song, can't you let me know so far?"

"Well... Sue, it's not like I can't tell you, I'm fine with saying it...", Simi curled her hair with her fingers, her eyes drifting unconsciously towards the muse who was still chatting happily with the Day's Run, sighed. "But Run has been very adamant about not being able to tell you now, anyway, so you'll just have to wait until we make our appearance!"


The song went quickly, with a line of school idols going up and down, and soon it was the turn of littlewings in tenth place.

"Then, Subaru-san, we'll go up first!" , Run hugged his guitar to his chest and smiled.

"Well, come on!" , Subaru replied giving her a determined look and waved his fist in the air.

"Go for it, Runa-san!"

"Littlewings, come on!"

The muse also made a show of solidarity.

"Everyone, come on!" , Simi stretched out her hand, and Run and Khon also reached out to put their hands on it. .


Chapter 206 - New Life with Wings!

Meanwhile, the audience under the stage at LOVELIVE.

"Nah nah, this is the ninth group, right? Those guys should be the next group, right?"

"Let's see...well, it's like this, and then the next group is the littlewings."

"By the way why do we have to come all the way over here to watch them play, it's a pain in the ass."

"Hmm? I don't know who 'Subaru might be coming too, but we can't let those guys take Subaru away from us' so noisily dragged us all over here, and we haven't even complained to you yet."

"Hey? Yamahara, is that right?"

"Yes, Miss Manabu-san."

Shinefan was silent for a moment, then leaned back in her chair like a trickster, "Ahhhh, it's just troublesome anyway, I wouldn't have come if it weren't for Subaru!"

Jihana hid a soft smile, "Well, here we are anyway. I just wonder where Subaru-san is, is he with them?"

"I don't know hey, is Chihuahua going to call and ask?" , Saji asked offhandedly.

"Hey? Me? I'd rather not, in case Subaru-nii-san is still busy. It wouldn't be good to disturb Subaru-nii-san by calling there now..."

"Oh~ That Hyuga hit is okay too~"

"Hyuga can't la." , Ally stopped Hyuga with a smile. "If we're going to fight we'll have to let Jihana fight, we can't take this opportunity away oh."

"What, what chance, what are you guys talking about!" , Chihuahua blushed instantly and retorted in shame.

"Look, they're already out!" , Sage suddenly pointed to the stage.

Not only the girls' basketball club, but also littlewings' appearance attracted the attention of most of the audience.

"Look, littlewings is out hey!"

"The only elementary school idols that are really good."

"The most important thing is that all the songs they've used so far are Sakamoto-sensei's! That Sakamoto-sensei!"

"But, all else aside, do you ever think that littlewings and the others...look cute?"

"...I called the police oh?"

"What? Where are you thinking of, and isn't Sakamoto-sensei also in contact with elementary school students, what's there..."

"Hello? Is that Mr. Policeman? Well, I'm calling the police, there's a perverted loli control here..."


On the backstage side, Subaru's gaze hadn't left the three since earlier. Instead, it made someone slightly jealous for a little while.

"That, that..."

With his hands on the microphone, Run shrank his shoulders somewhat timidly as he saw the crowd of people below the stage.


Suddenly feeling a hand on her shoulder, Run looked away, and Himi looked at her with an encouraging look, and they smiled at each other.

"Thank you, Himi." , Run nodded and whispered, turning back to the audience.

"Pick up, this next song we'd like to give to someone who has always been there for us and encouraged us, even standing here today because of him. He has fulfilled our wishes and brought us into the wider world..."

Offstage, Spike tilted his head and looked at Subaru with a puzzled face, "Hey? Subaru-kun, who's Runa-san talking about?"

"I don't know." Subaru, with a similar expression, speculated, "Probably the priest, the one who is their guardian."


"...Enjoy, please, this song. 'New Life with Wings'!"

Empty slowly raised his hands, and two drumsticks pounded against each other a few times, softly, but rhythmically.

In the next instant, the three of them played their instruments at the same time, their voices passing through the microphone and sweeping across the stage like a heat wave.

"はじまりの合図はキミの歌さ. (The signal to begin is your song.)"

"ここから飛んでく 先でね. Let's take off from here."

"きっと見せるよ. (Will definitely show you.)"

"Smiles & Pixies. (Smile & Peace)"


"Nah, Subaru-kun, why don't I sound like a priest for them."

"Is that so...", Subaru scratched his head, also a bit at a loss for words.

Compared to the two who were in the clouds, the women's basketball club offstage was not so calm.

"Jihana, did you hear what they just said.", Saeki said. , Saji stared at the stage with a deadly stare and pushed Jihana's shoulder with her hand.

"Heard that, what's wrong?" , Jihana looked at Saeki quizzically.

"Yeah, what's up?" , Shin Fan also looked at Saiki, along with the confused looks from Hyuga and Avery.

"Gee, who do you think they're thanking?" , Saiki covered her face and shook her head, giving Jihana a hateful glance.

Chihuahua tapped her finger to her lips and reasoned, "That, I think it's Subaru-san."

"Right. They're thanking Subaru-san!"

"I think it's only right that they want to thank Subaru-san for helping them so much..."

"That's not the point! It's all about the song! Song!" , Sage patiently explained to the four, "They just said they wanted to thank someone, and then they said that the song they're singing this time is going to that person they're thanking, isn't it going to Subaru-san?!"

"Oh!!!" , Shin Fan hammered his hand. "Right hey, does that mean they're singing to Subaru now? That's sly! Then later on I'll sing to Subaru too!"

"Stupid! It's not the song - no, it's the song, but it's not the one you're focusing on, although it's not wrong for you to say that... Aaaahhh, silly Makifan, you've got me all confused!" , Sage scratched her hair a little agitatedly and glared at Makifumi.

"What ah! Don't you also say I'm not wrong!" , Shin Fan deflated and retorted unconvincingly.

"Now that's not what I'm talking about yah, I'm talking about the content of the lyrics!"

"Lyrical content?" , the four finally paid attention to the key content.

Jihwa looked at the stage in confusion, listening carefully to the lyrics of the song that the three Juns said they would give to Subaru.

As they listened, Ji Hana's face gradually changed from confusion to surprise and finally to shock and a little trepidation.

"Run and the others, are expressing themselves to Subaru-chan?!!!" , Jihana was so surprised that even her voice changed tone and swallowed hard, looking incredulous.

"Yeah, that's right." , Saji sighed, taking the trouble to explain that finally one of them understood what she meant.

Jihana looked at the stage again, the trio was nearing the end of their performance, and even so, the meaning of the lyrics still hit her nerves.

"Big crisis, Jihana." , Saji said meaningfully as she put her hand on Jihana's shoulder. "I didn't think they'd take this opportunity to confess to Subaru-san, and I'm guessing that it was Chimi's idea, Run."

"Yea, or maybe we misunderstood, it's just because they are, just about to sing the song." , Jihana stammered.

"What misunderstanding is there! They said it's their original song, right? Subaru-san didn't interfere at all, it was clearly their own idea!"

"So that's it!" , Shin Fan waved his fist and said angrily, "Actually taking this opportunity to steal Subaru from us, it's too damned bad!"

"What do we do, Chihuahua?" , Saji looked at Run who had already curtained up and was ready to retreat backstage, and then turned around.

"What, what to do, what to do ah...", Jihana said, squeezing out a smile. The small hand unconsciously scratched out a few folds of her skirt.

"Of course Subaru-chan! Are you going to just let Run and the others have it?!"

"Hey?" , Jihana's shoulders shook, then dropped her head. "Let, let them or something, I don't know..."

"I say you, you like Subaru-chan, don't you!" , Saji tsked again, no more beating around the bush.

"Heh heh heh? Well, I don't know..." , Jihana's grip on her skirt tightened even more.

"Confess it! Chihuahua!" , Sage suddenly grabbed Jihana's hand and closed it around his chest. "Confess, Chihuahua, we'll help you!"


The four of them looked at Sae-Ji in shock, especially Ji-Hana, who only felt dizzy, staring at Sae-Ji with deadly eyes that were unusually shaken.

Chapter 207 - Champion of lovelive!

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