Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 125.


"...Chihuahua! Why are you so unmotivated? Subaru is surrounded by girls! We must get a head start, if Brother Subaru is snatched away by someone then, it will be too late for you to regret it!"

"I, I know!"

"With a little more gusto!"

"I got it!"

"Well, that's it, so let's just say for a start that I'll find a way to help you create opportunities for you two to be alone!"

Saeji hung up after saying that, and Jihana stared blankly at the phone. Slowly placing her palm against her chest, her heart was beating so hard that she felt a little out of breath.


Chapter 224 - Summer Festival, Fishing for Gold (shou) Fish (ji)

"Nah, Saji, how do you think Subaru is doing with Jihana now?"

"I don't know, but in my opinion with Jihana's style, it's probably hard to get anything done... After all, it's that Subaru-nii-san hey, although it's not good for Jihana to say so, but Subaru-nii-san seems to have been treating us like sisters, so he really likes someone else, I guess. "

"So it's true...", Shinefan held his hand to his chin, suddenly feeling a wetness that reminded him that he was still fishing for goldfish. "I remember when Subaru seemed to have said we were his cute sisters sometime before."

Saji sighed, "Exactly. So ah, there's no way Subaru's brother would do anything to his own sister. Plus, Chihuahua, I'm really worried that Subaru-nii-san will be snatched away by someone else."

"Oh~ Hyuga, to be Oni-san's bride oh~"

"Hyuga, you can't just casually say something like that ah." , Ellie even reached out her hand to stop Hyuga, resulting in her hand lifting and the paper net fishing out a bit of water to dump on her face.

"See." , Saiki shrugged her shoulders at Makifumi, like "I was right about everything I said, right?". "Even Hyuga likes Subaru-chan."

"Well-good! Then how about we figure out a way to help Chihuahua!"

"The point is, how do you want to help."

Saji had a chance to get her hands on the fish and managed to retrieve one, but a small mistake and the goldfish fell back into the pool. Saji said regretfully, then continued to stare at the pool for an opportunity.


"Well, anyway, we can help all we can, but we can only rely on Jihana herself for such things."


"How about it, Chihuahua, have you seen them?"

"No." , Jihana shook her head.

"Said they met up with us on this side...", Subaru looked to his left and right, looking for the sight of True Sail and the others.

Chihuahua suddenly pointed in a direction, "Ah, Subaru-chan, there they are!"

Subaru looked over in the direction Chihuahua was pointing, and the four Manabu were crouched in front of a goldfish fishing stand, holding a small paper net in their human hands.

"So it's already playing, let's go, Chihuahua."


"Hey~~! True Sail, Saji!" , greeting as they walked over to the booth. "I say you guys, even if you want to play, at least check with us where we're meeting, it's hard to find people inside the crowd."

Instead of replying, the lorises stared at Subaru in unison, and gave a passing glance at Jihana next to them.

"...What, what's wrong?" , a little frazzled inside by their stares, Subaru asked carefully.

Makifumi leaned in to Saji's ear, "As expected, it doesn't even look like it's happening."

Saji returned her look and they both sighed in unison.

"What's wrong with you guys?" , Subaru was getting more and more confused.

"It's nothing...", Saji shook her head. "By the way, does Subaru-san want to come along for the ride? We've been fishing here for a long time and we haven't caught any."

"Fishing for goldfish ah...yes."

Subaru came to be interested, fishing for goldfish was an activity that he had only seen in the anime in his previous life and had never experienced in reality, if catching fish in the river didn't count.

Buying two paper nets and giving one to Jihana, the crowd squatted down by the pool again.

"Hey - there's a fish to be hooked...", Subaru slowly put his hand to one goldfish at a time and mouthed the words.

After estimating the distance he could catch it, he lifted his hand sharply, and then the fish went right through the net.

"Pity! Obviously you've already caught it...", Subaru shook his head as he looked regretfully at the paper net that had a hole in it.

"You're trying too hard Subaru-chan." , Saji said. "The paper net is easy to break, you must be quick and light, Subaru-nii-san is too violent."

"So...", Subaru scratched his head apologetically. "Then I'll try again-"

"Ah, sorry, I'll take a call first." , the phone suddenly vibrated, Subaru greeted and got up to the side to answer the phone.

As soon as Subaru left, the four people who were still slowing fishing for goldfish flashed next to Chihuahua in a flash, and various meaningless eyes swept over Chihuahua several times.

"What, what's wrong...", Chihuahua subconsciously clasped her hands to her chest, as if that would block the hungry wolf-like eyes of the four people.

"It's only right that we ask you that!" , Saji looked over at Subaru. "After spending so much time alone with Subaru-san, did nothing happen? Hold hands or something! Kissing and all that!"

"Sh!" , Jihua blushed brightly. "What happened what happened! I just walked a few laps with Subaru-san and then went to a shooting booth for a bit!"

"What?!" , True Sail's reaction was even greater than hers. "You mean, you didn't play anything but basketball?!"


"Chihuahua...", Saji put her hand on Chihuahua's shoulder. "You- Never mind, I'd better go back to fishing for goldfish."

"Oh~ Jihana, go for it~~ Be the bride of Oni-san with Hyuga later~~"

"Hyuga can't say things like that la." , Jihana said somewhat troubled.

"But Chihuahua, do your best!" , Avery said like a drummer.

"Come on this...", Jihana lowered her head and muttered.

"...Well, that's it, you guys come over first, and we'll go together afterwards."

"What, are we talking about something interesting?" , Subaru hung up the phone and saw Ally and Hyuga gathered around Jihana, curious.

"No no no!" , Chihuahua waved his hand in panic. "We're just discussing how we're going to get the fish out, hehe..."

"So, but it's true, these fish are so hard to catch."

"Look at me!" , said True Sail confidently. "I just found a different fish! Look at me catch it!"

"Hey, a different fish?"

"Look over there, there it is, it's going to swim over here soon."

The crowd followed True Sail's finger, and there was indeed a goldfish of a different color than the other fish.

"Watch oh...", True Sail put his hand inside the water and waited for the unsuspecting fish to throw itself in the net.

"Watch the move!" , waiting until the goldfish was in range of the attack, True Sail raised his hand, then quickly caught the paper net with the small bowl in his left hand - however, True Sail apparently made the same mistake as Subaru, as the force was too strong causing the goldfish to escape through the net.

"Ah! No running!" , True Sail unforgiving, probing a hole in the paper net to try to retrieve the goldfish. As a result, the stretching caused his center of gravity to be unstable, and True Sail swayed throughout, looking like he was about to fall into the pool.

"Danger!" , Subaru searched out with a quick eye and yanked on the straps behind the true sail, then fished his hand out and held it back.


"True Sail, this is dangerous, the fish is gone and the next chance is-"

No, I thought I heard a pounding? Also, the expressions on everyone's faces were very strange.

"Subaru...your...", Makifumi gawked and pointed into the pool.

"My...", Subaru turned his head.

"Ah, my phone."

Chapter 225 - Summer Festival, Rendezvous

"Oh my phone!!!"

Busily fishing the phone out of the pool, wiping it dry and pressing it a few times, no response.

With his head down, Makifan said sadly, "Subaru, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, I didn't put it away myself for it to fall out so easily.", Subaru smiled and ruffled her hair. , Subaru smiled and ruffled her hair. "Just take it to be fixed when the time comes."


"Mansail, you're too careless!" , Saiki ran next to Makifumi and bowed to Subaru, "I'm so sorry, Subaru-san, Makifumi is always so impertinent."

"It's okay." , Subaru shook his head. "It's not True Sail's fault. It's a summer festival today, so don't waste your time on it, have fun!"

"Well! Thank you, Subaru-chan!"

"Hey~~! Subaru!"

"Ah, here they are." , Hearing a familiar voice, Subaru smiled, then waved his hand over there.

"Hey~~ So you guys are here fishing for goldfish! I want to play too!" , Thor looked curiously at the man next to the pool, and looked like he was eager to try it out.

"Kitten Kitten! I just ate super super super delicious octopus teriyaki!" , Lottie ran excitedly to Subaru and held up the small lunch box in her hand. "This is it! Takoyaki! This is the first time I've ever had it!"

Saying that, Lotte Yi forked one up and brought it to Subaru's mouth.

"It's really quite delicious!" , Subaru nodded.

"Right?" , Luo Tianyi said with a brilliant face, then suddenly changed her tone, "Ah, right, you just ate one of my octopus teriyaki, you'll buy me another one later, oh."

"What?" , Subaru asked amusedly. "I'll eat one of yours and you want me to buy one?"

"Tsk tsk, you're wrong kitten." , Luo Tianyi wiggled her fingers out and brought an octopus burn into her mouth, saying vaguely, "This is no ordinary octopus burn, this is an octopus burn fed by me!"

"Yeah, the octopus teriyaki you fed yourself is really worth something, Tenyi-sama." , Subaru said emotionlessly. "In the end, it's still costing me money to buy this octopus teriyaki for you, how are you going to pay me back for this."

"This...", Lotte Yui hehehehe. "There's no need to pay this back, I'm all Kitten's Bride's say, but I'm actually asking my own wife to pay you back for the octopus teriyaki, are you ashamed?!"

"And you let your own husband pay you back - yuck! It's not a wife and bride, I say, can you stop talking all the way through the morning!" , Subaru grabbed the two rings on Lotte's head and tugged on them, only after hearing the latter's pleas for mercy did this release.

"Che~~ Kitten is so stingy." , Lotte Yui don't look away and went to eat her own octopus yaki.

"Hmmm, Subaru, this." , Kanna suddenly tugged at Subaru's clothes, then held up something in her hand.

"This... is an apple candy?"

Kanna grinned and nodded, then brought the apple candy to Subaru's mouth again, "Subaru, here's an apple candy for you."

"This...", looking at the bite marks on the applesauce as well as the dots of glitter, Subaru hesitated a little and then took a small bite. "Mmm, Kanna sauce, it's delicious, thank you."

"Jihana look at people." , Saji flew up to Jihana's ear and said then shrank back, simply more mysterious than a secret agent.


"True White, was the festival fun?" , Subaru looked to Shinbaek, who had been quietly silent, and asked with a smile.

"Yeah. There's a lot of good food, I've never been here before." , Shinbaek nodded.

"Of course, you used to stay in the drawing room all the time, right. Maybe that's why you're worried about stories oh. You see, what happened at the Summer Festival today can be drawn into the manga, so it's considered a story."

Makebai nodded, "Yeah, I know."

After a few minutes of waiting, the four of them appeared in the crowd again in the form of Jubari.

"Oh!!! My enabler yo!" , Satania waved and ran over to Subaru's side, holding out a small lunch box that looked exactly like Lotte's. "Subaru! I just got a particularly delicious octopus teriyaki! Do you want to try!"

"Uh - won't you eat one and let me buy you one..."

"Well? What's that?" , Satania tilted her head, looking puzzled.

"Nothing, thanks then, I'm on."

Eating one, it really tasted exactly the same as the one Lottie and herself had just had. It looked like the two groups had gone to the same octopus teriyaki stand.

"Since everyone's here, let's go find a place to watch the fireworks."

"When does that fireworks start?!" , Thor asked.

"Let's see...", Subaru looked at the time. "Ah, there's only ten minutes left, let's check out the area dedicated to the fireworks and then find our own spot if there's no space available."

Everyone nodded and walked together towards the main path.

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