Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 132

" really don't know?"

Subaru shook his head very simply, "I don't know."

"I...", Xia Yang looked at him with contempt inside his eyes. "You don't even know about such an important matter, and you still have the nerve to call yourself a coach! I've never seen anyone with such impudence."

"I-", Subaru wanted to retort, but found that he had nothing to say, so he could only manifest it in action.

"Hey - breathe! Can't breathe!" , Haruyo blushed and slapped Subaru's arm that was hanging around his neck hard.

"Subaru and Xayang, when did they get that close?" , said True Sail dubiously.

From the looks of it, the two were still talking amiably over their shoulders.

"Who knows."

"Bastard! Let go of me!" , finally breaking free of Subaru's restraints, Haruyang took several steps back. "You bastard! Anyway, I don't care what happens to those people. You can solve it yourself!"

"Good going yo~~", Subaru smilingly eyed Xia Yang towards the door. Not only did he send such an important message to himself, but he also sent 5 members straight away, what a good boy.

What? Payoff? Didn't you just give it.

"Hey! Ernie sauce! Where are you going?!" , Xia Yang was pulling the door open to leave, and two loli appeared next to him in an instant, pulling him in.

Oni sauce? Subaru was stunned, and then remembered that the two girls were called Tsubaki and Shuu in Takenaka when they introduced themselves.

"Tsubaki, Shuu! Let go of me, I want to get back to training!"

"No! You're our coach, you can't just walk away!"

"Why! How did I become your coach!"

"Whatever! Anyway, Oni Sauce is our coach, no leaving!"

Pulling Xia Yang aside, the five of them stood in a row and pointed at the women's basketball club side.

"Today, we're going to challenge you! The loser, give up the Wise Heart Elementary School Girls Basketball Club!"

Chapter 236 - The Crushing Match

"Today, we challenge you! The loser, give up the Wise Heart Elementary School Girls Basketball Club!"

"No way." , Saji very simply refused. "There's no way we're going to accept your wager and decide on just one match-"

"No, we promise." , Subaru came over.


"Don't worry." , Subaru gave Saeji a wink, then said, "Let us promise you guys that it's fine, but the Huishin Elementary Girls Basketball Club already belongs to us. You guys can take it if you win, but you have nothing to lose if you lose, so it's not a fair bet, right?"


After a moment's hesitation, Tsubaki stepped forward, "So what do you suggest we do?"


Subaru suddenly smiled, but it was a smile that was dangerous in how it looked, like some villain had suddenly thought of a ruse. Tsubaki, who had stepped out of fear, jumped back immediately, watching him warily.

"How about this." , Subaru said. "If you win, the terms remain the same, but if you lose, how about you join the women's basketball club and train with us?"

"Trying to use us as slaves at will." , Yami flipped her hair. "But it doesn't matter, it's our side that wins anyway."

Hey hey hey! Where did that conclusion come from!

"And we promise!" , Tsubaki Shuu replied in unison. "You're not going to win anyway, so don't even think about making us a cow!"

So I didn't say anything like that....

"No problem." , Mimi also nodded her head.

Hana-Moon hesitantly said, "I can also... If it's my sister, it's okay if I lose..."

Hey! I told you not to hold on to this! Besides, what you just said is dangerous, right?

"Well, if everyone agrees, how about the game, let's see...let's set it for this Sunday afternoon?"

"Just what I wanted! Let the horses come!"

"Well, Saeji, cherish these last few days of your club activities!"

"I'll be off then sister, bye."

As the door closed, only the members of the women's basketball club and Subaru were left in the gym.

"Subaru-san, why did you promise them?" , Saji asked eagerly, and the others looked at him with curious faces.

"Because you guys are about to participate in and are going to make this your biggest goal in the national basketball tournament ah." , Subaru touched Saji's head. "You probably all know that no ten of you can't participate, and I, as the coach, won't know anything about it, I'm really sorry about that."

"Did you know, Subaru-chan...", Jihana said with her head down, a little sadly, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to hide it from you."

Like Jihana, the others also lowered their heads sadly.

"I'm the one who should apologize. It's obvious that you're the coach but you're so careless about what you guys are doing."

"No-we're the ones who were supposed to tell Subaru-chan, but-"

"It's okay, now I know, don't I." , Subaru smiled. "And, now, I've helped you find a solution."

"Really?!" , the loli's eyes lit up for a moment, and their hopeful eyes gathered on Subaru.

Seiji thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Is Subaru-nii-san saying that... with Yami and the other five, we'll make up enough for ten people?"

"Not bad for Saiki." , Subaru nodded. "That's right, there are five of them. That's why I agreed to them and made it a condition for you to play against them, if you win, the women's basketball club will expand to 10 members and will be eligible for the basketball tournament."

"Really hey!" , Mansail waved excitedly. "Not bad for Subaru! Even that came to mind!"

"So yeah, on Sunday's game, everyone has to win oh! For the basketball tournament that's coming up soon!"


"Right Jihana." , Subaru called out to Jihana as everyone ran off to training.

"May I help you?"

"Just what I wanted to ask about that Mimi, do you know her?"

"Yes." , Jihana nodded. "Mime-sauce is a transfer student from France. Before, when we were free training, we happened to be seen by a passing Mimi-san, and she challenged me to a match, and after we competed, she said she would continue to challenge me. I didn't expect it to be in this form this time."

"So, you won that challenge, then."


"I see, then you go ahead and train."

"Yes." , Chihuahua bowed and ran to the team to train.

That Mimi isn't easy. Subaru thought darkly. That team uniform, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the uniform of the French Primary School National Team.

It'll be a tough battle then-.

That's what I thought, but....

"Tsubaki, pass pass pass!"


"Nobody's guarding me, get the ball to me!"

"Hana-Moon! Grab a rebound!"

"Hey! Mimi, why are you stealing your own teammate's ball!"

"Because, I've been unable to get the ball. Jihana, let's have a showdown!"

This, really, is a team? Subaru's mouth twitched.

It was a complete mess.

With Subaru's whistle, the match was declared over.

Taking a glance at the scoreboard, he shook his head under his breath.

32-8, what a dismal score. Of course, Chihuahua and the others had gotten 32 points.

Taking a closer look at the ten people on the field, Subaru pondered for a moment and already had an idea in mind.

"Everyone, come over to the assembly first." , Regardless of the few people still standing lost on the court, Subaru called Chihuahua and the others over to her. "What do you think about this match?"

"No fun." , Shin Fan deflated. "It's so boring, it's like there's no opponent."

"Yes." , Saji echoed True Sailor's words. "They didn't cooperate at all, and I didn't feel any pressure."

"Oh~ Hyuga, it's easy."

"Me too." , Ally said. "And I'm a little confused as to why Hanazuki didn't confront me instead of defending Hyuga."

"How about you, Jihana?" , Subaru looked at Tomohana who hadn't said anything.

Jihana thought for a moment, then said, "That... Mimi-san is still strong, but it's not a one-man race, because of everyone, I can use all my strength, but not Mimi-san."

"Did you guys hear that!?" , Subaru shouted to a few people on the court, and with Subaru's gaze indicating that the members of the women's basketball club were deliberately raising their voices, just so they could hear their comments.

"Are you, are you making fun of us?!"

"Exactly. Even if we lose, we won't approve of you!"

Tsubaki Shuu stood together, staring hard at this side.

"Hey, won't it be a little too much...", Haruyo walked up next to Subaru and frowned.

Subaru whispered in response, "What can I do, look at them, they're completely disgruntled, I don't have the energy to get them to slowly accept Chihuahua and the others. Have to figure out a way to get them to join first."

"Anyway, you'll have to watch first." , Subaru patted him on the shoulder.

"But if I make anyone cry later, I'll need you to help me oh."

PS: Yah - it's that time again, reader lords know what I mean. A year ago today, I was still battling with my classmates for the last few sets of papers, and time really flies.

Anyway, I wish you all the best of luck with your college entrance exams! May you have the general pride of a swordsman withdrawing his sword from its sheath as he withdraws his pen from its cap!

237th chapter - Admission of new members

"Even if we lose, we won't approve of you!"

Subaru snorted, "Yeah. But why do we need the approval of losers? Or is this just an excuse for wanting to violate the agreement you've made?"

"Who, who's making excuses!" , Yami also stepped forward. "You've only won one game against us, why are you so arrogant?"

"Yami." , Saji walked up next to Subaru. "So, can you tell, about the bet on this game?"

"I...", Yami was lost for words and could only grunt angrily and look away.

"Anti, anyway, you don't want us to be your slaves! Shuu, let's go!" , Tsubaki said and tried to run outdoors.

"Yeah? Go ahead then." , Subaru waved his hand casually and suddenly tugged Haruyo next to him, "But Takenaka ah, is that your sister's credit, didn't you teach them the truth about willingness to gamble and lose? You're not fit to be their brother, are you? If you want my opinion, you should just run away from home, they don't need a loser brother like you anyway."

"Hey, you!" , Haruyo glared, and was about to retort when he received a look from Subaru that suggested that he would say nothing but a muffled grunt.

"Hey! You guys! Don't talk about our Oni sauce!" As expected, Tsuboi Shuu, who was walking towards the door, stopped in her tracks and looked at Subaru angrily.

Subaru shrugged his shoulders with a look of helplessness, "I don't think I'm wrong. I don't think it's necessary for a brother to be a brother and not stop his sister from breaking the promise. According to me ah, you might as well just cut off your relationship with him so that you don't have to be dragged down by your wasteful brother."

"Oni-san is no trash!" , Shuu shouted. Both of them were trembling with anger. "Oni-san is the best Oni-san, but what we're going to do has nothing to do with Oni-san! If you're going to say something, just say us, not our Oni sauce!"

"Yeah, but what would the next person think? When Takenaka is in school later, everyone else will just see it and say, 'Behold, that's the brother of the untrustworthy twin.' Then, Takenaka at school, it might be even worse than what I'm saying now oh."

"Sh!" , Tsubaki Shuu took a few steps back in surprise and couldn't say half a word.

"So, are you guys going to just walk away from this? You may be fine, but your brother, Takenaka Natsuyo, will always be spurned by the others, right? After all, it's his responsibility as an older brother to discipline him poorly."

"What to do, Shuu." , Tsubaki tugged at Shuu's clothes. "This guy seems to make some sense hey, if we don't keep our promise, we'll really hurt Oni-san hey."

"I don't know, Tsubaki."

Seeing the two's frightened appearance, Haruyo frowned and spoke, "Hey, you two, don't-"

"See see see, your Oni-sama also said to tell you not to be a bad boy oh." , Subaru directly interrupted him, and under the threat of various looks, Haruyo had to shut up.

The two of them were whispering on the side, looking very torn between them. Subaru wasn't in a hurry and quietly waited for the outcome of their discussion.

A few minutes later, Shuu came out together and Tsubaki said, "Alright! We promise to join, but don't you dare try to make us do anything for you!"

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