Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 139.

"Eventually, the prince kisses the princess, who wakes up as a result, and they live happily ever after...", Thor murmurs softly, his fingers caressing over the scripted lines.


"Go on, there you go! I don't want to go. What's this? A cup, held tightly in the hand of my faithful lover? I see, it must have been the poison that ended his life. So, let me come along!"

After reading his lines, Subaru picks up a glass of wine and drinks it down, then collapses next to Romeo, played by Aoi.

Several men then run up and carry Aoi away, before placing Subaru in a coffin with an elaborate pattern.

The narrator sounds: afterwards, Juliet is placed in a crystal coffin, and instead of dying, she falls into an endless sleep, guarded by seven dwarves for generations. During this time, the dead Romeo is also reincarnated as the prince of a nation.

Anyway this is ridiculous... Subaru, who had remained still, thought darkly.

Thor's appearance should be next, so I'll just have to wait here quietly.

According to the script, Subaru, who plays Juliet, just has to wait for Thor, who plays the prince, to pretend to kiss him and whisper in his ear, then he can get up and the show will be over.

"...Ah, what a beautiful, lovely woman, she made me fall in love at first sight, may I lean in closer to admire her beautiful face?"

"Of course, Your Highness." , answered the seven dwarves who guarded Juliet.

Then Thor lay down next to Pleiades and prodded, "Ah, I swear, even the moon in the sky could never compete with this princess, she is so white and beautiful. My heart, I've been completely conquered by her!"

It's almost over, then again it's pretty hot in here....

Subaru still had his eyes closed, the drama had come to an end, and the only thing left to do next was to wake up-

"Like you oh, Subaru." , a whisper sounded.


Subaru opened his eyes sharply, and what caught his eye was Thor's blushing cheeks.

He didn't understand why, and his staring eyes were filled with confusion, incredulity, and disbelief. He couldn't make any movement either, even lifting his hand seemed so difficult.

The soft touch from his lips instantly robbed him of all ability to think and act.

Chapter 248 - Subaru Hasegawa is actually a girl control?

Every classroom is filled with people, and there is a long line of students lining up in front of the student-run food stalls. As an annual event like the Summer Festival, the festival attracted as many people as the Summer Festival.

At that moment, Subaru who had finished his morning performance was sitting on the playground, with only Tor who was carefully watching him with some snacks beside him.

"Tor, Tor!" , after a long moment of silence, Subaru finally spoke up.

"Yes! Eh heh heh...", Tor replied immediately, then shyly lowered his head and tangled his fingers in his hair, spinning it around and around.

"I say you ah...", Subaru wanted to say something, but when he saw Tor's face he instantly couldn't say anything, so he could only scratch the back of his head in frustration.

Tol entwined his fingers together and whispered, "Yeah, sorry..."

Subaru looked away, "Well, well... you're not at fault, so don't apologize."


Then there was silence again, and when silence falls, one is prone to imagination. Subaru thought about it, and then about how at the end of the performance just now, Prince Tor didn't make a show of it, but actually kissed it.

What was I thinking!

As if to knock all these thoughts out of his head, Subaru heaved his head a few times and held his head in a depressed manner.

That kiss... I hope no one else noticed it.

After all, Tor is still my cousin at school, and if anyone sees it, neither-...

No, it's not! The focus of attention shouldn't be on that!

"Ahhhh! What the hell was I thinking!" , Subaru shouted up to the sky with his head in his hands.

"Subaru?!" , next to him, Thor was shocked and looked at him nervously. "Yes, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken the liberty of that... Don't be mad at me, okay." , said Thor's voice even took on a bit of a crying tone.

"Thor...", Subaru looked over at him, who was looking at him with an expression like he was about to cry.

"It's okay, Thor." , Seeing Tor like this, Subaru, whose head was a mess, immediately calmed down and gently touched her head. "I'm not angry, I'm just thinking about something."




Then, the two who couldn't find a topic to talk about fell silent again.

What's going on with this bizarre atmosphere! Subaru shouted in his mind.

"That, that ah, I mean Thor."


"Do you want to go get some food?"

"The-", Thor hesitantly held up the bag he was carrying. "I've already bought said."

"That, so."


"That, that ah, Thor."


"Want to go for a stroll through the cultural festival? I've heard that several classrooms have very interesting programs that one is, I remember this one... I didn't listen carefully at first and now I have to go and find them one by one, do you want me to go and find them first-"

Thor froze for a moment and suddenly giggled, laughing until he couldn't bring himself to laugh or even cry.

"Thor?" , the chattering Subaru stopped and looked at her quizzically.

"As expected, I like Subaru the best!" , Thor wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at him quietly, something twinkling in his eyes.

"Hi, like what! Don't say it so easily...", Subaru don't look away, scratching his cheeks in embarrassment.

"Although Subaru hasn't replied yet, I'll keep waiting, whether it's a person's life or a dragon's life, I'll keep waiting. Because I, like Subaru the most!"

"Well, um..."

"Ehehehe...", Tor hugged Subaru's arm. "Let's go to the Cultural Festival together! I'd like to check out the maid café in Tiny's class!"

"Well okay, let's go then."

"Hehehe, I love Subaru the most! No, Subaru, I love you, oh!"

"Alright, alright, I know, no need to keep talking about it."


What neither of them noticed, however, was that on the other side, a man who looked much taller than Subaru was jaw-droppingly watching their backs.

"Long, this guy Hasegawa, Jui, is actually a girl control?!"

"Damn it!!! If only my sister could be like that!!!"


"Welcome back, Master!"

"Well - the movements aren't natural enough, so keep your hands in place and don't wiggle them around."

"You're so long-winded, kitten." , Lotte Yi impatiently waved her hand and casually pointed to an empty seat: "You guys go sit over there."

"Hey, is this the attitude a maid should have!" , Subaru knocked Lotte Yi's head.

Lotte Yi looked away, "Che~ I don't care about you."

"Yeah, so!" , Subaru suddenly looked like he was hurting. "I feel like my soul is hurt, I guess I can't buy back the ice cream I promised someone."

"Ice cream!" , the two rings on Lotte's head shook as if they were antennas, instantly grabbed Subaru's arm, and dragged him to an empty seat.

"You may sit, Master. May I take your order?" , Lotte Yi smilingly handed the menu to Subaru, which was different from how she looked just now.

"Hehe, that's a good boy." , Subaru stroked Lotte Yi's head in satisfaction.

Lotte Yi deflated her mouth and said to Tor with an aggrieved face, "Tor~~ Kitten he bullied me~~"

"Well, the ice cream will be bought, and Conner and I are going to eat it too."

"Yeah!" , Lottie nodded happily and ran off.

"The menu isn't taken yet!" , before Subaru had finished speaking, Lotte Yi ran to the door.

"Tianyi is really like a little kid."

"Well, she's only like that when it has to do with food, she usually looks like she's indifferent to everything."

"By the way, I've always wondered why she called you Kitten (nee-chan)."

"Ah, that ah." , Subaru thought for a moment. "My name is pronounced 'mao' in Chinese, which means cat (ne-ko), and she's been calling me Kitten Kitten ever since she first met me, and it hasn't changed now that she's learned Japanese - "

"Subaru?" , Thor tilted his head and looked at Subaru who suddenly stopped in confusion.

Subaru came back to his senses, "Ah, it's fine, just something I accidentally forgot about."

"What is it?"

"Well, I promised some idiot something in the past, but there's no good opportunity to do that now, so let's wait until later.", said Subaru. , said Subaru, looking back at Lotte who was standing at the door to receive.


Speaking of which... Subaru looked at the time.

Ji Hwa and the others will be here soon, right?

Chapter 249 - Shanshi Ally and Shanshi Miles (Previous)

"Wow, is this Subaru's school? It's huge!"

Saiki tugged on Manabu's shirt, "Manabu, don't shout, it's rude, it's all seniors here oh?"

"Oh~ Oni-san's school, Hyuga wants to come here later too!"

Jihana laughed beside her, "Ahahaha... Hyuga, that probably won't work ah. Because our school goes straight from elementary school to middle school and then to high school..."

As they watched the crowds, the little girls happily stepped onto the campus, checking out the school their coach attended with curious eyes.

"Ellie?" , Jihana looked questioningly at Ellie who had been silent since a moment ago. "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Ah!" , who had been dazed since being called, before Ellie came back to reality and squeezed out a smile, "I'll be fine."

"If there's any discomfort, just tell us ah, no need to force yourself."

"It's okay." , Ellie shook her head and looked over at the three who were happily walking ahead.

"Ha...", Jihana looked at her worriedly, but Ally wouldn't say anything, so Jihana gave up asking further questions.


"Yoo-hoo~ Subaru, we're here!" After arriving at the rendezvous, Lori found Subaru, who was already waiting there.

"Hey, you guys came over in your school uniforms, huh?" , Subaru was slightly surprised.

"Because a lot of time will be wasted if you have to change, and wouldn't the visit be shorter that way." , Manabu said matter-of-factly.

"That's right, so let me give you all a tour and remember to follow me don't get separated oh."

"Got it!"

"Well?" , who was turning to leave, Subaru suddenly noticed Ellie next to him with her head down, slightly confused, and then led the others to the school building with her.

As soon as they entered the school building, Subaru's group attracted countless eyes. It should be said that Subaru's group had attracted a lot of attention from the moment the little loris entered the campus. A group of elementary school students following next to high school students, it's against the grain any way you look at it....

It really is too striking....

"Say, talk about it. Where are they, Run?" To avoid embarrassing them, Subaru found a topic to talk about.

"They're close to the school, so I'll just go home and change. , Jihana blushed bright red. "And, and it's said that Mr. Priest will be bringing them along for the visit."

"So." , Subaru raised an eyebrow. "Father... it's really free hey."

"Jihana, you don't have to force yourself to call me Oni-san.", "It's fine." , Seeing that Jihana looked as serious as if she was challenging some kind of trial, Subaru smiled and waved his hand.

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