Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 146.


PS: Sorry guys, updates have been a little slow lately, mainly because....

Can't not watch the World Cup!

It's not me who's at fault, it's the World Cup....

Chapter 259 - The Second Lovelive


Subaru rang the doorbell in front of him, there was something more important than just the girls' basketball club's practice at Hye Shin Elementary School today.


The door was soon opened.


Surprised and a little confused, Simi said, her words quickly drawing the other two lollies to the door as well.

"Oooh meow~ Subaru-san."

"Subaru-chan, welcome."

Inviting Subaru into the room, Run quickly prepared snacks and tea and brought them to the table.

"Subaru-nii-san, did you come for something today."

"Thanks." , Subaru took the tea handed over by Run and took a small sip. "There's mainly one thing I want to ask you guys today for coming here."

"Ask us?"

The three of them looked at each other a few times, then all together at Subaru.

Subaru nodded, "Well. It's something about the second lovelive."

"The second LOVELIVE?!"

"You don't know the time yet, do you?" , looking at the trio's surprised looks, Subaru speculated.

"Ooh meow~~ That, we really don't know, since we basically don't go online so we don't know the information about it..."


Subaru nodded in sudden realization, after all, it was still a bunch of elementary school students, it was normal to not be online much, reading was the most important thing-.

"Still talking." , Himi wrapped her arms around her. "Every time Run and Air two just hog the computer to play games, there's no time to check other information well."


So that's how it is....

Coughing a few times, Subaru continued, "As far as I know, the second LOVELIVE has been decided to be held in just over two months, and the location has been switched to the Tokyo Dome."

"The Tokyo Dome?!"

Perhaps the officials saw a huge benefit from it, but regardless, the second LOVELIVE has been confirmed, and although the rules remain the same, it has been upgraded in every way, and is an untold number of levels more advanced than the first.

"Surprised, I was surprised when I originally saw it, I didn't expect the organizers of the LOVELIVE to be so strong that they applied for the use of the Dome."

"I definitely want to attend!" , Simi slapped the table and shouted excitedly, "This time is a little more luxurious than the last time, we must not let this opportunity go!!!"

"Ooh meow~~ I want to go too, if I can perform at the Dome, Subaru-chan, thanks for telling us."

"Ham, me too."

Seeing that the three of them were already completely excited by the second lovelive, Subaru smiled, "Let's calm down for a moment, I'm going to say more than that."


The three of them looked at Subaru and wondered what else Subaru was going to say.

"In addition to telling you guys about the second LOVELIVE, I also want to say that, sorry, you might have to meet an opponent this time."

"An opponent?" , Run tilted his head in confusion. "We're supposed to meet 19 other opponents, ah."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't express myself clearly. The one I'm talking about will be representing Chichibi High School, the school I'm attending, to fight against Lovelive."

"Subaru's school?... Even so Subaru doesn't need to be sorry."

"No." , Subaru shook his head. "It's because the one who went out to fight is Tenyi."

This was the gift Subaru had promised Lotte Yi - so that she who loved to sing could have a stage to sing on, and originally Subaru had wanted Lotte Yi to debut straight away, but now that there was such a massive event for school idols, there was no harm in having Lotte Yi debut as an academy idol.

After all, Lotte Yi simply liked to sing, and as for what the avenue was Subaru believed that she wouldn't even bother with that much.

"Ham, Tian Yi... who is it?"

"Hey, Air, that's so rude." , Hime tugged on Air's shirt and explained in a small voice, "Lottie, it's Subaru's cousin. It's the girl who sat next to Subaru at the party that day and kept eating snacks."

"Ooh meow~~ Tenyi-senpai?... I remember Tenyi-senpai's voice was very nice to say..."

"Ah, that way!" , Hiromi suddenly shrieked and said to Subaru eagerly, "So, Subaru won't be writing songs for us from now on?"

"Whoo-hoo! Subaru-san... can't you help us anymore?"

"No no, it's not like that." , Subaru waved his hand. "Didn't I promise to be your band director, then I definitely won't go back on my word. However, I'll also give equal help to Tenyi, so...that, I hope you guys don't mind."

Hearing Subaru say that, the three of them were suddenly relieved.

Simi patted her small chest, "What?... So that's what I was going to say."


"At first we thought Subaru was going to be a morning man and leave us behind... it was scary."

"Asahina... I think that's the wrong word..."

"Himi, you're using it wrong." , Airuya corrected. "It's the flower heart that should be used here."

The flower heart was also used wrongly, right....

"Hey yeah? Regardless of that, in short, we only know that Subaru is our band director, that's enough, we won't bother with the rest, after all, Subaru is free to help whoever he wants, but the most important thing is that we must do what Subaru promised us, oh!"

As the three of them tensed up again, Subaru was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I'll do it."

Having received Subaru's affirmative reply, the three of them's hearts finally sank, and they happily gave the others light high fives.

"Ah, right."

Simi suddenly spoke up, giving Subaru a thumbs up.

"Subaru go back and tell Tenyi-san for us that we won't lose if Lovelive!"

"...Well! Tian Yi won't admit defeat either."


The first time you get home, Subaru is not shouting "I'm home", but sneakily put down the bag, and then tiptoe into the living room.

Subaru is not the only one who can't find a way to get rid of the problem, but he is the only one who can.

He's not going to look at her even if Subaru comes home and yells "I'm home" and stomps in.

The first thing you need to do is to take a deep breath, Subaru scampered out.

"Tianyi! I'm back!!!!"


The expected scene of Luo Tianyi jumping up in fright didn't happen, and the reality was a hundred thousand miles off: not only did Luo Tianyi not jump up, she instead kept her head down and didn't react at all.

"Tian Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Subaru walked to the front of the couch and shook Tanya's shoulders in confusion.


The snack in Lotte Yui's hand fell to the floor, still unresponsive.

"Hey~~! Tenyi!"

Subaru lifted her head up, only to find that the latter had passed out, no wonder even the snack in her hand had fallen to the floor, which was normally said to be impossible.


There were a few screams from behind, and Subaru turned around in confusion, and that's when he realized what was happening-.

It turns out that Lottie was watching a rare horror movie, and Subaru just happened to get in at the scariest time, and the whole thing resulted in Subaru just knocking her out....

260 Chapter 260 - A Gift for Tian Yi



"Hey...Tian Yi don't be mad at me, I apologize to you, I really just wanted to make a little joke."


"I'm really very sorry."

"Hmph, if an apology is useful, then what's the point of having the police."

As you can see above, Subaru was atoning for his crime by repenting. But as a heavy victim, it was clear that Lotte Yi refused to forgive him so easily.

"I really didn't know you were watching a horror movie lah, I've never seen you watch one before..."

"Well?" , Lottie glared at him. "So, it's still my fault for watching horror movies?"

"Of course not of course not, ahahaha... I'll tell you what, I'll meet whatever compensation you want, okay."

"Anything?" , Lottie glanced at him again.

"Anything... anything!"

With a bite, Subaru made a direct promise that was almost as good as being left to her own devices.

"Well then, I want ice cream."

"Yes, here's the ice cream, Tenyi-sama."

"And snacks."

"Yes, I've got a bag of chips in all flavors, so feel free to take them."

"And a little thirsty."

"Yes, absolutely cool happy water fresh out of the fridge, Tanya-sama please enjoy."

"And you."

"Yes, I'll go to the bathroom and clean up and wait in your bed - yuck!!! What did you say?!"

Luo Tianyi's mouth puckered, "I want to hear you play the piano."

"That's right...", Subaru was relieved, then performed a seven twisted noble salute, "At your service, Miss Tian Yi."

Then, Subaru sat in front of the piano, his fingers moved lightly, the piano floated out soft notes, and Lotte Yi relaxed and leaned back on the sofa.

"I'm back."


After playing a few tunes, the voices of Tor and Kanna came from the entrance, and Subaru stopped playing and asked Lottey with his eyes.

"Well... just forgive you." , Lotte Yi said with her head turned away, seemingly casually.

"Thank you, Tenyi-sama."

"Subaru, were you playing the piano just now?" , as soon as he walked in, Thor asked curiously.

"Well, just now, I was playing."

"Keep playing then, I'd like to hear Subaru play the piano too."

"I want to hear it too. Subaru, I'm back." , Kanna waved her hand, then grabbed Subaru's waist.

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