Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics, Chapter 154.

"Shot 0 times?! Jihana and Ally-san?" , Yami looked at the two incredulously. "So it's been us attacking all along? Didn't give them the opportunity at all..."

"How, how is that possible!"

"It's just a possibility." , Subaru said beforehand. "The data is well documented, and you can also recall whether or not Chihaya ever attacked when the first team took the field."


Tsubaki Shuu looked at each other for a few moments, then shook her head.

"So, Tsubaki, Shuu, and Yami, according to the data you can also see that the reason for this defeat is you guys."

The three of them shrank their pupils and wanted to retort, but the words that reached their mouths couldn't come out.

"But, the biggest mistake in this match is me."

"HEY?" , the lorises all looked at Subaru with a puzzled face.

"Actually ah, because before the match, didn't Tsubaki, Shuu, and Yami say that defeating Inkani was just a piece of cake, so I specifically instructed Tomohana and Airi to give you three the whole field to the ball, and I'm sure that with your strength, you three will be able to defeat the powerful opponent, Inkani."


"But, I was wrong, so wrong." , Subaru shook his head and stared at the three with a serious face. "I was wrong to trust you guys unconditionally, because I never thought that what you guys were talking about easily was easily being beaten 32-54! seven of those contributions also came from the second team that only played one quarter! I-"


Well, it's almost working. Subaru smiled covertly, then looked at Yami who suddenly yelled at him for interrupting him.

Yami bit her lip, then bowed sharply, "Sorry everyone! I'm the one who caused the whole team to fail!"

Finished Yami pushed open the lounge door and ran out.

"Yami!" , Saji shouted, but Yami didn't even look back and ran straight out of the gym.

"Saji, go."

Subaru and Saji looked at each other, then nodded, and Saji immediately chased after Yami.



The twins exchanged glances several times and finally bowed their heads as did Yami.

"Everyone, I'm sorry!"

"There's nothing to apologize for about this kind of thing, right, Tsubaki Shuu?"

"Hey?" , Tsubaki and Shuu raised their heads and stared blankly at Mansail, forgetting to even correct the name calling.

"Subaru has said it before, we women's basketball club are one unit, if you guys lose, then we also lose, if you are at fault, then we are equally at fault because we are teammates huh! It's strange that you guys are saying that now hey."

"Yeah, Tsubaki, Shuu." , Jihana echoed. "A real group doesn't shirk their responsibilities to each other, our goal is also your goal ah, when we win, aren't you also victorious as well."

"Oh~~ We are one body oh."

"Everyone...", Tsubaki Shuu looked around at the other members of the team who were gazing at them tenderly, and suddenly her nose got sore, and a teardrop slipped from the corner of her eye before dripping to the ground.

"Ooh...oooh, oooh wow!!!"

HEY?! Are you crying! Wouldn't it be a bit too much... Subaru scratched his cheeks a bit awkwardly and silently retreated to the side, it was better to leave this situation to Chihuahua and the others.

Everyone was busy coming forward to comfort them, and after a while of persuasion, the twins finally calmed down.

"It looks like Sage's side has handled it as well." , Subaru whispered to himself, at the door of the rest room, Yami and Saeki appeared there together, Yami's eyes were a little red, looking like she had just cried. And, their hands were held tightly together.

"Yami, go." , gently releasing her hand, Saji whispered to Yami.


Yami trotted over to Subaru, her fingers unconsciously tangled together for a moment before she bowed her head under Subaru's gaze, "Coach, I'm sorry! Coach clearly taught us not to underestimate our opponents, but we still say things like that and end up losing the game, sorry!"

At Yami's words, the twins ran up to Subaru with a loud "ahh" and bowed their heads like Yami, "Us too! Coach, I'm sorry!"

"No need to apologize like I did." , Subaru smiled and waved his hand. "If you really want to say it, I should be the one apologizing, I'm sorry for talking too hard earlier."

"How so! The coach is clearly..."

"Well, without further ado, Tsubaki, Shuu, and Yami, I want you to realize that your opponents are the same people who are working hard every day as we are, and maybe someone you've only beaten once can beat you next time, so-"

"Don't underestimate your opponent, do you."

"Right." , Subaru nodded with a smile. "I'm happy that you guys think so, so turn this defeat into motivation to work hard and take revenge on Inkatani at the future national tournament."


"Ah, right." , Subaru's tone of voice suddenly changed, and the little lollies' newly raised momentum collapsed for a moment.

"I guess it's ready, let's go out and get our prize."

"Claim the prize?! But it's not just champions who can-"

"Hmph...", Subaru shook out his finger and smiled brightly.

"Who says a runner-up can't be without a prize?"

Chapter 271 - Runner-up's Reward

Snap! Snap!

As soon as Subaru walked out of the gym, two salutes immediately went off next to each other, and ribbons all sprayed onto a few heads.


The girls' basketball team of Huixin Elementary School has won the second place. There are many tables under the stage with all kinds of food on them.

It looked like an open-air party. It looked like the parents of the girls' basketball club had all arrived and were chatting happily there now.

Uncle've gone too far.......Subaru's eyes twitched a few times.

It would have been fine to just ask Fenya to celebrate a little bit and be a little bit festive, but he apparently forgot that his own little bit and the rich man's little bit were completely different....

"Runner-up, congratulations!"

Fenya came over as she applauded.

"How was it, were you happy with the party? Let me know if there's anything else you want, and I'll have it done right away."

"Super - satisfied! Dad!" , Shin Fan yelled and rushed up to hug Kazuya's waist. "There was supposed to be no prize for the runner-up, but this is what dad prepared for us, right?"

"No oh, Sailor." , Kazuya put her hand on her head. "This is all for you today, your trainer, Subaru, ah."


Faced with the instantly turned gazes of the little girls, Subaru scratched his head and said apologetically, "I just asked Uncle Kazuya for a favor, so it's not like I prepared it."

"No no." , Kazuya shook her head. "Subaru you did say that the money and rewards for this party are all yours, I'm just helping you arrange it. There's no need to be modest, Subaru, it's your party!"

"Subaru-niichan's party! Is this true?"

"Ahaha... it's just to celebrate everyone winning the runner-up."

"Subaru-nii-san, that's great...", Jihana clasped her hands together in front of her chest, like a girl in love looking at her adoring beloved.

The others were not like Jihana, but they were more or less adoring as well.

"Ah, ah! Don't worry about the details, this party is for you, so go have fun! Go on!"

"Then we're welcome! Everyone, charge!!!" , Shinefan pointed his finger at the playground, and then took the lead and ran.

After all the little loris had left, Subaru was relieved, and somewhat helplessly said to Kazuya beside him, "Uncle Kazuya, it's okay that you don't have to tell those things about me, Akira..."

"Hahaha!" , Kazuya patted Subaru's shoulder. "How's that for a party that you're paying for of course, as the father of True Sail! How can I take advantage of you."

Please say that as an elder and not as the father of True Sail! Subaru said quietly in his mind.

"Well, Subaru should go too, we'll need you, the coach, to come on stage and say a few words later."


The other side.

On one side of the table, Mitsune and Conner both had a plate of food piled as high as a hill in front of them, both holding a spoon and a fork and staring at each other with serious faces, like cowboys about to duel.

"Conner, are you ready."


"Ready - start!"

As Mitsune's command began, the two instantly struck out, destroying the plate's food with a wind swirl, the "hill" being chipped away layer by layer and quickly bottoming out.

"Haha! My victory!" , devouring the last bite of fried noodles, Mitsune raised her hand, vaguely.

"Humm~", Kanna ate very slowly, there was still a lot of food inside the plate.

"I say, what are you guys doing..."

"Meowhaha, Subaru, not bad, I can't believe you're so generous, when are you going to make me one too."

Seeing Subaru coming over, Misao hammered his chest and laughed playfully.

"Even if you're throwing a party for them, don't you look like you're enjoying yourself by eating and drinking here."

"Of course!" , Mitsune crossed her arms and hiccupped. "I'm the instructor of the girls' basketball club, don't you need to thank me?!"

"Yes, yes, be thankful to be thankful."


"Well?" , Subaru turned around, then bent down. "What is it, Kanna-san?"

"This one, can't finish it." , Kanna held up the plate in her hand.

Subaru lightly knocked her head, then took the plate, "So you're fine to compare to what with Miisei-san, Tenyi come is more like it."


"Uncle Fenya's on stage." , Subaru looked at the stage, Fenya had taken a microphone and was now auditioning.

"Ahem! Everyone, please be quiet!" , Kazuya pressed her hand down, signaling for everyone to quiet down.

"The main purpose of today's party is to congratulate the girls basketball club of Huixin Elementary School for their runner-up finish in the games, although only the winner is supposed to have a reward, our coach, Subaru-san, prepared a reward for the runner-up at his own expense, and now we have Subaru-san to say a few words!"

In response to the applause, Subaru walked up to the stage somewhat precipitously and took the graceful microphone.

"That...hello, I'm Coach Subaru Hasegawa, and that...because the girls' basketball club has been working very hard, so, this, I've prepared a gift for them, above, thank you! "

What the hell am I talking about....

Fenya laughed and took the second microphone, "Look everyone, this is the runner-up's prize that the coach of the women's basketball club has prepared for them!"

As Kazuya's voice trailed off, maid-san Naisei pulled open the backstage that had been blocked by a curtain.

"This, this is!" , Jihana stared at the stage, incredulous.

"Our uniforms?!" , True Sail then said.

On the stage was a dummy, and it was wearing a sports uniform with the name Huixin Elementary School on it. The style was similar to the boys' basketball club, but the color was completely different, and it was the uniform of the Huixin Elementary School girls' basketball club.

I feel a little sorry for the runner-up and the champion... Subaru thought.

However, it was something that everyone really wanted.

The little lollies gathered around in a flash, touching and rubbing here and there, their happiness overflowing.

Then, the little loli stood in a row, smiling at Subaru.

"Everyone, get ready-"

"Thank you! Coach!"

"Well, let's all celebrate!" , Kazuya then waved her hand, and Naisei pulled off the cloth covering one of the tables in front of the stage, all of which was covered with wine, a bottle of it barricaded into a pyramid.

"Wine?! Uncle Fuanya! We can't drink yet."

"Please don't worry, Master Hasegawa." , Naisei hauled up a bottle of sake. "These sakes are non-alcoholic, but simply have a little taste of alcohol."

"! By the way, why are you in a school swimsuit?!"

"Oh, that's because-"

"Subaru, watch the move!"


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