Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 160

Toda retrieved the phone, "That's right, did you hear that, President..."

"...I hear you."

"I was just about to call you as well, but if you have time, you should come to the office and take care of it..."

"I know..."

280 Chapter 280 - Busy Subaru

1 year C class at Nanchi High School.

Her Highness the Great Demon, Satania, was lying on the table in boredom.

"Nah, I say ah, have you been feeling busy Subaru lately."

"Who knows." , Jubilee looked out the window in boredom. "By the way, don't you come with him every morning? Why did you come here by yourself today?"

"Because he texted me that he didn't have to wait for him today, that there were other things to do. Really, what kind of business is there to run? You called in sick the other day too, so you're not exhausted, are you?"


"No!" , Satania sat up. "I'll have to ask Subaru about it when he gets here today!"

"Hmph, looks like you care about him a lot." , Jubilee gave her a look, then looked out the window.

"Of course I do! Subaru is my demon! Isn't it only natural for a qualified daemon to show enough concern for his enablers?"

"Cut~~care? I suppose there's something you want Subaru to help you with?"

"Who, who said that! . okay, but helping is only a small part of the reason! Mostly I'm more worried about Subaru's health hey!"

Jia Baili lay down on the table and looked at her with slanted eyes, "Pretend~~ You just keep pretending~~ I'll see what you'll say when Subaru comes later. What do you want him to do to help?"

"Yah... it's actually my second enabler-"

"What, is your dog sick?"

"How is that possible! It just doesn't even seem to want to go for walks with me lately, and I was wondering if Subaru, who is also very close to Subaru, should be allowed to take him out for a walk, it's not healthy to stay at home all the time."


"Ah, there it is!" , Satania suddenly pointed out the window. "That is, who? Walking with Subaru and Toru."

"I remember it was - Shinbaek? The one who stays in her room, but didn't she change schools? Why are you back again?"

"I don't know hey..."

Subaru sighed in his heart as he felt the attention of the people around him, but walked inside the school building with an open and honest appearance.

One left and one right were both ten percent beautiful girls, so it was no wonder they were so popular.

"Shinbaek, I'll take you over to the teaching office first, and the other things Chihiro-sensei should have already taken care of for you. As for the school uniform, it's possible that you'll have to wait for a while."

"Hmm." , Shinbaek nodded and quietly walked next to Subaru.

Tor leaned in to Subaru's ear, "Subaru, do you want me that... so that Shinbaek can at least be in the same class as Tanya."

"No need." , Subaru shook his head.



Subaru unconsciously turned around, then smiled and waved, "Good morning, Aoi."

"Isn't this, isn't this really white? I heard you went to Cherry Blossom Villa, why are you here?" Completely ignoring Subaru's greeting, Aoi focused all her attention on Makebai.

"Well, there are many reasons...", Subaru continued.

"Is it the transfer back? That's nice hey, please teach me more in the future." , Aoi said happily as she took Shinbaek's hand, then continued to ignore someone.

"Please teach me more." , Shinbaek nodded again.

"Can you listen to me properly..."

"Ah, Subaru, so you're here, huh?" , Aoi pretended to be surprised and looked at Subaru in disbelief for a few moments.

You're the one who obviously greeted me, right! Subaru shouted silently in his heart. I don't know what's wrong with Aoi today....

"So, True White is still living at your house?"

"Well, well..."

"Ho~~", Aoi looked at Subaru a few more times until he couldn't even hold his tongue this time before moving away and heading to the school building with a flick of her ponytail, then shrugged off, "Don't do anything weird to Makoto when you're at home."

"Who would!"

"What's wrong, Aoi. You're saying some strange things early in the morning." , Subaru scratched his head and looked at Aoi's back in puzzlement.

What he didn't see was that Aoi, who was walking in front of him, was biting her lip tightly and squeezing her hand, which was holding her bag.


With the ringing of the bell, today's classwork was over.

Satania and Kabari were lying on the table in almost identical motions, mouthing words like "exhausted and tired".

"Hey! Subaru!" , getting down not long ago, Satania appeared in front of Subaru's seat in a flash. "Do you have time today, there's something-"

"I'm sorry, Satania, I have other things to do today, I have to go first." , Subaru said apologetically.


"See you tomorrow then!" , Subaru waved and walked outside with Thor.

It was Makoto's first day of school and a lot of things hadn't been done yet, plus Subaru herself was worried that she wouldn't fit in or something if she was suddenly in an unfamiliar class.

"Haha, you're walking away before you can say anything."

"What do you care?!"

Satania turned around and shouted exasperatedly at Japari who was mocking her.


The following day.

"Ah! Wait! Subaru!" , seeing that Subaru was already packed up and ready to leave the classroom, Satania even packed up her things and chased after him.

"What's wrong?"

Satania smiled, "Nothing, Subaru, are you free today? I think-"

"No oh."


Waiting for the unexpected answer, the Daemon Highness didn't react at once.

"There's a lot of things to do today la, so I can't play with you oh, sorry."

"This, that... then, go get busy!"

Seeing Satania's face, Subaru frowned, "Is something going on? Satania?"

"It's nothing nothing, nothing at all la."

", I'm leaving?"

"Well, you can go home now,"

"See you tomorrow."

It was still a bit confusing, but things were rushing on the other side, and if it took any more time he'd have to let Thor take him back, and thinking about that feeling...better get it over with.

Subaru quickly disappeared around the corner, and Satania stood there for a moment before walking back, tossing her bag at Subaru's seat and sitting down.

"Why don't you talk to him?" , asked Kabari, who was on the side, curiously.

"Well... Subaru says he doesn't have time, so he definitely doesn't have time, so there's no need to bother him with little things like taking the dog for a walk ah. By the way, why aren't you leaving, aren't you going home?"

"I'll be joining the club later. How about you?"

"Me? Ah! Of course I'm going home now!" , Satania suddenly stood back up and picked up her bag, scratching her head in embarrassment. "How come you're suddenly sitting back down, haha..."

"Hey, it's just two days of not having time to walk the dog with you, so what's the big deal?"

"No." , Satania shook her head, scratching her hair and smiling.

"I was just thinking that Subaru is so busy every day and I keep going to him, does he, like, hate me anymore..."

Chapter 281 - Company Trivia

"Subaru... does he hate me anymore, hehehe..."

"I say, you're exaggerating, it's not just two days of no time, it's like the end of the world."

"Who, who's the end of the world! I just..."

Jubilee didn't say anything back, and just looked at Satania to see what exactly she could "just" come out with.

"Just... just, just as an enabler, you should always follow me, or the contract won't work!"

Jubilee gave her a silent slant and began to pack her things.

"What ah! That reaction of yours!"

"Take your time to think about it, I have club activities, so I won't accompany you here to think about it." , Jubilee waved her hand and got up and walked out of the classroom.

"Cut!" , Satania angrily carried her bag up and raised her fist towards the corner where Japari had disappeared in a demonstration, "I'll be able to get Subaru to go for a walk with me tomorrow! Just wait and see."

"It's going for a walk with the dog, or if you want to admit you're a dog, I can't help it." , who had walked away, suddenly poked her head out and disappeared immediately after saying her words.

"Jah! Hundred! Glaze!" , Satania blushed bright red and then stomped her foot a few times as if the poor floor was the embodiment of Jubilee.

Unaware of what was going on in the classroom Subaru had arrived at his office, today to deal with the relationship between the voice characters and something more important.

"How's it going, Makebai? This is my company oh."

"Subaru'" , Shinbaek tilted his head and looked up and down at the building in front of him.

"Well, it's a company that specializes in making animations, and the last time you saw Unheard of, it was made from here."


"Right?" , Subaru chuckled. "Let's go inside then, or if you're bored just let Thor show you around, I have a few things to do."

"Leave it to me!" , Thor took True White's hand. "Let's go, True White!"


Somewhat helplessly witnessing the two who walked off to the side without hesitation, Subaru's lips twitched and finally entered the company by himself.

Bleeping Animation Company - no, it wasn't right to just say it was an animation company now, and then after founding the Voice Office, there was a layer in here that was reserved for the voice actors.

"Subaru! You're finally here!" , As soon as Subaru walked in, as if she was squatting, Yao instantly rushed to Subaru from some corner, looking like she was on the verge of crying out in frustration.

"What's wrong, Miss Yao. Is there anyone else bullying you in the company.", Subaru said amusedly. , Subaru said amusedly.

"Of course there are! It's her with cilantro! You have to steal Miba's role from me! But I love it too hey! Even the pesto would never let her have it!"

"Ah! Far away! There you are!" , as soon as Yao finished speaking, another figure appeared in front of the two.

"Ah! President!" , Cilantro shouted in surprise, then immediately bowed, "Hello, President!"

"There's no need to be so formal, Miss Cilantro, just call me Subaru just like Miss Yao."

"Then, then I'll be respectful, Subaru, Subaru...", Cilantro said with some formality, then turned to Yao for a split second as if remembering something, "Yao! It's so cunning, you said it was a fair fight, but you asked the president - for Subaru to help you!"

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand...", Yao didn't even look at her with a matter-of-fact face.


"Okay, everyone, let's stop fighting. Let's go inside and discuss the characters, shall we, in front of the office a bit..."

Cilantro covered her mouth with an aah, then bowed, "I'm sorry, I was rude."

"Well...anyway go in first."


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