Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 163

"HEY? Why, why am I crying." , Satania smiled and wiped the tears away, but they kept on flowing as if they couldn't be stopped.

At this time, the phone that was on the table rang.

"Who is it, calling at this hour, I'm busy."

Satania complained, picking up the phone without looking to see who it was.

"Who is it, I'm not available right now." , Satania said impatiently.

"Hey? No time? I'm sorry, I thought you'd have some time today after all, you came to hang out with me today..."

"Hey?" , Satania was momentarily dumbfounded. "Subaru?"

"Well, yeah." , on the other side of the phone, Subaru said with a baffled face. "Is my voice recognizable, I wanted to ask if you're free to come out and play."

Delayed in responding, Subaru looked at the phone questioningly. "The phone isn't hanging up," so pronounced Subaru, then said into the phone again.

"Satania? If you're not free, forget it, you don't have to make special time."


Subaru almost threw the phone away when there was a sudden explosion, and it took a while for Subaru to snap out of his dizzy state.

"Satania! What are you yelling at the phone for? My eardrums are busted!" , Subaru shouted into the phone through gritted teeth.

"Sorry sorry sorry, I was not paying attention and..."

Can the sound still get louder without notice....

"Never mind." , Subaru said in a bad mood. "Let's meet in front of the station then."


"Kitten, what's wrong?"

Walking into the room, the remnant noticed Subaru's Lotte ask a question, but her eyes remained on the screen in front of her.

"It's nothing, I asked Satania to come along just to play."

After getting the accompaniment done, and seeing that Lotte Yi still looked like she hadn't had enough, Subaru suggested going to the karaoke for a while, and then it was unanimously agreed, though the microphone was completely dominated by both Lotte Yi and Kanna....

"Hey, why did you call her specifically? Didn't that useless angel come too?" , Thor then asked.

"Well... it just feels like Satania has approached me a few times lately and I've turned them all down because I didn't have time, and I'm playing now anyway, so one more person doesn't matter."


"Then you guys go ahead and play, I'll wait for her at the station." , said Subaru stood up, pushed open the door and walked out.

On the other hand, Satania who received the news was already waiting at the station, although her house was close to here, but from the point that she arrived at the station before Subaru did, it was still an incredible speed....

"Station station station...where's Subaru?" , Satania looked around, looking around for Subaru.

"Hey~~ Satania!"

"Ah, Subaru."

Satania ran over towards Subaru.

"Let's go." , waiting for Satania to come running, Subaru greeted and turned around to walk back.

"Wait for me!" , Satania even ran to Subaru's side. "By the way, what are we going to play today."

"Singing. Thor and Tenyi and the others are there."

"Going to karaoke?! I haven't been there in a long time either!"

"But I urge you to be prepared."


"Well, be prepared to never get a microphone from start to finish." Subaru puffed out his hands. "It doesn't matter to me anymore anyway."

"Hahaha! In front of my Great Demon Highness, how can there be anything I can't get!"

"'ll have to try then."

"Make the Devil! Lead the way!"

"Yes yes..."

Chapter 285 - Tian Yi Being Punished

"Subaru, see you later!"

"See you tomorrow."

On the dusk street, Subaru waved at Satania, who had already run away, looking like the latter seemed to be having a good time and quickly disappeared.

"Let's go back too."

"Kitten kitten! I'm having pork chop rice today!"

"Eat, eat, eat, you just know how to eat... By the way, Conner Sauce, what do you want to eat tonight?"


"Well decided, we'll have curry tonight."


The other side.


In the room, a young girl was giggling with her pet in her arms, and if anyone had seen this - it probably wouldn't have been surprising, right? It was that after all, Satania.

Satania collapsed on the bed and took out her phone to look at it, which was a picture of them just now at the karaoke. Looking at it, she suddenly got embarrassed, threw the phone aside and stuck her head into the pillow to giggle. It took a while before it seemed as if she couldn't hold her breath to poke her head out and take a big breath.

"It's true that I'm overthinking it, Subaru doesn't hate me at all."

She said to herself.

"Satania you, do you like Subaru?"

What Japari had said popped back into her head, startling Satania herself.

The heart that hadn't been calm since a moment ago thumped even harder.

"This...", Satania sat on her knees on the bed and tilted her head. "Is this look just like it?"

"Can't understand hey..."


After contacting the priest, they learned that littlewings would be arriving soon.

After contacting the priest, they were told that the littlewings would be here shortly.

The purpose of today's visit was to promote "Your Name".

Of course, the main purpose was to let Luo Tianyi and littlewings hold a Live, although it was a bit embarrassing to be so selfish, but it also saved the company a sum of money to hire a band, right! And school idols fit the definition of secondary better!

So self-assured, Subaru looked even more righteous, and headed backstage with a few people in tow.

There was a full day of publicity, and originally both the morning and afternoon sessions were to be performed by Lotte Yi, but since Run and the others were also going to appear, it was going to be one person at a time.


Toda, who was ordering something, noticed Subaru at the first time and walked quickly to Subaru after busily disposing of the matter at hand.

"Good morning, Toda-san. That, is everything still going well?"

"Please be assured that everything is in order." , Toda pushed up his glasses and acted as if he had everything under control.

"Wow~ Subaru! You're here!"

A voice rang out, and Subaru just turned around before he could speak and was drowned out by something.

"Well! Yao...let go, I'm suffocating..."

"Ah, sorry sorry..."

Finally back in the embrace of air, Subaru breathed heavily. At the side, Yao smiled hehehe, scratching her head in embarrassment.

After a while to slow down, Subaru looked at her angrily.

"Yao, do you want to murder?"

"Sorry about that~"

Yao clasped her hands together and winked playfully. Seeing her like this, everything Subaru said got stuck in his throat and eventually turned into a sigh.

Since this was going to be a promotion, of course the voice actors had to be there, and it was worth mentioning that in the voice casting the other day, Yumibi, Aiya Chano, and Haruka Togatsu got the roles of Hayate, Shiba, and Mifune, respectively.

Even so, Kana and Saori will still be playing the role of the roadie in your name.

Then, after a "friendly" look from the other two voice actors, Subaru had to promise that they would be given priority in the next production.

"Nah, Thor, who's that guy? ...Thor?"

When there was no response for a long time, Lottie looked at Thor in confusion.

"That! One! Women! Man!" , Thor growled in a low voice. "It's her every time! Simply, kill it!"

Said Thor's hand turned into a claw for a moment, the green scales visible on it.

"Hey! Thor!"

Lottie was busy holding her hand down, relieved after seeing no one on the left or right notice this side, and lectured Tor in a serious manner.

"Kitten said you must not reveal your identity, did you forget that?"

"Huh? We can just erase the memories of everyone here! And then put that woman-"



A hand knife suddenly struck Tor on the head, as if hitting the pause button, and Tor's entire body settled, finally turning mechanically to look at Lottie.

"You, what did you hit me for?"

"Hey?" , Lottie tilted her head. "I think that's what kittens do all the time, every time Thor says to do something."

I'm not sure if I'm too hard," she mumbled, looking at her hand.

When she heard the explanation, Tol blushed and looked very angry.

"Lo! God! Yi!"

But it's annoying any way you look at it.

"Hey? HEY? Eh eh eh eh?!!!"

Totally confused, Lottie backed away at a loss for words in the face of Tor who was approaching step by step.


Lotte Yi was about to ask for help from Subaru, and then she was pinned in the face by Tor, unable to pronounce a single complete sound.

Tor rubbed Lottey's face viciously and said word for word, "Subaru punishes you the same way every time Tenyi does something troubling, doesn't he? Isn't that right, Tenyi."

"It doesn't seem like it..."


Thor's eyes glazed over, the strength in his hands grew, and Lottie's face was rubbed into all sorts of strange expressions, and if there was a face contest, this year's face emperor was none other than her.

"Conner, take the picture."

Tor turned Lotte Yi's head towards Kang Na's side, and Kang Na replied, picking up her phone and pointing it at Lotte Yi.


Lottie glared at him, her hands waving wildly as she tried to break free of Tor's bonds. However, faced with a dragon, or an annoyed dragon, Lotte Yi couldn't move the slightest bit with all her might.


The camera sound from the phone in Conner's hand pronounced a death sentence.


Thor let go of Lottie's face with a grunt, then said, "No dinner tonight, and no snacks today either."

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