Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics, Chapter 168.

Simi and Subaru looked at each other, then stepped forward to hug Raan and smile.

"See...See you again!My,my grandfpa!"

Chapter 292 - Your Name.

Time always slipped by unexpectedly, and the second Lovelive was getting closer and closer, after what happened to Simi, both littlewings and Lotte were seriously preparing for Live, and after that, Lotte and Run had held several Live, and of course Subaru was the main contributor.

However, before that, Subaru had another equally important thing to do.

It was the premiere day of Your Name.

After several proper promotional conferences, the movie with Sakamoto-sensei's fame was finally released with much anticipation.

"Subaru, hurry up, we're going to miss it!"

"Anon, there's still plenty of time, it's okay to postpone a little if you really can't."

"How can that be!" , Thor crossed his arms. "You're the president, you're the final boss hey! Of course I'll be there on time!"

"Got it got it." , Subaru replied, getting up to straighten his clothes and gather the things he was taking out.

"Tenyi! True white! Gone!"

"Here it comes!"

With the sound of Lotte's reply, the two of them walked down the stairs together, looking like they had both been properly groomed for a while. Though neither of them should have been able to work it out on their own....

"Aoi, thank you." , Subaru said to Aoi who was walking behind the two.

"No, it's nothing, I didn't do anything anyway."

"Now that we're all ready to go, let's go!"

"Let's go, let's go!" , shouted Lottie very energetically, running to the entrance.

Just at that moment, a knock sounded on the door as well.

"It should be Jubilee and the others."

Subaru opened the door, and as he said, the Angel Demon Four were all waiting at the door.

"Yo! Make the Devil!"

"It's slow, Subaru, we won't be able to catch up at this rate!"

"Long time waiting, let's go now."

With a beckoning, the group of nearly 10 people headed to the station in a huge way.

The purpose of the trip was Subaru's company, and just like last time, Subaru had invited his close friends to the premiere day party this time... but the difference was that at Toda's suggestion, Subaru had also invited many other peers.

Voice actors, scribes, supervisors, and so on... Basically, all the famous ones were invited.

In the words of Ms. Toda, "We're a very versatile company, so we're able to hire as many people as we can.

Ms. Toda is really a strong woman in the industry........

By the time Subaru and the others arrived at the office, Toda was already waiting outside the door.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Toda-san."

"President." , Toda bowed slightly. "There are only five minutes left until the screening, your timing is really accurate."

"Ahaha... By the way, how many people have arrived for the invitation?"

"Most of them are here."

"Yeah?!" , Subaru raised an eyebrow.

Seeming to see what Subaru wanted to ask, Toda then said, "Miss Nailsomiya is here too."

"Is Miss Nailedomiya Rie here?! Great!"

Tor leaned in next to Subaru, "Subaru, Rie Nashimiya... who is it?"

"Uh...a very well known voice, someone I like - no, someone I admire more, and our company would love to work with her."


"But, that plan you told me about last time." , Toda pushed up his glasses. "We also invited Dragon-san, but he rejected it outright."

"Oh yeah, a direct refusal." , Subaru repeated with a bit of disappointment, then smiled, "But yeah, it's still strange for an animation company to be wary of designing software, isn't it."

"That's why we're going to visit directly on the doorstep some day and see if we can have a discussion."

"Boarding up? Do you know his address."

"Yes, he lives in a dormitory at a high school affiliated with Suimei Arts University, I think it's called, Sakura Shojo."

"Sakura Shojo?!" , Subaru shouted in high alarm. "Are you sure, it's that Sakura Shojo?"


Sakura Shojo...what a small world.

Subaru looked to Makebai, who was also a bit touched. Subaru thought about it and said to her, "Makebai, having lived there for a while, do you know who's better at software design?"

"Hmm." , Shinbaek nodded. "Akasaka Ryunosuke, I hear he's great, but he basically doesn't go out, and I only saw him once."

"Basically doesn't go out, no wonder I went there twice and didn't see him." , Subaru pronounced, then turned to Toda, "Miss Toda, leave this matter to me, I'll go to Sakura Shojo and deal with Dragon himself directly."

"Yes, I know." , Toda nodded. "So President, the screening is about to start..."

"Ah, sorry for making you stand here for so long, let's go in now!"

Then, the crowd walked into the venue together.

At that moment, the host of the meeting hall in the company that was normally used for annual meetings was speaking about something, and then they spotted Subaru and his group who walked into the meeting hall with a sharp eye.

"Then, let us welcome the president, Subaru Hasegawa, who is also the original author, Sakamoto-sensei, to say a few words to you."

"Well? Me?"

As soon as he walked into the arena, Subaru was still in a state of confusion as he was still looking around when he was suddenly called out by the host.

"President." , Toda was there to remind him.

"I know that."

Subaru immediately solemnized his face and walked to the stage.

After receiving the microphone from the host and seeing so many pairs of eyes on the stage, Subaru who had already brewed his lines, suddenly couldn't say a word again.

"Uh... that, thank you all for coming to our club's premiere, without further ado let's enjoy the movie first thank you."

Trying to finish his sentence as quickly as possible, Subaru fled to the stage, and the audience that arrived burst into good-natured laughter, as if this was the only time they could see the high school student in Subaru.

"That's lame, Kitten, coming down here without saying anything."

"I'm not as good as you guys are, I still get nervous with that many people on stage."

"Hmph, of course, I'm the 3rd most popular person on the popularity list!"

It's worth mentioning that this guy Lotte Yi, with the dual effect of his singing voice and Sakamoto-sensei's fame, scampered up to #3 and is still ranked above littlewings.

"Alright, the movie's on, enjoy it."

The lights of the venue dimmed, and everyone focused on the screen, watching that, the magical love affair through time and space, narrated by Sakamoto-sensei (Makoto Shinkai).

"Just remember your name, no matter where you are in the world, I will definitely, come to see you."

A very ordinary person, with no special features, no genius-like talent.

But it's such an ordinary Mitsuba and Taki who have a shocking story to tell.

After 107 minutes, the movie ends with the meeting of the grown-up Sansha and Taki.

"Jun no, namah?"

Chapter 293 - Nailya and Tamura

The screening ended.

"This, this is how..."

"Never-before-seen story, is this really a movie that's being released nationally..."

"Hmm...I can't wait to see the box office."

The audience was already starting to talk about it. After today, "Your Name" was going to become the hottest keyword currently.

"Hmph, how about that."

Subaru looked to the side with some small pride.

"It's really pretty hey! Kitten!" , Lottie applauded, looking adoringly at Subaru. "I want to see it again!"

"No problem!" , Subaru waved his hand loftily. "You can watch it as many times as you want!"

"How in the world do you come up with these stories inside your head." , Jubari looked at Subaru with a complicated look, but an even greater percentage of it was wonder.

"Aha! Could it be that the enchanter has fallen in love before?"

"In love? No no no no...hey?"

Subaru and Aoi looked at each other, and they had just completed a divinely synchronized answer.

Seeing everyone looking at them, Aoi's shoulders shook and she waved her hand, "Well, that, Subaru and I were childhood friends, I know if he's been in a relationship or not, so..."

"Guys! The screening is over! Enjoy your meal and this party will last until 11:00!"

"Food!" , keenly catching the key word, Lottie's eyes lit up and dragged Conner inside.

"You guys talk I'm going to eat with Kanna~"


The host's voice relieved himself, and Aoi was relieved to sit quietly beside him, afraid of attracting everyone's attention again.

"Run slower, it's not like anyone's going to steal from you...", Subaru shouted helplessly, but how could Lotte, who was preoccupied with her food, hear any of this.

"Everyone go ahead, just relax and play casually." , Subaru stood up. "I have a bit of other things to do, so I'll leave you guys alone."

After separating from everyone, Subaru first went to the production team side of his own company, as a president, he definitely had to give priority to his subordinates.

"Hello, President!"

Seeing Subaru coming over, everyone raised their glasses, especially Yao, who was wearing a plain dress with a flowery skirt, who seemed to have gotten drunk.

"Good work everyone, I saw a very perfect work."

"Listen to me~ Subaru~", Tele swayed over, then put his hand on Subaru's shoulder. "Although the dubbing didn't feel anything, after watching this movie, it somehow makes you want to fall in love~"

"Haha, yeah."

"But...but ah!" , Yao suddenly shouted with his eyes closed. "Why isn't there that him in front of me! I'm always alone and waiting, it's lonely okay!!!"


Finally sensing that something was wrong with Yao, Subaru looked to the others, and then Aiya reluctantly stepped forward to help Yao.

"Don't mind, President, this idiot is already drunk."

This was a party and not a bar, how much do you need to drink to get yourself drunk....

"Ahem, all in all, the success of tonight is there for all to see, so here's to the victory to come!"


After leaving from Haruka's side, Subaru shook her head in amusement. Without getting an eye attack from a certain voice actor who was the main character, Subaru had to promise again that she would definitely be considered first for the next production.


Inadvertently noticing the two who were chatting happily in a corner to the side, Subaru tilted his head to take a closer look, always feeling a bit familiar, but suffering from only being able to see their side faces, he couldn't remember for a moment.

Pinnacle! As one of them turned around, Subaru's eyebrows shot up and he immediately walked over quickly.

"You, hello, Ms. Pinnacle. And...Tamura-san."

"And you are, President?" In a matter of seconds, Nailgong recognized the teenager in front of him, after all, it was rare for a teenager to be present at this party.

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