Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics, Chapter 171.

"Let's go."

Subaru took Makebai's hand and ran to the other side.

After walking out of the underwater tunnel, the two visited the other fish, like the clownfish, peacock fish, idol fish, unicorn fish, etc....

As they marveled at the tour, it was like walking into a new world.

Next time, let's ask everyone to come and visit together.

But...there are only two kinds of fish in Tenyi's eyes, right...delicious and not so delicious.

What? You mean there's a division between what you can and can't eat? Are you kidding me, you can eat it with your head removed.


True White's voice brought Subaru back to reality, and Subaru looked over as True White's fingers tangled together as if he was holding back something.

"What's wrong? Physically unwell?"

"No...", Shinbaek blushed and hesitated in a way Subaru had never seen before.

It was only in the end that Makebai said in a voice that almost only he could hear, "I want to go to the bathroom..."

"Toilets? Ah." , Subaru looked around and finally spotted a sign with directions to the bathroom.

"That way, Makebai." , Subaru took Makebaek's hand and walked in the direction the sign pointed to.

After turning several corners, the two finally reached their destination.

In no time, Shinbaek directly let go of Subaru's hand and ran inside the toilet.

This silly girl... Subaru shook his head in dismay. I wish I had told you earlier, why did you have to put up with it?

Huh? That's....

Bored and playing with his phone, Subaru unexpectedly looked up to see if Makebai had come out or not.

Wasn't that...Izuki's brother! I think it's Hashima Chihiro, right?

Since he happened to be re-named with Chinami, Subaru was more impressed with both of them.

Chihiro looked around as if he was hiding from something, and then with a flash, he walked into-.

The ladies' room?

What the hell is going on? Subaru's eyes were wide open and his mouth was open enough to stuff a light bulb down.

Braving the ladies' room in broad daylight? This courage deserves to be rewarded...

Yuck! True White is still in there! This kid, in case he has to see the real white....

Subaru was upset at the thought of it.

No, we'll have to catch this guy later...then again, why hasn't he been kicked out after going in for so long? It didn't make sense. When I think back to Chihiro, she looks so innocent, and she looks like a girl in disguise.


But but but, to actually target the aquarium, I have to say that this teenager has a dangerous mind.

As a peer, I want to get Izuki's brother on the right track!


"Ah, what's wrong what's wrong?"

Subaru unconsciously looked up, Makebai had appeared in front of him at some point, looking at him questioningly.

"Are you out already, Makebai? That...", Subaru crossed over to Makebai to look at the door of the ladies room. Chihiro didn't come out.

"Subaru, pervert."

"Huh?" , Subaru looked at Shinbaek with a confused face, then reacted and waved his hand, "No, it's not what you think, I just-"

Saying that Subaru took another glance over there and just saw Chihiro coming out of the toilet, "I'll explain later" so saying, Subaru ran straight over there and stopped Chihiro in front of her.

"I don't think brother is coming over..."

Thousand looked left and right and was relieved not to find a familiar figure. A figure then blocked in front of him, and Chihiro looked up in confusion.

"I say, Izuki's brother, did you just, just now, go the wrong way?"

"You're... Sakamoto-sensei?! You, you you you..."

Chihiro stared at him, and before he could finish his sentence, he turned around and ran.

However Subaru had expected him to run away, and grabbed Chihiro's hand with a quick eye.

"I can't let you run away! You openly peeping pervert in the ladies room!!!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Still trying to argue! I clearly saw you go into the ladies room!" Subaru leaned in to Chihiro's ear. "If you argue again, I'll make you explain to your brother and the police, oh?"

"No!" , Chihiro shrieked and grabbed Subaru's hand and ran to the side, looking around furtively for a few moments before blushing and leaning into Subaru's ear.

"Actually, I, that... is a girl."

Chapter 297 - Hashima Izuki's "Brother" (Part 2)

"Subaru." , Shinbaek ran to Subaru's side, but the latter was already in a dumbfounded state and didn't respond to Shinbaek's call.

"You you you you..."

Subaru pointed at the red-faced Chihiro, "You you you" said for a long time without a word.

Chihiro gave him a disgruntled glance, "Anyway, you know, please don't get the wrong idea, especially don't tell your brother about this."

"How, how could..."

Men's Big Brother?

"But why are you in disguise...?"

"That's because...", Chihiro hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "You know, the brother one..."


Subaru thought for a moment, then hammered his palm, "I know! Izuki is sister-"

Before the words were finished, his mouth was covered with the deathly red face of Chihiro.

"It's good that you know, don't say it!"


Subaru nodded his head evenly, indicating that he knew. Only then did Chihiro let go of his hand. Subaru subconsciously took a deep breath, and a gentle scent unique to a young girl filled his nose, making him sniffle again.

"You! What are you doing?" , seeing Subaru's action, Chihiro took a step back and clasped his hands to his chest. "Jui, actually...pervert!!!"

"Sorry sorry sorry...accidentally..."

Subaru scratched his head awkwardly as Chihiro turned away with a huff.

"I was the one who misunderstood you just now, I'm sorry."

After a moment of silence, Chihiro turned around, "It's nothing, I was the one who had to hide it, please don't tell my brother about this secret."

"I know that." , Subaru nodded. "However, being Izuki's sister is really hard."

"And you mention it!" , a thousand stares.

"Excuse me excuse me... that, may I ask if your brother is here as well?"

Speaking of that, all of Chihiro's strength immediately dissipated, and hesitantly said, "Yes, yes, my brother and I, we came to play at the aquarium today."

"What a coincidence then. Then let's go say hello to your brother, it's rare to meet here, it's been a long time since we've seen each other."


Suddenly feeling like the flesh of his waist was being pinched by someone, Subaru looked to Makebai, who was still expressionless but had a hand on Subaru's waist.


"Well, what can I do for you, Miss True White?"

"Thor told me to do that if I'm not happy."

Am I a punching bag?! By the way, when did Thor ever tell you guys this!

Sputtering aside, Subaru also felt a bit embarrassed that Subaru had been so caught up in the shock of the fact that Izuki's brother, Chihiro, was actually a man-child since earlier that he had completely ignored Makebai.

"Sorry lah." , Subaru ruffled Makebai's hair. "It's one of my peers, I'm going to go meet him and have a casual conversation, okay?"

"Hmm." , Shinbaek nodded and put his hand on Subaru's waist.

"Uh- that?"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you. True White, this is Chiharu. Chihiro, this is True White."

"Hello." , Chihiro gave a slight nod to True White in salute.

"Hello." , Shinbaek also returned.

"Let's go to Izuki's place, we've been talking for so long, he might be worried."

They walked after Chihiro, and suddenly a hand was placed on their own, Subaru smiled slightly and took the hand.

After walking some distance, the three came to a place with many small pools, and Subaru spotted Izuki next to one of them, concentrating on his phone.


"Chihiro, you're slow hey." , Izuki said without looking up. "I thought something happened to you, I was just about to call you."

"Sorry...that, brother, I ran into Sakamoto-sensei..."

"Hi, Izuki. What a coincidence." Subaru walked forward.

"Sakamoto-sensei? Pleiades?" , Izuki looked up, and a smile blossomed on his face. "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you on a... date?"

Seeing Izuki looking behind him at the true white, Subaru briefly made an introduction.

"So. I haven't seen much of you since that summer vacation, but I heard that you started your own company, and I've seen all of your work, and it's really impeccable."

Subaru smiled apologetically.

"Like me it's different, I'm still working on the direction of animation." , Izuki said with his hands folded behind his head, bored.

"By the way, speaking of that, I think Izuki's work is very interesting, if you're interested, you can take the initiative to contact our company, if the person in charge is optimistic, there's still a lot of hope for animating it."

"Really?!" , Izuki flashed up to Subaru at once, put his hands on his shoulders, and said excitedly, "Would Subaru's company be willing to animate my work!"

"Well, well...that's just my personal opinion...I can't say anything about the person in charge, but if Izuki is willing to give it a try I can help-"

"Of course I will!"

Before Subaru could finish his words, Izuki agreed in one breath.

"If it's Subaru's company, I'll give it a try even if my hopes are small!"

"It's not that dramatic la..."

"Brother he, he used to say that it would be best if he could be animated in the future to be in Sakamoto-sensei's company.", said Chihiro. , Chihiro suddenly said.

"Is that so." , Subaru replied blankly, he didn't expect his company to get such high praise from Izuki.

"Of course! Whether it's "Unheard of" or "Your Name," story aside, Bleep is a first-rate company on top of production, though I don't know why such a company would be buried in the first place. But it's also every author's wish to see their work animated by a great animation company, I guess."

Izuki is really into writing then.

Subaru thought so, then smiled and said, "Then let's say that's fine, Izuki will contact me directly when the time comes, and I'll talk to the people in the company."

"Good! Thank you, Subaru!"

After a few more chats, Subaru said goodbye at the right time, considering that Shinbaku had been waiting nearby.

"By the way, Subaru."


"It's almost the end of the year, have you calculated your tax return yet?"

"Tax rebate? Not yet hey, I'd forgotten about this if you didn't tell me."

A tax rebate is roughly the amount that the government collects from authors in advance and can return the amount over withheld after the end of the year.

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