Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 186.

Walking to the station, Subaru immediately spotted Satania standing in front of the flower bed.

Today, although her attire hadn't changed much, standing there so quietly gave her a completely different feeling, making Subaru spot her at first glance.

"Sorry for waiting."

"Ah, make demon - no, Subaru you've come."

Satania subconsciously raised her hand, then put it back down like she thought of something and smiled apologetically.

"What are you going to play today? It's not an amusement park again, is it?"

"No, isn't it Christmas Eve today, so I just wanted to take a walk on the street with Subaru."



"No, it's just a little weird, so let's go."


Satania replied happily and headed over to the shopping street with Subaru.

A few steps away from the two of them.

"Well...there's something about this atmosphere that doesn't feel right."

Tor pinched his chin in a pensive manner.

"Well, it's okay."

Compared to Tor, Jubilee seemed much calmer, just following closely behind the two.

"Wait for me!" , Thor was busy catching up.

Because of the Christmas season, most of the shops at this time were more or less incorporating a Christmas element, especially some cafes where the waiters were basically dressed as Santa Claus.

"Nah, Subaru, look, there are shops that specialize in selling Christmas costumes hey!"

Subaru followed Satania's gaze and saw that the shop had a sign saying "Christmas Sale", with all kinds of Christmas costumes and even Christmas trees for sale.

"Huh? Really, you want to go inside?"


They walked in together, and there were quite a few people in the shop now, basically couples in pairs, all looking like they were on a date.

"Wow~! That's a lot of stuff!" , Satania picked up this Christmas hat and looked at it, then picked up the bell there and shook it, smiling happily.

"Kyu-tae, look at me."

"Kyu-chan, look at me look at me."

"Asuka-san, Rika-san, don't you dare look at me..."

Attracted by the sound over there, Subaru and Satania looked over to where the two twin girls in Santa Claus dresses were displaying their costumes in front of a male high school student who was supposed to be her brother by the sound of his name.

"Santa Claus costume!"

"Does Satania want to try it?"

Seeing Satania's eagerness to try, Subaru smiled and asked.


After picking out an outfit, Satania got into the dressing room and started changing while Subaru casually walked around the shop.

By the way, let's take this opportunity to bring a little gift for Tanya and the others, right?

After turning around several times, Subaru couldn't pick out any better gifts, but instead, those Santa Claus costumes hanging on the wall frequently caught his eye.

"Long time no see!"

Satania jumped out from inside the locker room and confidently crossed her arms.

"Hmph, how's it going?"


Subaru looked around: a short red skirt that was the same size as the short skirt, a short red skirt with a brassiere and a red cape on it, and a Santa hat on her head... It was a Santa Claus outfit, but Subaru felt a bit pale... Colored.......

"Well, it suits you, it's cute oh."

Seemingly a little afraid to look, Subaru looked away, scratching her cheeks and saying a little embarrassed.



Off to the side, a light bulb hanging on the Christmas tree had inexplicably blown out, but no one seemed to have noticed this side of the story.

"It's clearly...", Thor shouted through gritted teeth, very upset.

"It's clearly a date!!!"

Chapter 316 - Christmas Eve - Confessions


After browsing the shops just now, Satania was happily walking down the street with her shopping bag.

It wasn't because she had bought the clothes she liked, but because Subaru had bought them for her as a Christmas present.

Don't get the wrong idea, huh? I didn't buy them because they looked a little colorful. You bought it because it's colored? It's really just a gift, huh?

Subaru himself was carrying two large shopping bags with Christmas gifts for Tianyi and the others.

After almost an hour of shopping, Subaru looked at the time, it was already a bit late. And, carrying two big bags of stuff is really a bit tired, Subaru already started to wonder if his own intelligence is out of the question....

Thinking it was almost over, Subaru said to Satania, "Where to next? Is there anywhere you want to go?"

"Well...a little hungry, let's go get something to eat!"

"Aren't you afraid of getting fat if you eat at night?" , Subaru asked teasingly.

"No way! If you eat it while your stomach isn't looking, you won't get any calories!"

So, so refreshing for a reason....

Then they found a random family restaurant, which happened to be hosting a Christmas-themed event.

"How about it, do you want to go in with it?" , Jubilee looked to the next Thor.

"Of course!"

"Then follow me in, I'll go find a place to eat something, I'm starving after all this time following."

"Wait!" , Thor took hold of Jubilee's hand. "I'm also a little hungry, so why don't we just eat here."

"Aren't you afraid of being found out."

"Not afraid! With my super disguise, they'll never find me!"

"Are you...sure?"

Jubilee suspiciously sized up Thor, if this was really the costume, she'd probably go in and be kicked out as a suspicious person.

"Never mind anyway let's go in first."

After saying that, Tor ran in with Jubari in tow, finding Subaru's place and taking a seat behind them, then lifting the cognitive block.

"Excuse me, this way to order food!" , Subaru waved his hand and shouted.

"This side too!"


Subaru turned his head to look, but due to the height of his seat, he could only see two hats.

When Subaru turned back, the two people who were stiff at this table relaxed, and although they changed their voices a little, they were almost noticed.

They looked at each other, and then would nod their heads.

The result was that by the time the waiter came to order, they saw two people who seemed to be acting as if they were secret agents in a silent film, pointing at the menu and constantly gesturing with their hands.

"By the way, let's go back after dinner, it's getting late." , Subaru said.

Great, it didn't look like there was anything else going on.

Hearing Subaru's words, Tor was deeply relieved.

"Wait wait wait!" , Satania suddenly stood up very eagerly and stared at Subaru with flashing eyes. "There's one more place I'd like you to accompany me to."


Tor stared at her, a sudden bad feeling rising in her heart. Across from her, Jubilee's hand holding her fork shook, then ate the cake as if nothing had happened, but the other hand, which was already scratching creases in her dress, revealed her current mood.

"Yeah? Well, okay then."


Waiting for an affirmative answer, Satania happily agreed and began to quickly destroy her food.

Hey, hey, hey... you really need to eat all of this while your stomach is not paying attention. Subaru silently spat in his heart.

After a while, Subaru and Satania both finished their food and walked out of the restaurant. Thor and Jubilee, on the other hand, each had their own thoughts and hadn't even touched a few bites of the food in front of them.

"Let's go too."

Thor paid his bill and held out his hand to Jubilee to put a cognitive block on her.

"Wait, Thor." , Jubilee suddenly reached out her hand to stop Tor, scratching her cheek in embarrassment. "I've thought about it, but I've decided not to go."

"What?! That's what's next! You've been following this for so long and you're saying no?!"

"Just remembered, there's another Christmas event today that starts at odd hours and I have to get back early to get ready, so I won't be tracking it, haha..."

"Zero? But it's still two hours away..."

"That's it, I'll be off, ahhh..."

Without giving Tor another chance to speak, Jubilee waved her hand and ran off to the side, looking as if she was in a real hurry.

"What's going on..."

Thor looked at Japhetri's distant back in confusion, then slapped himself in the face and added a cognitive hindrance to catch up.

"No, we can't stop here, we have to catch up."


"We're going to...the park?"

Based on the path he was walking now, Subaru speculated and asked.

"Well, it's the park."

"What are you doing in the park at this time of the day, taking a walk."

Subaru said jokingly, his heart beating faster without even realizing it.

There were still a few people in the park at this time, but with a knee-jerk thought, I can imagine that 99% of the people who would still be in the park at this time are couples, right....

Finding an unoccupied bench, Subaru was gentlemanly enough to help Satania sweep the snow off her seat and they sat down together.

Just sitting in silence.

Satania suddenly spoke up.


"Ah, well."

"And I..."

With me... Subaru swallowed hard. It can't really be that, right, but but, I'm not prepared at all, how should I answer, this....

"With me, sign a real contract."

"Hoo...what, it was just a contract...ah! You said sign a contract?!"

Subaru's expression completed the transformation from nervousness to relaxation and back again in an instant, with a speed that was exemplary in the world of face changes.

I remember, signing the contract....

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