Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics, Chapter 192.

"Oh! Let's go!" , Satania meta-waved her hand.

"Wait! Vernette." , Jubilee suddenly called out to her. "Let me open the portal."

"Hey? I'm fine with that, but why all of a sudden..."

"Ah... it's that, after all, it's been a long time since I've used the power of the Celestial Realm, so I practiced beforehand to avoid being found out."

"Well then, okay."

Vineet nodded and took the card back.

Seeing Vineet's agreement, Jubilee's eyes gleamed and took out her own card.

"Then the teleportation will begin!"

After reciting an incantation, the card in Jia Baili's hand transformed into a teleportation array to envelop the four people, who then disappeared from the spot.

However, what the other three didn't see was that a small part of the teleportation formation split off as it teleported, and then quickly flew away.

Soon, the imprint caught up to Subaru who was on the street and then disappeared into obscurity.

Chapter 324 - Subaru Hasegawa's Journey to the Celestial Realm (II)

"Well - damn it, all my computers, PSPs and whatnot have been confiscated!"

Jubilee collapsed heavily onto the bed, then hammered her pillow a few times as if it were the angel who had checked the contraband equipment.

"Well... it's only back for a few days, I'll give it back to you soon." , sitting on the side of Rafael chuckled.

"A few days!!! I won't last another day! Damn it, why don't we just go back to earth tomorrow. I'll die of boredom if this continues!"

"So how about we go play with Vernette? They should have put their bags away as well."

Said Rafael, taking out her phone and shaking it.

"Okay, though I still don't think it's much fun, it's so boring without a game!!!"

"Yes?" , Rafael tilted her head. "I do think it won't be boring oh, after all, didn't Subaru-san come to the heavenly realm?"

"Why would you!" , Jubari stared at her, very shocked.

Lara Fell covered her mouth and laughed, "Others may not have seen it, but I did, oh, the mark you added to Subaru's body during the New Year's visit, and then when you teleported, you parted out a teleportation mark, that mark should have found Subaru-san who was marked by the mark, right?"

"You, you saw all of it?"

"Well, including the fact that you deliberately delayed the teleportation to keep Vernette from finding out, I don't know how long you extended it, but Subaru-san should be arriving soon, right?"

"Goo!" , Kabari made a very reluctant sound in her throat. "You're not going to tell Vernette, are you?"

"How so. I'll keep it a secret since Jubilee wants me to keep it a secret."

"That's fine -"

"Oops!" , Rafael suddenly exclaimed, and then showed the phone to Jubilee. "I forgot, I've just dialed Vernette's phone, it seems like she heard all of our conversation, ehehe~"


Before Jubilee could say anything, the phone rang, and there was no need to guess that it was Vernette's.

Staring at Rafael, who was smirking at the side, Jubilee answered the phone.

"That... Vernette, let me explain, but I actually know a way to get Subaru to come to the Celestial Realm to play..."

"So, it really was you guy who did this?"

The voice that rang on the phone was not the expected voice of Vineet, but a very familiar boy's voice, Jubari picked up the phone with a "Hey" sound and looked, the caller ID was Subaru.......

"Ahaha! Subaru, that... have you reached the Celestial Realm already?"

"Hold on...okay, I'm in the sky now."

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing, I just took a step to the right. I said how come I woke up at this place this morning and called you with the intention of trying, but I didn't expect it to work."

"It's not like the heavenly realm is some remote mountain village, there are still networks that connect to earth."

"Well, it's good that it got through, where are you now? Hurry over and send me back."

"Hey, you're going back there, aren't you going to play in the heavenly realm for a bit?" , Japari gripped the pillow in a bit of a tangle.

On the other side of the phone, Subaru was lying on the verdant grass, comfortably squinting his eyes.

"'Humans can't go to the heavenly realm', isn't there a rule like that, and aren't you the best student at the top of your grade, it's not good to break the rule like that."

"Don't worry, I've already thought of a reason to let you legally enter the Celestial Realm, how about it?"


Honestly, it would be a lie to say that I wasn't curious, after all, this was the true meaning of Heaven and Hell, and wouldn't it have a special meaning for a living human being to be able to visit both places while still alive?

Moreover, leaving aside the demon world, the heavenly realm was still a good environment....

A breeze blew in and Subaru felt so comfortable that he was falling asleep.

"Nah, come play! I can take you on a tour of the heavenly realm oh!"

"So, okay then, I'll send a text to Tor and the others."

"Yeah! Just say so, then I'll come get you right away!"

Gabrielle happily hung up the phone, then got up and headed out the door.

"Wait, Jubari." , Rafael called out to her, then handed over her own phone. "You seem to have forgotten someone's phone number oh~"

"This, this..."

Jubari turned her head as if it were a rusty machine, then disappeared in an instant, leaving only "I'm going to pick up Subaru first, so help me explain to Vineet!!!" Such a phrase echoed through the room.

"Yah, got away with it." , Rafael picked up the phone smilingly. "That's right oh, Vernette..."


Tuk Tuk.

"Subaru, it's breakfast time, oh!"

Thor knocked on the door to Subaru's room, but waited a moment for still no response.

"Are you still sleeping?"

Talking to himself, Thor said, "I'm coming in," and opened the door to the room. It was empty, and the blankets on the bed were still in a state of disarray.

"Are you out?"

Thor walks down the stairs oddly, then asks, "Did any of you see Subaru out this morning? He's not in the room hey."

"Kitten? Nope. I didn't hear a door open hey." , Lottie said vaguely as she bit into a piece of bread.

"Didn't see it." , Shinbaek also shook his head.

"Humm, I didn't either."

"Hardly, does that mean that the kitten is missing!"

"Why? Don't be so nervous, Tiny, just call and ask at this time."

Tor had just taken out his phone when the text message rang.

"Ah, it's a text from Subaru."

"Let me see let me see." , Lotte ran over to lean next to Tor's. Then read out the text message word for word, "I'm, right now, in the heavenly realm, don't worry."

"The heavenly realm?!"

Lotte Yi and Thor looked at each other in dismay.

"The Celestial Realm, it's that Celestial Realm, isn't it... the homeland of Japari..."

"That looks right." , Thor took the phone back and said with resignation, "Damn waste of an angel for taking Subaru to heaven when I wasn't looking!"

"Then there shouldn't be any danger." , Lottie was relieved.

"What won't! Of course I have!"

"What? Is the kitten in danger now?!!!"

"It's not Subaru! It's us!" , Thor put his hands on Lottie's shoulders. "You think, Subaru went to the Celestial Realm, then he'll have to go to Kabari's house, that's to meet his parents! Subaru hasn't even come to my house yet!"

"That shouldn't matter...after all, it's not like Kitten and Jubilee are dating..."

"Not to mention Jubari, but Satania has confessed oh...if Satania then proceeds to take Subaru to the Demon Realm..."

"No! Absolutely not!" , as if he had imagined that image, Thor threw back his head. "It's decided, we're going to Heaven too!"

"HEY?! Can we go to heaven too?"

"Of course!" , Thor grinned and said proudly, "It's just spatial teleportation, I can do it too, come on, you guys grab my hand, we're going now!"

"Yes! To the heavens, go!"

Lotte and Kanna were holding Thor's hand left and right, and only True White was still doing it at the table.

"Ah lee, True White, aren't you coming?"

"Go. But.", Shinbaek nodded, then held up the bread in his hand. "But breakfast isn't finished yet."

"What do you care about breakfast at this hour?"

Thor rushed over and grabbed True White's hand, the other side holding Lotte's hand, and Lotte holding Connor's again.

"Ready to go!"

After a flash of light, the four of them disappeared as well. All that remained in the living room was a half-eaten breakfast that was still steaming....

Chapter 325 - Subaru Hasegawa's Journey to the Celestial Realm (III)

"Long wait~"

By the time Jia Baili arrived at the entrance to the Heavenly Realm, Subaru was lying cozily on the grass with a root in his mouth, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

"Here we go."

Subaru jumped up and patted the dust on his butt.

"It's really quite laid back, it's obviously the first time in the Celestial Realm."

"Haha, it's comfortable here, but there's no place like this on earth."

Because of the development of industry, an environment as comfortable and clean as the Heavenly Realm couldn't be found on earth.


"Fuck, what for."

Subaru suddenly made a thoughtful examination of Jubari, and Jubari instantly became uncomfortable.

"I didn't think you were still decent in the heavenly realm, but now you finally look a bit like an angel." , said Subaru, curiously reaching out to touch the halo on top of Jabari's head.

Jubilee slapped Plei's hand away, "What resemblance, I'm an angel."

"I've never seen an angel who stays inside his room all day playing games, doesn't clean his room, and doesn't do his homework oh."

"That's what you see, isn't it." , Jubilee gave him a blank look and turned to walk behind him. "Come on, I'll take you inside the heavenly realm."

Subaru sniffed and followed, and they talked all the way to the real entrance to the heavenly realm soon after.

"Is that... does this mean... let me fly up there?"

Subaru stared blankly at the few floating islands in front of him, and a church-like building could be seen hidden at the end.

"Here." , Jubari held out her hand to Subaru.

When Subaru placed her hand on Jubari's, she shuddered imperceptibly, then spread her wings and flew upwards as if nothing had happened.

"Listen, when you ask a question later, all you have to do is match my answer, no more talking, and no more objections!"

"I know that... That, Miss Japari, can we fly a little faster?"


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