What does a war really mean? How does it start? Sometimes it starts for conquest, other times it starts for vengeance. Based on my personal experience, war starts with a spark. Yeah, a spark is all it needs to start a war. Conversely, if a spark doesn't exist, a war shouldn't happen, and...that is what I am witnessing currently. As I slash the Monsters left and right, running through the battlefield, I observe the enemies. The more I see them, the more I feel bad for them. Once again, history is repeating. First it was the Winter Elves, then it was the Blue Eagle and the Marines. How many races have lost their foothold in this world because they interfered. 

Slight sorrow fills my eyes as I kill the enemies, not because it's a war but it's a libration for them, and because it's a libration for them, I feel a tinge of emptiness every time I kill them. All their lives became meaningless, just because 'they' interfered.

`But it will be different this time, because…' a fury fills my eyes as I look ahead, then I calm my brain and take a deep breath as I mutter, 'Just a bit more. Trust him, things will be different this time.'


Morpheus: This war more likely won't be as simple as it seems, so I will be changing my approach to it. I will be giving an individual command to each of you.

Morpheus: Kaneto, I need you to look after our enemies.

Kaneto: Do I have to kill them as fast as I can?

Morpheus: No, I need you to see if they are actually fighting in the war, or just being used in it. If they could be saved, I will save them. If I can't, then I have different plans for that. As for you, if they are actually fighting a war, you can kill them freely, but if they are under someone's control, don't kill them but erase them. I am about to teach you a technique for capturing their souls. I can't teach you to its perfection, but try to learn enough to save as many as you can, okay?

Kaneto: Are 'they' going to be involved?

Morpheus: I believe they will be. I hope I am wrong, though; I don't want to lose control this early.

Kaneto: Hehe...your tone of speaking is making me really curious. I will look forward to seeing some surprises, I guess. Though, I want to ask a question to you, between you and a God, who will win?

Morpheus: At best, I will win before the war even starts. At worst, I will die along with everything else on this planet.

Kaneto: ...



I observe the battlefield in front of me with a tired look as I mumble,"Well, it looks like it is going to be hard work from here onwards. Though, it's not the war it is supposed to be, but it is a war in its own way, I guess. I wonder what this war means. Well, [Boundless Oblivion: Soul Prison]" I channel mana into my sword and eyes. My senses get restricted to up to 10 metres around me, and the concentration of mana decreases considerably. I wonder how this technique works. Maybe I should ask Morpehus next time.

Mana circles start forming all around the area and the magicules change its nature to something much purer, dangerous and scary. I look at it with slight amazement, and then the souls of the monsters become visible to me. 

"[Superior Soul Mana Arts: Mechanical Swordsman]" I chant the specific spell that Morpehus told me and taught me….although, that guy didn't feel like Morpehus at all. It was as if I was talking to a real child, although that should be considered normal, given his age.

I then start slashing every monster left and right. The souls of the monsters get broken and get rebuilt and then flow into my sword.

After slashing as many as I can at once, I look around to see bodies falling without any life in them. I then look at the sword before sighing and looking ahead and doing the same thing over and over.

After capturing a bit over 200 Souls, I once again look around to see Yavanna fighting against Belphegor. Looking at them, Yavanna seems to be having an upper hand.

"You guys are monsters, aren't you?" I hear a voice coming from my other side. I turn to find a man, or more precisely, a chained man, walking towards me. With chains all over his body except his face, feet and hands, made him look as weird as possible.

"Wanna fight with me buddy? I haven't been free for a century or so. I just wanna check out my power level against someone strong," he says in a friendly manner as he looks at me.

"Then let me ask this, the previous Devil King who was banished after getting killed by the new one. How come you are still alive?" I speak with a serious look on my face. Even though he is a King, his power level is very weak, compared to that of what he had in his prime. 

'This war is getting weirder and weirder by the moment,' I think as I look at Leraye looking in a certain direction, apparently he sensed something in the direction where Icelos ran. Then I see him running in that direction as fast as he can with a determined expression.

I then see Sir Bailey, backstabbing Cirdan, at which Cirdan takes a few steps back and glares at him with an angry expression.

'So, he is a traitor, eh? How typical,' Ignoring theri 'friendly' exchange, I turn back to the supposed previous King of the Devils. He is smiling at me with a crazy look on his face as he speaks.

"So I am still remembered by that name, eh? How nostalgic! Though, I don't really know the answer to your question. Somehow all I know is that I will be free if we win this war," he says as he spreads his hands and the chains start covering the entire area.. I then look at him for a few moments before pointing my blade at him as I prepare for the fight.

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