"Entertain me enough and I will let you see my pet once before I kill you," that 'child' speaks before vanishing from my sight. Exhausted as I think about what I am about to do, I feel...nothing. Honestly, I might say that I am doing it all for Layla and I would literally die to see her once again but, I don't know. 

How has she been living in that person's place? How was she that person's pet? These thoughts consumed me to no end. She is okay, right? Do I even remember how she looked? I don't think I do...but I still want to see her. At least that is something I must do. As only then I will be able to die properly...might...might be able to die properly.

I then signal the others to move and they do so. Each has their own role in this war. Elves, Demons, Devils, Grim Verdicts. Each battle has been carefully planned to make it more interesting. Various races have been added to make it look more glorious.

Yavanna will win against Belphegor, Zwain will kill the two Royal Demons, Ladros will die at the hands of the kids and the Demon King will kill the two kids, resulting in the revelation of Morpheus. Morpheus will fight against the Demon King and the previous Devil King at his full power, only to be killed by me, as I will interfere. The other races, such as Dark Fairies and The Beastmen, will kill the rest of the races and the Elves will be killed by my divination. 

"Divination, eh? To think I will choose my divination for something like this," I think as I look back to when I first gained my divination.

Every God higher or lower, has divination. He or she has this special energy that allows him or her to control those around him or her with a simple statement. The limitation of such a power is that you can only have certain specific words in your divination. Also, the power and effect of those words will define your position among Gods.

Simply put, if someone has the word [Reflect] in his divination he should be at one of the topmost positions among the Gods as he will be able to reflect any and all kinds of attacks, while those who have something like [Reflect fire mana] can only reflect fire mana and is put at the bottom of the hierarchy. 

'I wonder what divination that child has.' Though, that isn't the only power of a God. Gods have divine energy exclusive to them and they have their racial benefits and also they can use pure mana as freely as possible.

I then turn to the battle and take out my artifact and turn it on.

-Time Stops-

I use the artifact to stop the time and begin to walk towards the war front. Looking at the battle and observing everyone one by one, I reach an Elf who seems to be giving his all in the battle. I, a fellow Elf, carefully look at him, trying to understand him for a few moments before sighing as I fail to do so. I raise my hands and touch his forehead as I channel a small amount of divinity into him before moving to the next. As I was moving on the battlefield, I observed the faces of the Demons, Devils and Monsters who are fighting in this war. They emotionless expression as they fought in this futile war. Well, we did use a 'small' amount of soul contracts on them before taking away their ability to think, as obviously no one will fight a suicidal war just because it is said so.

Once again, looking at the war, a small smile forms on my face as I observe that the Elves are winning it. 

'Everything is going according to plan. The Elves will think that they are winning and are at their highest point, then I will throw them to the bottommost point. It should be at least unpredictable for that 'child' enough to make it enjoyable.' I think as I turn to the place where Ladros was fighting the two kids.

'To think these two human kids have this much power,' I wonder as I look at the mana flowing inside of them. They are monsters among monsters. Too bad they fell right down into this hellhole and will have to die.

I sigh as I then turn to the King, who seems to be talking and fighting against the Demon King. The demon king seems to be on the losing side as the Elf King is taking over him. Looking at the Elf King, I feel an odd similarity to him. He seems really familiar to someone I know. I reach closer to his face and observe him carefully.

'I wonder if I had ever met him before,' I think as I put my hands into his head only to find that he already has a heavy amount of divinity in him. Though that divinity belonged to another God, and looking at it carefully, it seems to be killing him. I then sigh before closing my eyes and speaking,

"[Death thread attachment: Instant Death]"

One of my original magic that I used before I became a God. It was the power to kill anyone at the cost of your own life force, but since I now have an indefinite amount of life force, it should be fine to use it.

Then I turn around and search for 'him'. The one who is said to be the most dangerous on this battlefield. I can't seem to sense him at all. Just where could he have gone?

'Looks like I must lure him out to protect his brothers.' I think as I move to a slightly safe spot and stop the time artifact.

-TIme Start-

[All Elves: I order you to die]

I use my divine statement as a small chuckle escapes my mouth and I fall down on my knees. Funny, isn't it? To make a statement such as this as my divine statement must be really idiotic, I guess. So many centuries of hard work all lost because they wanted me to create a 'play' for them and satisfy them enough to make them feel pity over me and let me at least see the woman who lived with me forever and loved me the most. Funny, isn't it? To kill your own race, all in order to gain something that I don't even know if it has any validity of its own. I wonder...just what have I done to deserve this?

Every Elf starts disintegrating as their body and soul turn into dust slowly and reach the air. Silence covers the battlefield for a few moments before a child appears on the battlefield with a panicked face.

My eyes fall on him as I observe him with a curious look before disappointment fills my eyes.

'Morpehus, was it? I wonder what is so special about you that everyone looks up to you? They knew a God was coming for them, yet your presence made them think that they could win against a God. Just how foolish they could be to believe someone like you?' I think as the panicking child looks here and there and then chants something. Immediately, all the scattering dust stops at its place before slowly getting back to its place.

My eyes widen as I observe him rejoining the souls slowly. It is slow….but that too should be impossible, to rejoin a soul...has there been any soul user that could do something like this? It is interesting all right.

'So that is the reason everyone looks up to him, huh? Well, him having that attribute does fill everything in. So he manipulated everyone into thinking whatever he wanted them to think. Well, Soul Attributes users do have that capability, and that kid is just a child after all. Now, it all makes sense. Though, it does not matter to me much. This makes things only more interesting,' I think as I observe him for a few moments before finally deciding, 'So, I will kill him right before he saves everyone. To put the enemies down at their most hopeful time should be enjoyable for that 'child' '

My eyes then turn at the child as he is trying his best to save everyone all by himself. So naïve...can't you even think that if I can do it once, I can do it all over again? Just what is the point of saving everyone if it ends up killing yourself? Being a hero will only bring your demise much faster than it should be. There is nothing else to it than that.

Watching him finally reaching to the point where he has almost saved everyone, I nod and start to move into the area where that child is. I observe him for a few moments and he looks back at me as he glares with fury in his eyes.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Morpheus Somnus. I am Galadriel. Remember the God that will kill you," I speak before raising my hands at him as I concentrate mana into it. 

'This war is almost over, I guess.' I think as I look at Morpheus

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