"Remember the one who is going to kill you.  A human, Aether Rodriguez...Aether Somnus Rodriguez." I declare his death in front of everyone present around us.

Watching him glaring at me with a slightly shocked expression, he said,"have you gone crazy? How dare a mere insect speak those words to a divine being like me?" 

His expression, which was terrified, betrayed the mighty words that he spoke. He then muttered something,"[aeste ski lojen]" and the world started distorting into multiple pieces. Different dimensions were interconnecting as the original was disappearing.

I take out my knife and pierce my arm as I pour all its energy into it.

Energy brimmed into my body as I looked at that 'child' glaring at me.

"Today, all gods shall die. Aether takes precautions he believes there could be someone above you and quite possibly someone above them, but I could care less about it. Revenge comes first, everything else comes later," I speak as I look at him with a hateful expression. His eyes are looking at me as if I were a madman. The others seem to have lost their senses because of our magic.

"[Space Magic: Interdigitation]" I speak and the fractions of spaces break before joining into something it was before it got distorted. In easy terms, I pressed the rewind button and reset everything to its original state.

My magic shocks him to no end as his eyes seem to be shaken enough to not be able to believe in itself.

I observe him for a few moments before speaking,"[Space magic: Unidirectional Devolution]" 

When the cell evolves, the energy chain of the body changes. The DNA gets fragmented and forms a new set pattern and we call it genetic shift. A 'God' made up of only energy has their DNA evolved into a level beyond what normal beings can process.

What I am doing right now is simple…

I am...reversing him to his original state, to what he was before a God. In other words, I am devolving him into his original species. Is it possible? No, I don't think so, but it is worth trying, given our guinea pig here.

I control the molecules and energy structures using the space magic and then…

"[Soul Magic: Defragmentation and Fragmentation]" not only his body but his soul too needs to accept the change. So I changed his soul too.

A combination of Space and Soul Magic. I wonder whether it was all fate to have both a soul user and a space user in the same body.

I see him getting confused at what I am trying to do. He does not seem to realise what is going on. I then accelerated the process to the max of which I could do.

And then...his eyes widened. Shocked, he looks at me as he realises what I am trying to do. With desperation, he tries his best to stand up but fails to do so. He tries to use different dimensional magic, but it's all worthless, given my space magic. 

He even tried to send me to another dimension, but I do not exist in this world. This body was broken by space magic and spread all across this area to avoid any type of mishap, especially like this. 

Slowly and slowly he reverts into his original being. He turns back to a...dwarf as he loses his energy. His eyes seem to beg me for forgiveness. He is begging me to let him go, but he doesn't deserve to live. After all he did, after all he had done...those bastards...those Gods...they must all die for what they have done.

Observing him finally turned into a dwarf as he lost his stability and looking at me for a few moments with a fearful and terrified expression. His eyes seem to have lost all hope. 

For what he had done to Aether, I will give him 100 times more pain.

'This is the beginning of the retribution. This is the beginning of the chaos that the 'Gods' should have not started,' I think as I raise my hands and touch his forehead and...increase his senses to maximum and pain sensitivity and mental stability to the maximum. Then…

"[Space Magic: Alter Knife]" I think as I start cutting his internal organs, inflicting as much pain as possible . His scream wasn't heard, but it was there...he might have cried for eternities there, but for me it was but a moment. I observe him for a few moments before moving to the next step.

I made him remember all the things he did and made him go through the pain all over again. Each time it was fresh, I could not let him get used to it. Once I was satisfied with the pain I had inflicted on him, I combined the two of them and then sent him to an infinite loop of pain and misery.

Eternity would be an understatement as I watch his body slowly wither, as even the World of Visca can't seem to accept the pain he was going through. I looked at him turn to ashes as I stood there with a satisfied smile on my face. Then I turned to the other 'God' or the Sage, who was standing there. 

Before I could reach him, someone came in front of me...another God.

He looks at me with a sad expression as he touches the Sage and the Sage vanishes from there. 

'So he is helping him escape from here, not on my watch,' I speak as I move closer to him, but then another person comes in between us.

'Unia,' I observed the same Demon whom Aether had helped and brought over on our side.

'It does not look like she is being controlled. Well, if she has taken their side, then she needs to die too.' I think as I move towards her, but then the 'God' reaches Corey in a blink. 

Knowing that Corey was in danger, I did whatever I could do to prevent anything bad from happening, but it was too late as Corey had already vanished from there. I observe the God with a furious expression as I use my soul magic to bind him….but he smiles in return and then something happens….my magic reacts with his magic and a formation forms resulting in me losing control of my body before finally passing out. I look at him in confusion because…

This is something that only one person can do...is he?...no it can't be...he can't be him because...if it was him, he would have already solved everything. Then...who is he and how does he know about this particular magic?

My eyes looked for answers as I observed him vanishing from here along with Unia. 

Soon my vision turns black as I finally pass out,'Aether...this is going to be much more difficult from here onwards. I wonder what choices you will make. I may have overstepped my boundary a bit here, but I feel it was necessary. I hope you can understand.' I think with a tired expression before finally losing my consciousness. 



I observed….something ridiculous...everything stopped making sense from the point that child took off his mask. It was...too scary, it's as if the heavens were passing judgement on another being for being evil.

I...need to change...I don't think I can live knowing that a monster like him is alive in this world.

I look at that passed out 'child' who just killed a God as if it was nothing. I can't feel an ounce of mana in him which makes him all the more scary.

'Should I kill him, since I have the chance right now?' I think before removing the thought as fast as it came to my mind. 

This isn't beyond me. Even if I can, I don't have the guts to do it. I then observe Ladros, who seems to be observing the 'child' with a strange expression. I run towards him and grab his hand and speak, 

"[Teleport]" before we both teleported to a 100 kms away from that place but because I wasn't sure of my safety, I used teleport again...and again...again….until I reached the castle in front of the Devil King.

Ladros observes him before falling to his knees as sweat trickles down his face, as his eyes seem to be really shaken by what has happened before.

'I am...not any different though,' my expression is as terrified as his, as I recall the scene that had transpired before. 

"Just…" Ladros speaks slowly to the best of his ability…"Just what kind of monster is he?" 

"Hmmm…." We hear the voice of the Devil King sitting in front of us. He seems to be smiling at us before speaking, 

"Whom did you meet? A child without expression or a child with an angry expression?" He asks us and then Ladros speaks as he gulps," the latter one, your majesty."

"Hmmm...and yet you are this scared of him," he says with a slightly amused expression before speaking again. 

"Well, Dark is scary as always alright, but you should be glad it wasn't Aether whom you haven't met, especially when that guy loses his cool, hehe," The Devil King chuckles before standing up and vanishing.

We blink at each other before nodding and getting back to our castles. We need to prepare...to not to piss off someone whom we should not mess with. 

Though, one thing is clear now, that the Gods have numbered their days. I don't know what they did....but they have f*cked themselves over for sure.

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