It is almost the time of war. I observe the surrounding location with the Beast King on my left and the corpse of the previous Devil King on my right. Flying along slowly with a serious expression on my face, I recall back the plan that we came up with.

In the starting, the Monsters, Demons and Devils will start the fight against the Elves and a certain strong party called Grim Verdicts. Their leader is supposed to be as strong as a King, though I doubt it. If such an existence were to exist in this world, it would take more than just effort to hide the other superpowers. 

Then comes the part where the Devils' side will win and we will cover the escape of the Elves. That is our part in this war. To put it in simple terms, we are the backup that will never be used in the war and only will handle minor tasks. There is one thing that's clear about this entire ordeal and that is, if the war is interesting the God will let us all live, but if the war is boring, we will all die.

Honestly, I did not like the part of leaving my fate to other races, but this is the best possible solution for the future of our race, that is, if there is any.

Lastly, there is that previous Devil King's corpse which will be brought back by necromancy. If all things fail, which I highly doubt, he will be the one that will make things interesting and save us all. The condition to activate the spell is quite simple: a set number of Devils, Demons and Monsters are needed to be killed in this war and once it reaches that threshold the corpse of the previous Devil King will come to life and participate in the war from 'our' side.

After flying for a few more minutes, I finally reach the other side and see the Sage meditating there. Once we reach there, the Sage spoke, 

"Sit," and we sat in our respective places. He looked in our direction  and nodded before speaking. 

"There is an addition to the roles which you both will be having along with your previous ones. It's quite simple, because you are Dark Fairies, you are given the antagonists' roles in this war. You see...the Elves are too weak to go against three different races at the same time, so rather than going along with the flow where you will be fighting along with us, you will now be fighting against us. Your previous role of killing those who are escaping remains the same except you will be killing Monsters and Devils than the Elves," the Sage spoke with a neutral expression as if stating a strategy to win the war.

For a few moments, my mind went blank. Isn't it the same as saying that go and die in this war? Is that God crazy? We… we really are just pawns and pieces in his eyes and he is using us as he sees fit. 

With a bitter expression, I could only nod at his explanation and look for him to continue his words, but he did not do so.

"What about us?" The Beast King asks as he looks at the Sage with a complicated expression. His eyes are glaring at him too and he seems to be having difficulty in controlling himself.

"The God hasn't decided yet, so you will be standing at a distance observing the war. Even if you were to be killed in the process, just stand there and die. Don't try to do anything. Failing to do so will result in the extinction of your species from this world," the Sage spoke before finally getting back and sitting in a meditating position.

'Isn't it the same as telling us to do nothing until you are all killed?' My eyes widen as I observe the trembling body of the Beast King. He seems to be bound by a spell as strange characters start appearing on the King's body, reducing his aura considerably. 

The King then falls on his knees before catching his breath..

"You do not have a choice in this," the Sage spoke before looking in a certain direction as he speaks once again, 

"Someone from our side is coming here, start acting your part as the bad guys, the war must be starting on the opposite side too," the Sage spoke and a few minutes an Elf came walking towards us with a bitter yet angry expression on his face.

The Elf's name was Bailey, and he also seems to be bound by a certain spell as even when I burned his hand, he did not do anything.

Then came the God and observed him before looking at us for a few minutes and finally leaving.

After he left, all of us left for our respective places in this war game of that God.

Standing at the border, all the Dark Fairies watched the war with a stupefied expression…

The Elves were...winning by a huge margin...and that's all just because of that certain party. At this point are they even...normal?...just what kind of collections of monsters are they? 

'Well, I feel bad for them. To think such a great party was to vanish from the face of Visca because of the whim of a God. I wonder what fate is in the end...in the end, what does it really mean?'

I sigh as I close my eyes before opening to see the Monsters running towards us slowly and slowly.

"Let's begin," I say, and the Dark Fairies take aim and channel all their mana into me. I observe the Monsters before beginning to start the spell.


Nothing happened…as I look at all the Dark Fairies, who are stopped at their positions, unable to move at all. My eyes narrow at the place where the mana density changed to find out who is responsible for stopping us, only to find a certain magical being flying a bit away.

'Dryad...Queen…' to think they would also be included in this war. Judging from their move, it looks like they are on the other side.

"[Black Magic: Impure Lance]" I speak and a lance forms in front of me that breaks into thousands of other lances and moves towards the Dryad Queen as fast as it can.

"[Mana Domain: Impure Oblivion]" I unleash my domain and cover the whole area with dark mana.

"[Mana Domain: Forest of Life]" she too unleashed her domain and life energy converted and took over my domain.

'What?!!' My eyes widen as I look at the ridiculous scene. I was being overtaken? That too by a Dryad? How?...

My eyes then looked for answers as my brain automatically increased their senses to maximum and what I found left me stunned….

Circles….too many strange circles...everywhere, not only in this place but all over the area as far as I can observe….they are reducing our mana level...just...what is going on?

"Sleep," the Dryad spoke and a strange air flowed and all the Dark Fairies lost their consciousness slowly. I burned a part of my arm with my dark magic… keeping me awake in the process.

'Is this really the end?' I thought as I observed Dryad looking at me without any expression.

"[Strangle of time]" the Dryad spoke and a strange form of spores covered my body, restricting my movements.

"With this, half of the work has been done," she spoke before vanishing all together. I observed the place where she was standing before looking at my sleeping people. I slowly burn the spores, trying my best to set myself free.

'This is frightening...just what...is going on? Just…'

My mind could not take it anymore...why are we left alive?...what else is hidden behind this war?

After a few more minutes of me burning the spores, I see the area where the war was happening only to find something absurd….


I saw the 'child ' God...kneeling in front of the other kid.

'Is he a God too?' Is the first thought that came to my mind. 

The space and dimensions changed before setting back to normal...that phenomenon almost made me lose my consciousness, as well as my...existence….just what level of fight are they fighting currently?

I then finally saw...that child standing high and mighty there with an angry expression as he looked down on that God. 

He spoke something before touching the forehead of the God for a few moments before the God started devolving…his whole existence...was being brought back to what he was before….then he, a Dwarf, started screaming over and over again...I saw his face begging to the other child over n over to kill him...if the child God was dangerous because he was immature, then this other child is dangerous because he is far too cruel. Even I felt goosebumps hearing the screams of that God. The 'child' God then slowly died as his whole existence fell into oblivion.

The child then looks at the Sage but another God then interferes and takes the Sage with him and knocks the 'child' unconscious, then and there.

'I must kill him. He can't be left alive. I won't be able to live knowing that a monster like him is living in this world,' I thought as I flew towards the unconscious kid as fast as I could....

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