'I...wonder...if it's my fate…? To die in this war…?'

I look at the Devil right in front of me, looking at me without any emotions as she moves to attack me. I dodge her attacks slowly and observe her carefully, her moves which are terrifying and her eyes that keep searching for the best possible way to kill me.

" really don't remember me?" I question her once again as I observe her with a sliver of hope, only to be disappointed in the end as I get no answer to my question, but only further attacks.


"Bailey Lira Ersae and Ea Oris Plansee. You are both engaged now. Your marriage will proceed in one week according to the Elves' tradition," the vicar spoke as he looked at us with a smile and everyone clapped.

It was the best moment of my marry the girl I have always loved, to get the chance to live with the girl I have always looked at from behind. I could not be any more happy.

I looked at her purple hair that covered her beautiful face only to fall in love with her all over again.

A smile blossomed on my face which was reflected in her face too, making both of us blush at the same time.

Turning my head away, I slowly peek at her face only to find her doing the same actions as me. 

"Haha.." A chuckle escapes my mouth and I then observe her moving away from the building. My friends and family congratulate me and I see them off.


"You are mine," he, the Sin Devil of Greed, Ladros, spoke as he looked at Ea with an astonishing look. He looked so absorbed by her face that he did not care about anything else.

He simply touches her hand and before we could do anything, takes her away through the portal.

"EAAAAAAA!!!!" I shout as loudly as I can. Was it my mistake? To bring her to this isolated place? To show her my favourite place? I just wanted to make her happy….? Why...just why?...Ladros...I am going to torture the point you will beg me to kill you…

My nerves body felt numb as I started to lose my consciousness. I observe the place where they vanished before I go unconscious.


"Do you want her back?" A guy comes wearing a dark cloak, in a certain village where I was sent to for a mission. He showed me a picture of Ea who is now turned into a Devil.

Looking at her doll-like emotionless face, tears flooded my eyes before I realised that I had already killed the messenger. 

"Should I take that as a no?" Another man came from my front with a smile on his face. I look at him for a few moments before asking, 

"What do I need to do?" 

In all these years, I have only 2 goals. One, to kill that bastard Ladros as brutally as possible and the other is to save Ea. 

'Just you wait, Ladros. I will kill you...just you wait,' I think as I observe the messenger.

"Sign this contract," he says as he presents a certain contract. I look at the contract and tear it into pieces before proceeding to catch the messenger, but he dies before he gets caught.


"Do you want to see her?" Another messenger comes from the Devils with the same message. Every time they come, they show me what they are doing with Ea. How they are torturing her, how they are… I can't take it...why are they doing this...just why her?...Why her?...

Tears begin to fall as I once again kill the messenger.


"Do you want to see her?" I look at the messenger, only to find the same creepy smile on his face. I move and kill him in an instant, and then someone comes in front of me from the shadows behind the alley.

A Devil girl….Ea...comes in front of me and speaks, 

" want to save me?" 

I move to kill her immediately but stop right before my hand reaches her forehead. I observe her for a few moments before realising that she is really Ea albeit lacking all the emotions. She is...just how did it come to this…

I look at her for a few moments before asking, 

"What want?" 

My eyes are tired, I want to cry too. I am pathetic...I am weak.

'What's the point of being an Elf Branch, if you f*cking can't even kill a single Supreme Devil, eh? So pathetic,' I think as I look at her hands piercing my chest. Her hands were stuck in my chest as she tried to take them out.

I observe her slight struggle as I touch her forehead and ask, 

" are you? I wonder if you can hear me? Just wait, okay? I will save you. I promise," I speak as I push her back and vanish from there.


"Do you want to save her?" A man comes in front of me. I look at him, observing me with a sympathetic face as he shows me what is happening with Ea all over again. I look at him for a few moments before proceeding to kill the man.

But I couldn't...I..I couldn't even reach him.

'He is strong...too strong,' I think as I look at him. He takes off his cloak and an Elf's features come into view. 

'Who is he?' I think as I observe him clearly. If there was someone this strong in Alfheim, I being one of the branches would have certainly known about it.

"As the ruler God of the Elves, I, Galadriel, also known as the Sage, orders you to sign this contract," he says with a heavy voice and my body starts moving on its own.

'What?! What is happening?!!' My eyes widen and I see myself signing the same contract I had always burnt…against my will. After I finished signing the contract, I looked at the empty space in front of me where Galadriel was. A man comes from the shadows... 

"Come with me, we have a lot of work to do…" and my body forcefully follows him with me being able to do nothing at all.


'How many things have I been asked to do until now?' I think as I dodge Ea's attack and push her a bit away. I see her using her life force with an attack to match my speed. At this rate...she is going to die.

'Just...just what should I do?' I think as I observe her with a somber look in my eyes. 

I wonder if there is anything I could have done at all. At the time I was getting engaged? At the time I took her to my special place? At the time, I was asked if I could see her? At the time, if I was asked to save her? If I were going to do all this in the end anyway, wouldn't it have been better to sign the contract by my own wish?

'At least….at least she would have been saved.'

I look at her life force, almost half depleted. 

'Those make me fight my own...fiance..just why? Is this funny to them?...Is this entertaining to that child God? Just why...just why?...'

I look at her, trying her best to get me. I wonder if there would have been a better option.

I wonder if I had any better option than this.

I am going to die anyway...whether it's by the Elves' hand after my betrayal or by my fiance in front of me. 

'There is not much to think about, I guess…'

I think as I look at that girl in front of me. The girl who is my everything, the one I loved more than I loved myself. I look at her and wonder…

'Was it all worth it? To love you this much...I wonder, if I hadn't loved you...maybe my life would have been so much easier,' I think as I close my eyes and let her attack reach my heart.

I look at her emotionless face for one last time as I observe her piercing my heart. I look at her, using all of her force to kill me in a single swing. 

She first enters my heart, and my life force erodes at a rapid pace. Observing her still so beautiful face, I couldn't help but remember the day when I was engaged to her.

I touch her forehead slowly and speak, 

"Ea...How are you? I wonder if you are okay? I wonder if anyone will save you. I wish you a happy love...hope you have a future you deserve…" I speak as I lose my consciousness.

Finally, free from the endless suffering, free from the endless torture. I close my eyes and fall into oblivion with a slight smile.

'At least it was you who killed me.'

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