
And my air attack hits her.

A smile forms on my face as I see her shocked face. I recall back what my brother said about special people and special ways to fight against someone who can predict all your moves.

(" Listen Icelos and also, Phantasos, you too come here. Sometimes you see, no matter how cunning you are, in the end there are people who end up seeing all your next moves, no matter what you do. In that condition, there is little you can do, but I have something that I am about to teach you that will help you fight and, at worst, run away in that situation. In your circles, I have added traces of space amplification circles, too. You probably won't be able to use space magic to fight at all, but you can actually use it to create an attack that shouldn't even exist before… how?" Morpheus smiles before proceeding to explain…)

First, use space magic… I can't use it more than a few nanometers wide but it should be fine given the amount we require… then I need to change the shape of that infinitely miniscule space magic that no one, no matter who, could detect. Next, I need to connect it with my tips and combine dark magic along with fire magic and water magic. Water and fire would simply create an air magic, but that won't be enough in this situation… so I need to add another magic to it… I sigh as I close my eyes once again.

'[Quadra Combination: Revenge from Oblivion]' I thought as I began my attack once again. 

'It is taking more toll than usual but… something in my environment is charging me faster than I am getting tired… and that means..' my smile widens as I look at my niece, Aisha, standing there with a slightly curious look.

"[Rapid Fire]" and multiple attacks start coming towards her. She just stands there as her wounds are healing rapidly. Honestly, under normal conditions, this much should be enough to take care of even an Alfheim Branch at least. 

Looking at her standing still with her nonchalant behaviour as she observes me, I couldn't help but silently curse her in my mind.

Then she begins to move a bit. I try to adjust my attacks according to her movements, but… it does not seem like it has any effect on her. No… something is different.. she is… dodging those attacks too… but how??

I look at her jumping and coming towards me… I look at her with a scared face as I move back and a bit to the right, but she follows. I jump above and so does she… I use my attacks to propel down and dodge her attack and then move behind her. She lands on the ground, then smiles at me before raising her hands and gesturing at me to come at her.

I take a deep breath and then nod at her before jumping towards her. She puts her hands back and then smiles at me before dodging my sword slash swiftly and kicking me away. I then observe her yawning with her hands over her mouth. I smile before jumping at her again and using my space magic trick, along with attacking her with full force. I move and sword slash her, but she dodges my attack and jumps at my back. My space magic does not reach her. I then do a full turn and attack at her, but she jumps a bit back, digging my attack with an observing look. I then attack her with all the magic that I concentrated above, at which she smiles before clicking her fingers and all that magic turns into nothingness as she keeps her smile. I reach in front of her and also attack with my space magic at all the places she can dodge to…

But she stands there and my mana sword hits her… the sword that could cut anything in this world connects with her neck and my eyes widen… my eyes widen as I observe… her standing there unscathed as my mana sword breaks into pieces right in front of my eyes.

Dumbfounded, I observe the scenario as I realise that the gift of my brother, which he gave to me with so much affection, was now broken. My eyes then turn furious as I look at her with pure hate. 

'She… crossed the line…' I think as I let all of my mana out and reach the full potential of my attack as I concentrate all my mana into my fists and then attack at her. I observe her standing there with a curious smile as the fists finally connect with her face.

'Huh?' I then observe… that all my mana is gone?

'What?!? What just happened?' I think as I look at her, smiling there. She lifts my hand and then throws me up. I go up in the air with no mana, looking at her with a confused expression. She puts her hands in her pocket and observes me going up… then falling down… and down… And then I see her throwing something at me… it was my mana sword… that brother gifted me. I see the sword reaching me… piercing my stomach and then… getting absorbed in my stomach?


Mana returns to my body before I fall to the ground. My body heals at a rapid pace as I look at her with a hundred questions in my mind. What did she do… how did she do that? I wanted to know… what just happened?

"You are good. For a kid who is just 9 years old, you are actually a monster. It will be fun, hehe. It will be fun teaching you," She speaks as she looks at me before humming and leaving from the battleground. I looked near the gate where the others were looking at me with a dumbfounded expression as they were blinking hard at me, then they simply left from there saying nothing. 

"We are going to train you tonight. Enjoy as much as you can today," I hear the voice of Aisha before the battleground vanishes and a simple ship structure replaces the area.

A smile forms on my face as I think, 'Maybe… I can get even stronger.'

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