Regressed Reincarnation: How to Escape a Fantasy World!!

Chapter 49 - Changing Fates And Destiny(8)

[Author's Note: Hey, Ethel here *smiles* Merry Xmas to you all. Also, Since it's been like you know 50chaps n all. I am releasing a simple PS system.

50PS per bonus chap.


50PS = 1Bonus Chap

100PS= 2Bonus Chap

150PS= 3Bonus Chap

200PS= 4Bonus Chap

250PS= 5Bonus Chap

Calculated for the upcoming week.

The normal Schedule is 7chaps/week.


So, how are you planning your Xmas?

Howsoever you are/aren't celebrating, may you have a great day]




"Now then, what to do next?" I mutter thinking about my next move

Analysing my surroundings I turn to the direction from where sounds of fighting are coming.

"There," I speak with a smile on my face and start walking towards that place.


Around 30 Devils and adventurers are fighting each other.

Looking carefully the Devils seem to be on the losing side.

'What should I do next? Hmmm...Let's separate them first,' I think as I observe them fighting.

'[Mana Chain Circuit:The One]' channelling mana I slow time, enough to be at least 5 times faster than the fastest man present in the current group.

-Time slows-

I move slowly towards one of them, grab his hand and bring him to one side.

Then I move to the next person, a Devil, and move him to another side.

Continuing this process a few more times I separate them into two groups: Devils and Non-Devils.

I move in between the two groups and look around analysing them.

'That does that. Now, then let's proceed with the next step.'

-Time starts-


A few of them hit the empty area in front of them while the others hit the ground.

"Huh?" Some of all of them look confused.

"I know you guys seem busy fighting n all, but can I have your attention?" I speak with a smile on my face as I look at them.

Hearing my voice all of them look at me with observing gazes.

"Who are you kid? Get out of here, this isn't a place for a kid like you," one of them speaks with an unamused look on his face.

The others turn at her, some are looking at her like she is an idiot and the others look like they are agreeing with her.

"You idiot! Think before you speak, clearly the strange phenomenon of separating us into two groups is related to him, just why the heck do you think he is standing in the middle of both the groups?" one of them rebukes with clear irritation in his voice.

The previous girl understanding his words turned her attention to me.

I smile at her at which she flinches then turns her head down slightly embarrassed.

The others who were agreeing with her are now observing me with a more focused gaze.

Not keeping them in the dark I speak," I am Morpheus. I have taken the commission of saving Eslaine. By some chance events, I am supposed to be the saviour of the devils too."

The others turn confused at my words.

'Saving Eslaine? Saviour of the Devils? What the hell is he blabbing about?' That is what they seem to be thinking.

"From this point onwards, I need you to follow me for the next few hours," I command as my expression turns serious.

aaandd one of them attacks me.

'Good, this will make things so much easier,' I think as speed slows for me.

-Time Stop-

I kick him away.

-Time Starts-

The guy who attacked me crashes on the wall a few blocks away.

'This should serve as a warning for them,' I smile as I think.

"If you don't want to you want to live, follow me. I don't like to repeat my words. And don't break the line I created, walk in groups, one side Devils and the other side Non-Devils," I speak as I move forward to the next destination.

Some of them or less than half of them moved. The others were still hesitating,

'Well, killing a few criminals shouldn't be a problem,' I think as I stop time.

Analysing their faces I found a few ra**ist and murderers' faces: 3 humans and 7 devils to be exact.

They are on the bounty list and one of them has quite a high reward of 10 Gold coins.

'Let's give them some pain before they die,' I think with a cold expression as I move my dagger to create a small circle on their forehead.

'This should increase their pain sensitivity by 30%. This shouldn't weaken their sanity too. Don't want them to go insane before their punishment is over,' I think as I look at them remembering a conversation from my past.


Light's past conversation with his friend:-

Friend: So, Aether what do you hate the most in this world?

Aether: Hmmm...I hate murderers, suicides, etc. But for the most, it would be...R*** I guess. I mean, with what almost happened to Elain back then, I don't think I can forgive any r-

Friend: STOP! STOP! STOP! Sorry, I asked that question. It slipped my mind what happened with Queen(Elaine), bro. Really sorry! Didn't want to remind you of that.

Aether: It's okay...probably.




-Time starts-

"AAAA..." a shout comes from the people whome I gave punishment before they start crying, twitching, withering with pain and pleading the others to kill them before they died.

People distanced themselves away from them. A chill ran down amongst everyone's spine, looking at the few who died a gruesome death.

"So are you going to follow me or not?" I asked again with a smile on my face.

A few of them fell on their butt and the others gulped as they nodded.

"All right...then march with me....come on..1..2..1..2..1..2.." I speak with a cheerful expression as I march.

The others stand up and start marching with fear in their eyes.

Our destination was the next closest group.


After repeating the same process over and over, we formed a large parade led by me of course.

We soon reach the South Gate and see so many devils collected there.

"Why the heck is there a barrier? How are we supposed to leave from here, now?" One of them spoke with irritation.

They don't seem to notice us yet.

I look at the roof of one of the houses to find a man staring at me with an expression of disbelief.

I wave at him then ask the frontman of my parade to go explain the details to other Devils and adventurers.

He moves to the other Devils and speaks something and an argument breaks out.

Ignoring the argument, I move towards the house. The man from the roof comes out of the house running towards me.

"Morpheus, I did what you asked me to do, now please cure my daughter." he pleads to me as he kneels in front of me with his head on the ground.

'Well, that completes half of the plans I had.. Now for the next move,' I think as I look at the man in front of me.

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