Regressed Reincarnation: How to Escape a Fantasy World!!

Chapter 56 - Morpheus Somnus(3)-The Life Of Corey Eros



I and my brothers were 2 years old back then. Too small to understand the difference between right and wrong...I guess that's why I didn't notice the difference between the expressions they had when they saw me and Chase compared to Light.

"I wonder why haven't they thrown that trash out of this house yet, there was not even an ounce of reaction even when he turned 2 years old," the line that I remember my servant speaking with disgust as she recalled about something. That's the earliest memory I have of my childhood. Now, that I think carefully, it is rather obvious that they were talking about Light. Apparently, we had an artifact that could react to the presence of magicules within ones body.

I wonder if they had known things from before on how strong he was going to be in the future, would they have acted differently? Maybe...I guess they would have.


"I wonder why he is still in this house. Even my son is better than him in magic use. Sigh...why is the world so unfair. Why give that trash such a good childhood compared to my son who is 100 times better than him?" One of the servants expressed her clear disgust without any hesitation. How many times has it been? It's not just once or twice a day but like every fourth or fifth sentence was either about mocking him or belittling him. I was naive back then, maybe that's why...

"Stay away from me, trash"

I spoke to him with a disgusted voice and created a distance from him. Chase simply chose to stay away from him without making any ruckus. Perhaps he was smart or maybe he just couldn't bring himself to say it, as he was helped by Light on multiple small occasions, whatever the case may be, it doesn't change the fact that I feel slightly jealous of him and mostly ashamed of myself.

Now that I look back into my memories, Light did help me too. Somehow what others spoke didn't matter to him. He simply chose to keep quiet and ignore it. The only thing he was enthusiastic about was to see us improve because of him. Whenever we improved because of his suggestion, he would jump and clap with his expression full of cheerfulness. Maybe he just wanted to prove something. To prove that he isn't useless even if doesn't have any talent for magic. He worked harder than anyone else and was smarter than anyone else. He was always joyful and smiling. No matter what the situation be, he will keep a smile on his face.

That is until 3 years ago...


"No matter what you do. You will always be worthless in your parents' eyes. Do you know what they said about you? Haha, they said and I quote,' Maybe we should him sell him, I don't see any possible future for him that helps the Eros household.' And you know what, I wholeheartedly agree with them, at least it will free this house from that trashy stink of yours," the head butler spoke to him in front of us and all the servants on the dinner table. Father and Mother weren't present at dinner that day. That day Light simply went to sleep without eating and next day he went outside.

I remember he came back home quite late back then, all in tattered clothes and dirt all over his body. The expression he was making was quite scary. One of the servants spoke with the same disgust,

"Where do yo-" but she was interrupted before she could speak.

"Prepare a bath or else I will tell mother about the cake you destroyed at her previous party," he spoke without any expression. The servant was shocked a few moments before getting furious," are you-" but she was interrupted again,

"Yes, I am threatening you. Do you want to test it? That whether my mother will listen to the thief who stole a magical cake, worth 100Gold coins, which was going to be presented to a Marquis friend of her's or her son who has all the necessary proof against you. Enough to lock you up for 10 times the amount of life you currently have lived, girl you have a child to take care of, don't make her orphaned at such a young age, " this time he had a slight smile on his face. Honestly, he didn't feel like he was Light.

The servant could only keep quiet before nodding and complying with his wishes. Perhaps because of the atmosphere, the others also didn't dare speak anything to him.

For the next few days, he was cooped up in his room. His food was served to him in his room. Father and mother returned within a few days. When they saw a strange atmosphere surrounding the house they asked the head butler what had happened but before he could answer, Light moved out and acted back normal as if nothing happened. I don't remember much of what happened after that, probably because it wasn't really important. Things turned pretty much normal after that.


It was a normal day like any other day, at least that was the thought I had when I stepped out of the house that day. The day my world twisted upside down on how the world works.

I was going to the market to buy some books and to take a fresh air after all the studies I have done. It was a nice break to have.

I reached the market to see if there is something that would catch my interest and the first thing that caught my eyes was,

"Hey! Do I look like a fool to you? How come this broken pile of trash costs 10 Gold," a girl in her mid-teens shouting against an artifact stall. The artifacts were mostly broken and dirty, but it looked like he was charging a very high price for those. As my interest piqued in the exchange I moved forward to observe the situation.


She was...extremely...beautiful. Breathtaking would be an understatement. I had never seen anyone this beautiful in my entire life. For a few moments, I was mesmerised by her beauty before snapping out of my thoughts as I heard something,

"Let's kidnap her today, I don't think we will get any better chance than this,"

I turned around to see a few hooligans talking about something related to a kidnapping of sorts in the alley right beside me. I moved a bit closer to listen to them.

"Are you sure about that? Sigh...If we fail, we might be in for more than what we can chew," one of them asked in a tired voice. Dark eye bags under his eyes made him look like he will fall any moment.

"It is fine. She will be alone with only 2 butlers. The butlers are common citizens with no background whatsoever. The reason for the lack of security is something related to the pressure from the devils on the other side," the other guy spoke in an understanding voice as he explained the situation to the first one.

"Okay, it is not like...we have any other choice...If not this..then only death is waiting for us," the first one spoke with the same tiredness.

If I remember correctly, my eyes were shocked at their conversation, shock, anger, fear, anxiety, these feelings consumed my brain. I didn't think much and just moved out of the shadows and spoke,

"What are you talking about? Whatever you are doing is wrong. Don't do it," I spoke 'trying to understand the situation' was it? I don't remember why I chose that idiotic decision, but that's the first and last mistake I made in my entire life. The next thing I remember is being blacked out. It happened all in the spur of a moment. I being pathetically weak in comparison was included in their plan against my will because of my unneeded interference.

The next thing I remember is waking up in a cart with my hand-tied with a rope and a black cloth covering my eyes. How do I know it was a cart? Well, with the way it was shaking it was quite easy to guess. Plus given my smarts, it was easy to predict that I was being kidnapped. Honestly, I was slightly enjoying this experience, it was quite a break from my boring days. But mostly my brain was thinking of my next move.

I soon heard the voice of a girl crying in a low voice. From the sound, she should be roughly around 6 or 8 years old. Maybe it is the girl they were talking about. I moved a bit closer to her in whatever movement I could do at that time possible.

"Hey, what's your name? My name is Corey,"

I speak sounding as calm as possible. Honestly, I was feeling proud of myself for being brave in such a situation. I have heard stories about heroes saving the princess and honestly... it is embarrassing but it was my dream to save a damsel in distress.

"Who are you?!!!?"

That's the first thing I heard from her. She was shocked and confused at my sudden question. Looking back at that moment, honestly, it was quiet...annoying. Didn't I just tell you I am Corey, what more do you want to know in this situation? My birthday? Sigh...I calmed myself before speaking again.

"I am Corey Eros. Looks like I have been kidnapped along with you. I think we need to cooperate in this situation if we want to get out of this situation," I spoke in a low but audible voice so that she could hear me but,

"KIDNAPPED?!!? HOW? FATHER?? MOTHER? HELP!! HELP!! SOME-" she started shouting all of a sudden at the peak of her voice before turning silent all of a sudden. Why the heck does she needs to shout in such a situation? Maybe clear confusion was all over my face because,

"She is the normal one, kid.. The one who is abnormal in these circumstances is you who can keep his calm despite being in such a dangerous situation," a voice of a tired man came from right in front of me.

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