8:00 AM


It has been 7days since my brothers fought with the instructors.

I divided my daily time mainly into three activities.

1. Collecting knowledge about this world from the library.

2. Going out to see the Town or roughly half a city to understand the local behaviour of people and get some common knowledge.

3. Observing my brothers' instructors while they study and assess their growth.


In short, we live in, Sun kingdom one of the three kingdoms of humanity along with the Kingdom of magic-Skapia and the Kingdom of knights-Kostan.

Each kingdom has a speciality-

1 Skapia- 1Wizard King/Queen and 7 royal wizards with lower hierarchy. Magic defines your position in general there.70% of people are magic users.


2 Kostan- ruled by 7 God'sKnights who take the highest position and rule over 7 divisions of their country. The position is determined by a competition held every 5years in which anyone can participate. Each division specialises in a type of aura.

85% of people are aura users.


3 Sun country a.k.a Sol-Kingdom hierarchy with King Queen and lower hierarchy.The mixed Kingdom of magic and aura users. Noble lineage follows there and King bestows the title. A most divided country with various states covered by various nobles and strong prays the weak kind of kingdom.

40%Aura users and 35%magic users with 25%unorthodox mana users.


There are various races-mainly Elves, orcs, demons, devils, etc.

Each race has at least 2Kingdom each.

Each race had its specific race trait.

Elves have high mana

Orcs have high Physical strength

Demons use something called demon energy.

Devils use sacrifices, generally of monsters, to gain their energy.


The whole continent is not yet explored but the part explored is roughly 3-4 times of present earth continent size combined.

13dungeons are present in this world, only 1 conquered by demons.

other than devils no other race is openly against anyone but there is always friction amongst races

I'll recollect the rest later


8:30 AM

Coming back to the present, I live in an east-west corner of Sol kingdom, literally. Beyond the corner is the Solaris ocean and beyond the Ocean is the Kingdom of wind fairies-Zephyrus. we have a neutral stance with the fairies who generally doesn't allow outsiders to enter in there.

The town name is Eros town and it is big and city like but the structures look a bit old. There are carts and other various automobiles along with horses, etc. Magic and aura are used by common people on a day to day basis.


Races like mermaids and mermen are common near the shore...you can see a few Elves too and orcs adventure walking around, and a few beastmen too.

"Atmosphere is quite lovely though", I muttered as I walked along within the market.

Slavery is open to anyone but kidnapping someone against their will is forbidden and if you got into trouble with some big shot, you are on your own.

The local currency is-

1platinum coin=1000gold coins

1gold=100silver coins

1silver=10copper coins

1copper=10iron coins

1 silver is enough for one person to survive for one month



9:00 AM

'My brothers' growth is going good, if I am not wrong someone must be coming from royal nobles to assess my brothers', I thought

"Robert, how do you become an adventurer", I asked my servant who always follow me.

"You fight an instructor and he assesses you", replied Robert

"Age limit?"

"No age limit"


"It has been removed last decade because of the upcoming of sir Ralph who defeated a dragon when he was 7years old.", Robert continued, "but the enrollment process is very strict with assessing children so except 3 9year old genius talents none else passed within the last decade"

"oh..okay", I replied and then walked towards our manor.

"Man I wanna go to adventure as early as possible", I muttered as I walked


9:15 AM

"hey, that duo over there!"

I heard a female sound as I turned back to see a kid of roughly 12years old looking out of the window of a cart coming in our direction.

"Do you know where the Eros manor is?", she asked.

Wearing a red dress with black eyes and 2red ponytails she looked fierce honestly but her face looked kind yet arrogant and a bit distant too.

"That direction and left from that big tree. You will reach your destination in 5mins", Robert replied with a slight bow.

"here, catch", she threw a pouch at me and said, "go fetch yourself something to eat, you look so thin"

And then they left.

'I do look thin a bit even though I eat a lot but if I increase my metabolism abnormally people will get suspicious so that's a, no can do, I guess'

We followed them slowly by walking in the same direction.

9:30 AM

We reached the manor and saw the same cart standing there.

I entered the house and saw a few people standing there 3 women in their 30s and 2 men in their 40s

with two 8year old girls and the 12-year-old young miss.

She saw me approaching and was going to say something before someone else spoke, "Hey light, where is Stephan?"

"Welcome back mother, father has a visit to the bank for some inspection, he should be returning anytime soon and my brothers are usually at the training area at this time", I replied while taking a glance at the 12-year-old girl who had a bit shocked.

The woman had black hair with a blue shade at the end. She wore a black dress with a white outline and red shades at the edges. She looked in her 20s from a normal perspective and 32 from my perspective.

A genius maniac fire mage.One of the strongest mages of Sol and someone who loves adventuring and doesn't like to stay at one place for long.Someone who massacred thousands of people when she lost her mother in the last war.

Julia Eros,

My mother has come back home.

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