Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 172

Betrayal in Faith (4)

I never thought I would see this expansive sight with my own eyes.

Giant blobs of flames filled the sky and arrows were seen only in old war movies and comics.

What is more unrealistic is the presence of monsters continuing to rush towards the walls.


‘There are so many of them. ’

I haven't been out much hunting, but I'm sure I've seen one before.

From medium-sized monsters that are about five times bigger than humans to small monsters that are showing up at the feet of such monsters.

Monsters of every purpose and size, but only one purpose, to cross the walls, are clearly frightened.

When they were standing in front of the wall, the magic and arrows from our soldiers who became parrots in their hometown began to drop in.

I heard a sudden but loud noise.




Fragments of the ground spread to all sides as the storm sounds, and small monsters are instantly engulfed in rage.

Not only did the arrow fall through the entire body of the medium monster, but the magic arrows contained in each foot were forcefully blowing away the head of the small monster.

However, the number of monsters that are gathering is unimaginable. Seeing that it was protruding from the upside-down forest, it was ridiculous.

‘Where the hell did you come from? ’

The monsters that were in the deepest forest must have also emerged.

All the monsters in the forest are there because the forest is so big, that number should be enormous.


Once again, a second artillery cannon is planted on the ground above the wall.

Again, the same thing as before.

You can see the monsters that were rushing down and the monsters that were caught by the collapsed monsters.

Raise your hand slightly and the wizards who know the properties of the earth will chant the spell and a window of dirt and rock will start popping out from the ground.

Stupid monsters, who can only run, scream as they are pierced through the spear.


The situation is good.

The problem is that the debris in front of you has been cleared up, but only with the current attack.

‘I can't even tell. ’

The only thing this side can do is use arrows and magic efficiently.

I was thinking about picking up EXP, but I also thought about casting a spell, but I gave up immediately.

In order to efficiently take care of this big event prepared by the regretter, monsters of normal grade or rare grade should be left to their fans.

‘You have to save your magic. ’

for a good source of experience that will come later.

“That's okay.”


“Yes, darling. This should be a good start. I'm impressed you braked it once with Earth magic. There aren't many flying monsters in Castle Rock, so if you keep blocking the entrance and defending, you'll be the first to fall out. ”

“That's good news. ”

“Just in case, you might want to save your magic. Opportunities like this are rare. ”

“I know. ”

I can see the reality of taking more care of them than there are none here.

Unlike those who spread firepower on rare and normal monsters under orders because they didn't want to die, those who were able to be classified as commanders were saving their magic and stamina for later.

“First comes the First Wall. ”

“Yes, I do. ”

During the ongoing water battle, monsters entering the first wave start to hit the wall.

It seemed to be able to break down the wall, but the huge wall that has been guarding Castle Rock for centuries cannot fall.

Monsters that are still holding their ground are climbing over the wall upside down, using each other's corpses as stairs.

“Stop him!"


“Scatter arrows! Shit! Arrows! ”

“Cast off your magic! ”

The small rock guild holding the wire at the 1st Wall was very impressive.

‘Kee... I'm desperate. ’

No wonder you're desperate.

Because if we get through, we're dead.

They die first, not at the back of the castle.

I wanted to let him die right now because I felt like it, but I couldn't do it.

It's still early in the wave, so they're right to keep going.

I saw Song Jeong-wook who is doing his best to protect the guild members from afar, so I don't need to say anything else.

‘Noble people. ’

If that's not a sacrifice, what is?

You can see that you are protecting your hometown, but you are not protecting yourself.

Archers who shoot arrows without rest like machines and wizards who are already experiencing a crisis of exhaustion.

A warrior who brings down twenty unstoppable priests and monsters who have begun climbing.

The one in the middle is Song Jeong-wook from the small rock.

“Don't make me come up here! ”

I would have wanted to run away.

But I can't do that because of red mercenaries everywhere.

It would have been hard for me to leave everything behind and run away alone.

Considering the guild members and positions in the Castle Rock that you have been involved in, there is no way you can make that choice.

I've been dribbling from my hometown before, but I can think of it as a more precious place than my real hometown.

‘Hiya... ’

It's not how I expected it to fall so soon.

The power of a rock smaller than this side is stronger.

It is no wonder I am pleased as a commander because I am working hard.

“Support the 1st Wall. ”

“Very well. I will support the First Wall. Reserves to the 1st Wall! ”

In situations like this that may be long-term, what is needed is proper fitness distribution and how to use reserves.

Although it is burdensome to have hundreds or thousands of lives in his hands, it is more efficient to think of human lives as numbers on the battlefield.

If you are swayed by the unpleasantness of humanity, you can get in trouble.

There should be damage on the other side of the Wall, but it is now more efficient to give some space on the 1st Wall. You see the wizards in the reserve troops rushing in.

“Hmm…. ”

“What's the matter, Hee Ra? ”

“Just... I thought you'd be a capable commander. ”

“ ……. ”

I didn't really answer.

Cha Hee seemed to understand my thoughts a little.

“Do you like to give hope? ”

I'm not looking at Cha Hee Ra.

Everywhere I look, I look at Song Jeong-wook from a small rock.

Suddenly, you can see the reserves staring this way, even from a distance. Suddenly, there was hope in his tired face.

It may be reflected that they did not give up the first wall.

“Reinforcements are here! Hang in there! Boys!"

“Yes! Guild Master! ”

I don't know what I'm imagining, but it's impressive that I don't feel abandoned.

As I began concentrating my support towards the 1st Wall, I was braking even the constant movement of the monsters that were climbing up.

“I don't like that. Heera, I think you should just make the most of it. ”


“After a while, the first Wall will be breached. According to Castellac's records, the first Wall hasn't been breached in centuries. Of course, the walls have never been completely breached, but in many battles, the 1-Star Wall has always been breached. ”

“You studied hard. ”

“Reading the records is simple enough to know. I don't know what the Castle Architect of Castle Rock was thinking of building this wall, but I don't know if he's a little crazy. ”


“was designed to force the sacrifice of the Water Temple itself. The guy who built the Wall designed this wall in the first place, assuming the Humans at the First Wall didn't survive... Hmm... That's why the rest of the Nodes surround the First Wall. For example, in the background of Castle Rock, which has never been broken before, there were many casualties. ”

“You're saying this victim is a small rock? ”

“Sure. Maybe they can hold out a little longer. You use everything you can, pull out all your magic, and then you swoop right in. It would be unfair for them to die with their magic still alive, and it would be a loss for them too. ”

“This looks like rubbish.... ”

“I thought that's why you said you'd make a good commander? ”

“You're right... but you're a real piece of shit. ”

“Criminals who were supposed to die anyway. You should be thankful to this side for giving me the chance to die. What do you call an honorable death? ”

An honorable death is right.

There's no evidence of a crime against him, but it's not enough to prove it.

Even if you're lucky to survive there, Song Jong-wook will die anyway.

It is ideal to die surrounded by monsters because there is a chance of exhaustive torture.

I'll be the ears of everyone for a while, so I'm sure they'll help this side even in death.

“Fight back!”

“Don't make me come up here! Never! What are warriors doing! ”

‘I'm doing better than I thought. ’

It's a miracle that the first star wall is holding.

Of course, there are only rare grade monsters yet, but it is no exaggeration even if the role of the 1-Star Wall is sufficient just to survive now.

I thought that if you stopped a higher grade monster once, the smaller rocks would give them more value than they have, so a little more support wouldn't be too bad.

As the arrow intensively falls on the monsters beneath the 1st Wall, it gives a shout and a second chance.

On Song Jeong-wook's face, there was once more hope, and he was sending a complete look of trust to this side.

‘Idiot. ’

It seems to think it's placed on a 1-star wall to act on small rocks.

From back there, monsters of rare rank or higher appeared.

Monsters of hero rank, which can only be caught after a party, are rushing to one or two walls.

‘Starting now. ’

The real battle begins now.

You can see four-legged monsters climbing over the walls, jumping from a distance at once.

It is natural that magic should be poured out on him as per the manual.

The primary goal is to rapidly deploy reserve troops and drop health.

In the meantime, seeing that Jungyan's magic or Jung Yeon's magic fell, I thought I'd have to show him some of the paddles here to get rid of him.

As support for the first Wall was cut off by the emergence of new monsters, our proud little rock is battling a hundredfold of monsters.

‘That's pointless to apply for. ’

I feel like it's time to throw it away.

While slowly withdrawing the remaining troops, they continue to support the 1-Star Wall only at a distance.

Screams are already erupting in some areas.


“Help! Help...! ”

Song Jeong-wook from the small rock will also start to feel urgent.

I can see him giving me a sad look, but the flashing of his eyes has already begun to escape.

“Lee, you bastard! Phew... Fall back! Backwards... ”

There's no way I can take it off.

I turned my back on the monsters that were constantly swarming.

His voice is blurred because of the monsters.

“Yi-young, you bastard! Victory! Victory!!! ”

‘Farewell. ’


Eventually, a large number of monsters entered the Wall and didn't even hear their voices.

I opened my mouth, memorizing the Demibeast.

“Don't let the sacrifice of small rocks be in vain! ”

I filled my eyes with tears.

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