Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1017: No fear of good fortune in the heart

"We should have our own baby!"

Qin Feng stretched out his hand to embrace Li Miaozhen's soft waist, and said in an expectant tone!


Li Miaozhen just woke up from the state of wandering away from the sky, yet he hadn't figured out why Qin Feng would awaken him. He suddenly heard such a sentence, and suddenly became a little confused.

what's the situation?

This guy suddenly awakened himself from retreat, is it just to tell her this?

Qin Feng touched her head affectionately on her smooth forehead: "The old paternal master and father came to the sect to discuss the family affairs with me. Guess what I saw?"

"Ah? Why didn't you call me when they came?"

Li Miaozhen asked in surprise.

"I think you are in retreat and enlightenment, so I didn't bother you!"

Seeing that she was not curious about her previous question, Qin Feng continued, "You can't guess what I saw, hehe, the old family owner actually has an extra daughter, who is just thirteen years old this year, bye. Under the door of Junior Sister Lin Jingxin."

"Huh? The old patriarch actually gave birth to another daughter?"

Li Miaozhen was also a little curious when he heard the words: "He has tens of thousands of descendants, why did he even think of having children?"

"Accident, purely an accident!"

Qin Feng informed Li Miaozhen of some details that he had asked his father quietly.

Then he couldn't help laughing: "The old family owner probably never thought that he had already achieved the realm of heavenly immortality, and he could still like to be a father. When he was first approached by others, he was really taken aback! "

"That's it!"

Li Miaozhen felt a little amused after hearing this: "Those younger generations suddenly had a grandmother, a sister-in-law, which is also funny!"

"Don't talk about them, according to seniority, that girl is still my sister-in-law."

Qin Feng immediately put his mouth to the edge of her delicate and round earlobes, and said softly: "Jin'er, you said that we have been married for thousands of years. If I count my years in the Abandoned Land, it has already exceeded one hundred thousand. Zai, we haven't had a son and a half so far in such a long time. Shouldn't we also work hard and have a child of our own?"

As he spoke, he stretched out Lushan's claws dishonestly, and said with a smile: "Although the old Patriarch was in an unexpected situation, it is a fact that they gave birth to descendants.

We don't need to look for accidents. We can be together in an open and honest manner. Maybe how many children can be born if we work hard? "

Li Miaozhen rolled his eyes and reached out to slap his big, dishonest hand: "It's hard to want one at the level of you and me, but how many do you want?

After all, the old Patriarch has only become a heavenly immortal, and his realm is unstable. It is understandable to give birth to one and a half daughters under the circumstances of Yuanyang's loss, but we are in the eternal realm. As long as we don’t take the initiative, we can basically survive forever The existence of continuation is bound by the great road in the dark, so it is not easy to give birth to an heir!

Unless someone between you and me proves the good fortune and reproduces the descendants with the power of good fortune, have you heard of how many eternally powerful people have heirs? "

When he said, I would push him away: "Go and go, don't make trouble, I still have to comprehend the Dao of Qiqing Dao, the last knife is always difficult to comprehend, making it difficult for my knife to complete.

Now the Wizarding World has randomly intervened to disrupt the battle, and together with the Bright God Realm against Bi Luo, only waiting for those Daoists to inquire about specific news. It will last for several years, but for decades, and there will definitely be a war. This When did I have the heart to play with you? "

"This is no joke!"

Since Qin Feng had already moved his mind, he naturally wouldn't give up easily. He grabbed her slender and white jade hand and said unwillingly: "The procreation of descendants is also the principle of heaven and earth, and only the power of good fortune can know the mystery.

We have now advanced to eternity, and we are only one level away from good fortune. Why not take advantage of this time to study the magic of reproduction and comprehend the mystery of creating creatures through the combination of Yin and Yang! "


Li Miaozhen was stunned, and suddenly found that he couldn't find words to refute his fallacy.

"Furthermore, since your seventh sword is still unable to comprehend, it must not be that you have insufficient comprehension, grand eternal realm, and comprehension of a sword technique is not so difficult to such an extent."

Qin Feng said: "Since you can't comprehend even a hint of the intent of a sword right now, it can only show that your simple comprehension method is wrong.

That being the case, why not try other methods? "

"what way?"

"Hey, well, I already have some ideas for my husband, and I need to discuss it with you in depth.

But how can you talk about such a secret thing casually, this is not a place to talk, it is better for you and me to communicate slowly in the room inside! "

"Do you... really have any ideas? You don't want to trick me into studying the issue of childbearing in the name of exchanging swordsmanship, right?"

Li Miaozhen glanced at him with some confusion, and persuaded: "You still don't have too much expectation about this. This is too difficult for immortals in our realm!"

"Don't doubt it as a lady!"

Qin Feng looked aggrieved: "You still don't understand me. How can you be fooled by your husband?

But, by the way, studying the mysticism of yin and yang is also a valid reason. Although it is really difficult to give birth to children in our realm, we can try a few more times! "

Taking advantage of her stunned effort, Qin Feng has already picked up her own lady and walked towards Ruantai: "To show your determination, I will show you my strength today!

It's not just to lose some Yuanyang, but to realize the mystery of making creatures, for our own babies, and for our husbands to be afraid of consumption! "


Li Miaozhen couldn't help laughing.

Her big bright eyes narrowed slightly, and she smiled and stretched out her fingers to circle his chest: "Then you have to be careful, don't get out of bed tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? I never thought of getting up tomorrow!"

While talking, Qin Feng sent Li Miaozhen's hands to Ruansu lightly, and then his figure flashed, and he leaned forward...


In a few days!


With a dull sound, Qin Feng was kicked out of the cave by Li Miaozhen!

"You bastard, you said yes to help me understand the seventh knife, but for a few days I didn't feel like this!"

Seeing that Qin Feng's heart was not dead, he still wanted to rush in, with a clattering sound, the white tiger sword fell from the sky and stuck Qin Feng's body between his feet.

The sharp white tiger blade stimulated Qin Feng's figure to tremble, and quickly stepped back a few steps to avoid the sharp edge of the white tiger blade, and then went around and brazenly walked into the cave: "Madam, don't worry, it's actually a real husband. I have some thoughts, but I haven't even talked to you about it before!"


"Just say it there, and come in after you have made it clear!"

"Oh, all right!"

Qin Feng rubbed his abdomen and sighed helplessly: "Since you have no fear in your heart, why have to rely on yourself to understand the meaning of fear?

I think, you can completely fear the enemy killed with the white tiger knife in your hand on the battlefield, and the powerful people killed will have a fear of fear on you. It is difficult for you to comprehend the fear of the sword from the depths of your heart. The fear of the enemy's sword intent is the same as using the enemy's fear to temper the sword intent! "


Li Miaozhen, who was putting on his dress, was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but stop the movements in his hands, sinking his mind into Qin Feng's words.

She was thinking about the possibility of Qin Feng's suggestion.

Qin Feng also didn't want her to influence her Dao Xin for the sake of refining the sword. Since there is no fear in her heart, why bother to let her body be afraid, and use the fear of other creatures to cultivate the sword intent!

Especially the demon creatures, the powerhouses of the demon world and hell, are best at using the various negative emotions in the hearts of other creatures to practice magic arts!

Since the demon masters can do it, why can't they, Taoists who are best at comprehending the laws of the great path?

Previously, it took some thought to help Li Miaozhen understand the meaning of the sword. Qin Feng also read a lot of classics, but he still couldn't find any way. Or he had only recently suddenly remembered the method of using external forces to cultivate the meaning of the sword.

The words in his mouth kept saying: "Just as the war is about to begin, the two worlds will inevitably invite many worlds to attack Biluo together, and then some opponents will offer you swordsmanship!

But I suggest you better start with the army of the middle world or the higher world first, and finally find the angel army or wizard army of the Bright God Realm! "


"Because these two big worlds are too special, if you find them at first, it will definitely increase the difficulty for you to comprehend the meaning of fear!"

"What's so special?"

Li Miaozhen was unconsciously attracted by his words, and didn't notice that his man had walked in without knowing when he had bypassed the white tiger knife.

"The angels of the Light God Realm, because at the beginning of their creation, the God of Light made their hands and feet on their souls, making those angels relatively pure in heart and pious to the Lord of Light. It is relatively difficult to make them fear and fear. Big!

As for the wizarding world, it is even more difficult, because these wizards are pursuing the truth, using their own wisdom to leverage the law of truth to exert greater power.

Whether it is the most powerful elemental wizard, mechanical wizard, or the declining black wizard or wizards of other major systems, although there are many divisions in the system, in fact, the most fundamental point is to use experiments to understand the microcosm and explore the truth of the world. To some extent, they can all be regarded as the way of wisdom.

Even the most rude body-refining line in the wizarding world is actually not a simple reckless wizard. They will also conduct various experiments to strengthen and improve their physique, powerful strength, and decent wisdom and aura!

These wizards have developed an extremely calm and even cold mentality through various cruel experiments on other creatures and even on themselves through many years of experiments.

Therefore, if we want these wizards who understand the truth of everything in the world to be fearful, the difficulty is actually greater than that of the angels of the Bright God Realm! "

"Is that so?"

Li Miaozhen squinted his eyes, and instead of being frightened by the difficulty Qin Feng described, he became very interested: "So, if I start with them, once the sword technique is understood, On the contrary, it will make this style of knife extremely tyrannical!"

"That's right, but you can think about it. The difficulty is really too great!"

Qin Feng shook her head, and when she looked at her expression, she knew that she did not take the difficulties seriously, and could not help but persuade: "Moreover, those eternal realm powerhouses in the Bright God Realm and the Wizarding World will definitely not just watch. If you use their army to refine your sword, once you block you, I'm afraid it will make it difficult for you to proceed!"

"Oh, would I be afraid of them?"

Li Miaozhen's heroic long eyebrows raised: "It just happens that ordinary creatures use them to practice knives and some are bullying the small. If they dare to stop me, they will just send me to the door to hone the sword intent!

Haha, practice the sword with the horror in the heart of eternal power. If you really want to achieve something, it will definitely make me a great sword and be able to cut eternity! "

"Madam is confident!"

Shamelessly, Qin Feng leaned forward again: "For my husband, he has come up with such a good idea for you, shouldn't you be rewarded?"

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