Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1047: Steal the origin

As the Guardian Witch King chanted the spell, the Staff of Truth broke away from the heart of the oppressive world and fell into his hand.

Originally, the Heart of the World was moved by Qin Feng because of the Staff of Truth, revealing nearly half of its scars. Now, don’t just summon the Guardian Witch King away. All the damages on the Heart of the World were suddenly exposed, and it burst out immediately. It is far better than the previous several times the innate origin energy.

The Guardian Witch King watched this scene with anguish.

He knew this would happen long before he had summoned the Truth Staff, but now after the resurrection of Wuzu, he strangely did not help them kill the enemy. Instead, he murdered them indiscriminately, resulting in a change in the situation of the battle. He also had to do this. Make a choice, and use the Staff of Truth to suppress the powerful enemies of the Quartet!

Otherwise, if this continues, the wizard family will be defeated. The heart of the world will be taken away by the ghost ancestor and the seventh monarch of hell. No matter if they leave the wizarding world, they will fight for the heart of the world and lose the world. The wizarding world of the heart will decline and even perish!

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the two powers are harmed, whichever is less. The guardian witch king would rather the world’s heart temporarily lose a large amount of innate origin energy, but also suppress the ancestors of the witch who does not distinguish between the enemy and me, and bring the strength of the various cultivators of Biluo to peace. The seventh monarch of **** waits for the devil to expel the wizarding world.

At the very least, the opponent must be forced to leave the underground space, otherwise their existence would be too threatening to the Heart of the World!

At this moment, the Guardian Witch King was holding the scepter of truth, feeling the vast laws of truth transmitted from the scepter, and being blessed by the will of the world with a large amount of luck, and the whole person suddenly filled with a huge and unparalleled aura.

The guardian Witch King with soaring confidence waved the Truth Staff in his hand and pointed at Wu Zu. Suddenly, the power of the majestic and vast laws fell on Wu Zu.

With a bang, Wu Zu's huge figure paused slightly, and his entire body was suppressed by this huge law of power.

But immediately after Wu Ancestor's figure became tall, he ignored that huge power and continued to attack in his own way.

The Guardian Witch King was shocked when he saw this, and immediately remembered that this is the strongest existence made by the physical body. The body is extremely powerful and unparalleled in the world, and the strength it can withstand is naturally far beyond imagination.

As a result, the Truth Staff in his hand swayed again and again, and the power of the laws fell towards the ancestor Wu, both suppression and restraint. After the power of the thousands of laws, the body of the ancestor Wu suddenly became stiff.

He also bullied the ancestor Wu who was slow to act at this time, had no ability to evade, and could not use witchcraft to resist, otherwise, the ancestor Wu would not let him cast spells like this if he regained some memories of his life.

But Wu Zu has no joy or sorrow, no pain or sensation, like a walking dead, without any sensation at all. Let the force of the law press on him, making him as heavy as a world on his back, but still slow. Stepping, waving his arms, trying to attack the wizards around him.

It's a pity that the action has slowed down a lot than before, and it is impossible for a wizard to be attacked by him.

But the ordinary wizard can't hurt him, and it's impossible to waste his combat power against such an enemy who is not an enemy. Since the ancestor Wu moves slowly, as long as he avoids him, there is no need to smash the body of the ancestor Wu?

It is neither necessary nor possible!

The only trouble is that Zuzu Wu still dragged his slow pace and chased after them and beat them reluctantly. Even if his movements were slow, the surrounding sorcerers could only avoid everywhere he went, and he would inevitably be caught by Zuzu Wu again and again. They messed up their camp once and again.

The Guardian Witch King had the intention to completely suppress the ancestor Wu, but there was no chance.

Because neither the Guizu nor the Seventh Sovereign of Hell could allow him to suppress Wuzu with such ease. Of course they would take advantage of this opportunity to forcefully attack and kill him, and forcibly interrupt his continued suppression of Wuzu, the Nightmare Witch King. I can't stop it!

The Guardian Witch King looked at his ghost ancestor and the seventh lord of hell, and couldn't help but sneered: "Now that the Staff of Truth is in my hand, after paying such a high price, do you think there is still a chance to win?

Since I dared to take advantage of the emptiness in my wizarding world, I must be prepared to save my life!

After I kill you, your corpses will be made into specimens and hung on the guardian hall so that all wizards can see your miserable appearance.

So, you go to die, otherwise how can you be worthy of the loss of so much original power from the heart of the world today! "

While speaking, the guardian witch king waved the scepter of truth, and the power of the vast and majestic law pounced on the seventh lord of hell.

The **** lord couldn’t help being shocked when he saw such a mighty power. It happened that the Nightmare Witch King just launched an attack on him, and the two-sided attack made him dare not resist. As soon as he retreated, he avoided the guardian. The edge of the Witch King.

The Guardian Witch King didn't take advantage of the victory, but instead swung the Truth Staff at the Ghost Ancestor.

The ghost ancestor felt the power of the Truth Staff, and he was shocked!

However, the ancestor of the ghost has a lot of knowledge, and he has seen a lot of treasures in the spiritual world. Even he himself has a powerful innate spirit treasure. So although he is amazed by the tyranny of the Truth Staff, he is still at his level. Not because of a powerful treasure to give birth to a heart of fear.

The only thing to worry about is that this place is not only the great world of wizards, but also in the heart of the world, so that the guardian witch king has received the blessing of the world will far beyond imagination, plus the existence of the rod of truth, let the guardian witch king Suddenly, his combat power rose to an extremely high level.

Otherwise, if you fight in a place outside the wizarding world, even if the Guardian Witch King holds the Truth Staff, you may not be able to win the ghost ancestor.

After all, without the blessing of the will of the world, the Guardian Witch King's own strength is only in the middle of good fortune. This is just a gap in realm. If various methods are added, it will be even worse in combat power!

But now, with the staff of truth in hand, and the blessing of the will of the world, the guardian witch king at this moment is no longer weaker than the strongest in terms of combat power alone.

Guizu waved his hand to display all kinds of ghost magic and magical powers, while fighting against the guardian witch king, he calculated in his heart.

He has a determined personality, knowing that he will definitely not be able to fight the current Guardian Witch King. Once he is delayed for a long time, not only may he be severely injured by the opponent, but maybe the Guardian Witch King will swing the Truth Staff at other factions. Yes, coupled with the fact that the number of wizards is still more than one's own, and the desperate fight has started, I'm afraid that one's own side will suffer heavy losses at that time.

Thinking of this, Guizu immediately made a decision in his heart. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and should retreat quickly!

However, they have already reached the heart of the wizarding world. If he left like this, he would be unwilling to do so!

Guizu's eyes flickered for a moment, and suddenly his heart became ruthless, his body shape changed from one to ten, and ten ghost ancestors suddenly appeared in the field!

"A mere illusion, you also want to confuse my mind?"

The Guardian Witch King gave a cold snort, and a ray of light flashed from the Truth Staff in his hand. He looked at the ten figures again with the blessed eyes of truth, and was shocked to find that he still couldn't see through which is the real ghost ancestor and which is the false one. !

In other words, in his eyes all the figures of the ten ghost ancestors are real!

Because each body has powerful law fluctuations, with unfathomable powers present, and each of them releases tyrannical magical powers while waving their hands. When the Guardian Witch King wields the Truth Staff to resist these spells, even more It was possible to clearly discover that all of these Taoist magical powers were powerful and powerful spells, and none of them were false illusions.

This surprised him, almost suspecting that there was a problem with his eyes.

But after all, he is holding the Staff of Truth. Since this staff is named after truth, it naturally has its own unique features. Therefore, when the Guardian Witch King explored it with the Staff of Truth, he knew that the ghost ancestor had built ten avenues at the same time. Separate the ten realms and turn them into ten clones, and then the scene in front of you will appear.

This shocked the guardian witch king's heart. The fellow practitioners had ten rules. It's no wonder that this monk Biluo was so powerful.

But this also strengthened his idea of ​​leaving the life of the ghost ancestor.

If it is really difficult to slay the two invading enemies of good fortune, you can let go of the Seventh Sovereign of Hell. It is just a sinister and cunning devil who rushes up when he sees cheap prices. Although he is powerful, no matter how strong he is. Still acting style, for any wizard king can deal with.

But Guizu, the great fortune of Biluo, was a little beyond the Guardian Witch King’s expectations, coupled with the performance of the great powers of the various factions of Biluo, it made the Guardian Witch King more and more jealous.

He even doubted whether it was correct to regard Biluo as the target of the invasion this time.

Because of the increased dread in his heart, the Guardian Witch King’s attack became heavier and heavier, trying to kill the ghost ancestors' clones, interrupting the avenues of the ghost ancestors, first severely inflicting them, and then completely killing him here, and finally again Destroy the powerful powerhouses of the various factions of Biluo.

However, the Guardian Witch King is too trusting in the Staff of Truth. He only knows that the Staff of Truth has reported back to the ghost ancestors to practice ten avenues and turned into ten clones to attack him, but he does not know that the Staff of Truth is not a creature after all, but just passively accepts him. Controlled, passively responding to what he wanted to know, completely ignorant of Guizu's real plan at this moment.

He didn't know that while the ghost ancestors were fighting and killing him, the real main soul and soul was not in any of these ten clones!

The primordial spirit of the ancestor of the ghost moved out of thin air to a place of separation of the soul through the secret method of the ghost way, and merged with that way.

And that way of dividing the soul was the main culprit of the previous ghost ancestors using the seven-aperture secret technique to control the corpse of the witch ancestors to kill the Quartet.

At this moment, the ghost ancestor used the secret method to unite the soul with this ancestor of the soul out of thin air, and moved directly into the body of the ancestor Wu, instead of the soul to control the corpse of the ancestor of witch, immediately shocked the body of the ancestor of witch.

After the corpse of the ancestor of the wizard is under the control of the ancestor of the ghost, it is much stronger than the control of the soul, as long as the ancestor of the ghost is willing, it can immediately reduce the power of the majestic rule of the ancestor of the wizard, and display its tyrannical combat power. .

However, Guizu did not do this. Instead, he made an unsupportive look. After slowly attacking several wizards, he retreated a few steps with the help of the tyrannical witchcraft that the opponent had hit him. He staggered, fell directly to the ground, and never got up again!


A group of powerful wizards looked at each other in It's a little strange that the ancestor of wizards was in a state of affairs at this time. He was alive and well before, so how come he just said it and fell down now?

However, the state of the ancestor Witch was very strange before he was awakened, and he was suppressed by the Guardian Witch King using the Truth Staff. Perhaps there was a problem with the body of the ancestor Witch, or the possibility of recovery was completely lost. Maybe he really died.

But no matter what, as long as there is no Wuzu to make trouble at this moment, they can still win!

Therefore, after seeing that the ancestor Wu had no sign of getting up, many powerful wizards stopped paying too much attention and began to encircle and suppress the invading enemy with all their strength.

It’s just that everyone didn’t pay attention. A small half of Wuzu’s figure lay directly on the heart of the world, just because his size was too large, and the space here was relatively small. It was indeed easy to touch the heart of the world because of his size, so everyone didn't care about it. After all, Zuzu Wu had guarded the heart of the world for thousands of years, and he didn't see how he held the heart of the world.

But they don't know that the ancestor Wu at this time is not just the ancestor Wu, he also has the primordial spirit from Biluo's great fortune!

Zu Wu's arm on the Heart of the World moved slightly, and he plunged his hand into the broken place of the Heart of the World.

It's just that at this time, the ghost ancestor used the method of concealing the sky and crossing the sea, and the real illusion technique concealed the Wuzu's movements, so it was not noticed.

Then the ancestor of the ghost took the body of the ancestor of the wizard as a carrier, opened up an independent space in his body, and directly obtained the original power from the heart of the world!

ps: I originally wanted to write a big chapter to end the plot of the wizarding world, but I accidentally hit the notebook on the ground and couldn't turn it on. If the update is not on time tomorrow, I will forgive you.

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