Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1053: Devour the Devil Witch King Petrification

"Master Guardian Witch King!"

A powerful wizard flew over, and first took a cautious look at the Nightmare Witch King, who was in an obviously wrong state, but didn't dare to move in, lest he would be affected by the weird curse and nightmare laws constantly emanating from the Nightmare Witch King.

So I walked around half a circle and came to the front of the Guardian Witch King, asking for instructions: "What should I do next? Do you want to send the strong to chase and kill the devil strong who fled the world?"


The Guardian Witch King did not answer his question. Instead, he turned his head around and looked at the devastated wizarding world. He couldn't help but feel sad: "As a guardian, he failed to protect his own world, and failed to protect the world. Inner ethnic group, so that the wizarding world has become like this, even the heart of the world is seriously damaged, how can I be qualified to be the guardian witch king?"

"Lord Witch King, don't do that!"

The eternal wizard hurriedly said: "If you hadn't fought hard with the Nightmare Witch King, and blocked the invading blue world powerhouse and the seventh monarch of hell, I am afraid that our wizarding world will suffer more severe losses!"

"You don't have to say it!"

The Guardian Witch King shook his head: "Failing to fend off the enemy is already the negligence of my guardian. It has caused damage to the origin of the world, and it is even more disadvantageous for me to guard. I will bear this mistake!"

He raised his hand to stop the words that the eternal wizard wanted to export, and continued: "Now that the strong Biluo has evacuated, although the seventh lord of **** has died, in addition to the dozen or so strong who fled, there are still some He hadn't been beheaded, and he was still running into chaos in the realm. In addition, there were many **** gods lurking everywhere.

You don’t need to divide your strength to hunt down those who have escaped. Even if you chase them out, it’s hard to catch them. You should work with the guardian sorcerer to find out and kill all the **** demons that are still in the world, so that they won’t hide. Get up and make trouble! "

"...Yes, my lord!"

The eternal wizard opened his mouth, and finally did not say what he was going to ask the two wizard kings to take action to solve the other **** powerhouses as soon as possible, and nodded in response.

The Guardian Witch King glanced at the Nightmare Witch King and sighed: "Although you are in a bad state at this time, you still can't go directly to the source of the nightmare to retreat and get rid of the evil curse on you. In order to prevent accidents, you will have to sit in the world for a few days.

The Elemental Witch Kings have already noticed the movement in the world, and they are returning quickly. You can support it again, lest the strong of the big world of Biluo has not given up, or there will be other strong of the big world watching in secret, maybe it will Invade the wizarding world again while you and I are away, and wait for the Elemental Witch King and the others to come back, and you will find a way to expel the curse from your body! "

The nightmare witch king's face twitched a little, and the eyes that could not see the pupils twinkled with weird light, staring at the guardian witch king for a long while.

After a long time, she made a hoarse and unpleasant sound from the old and shriveled mouth: "Don't worry, I will exude the witch king aura to frighten foreign enemies, and I will definitely not let the strong in the big world of Biluo invade again at this time."

"That's good!"

The Guardian Witch King nodded, and once again looked at the wizarding world that had been destroyed by countless cities and buildings by successive battles, then put away all the emotions in his eyes, and walked away.

"Master Guardian Witch King, where are you going?"

The eternal wizard asked quickly.

The Nightmare Witch King was injured by the 7th Sovereign of Hell before his death, but the Guardian Witch King was not damaged at all. Even with the blessing of the will of the world, if he is willing to take action, the power of the strongest can easily help them solve the battle. , Kill those **** powerhouses who are still on the run!

It's just that the Guardian Witch King obviously didn't intend to participate in the battle. Instead, he ordered the Nightmare Witch King to guard the world with his wounded body. Where is he going?

Do you still want to chase out of the realm, to chase and kill the powerful enemy who invaded the wizarding world?

"I'm going to make up for the mistakes I committed!"

The plain voice of the Guardian Witch King seemed to contain endless grief, but his tone was calm and the expression on his face was calm, making the eternal wizard unable to figure out what the Witch King was thinking.

Just when he wanted to continue to question, the Nightmare Witch King waved his dry palm and stopped his words.

Along with her movements, the colorful but weird and twisted fluctuations around her body spread out for several laps, causing the eternal wizard's figure to step back again.

"Don't ask!"

She said: "Guardian Witch King... is going to protect the heart of the world!"

"The heart of guarding the world?!"

The eternal wizard was slightly startled, and then nodded as a matter of course.

That's right, the damage to the Heart of the World was so severe that the original energy was still flowing outwards when they left the underground space. Naturally, it was necessary to protect the Witch King and other powerful people to seal the damage to the Heart of the World.

Otherwise, if the heart of the world is allowed to flow by the power of the origin, although the world energy will soar in a short time, but as time goes by, it will surely make the wizarding world weaken faster, shorten the life of the entire world, and advance the world. Enter the stage of aging!


The Nightmare Witch King didn't know whether he was talking to this eternal wizard, or he was muttering to himself, saying in an almost imperceptible voice: "The heart of the world is severely damaged and needs the protection of the strong.

He is the guardian of the wizarding world, and he is naturally responsible for guarding the world. He also felt that this catastrophe was related to his unfavorable protection, so he went to protect the heart of the world, just like... the ancestor of the wizard guarded the heart of the world in ancient times! "

She said these words in an unusually calm tone, without the slightest fluctuation, as if she was stating a trivial matter that had nothing to do with herself.

But in that calm tone, there is endless sadness!

Because, after the ancient catastrophe, Ancestor Wu went deep into the underground core space to protect the heart of the world, and has never appeared since then.

It was not until this time when Biluo and Hell powerhouses invaded and was accidentally intruded by the Biluo cultivator, which touched the seal of Zuzu Wu’s heart of suppressing the world, which attracted their attention and saw the real body of Zuzu Wu, I know. The state of Wuzu!

It's a pity that in the end, the battlefield was moved to the space where the Heart of the World was, and it brought damage to the Heart of the World even more than the ancient catastrophe!

In fact, if the Heart of the World hadn’t been damaged, it wouldn’t be so. No matter how tyrannical the ghost ancestor is, it’s impossible to fight against the Guardian Witch King in the strongest state and defeat the intact Heart of the World. Bad.

It’s a pity that the heart of the world has been injured by powerful enemies as early as the ancient times. This gave the ghost ancestors an opportunity to take advantage of it. I got a piece of pie in my heart!

Next to him, the eternal wizard was stunned when he heard the words of the Nightmare Witch King.

As wizards who are known for their wisdom, although their wisdom is often only used for the things they are most interested in, how can they not understand the meaning of the words of the Nightmare Witch King when their strength reaches his level.

However, what puzzled him was that after the ancient catastrophe, the ancestor Wu was severely injured and his own source was almost exhausted, and he suppressed the heart of the world forcibly, and then there was an accident.

The Guardian Witch King was not severely injured. He was at the peak of his state at this time, and he could definitely treat him as a supreme power. Why did the Nightmare Witch King say that the Guardian Witch King would be the same as the ancestor Witch?

The Nightmare Witch King glanced at him and sighed softly, but he had no desire to explain any more.

She turned slightly, and fell towards a wizard tower in the distance. Although she was cursed on her body, which greatly reduced her strength, she still exuded a powerful and terrifying aura.

The powerful aura that belongs to the Wizard King radiates the entire wizarding world, and even reveals the boundary wall to deter the creatures outside the world, making several **** big devils who have just escaped from the wizarding world and have not yet stayed away think that the wizard king will chase them personally, and they are scared one by one. Exhausting the power of the source, he flees wildly, leaving the wizarding world in an instant, and fleeing to the depths of the starry sky!

It's just that one of the immortal **** devil who escaped by chance was flying, and a strange aura suddenly emerged from his body, and then his whole body trembled and stopped.

Because, he felt a strange breath in his heart suddenly, like a seed taking root in his heart, absorbing the energy in his heart is growing rapidly, but for a while, it has spread beyond the heart. .

"Do not……"

His eyes revealed an expression of extreme horror, turning his own power into a frantic motion, trying to suppress the abnormalities in his body.

It's just that he soon discovered that instead of having any suppressing effect, his power was like feeding the seed in his body with nourishment, allowing the seed to become stronger quickly.

At the same time, he also felt very familiar with the power in his body, that was... his lord, the breath of the seventh lord of hell!

"No... Lord, spare my life, I would like to **** the Lord back to **** to find a stronger body for the Lord!"

He cried out in horror.

"There is no time for me to waste!"

The seventh lord of hell’s vague voice came from his heart: “This defeat not only caused most of my strong men to be damaged, but my body was also destroyed, and the energy of the Eternal Soul was exhausted. Returning to **** in this way will definitely be coveted by other great monarchs.

They will definitely covet me to wait for the law of power and territory. If you take me back to **** and slowly restore my power, they will plunder everything I have and completely divide everything I can divide up!

Therefore, I can only seize every opportunity to quickly become stronger, and at the very least, I have to make a pair that has only been hit hard, and there is no sign of falling into the realm.

Only in this way, under the suppression of the first monarch, can other great monarchs dare not blatantly attack me, so that I can have more time to recover my strength.

As long as I regain the power of the lord, even if they discover that I deceived them initially, it will not help!

I said this, do you understand? "

"I understand, I understand!"

The strong devil said quickly: "I understand the difficulties of the Lord, but I am loyal to the Lord. Now that the strong under the Lord's command are more than half of the casualties, why let the subordinates die?

The Lord wants to be resurrected, but there is no need to kill his subordinates. Please keep his subordinates alive, or continue to work for the Lord! "

"You still don't understand!"

The seventh lord of **** sighed quietly: "Since you are so loyal to me, do your best for me to return to **** safely!

It has swallowed your immortal soul and all the power to make me temporarily disguise as if the realm is still there.

Only in this way can I be safe and sound, so don't resist obediently, let me absorb all the energy in your body! "

"No, no, no..."

This great devil felt the loss of power more and more, and the heartbeat that did not belong to his heart became louder and louder. He could no longer bear the fear of death anymore. He suddenly yelled and stretched out his claws to the heart fiercely. Catch it.

He tried to take out his heart and drive the seventh monarch out of his body.

Even if the Seventh Sovereign was sinned for this, he wouldn't go back to **** in the big deal. With his strength, he could go to the Demon Realm, or go to the abyss to fight, which is better than completely losing his life.

But before his sharp claws touched his heart, his figure was stiff!

Because when a peculiar energy radiated from his heart, countless strange runes suddenly appeared on his body, which turned into Dao Dao restraint and imprisoned him. He could no longer move. He could only feel what he had in horror. Qi, blood and energy all crazily flowed towards the heart, even his immortal soul was swallowed a little bit, and finally his consciousness fell into darkness in the endless panic and pain, and lost all consciousness!

With a chuckle, two devil claws with sharp nails protruded from the chest of the strong devil, and then they slammed out, tearing the body of the strong devil, and drilled out a wet, stubborn head from the inside!

It looks like it is the seventh monarch of hell.

He got out of the body of the strong devil, looked at his body, and looked at the devil's depleted body, and he couldn't help frowning.

At this time, his newly born body is still too weak, not only because he has just resurrected, but also because the strength of this devil is too different from his realm, so this new body makes him accustomed to the powerful demon of the past. He felt extremely uncomfortable with his body.

He frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, waved his hand to smash the remnant next to him, wiped out all traces of the opponent here, and then sent out a soul wave, summoning the next strong man to join him!

Soon, a great demon of the eternal realm flew over following his call.

However, before he was pleased that his lord had escaped safely, he had just complimented him, and he was patted lightly on the shoulder by the seventh lord.

This eternal devil thought that his paternal master was encouraging his loyalty, and just wanted to continue flattering a few words, suddenly found that there were many restrictions in his body and imprison him, and then he was frightened, confounded and unwilling by the seventh monarch. The power in his body is exhausted!

Until then, the Seventh Sovereign of Hell was relieved.

With the power of this eternal realm as a base, he finally has a bit of confidence in disguise, and this really summons all his escaped subordinates to join and protect him to fly to the **** world!


In the Great Wizarding World, the space where the Heart of the World is located deep underground, the space boundary shook again, breaking a passage.

The figure of the Guardian Witch King appeared in the passage, his eyes stepped out with a complicated step, and once again entered this unique space.

Originally, even though he was the guardian of the wizarding world, since he became the guardian of the wizard king, he has never sensed where the space of the heart of the world is.

But now it is different. Not only did he easily perceive the heart of the world, he also broke through the barriers and walked in very easily!

He didn't find any improprieties, but he looked at the messy scene around him with complicated eyes.

Scattered on the gray ground are many broken limbs and broken arms, broken dead bodies and shattered artifacts!

Those corpses had sorcerers, demons, and even monks with great power, but monk Biluo had relatively fewer broken limbs, and they wouldn't be visible if they weren't looked up carefully.

After all, only two golden immortals have fallen, and they are all of the kind whose bodies were blown up. Even if the powerhouses of other factions were severely injured and severed in battle, they would quickly retract their limbs or destroy them completely, so as not to be destroyed. The wizard who is good at cursing has to go.

The Guardian Witch King only glanced at the corpses left over from the tragic battlefields around him, and then stopped paying attention, and instead looked at the heart of the world full of cracks.

No matter the corpse or other broken artifacts, they will gradually transform into the most original energy in this space, and nothing will be left in the end.

Since they died here, let them all become one with the wizarding world. Those who want to come to the wizarding powerhouse are also willing to adopt such a funeral after death.

As for the invading powerhouses, letting their remains to provide some energy to the wizarding world is also considered atonement!

The guardian witch king stepped across the ground corpse with broken arms, walking towards the heart of the world with regret in his eyes.

As he walked in, the power fluctuations in his body became stronger and stronger, and his figure became bigger and bigger. The rod of truth in his hand also turned into an Optimus pillar, and also released endless fluctuations of the law, moving towards fullness. It was the rift's heart of the world that was suppressed.

However, there are too many places where the Heart of the World is damaged at this time, and the damage is a hundred times more severe than that of the ancient catastrophe. Therefore, even if the Guardian Witch King holds the Truth Staff, the first weapon in the wizarding world, it is still suppressed abnormally. difficult.

Fortunately, there is a steady flow of world will blessings, and the huge world will is constantly poured into his body, making his power tyrannical to the extreme, and there is only one thought left in his mind, that is, even if he sacrifices his own life. Suppress the damaged part of the Heart of the World.

Under the infusion of the mighty world will, his strength has almost reached the limit of the strongest. Only then with the Staff of Truth, all the cracks in the Heart of the World are reluctantly sealed, making the Heart of the World no longer have it. The source of energy leaks.

But at this time, he still didn't dare to relax a little, otherwise, once he slackened, he might shake the seal and let the heart of the world leak out again.

As a result, the Guardian Witch King, who had no distracting thoughts in his heart, went all out to guard here, quietly stalking the truth stick, and looked extremely similar to the former Witch Ancestor.

The only difference is that Ancestor Wu still retains his entire body. If he hadn't met the monk in Biluo, he would have been snatched away by Qin Feng's vital heart, and then he was intervened halfway by the Ancestor Wu, taking his corpse. Driven by the refining of the corpse, and suppressed all his resuscitation, the ancestor of the wizard really has the possibility of resurrection!

It's a pity that even the body has been snatched by the ghost ancestor, and everything has been turned into a void!

The current guardian witch king, although the body still exists, he is different from the ancestor witch.

The ancestor of Witch relied on his own strength to suppress the breakage of the Heart of the World, while the Guardian Witch King relied on a large amount of indoctrination of the will of the world to barely achieve this step.

In addition, he relied too much on the will of the world when he was practicing in the past, and even the promotion of the Witch King relied on the forcible promotion of the will of the world, so that at this time he is not so much a guardian of the Witch King, but a carrier of the will of the world. .

Even his body at this moment has gradually stiffened under the infusion of massive will of the world, and it has changed towards the direction of the stone statue!

After his body is completely turned into a stone statue, there will be no possibility of recovery anymore. He can only be permanently suppressed in front of the heart of the world, turning into an eternal stone statue!

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