Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1094: The return schedule, the monsters suddenly appear

The demon world has changed drastically, and the dark camp situation has become more and more chaotic.

As Lucifer led the Fallen Angels to'drive out' foreign enemies when the Demon World was in danger, and then sealed the gap in the Heart of the Demon World with the remnant of the Satan Great Demon King, preventing the continuous overflow of energy, and immediately gained the will of the world. Of favor!

Endless luck came, and even the demon world Tiandao gave Lucifer all the power of luck that was originally poured on Satan.

In this way, Lucifer, who was already tyrannical to the extreme, broke through the shackles directly and became the strongest!

Although it was only the first time to enter this realm, there was still a gap between Taixuan Ancestor, the Mother God of Earth, and the Lord of Light, but after all, he was also one of the strongest.

As the years go by, his strength will naturally grow again, and sooner or later he will have the strength not weaker than that of the Lord of Light!

After all, at this level, there is no road for them to walk on. Even the heavenly ways of the world cannot continue to allow them to learn from the laws and practice. Unless they can open the road and achieve a realm of immortality, it is difficult to have a path in the path. How much diligence can only rely on the accumulation of strength and the means of understanding and comprehending their respective avenues to enhance their strength.

With Lucifer's fighting talent, coupled with the fierceness in his heart, I'm afraid that he may lead his subordinates to challenge the authority of the Lord of Light before the Light God Realm recovers to its peak!

And not only did Lucifer get infinite benefits, his family of fallen angels also got the blessing of the devil's luck and became the overlord of the devil!

At this moment, even if there are still a few demon races that are stronger than the fallen angel family, regardless of the number of strong ones or the huge group, as time retreats, the fallen angel family who is favored by the will of the world will definitely grow to be the first in the demon world. Strong family!

The high-ranking members of the fallen angel army, such as Syrah, were also rewarded by the will of the world because of their previous excellent performance in the war. With one enemy and many defeats, they were rewarded by the will of the world. All have improved, and will grow in the future.

Even the entire family of fallen angels will give birth to a large number of powerful people, which is the benefit of getting the blessing of the world's heaven!

This was not the case. The origin of the Demon Realm was wounded, and it was precisely when it was time to reduce the consumption of recuperation and vitality, and it should not have consumed the power of luck in this way to support the Fallen Angels.

It’s just that the Demon’s World Will is the same as the Demon Race. It is so cruel and tyrannical, violent and predatory. The Will of the World wants to maximize Lucifer’s strength as much as possible, so that he will quickly lead his subordinates to conquer the Ten Thousand Realms. , Plunder resources to feed back the Demon World, and restore the Demon World to its former tyrannical state!

In other words, the reason why the demons of the entire world have such a temperament is originally formed by the influence of the will of the world!

After receiving the blessings of the Demon Realm's luck and becoming the strongest, Lucifer immediately integrated the power of the Demon Realm. After the great demon kings who were on the expedition finally got rid of the blue sky and the natural gods who were chasing them, the master of creation, As soon as I returned to the Demon Realm, I was shocked to find that the entire Demon Realm had changed!

The great demon king Satan who was originally suppressed above the heads of all the demon masters of creation has fallen, and Lucifer, the great leader of the fallen angel who betrayed the Lord of Light and went to the demon race, has replaced Satan and became the first demon Lord!

More importantly, the entire family of fallen angels has become the protagonist of the devil world!

Such a change naturally aroused criticism from several great demon kings, especially when they discovered that the former powerhouses surrendered after death. Except for those who did not see a trace, most of the other powerhouses have already taken refuge in the new first great demon king Lucifer. , It makes them angry!

Of course, these powerful demons were forced to eventually, and it is inevitable that a few unconvinced guys will secretly spread the news to inform them of what happened in the first place.

Although these strong men did not participate too much, and Lucifer deliberately concealed it. When fighting with Biluo, he arranged the strong men who did not belong to the fallen angel clan to other places. What really saw them fighting Biluo was not. Many, but still a lot of things can be heard.

Especially Lucifer not only used coercive means in order to subdue them, but also placed powerful restraints in the bodies of these strong men. As a threat, these strong demon gods naturally refused to accept them, and most of their hearts turned to the original demon lord!

Therefore, several big demon kings also received a lot of news, and immediately found Lucifer's magic palace hand in hand!

Whether it was Lucifer's use of Biluo and the natural gods to deal with the great demon king Satan, or his forcibly conquering their subordinates, these great demon kings were dissatisfied!

Of course, dissatisfaction goes to dissatisfaction. To be honest, they still admire Lucifer's method of calculating Satan to seize the throne of the first devil.

These great demon kings are all demon races, and they all belong to different demon realm races. They are the same masters of good fortune. Of course, there is no loyalty to Satan, but the opponent is the strongest and can suppress them.

If possible, it’s not that they didn’t have the idea of ​​replacing it. It’s a pity that their strength is not good, and there is no opportunity like Lucifer, and there is no Biluo's ancestors to help in the end, so they can only use Satan. Mainly.

Now they vaguely figured out Lucifer's strategy, and saw the great changes in the devil world, but they were shocked, but they also secretly admired them.

Especially the fear of the second largest demon lord, he felt regretful in his heart. Why didn't he think of using this opportunity to seize the throne of the first demon lord?

In any case, the Demon Realm has become like this now, and they can't leave it alone, so they immediately approached Lucifer, wanting to ask for an explanation!

Only after the actual meeting, I discovered that Lucifer's strength turned out to be extremely tyrannical, even the Lord of Fear at the pinnacle of Good Fortune Realm felt strong pressure.

Moreover, in the magic palace of the Fallen Angels, in addition to Lucifer, the lazy lord who has always been too lazy not only showed up, but also showed the strength that shocked several great demon kings, and also supported Lucifer to become the new demon world. overlord.

At this moment, the great demon kings who thought Lucifer was lonely and widowed have more fear!

I don't know how Lucifer discussed with them. In the end, at the expense of Lucifer returning to their demon **** powerhouse, several great demon kings recognized Lucifer's status as the number one demon king in the devil world, and also recognized the status of the world's protagonist of the fallen angel family!

If you don't recognize it, you can't do it. Now the Demon Realm is in a dilapidated state, waiting to be thrived, but can't stand another big battle. If they destroy the Fallen Angel clan with their luck, they will definitely bring another heavy damage to the Demon Realm.

Besides, they can't do it!

Not to mention that Lucifer, who has become the strongest and controls a lot of the power of the law of heaven, is invincible within the demon world, and has the support of the lazy Lord. Only these few great demon kings themselves are not lightly injured. How dare to break out with Lucifer now? fighting!

This was also discussed in advance by Taixuan ancestors and others, and we must try our best to severely injure these great demon kings, lest they return to the demon world to prevent Lucifer from taking control of the situation!

As long as the initial stage can be passed, Lucifer's control over the entire demon world will be much improved. If the Fallen Angels can be promoted to one or two demon masters of good fortune, then the status of Lucifer's first demon king will be as solid as gold, and no longer other big ones. The devil can be shaken.

Of course, there is a more important reason why these great demon kings recognize Lucifer's status and status is that the current demon world needs a strongest person to sit down!

Because this battle is not only the fall of the Great Demon King Satan, but also the fall of several masters of good fortune. Coupled with the damage to the origin of the devil, nearly half of the top combat power has been directly lost. At this time, if there was no such thing as Lucifer. The strongest sitting in town is too dangerous for the Devildom!

Just relying on their few badly wounded great demon kings, they may not be able to hold the demon world!

At that time, not to mention that the Biluo Great World and the Natural God Realm will definitely attack the Demon Realm, I am afraid that even Hell and the Abyss may be tempted by them!

As Lucifer came to power, the issue of the demon world's camp became a bit confusing.

Lucifer didn't make it clear where he would belong in the future, nor did the other great demon kings ask, because in their eyes, the Demon Realm is of course a member of the dark camp.

After receiving the news of the change of the master of the Demon Realm, the powerhouses of Hell and Abyss were surprised, but did not make any moves.

One is because Lucifer has achieved the realm of the strongest and possesses a powerful deterrent to the outside world.

The other is the two big worlds, Biluo and the Natural God Realm. Under the command of the Taixuan Patriarch and the Mother Earth God, they are constantly eroding their power and bringing them a powerful threat. For the time being, they have ignored the Demon Realm. The thing is to prepare as much as possible, prepare to face the joint attack of these two worlds!


Endless starry sky, vast and boundless.

In the dark and silent starry sky, a void storm swept past, swept away countless meteorites, and tore open countless space cracks.

Suddenly, several huge fairy palaces, temples, Taoist temples, castles, sacred mountains and other different shapes of magical treasures broke through the void storm, and flew forward in the twinkling of aura.

Looking along these magical treasures in the cave, it is a huge world!

This is a high world that belongs to hell, and it is also a rare top high world with a dominance of good fortune in the dark camp!

Previously, the three big worlds of the dark camp took advantage of the Biluo army to make a sneak attack. Naturally, the strong on the Biluo side could not let the other side go free, and must retaliate back!

It’s just that under Biluo’s continuous battles, the monks of all factions were exhausted physically and mentally, so the ancestors of good fortune discussed together and did not directly break out a battle with the abyss of hell, but let the main forces of each faction return to their respective sects, by the way They digested the battle gains, digested the huge spoils, and improved their strength as much as possible.

Then let the various factions select the monks who are willing to go on the expedition, integrate their forces to start with the attached worlds of the abyss and hell, eat some appetizers before the war, collect resources while weakening their peripheral power!

In fact, not only the subordinate worlds of Hell and Abyss were attacked, but even the subordinate forces of the Light God Realm and Wizard Realm were not able to escape. If they had abundant resources, they would also be attacked by Biluo.

After all, these two big worlds are now seriously damaged, and they dare not easily compete with Bi Luo.

And after Biluo gained the power of several great worlds, not only the once-worn source has been completely restored, but it is also stronger than the original heyday.

It's just that the foundation is only the foundation after all, and it can't be transformed into strength immediately, so if the Biluo practice world wants to truly surpass the ancients, it needs time to accumulate before it can give birth to more powerhouses and more masters of good fortune!

It's just that has recovered the blue sky, and the time to return to the original star field is on the agenda.

It is precisely because it is in the final stage that Bi Luo is now not saying that it is without taboos, but there are a lot of scruples in doing things. This will make it indifferent to the reactions of other big worlds except the subordinate world of the natural gods, and intends to take advantage of it. A big profit in the final stage.

Even if the anger finally aroused, they have already returned to the original star field, no matter how angry the worlds will be after leaving here!


Elder Kongkong’s rainbow bridge runs through the boundary wall, and a powerful and powerful person enters, breaking a large hole in the world barrier from the inside, allowing several magical treasures of the cave to enter the world, and countless army of monks rushing out, the whole world Suddenly fell into the war.

However, the strongmen on the Biluo side did not pay attention. After they invaded the higher world of this dark camp, several figures appeared in the depths of the distant starry sky!

Except for one of the old witches holding a wizard's staff, the remaining two figures are full of evil spirits!

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