Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1104: 1Knockback

Qin Feng broke the realm, the stone broke the sky, and the void suddenly rose up endless mysterious fluctuations, and there were faintly sounded great roads and heavens, and the atmosphere of Dao law emerged around him. The nine law roads rose up into the sky, setting him off like a peacock.

He suddenly violent at the moment of promotion, and burst out with extremely powerful combat power. Not only did he flick the countless poisonous insects and beast spirits around his body, he also slashed the innate spirit treasure Wan Poison banner of Flying Sage with a single sword. After that, he rushed out of the entanglement of the Wan Poison Banner, covering the sky with his big hands, and the Great Sage with his head and face smashed forward.

Qin Feng broke through the shackles in an instant to achieve good fortune, and immediately surprised Great Sage Feixiong. Before he could figure out what methods to use to deal with Qin Feng, he was beaten by Qin Feng's violent force suddenly. Caught off guard!

   Great Sage Feiyan was shocked in his heart!

   It would be enough to just fly those poisonous insects and beast essences, but why does that red lotus magic weapon look familiar?

   There is also the strange flame emanating from the red lotus, which is even more vaguely familiar.

   But the Great Sage Feiyan can be very sure, I have never seen this magic weapon before, and I have never seen such a weird flame!

The flames are weird, and their power is surprisingly powerful. Not only did they burn out many poisonous insects and beasts in an instant, they even burned their original imprints in the poisonous banners following the induction of the world. , It is impossible for him to re-gather energy and soul bodies for these poisonous insects and beasts in the Wan Poison Banner!

   Just when he was frightened by Qin Feng's powerful red lotus magic weapon, he suddenly saw Qin Feng lift and fall with his sword, smashing the poisonous banner with one sword, and then launched an extremely powerful attack on himself!

   At this moment, Qin Feng was full of arrogance and domineering, and he was extremely violent during his shots. The displayed combat power made Feiqiang Dasheng's heart even give birth to an invincible idea!

But after all, he is the great sage of the monster race. Whether it is for his own face or for the dignity of his heart, he can't be scared away by the opponent before he really fights, so the great sage Feiyan raised his hand to condense a dark, innocent hand. The above greeted the past.

Then I heard a snap, the Extreme Poison Hand, who had caused headaches for many opponents, was slapped to pieces by Qin Feng's palm. Although the inevitable offensive was slowed down, even Zhetian's hand was poisoned and corroded by the Extreme Poison Hand. One layer was dropped, but it was still tyrannical, and continued to press down with amazing power!

   This one blow is so powerful?

This made the Great Sage Feiyan, who had never calmed down in his heart, immediately retreated. He stepped back and instantly avoided this big hand, and in order to avoid Qin Feng’s next attack, he retreated ten more times. A few steps deep into the void, he raised his hand and laid down layers of defense in front of him, preparing to deal with Qin Feng.

   This time the rabbits flew up and down, so many things happened in an instant, not only the Great Sage Feiyan could not accept it for a while, even the other masters of nature also looked a little stunned!

They also didn't expect Qin Feng to actually succeed, and it broke the bottleneck at the moment when everyone didn't react. This is completely different from Qin Feng's previous attempts, and it is always in a state of difference, and it is different from most eternals. It takes a lot of time to break through when advancing to good fortune, which is too far beyond the expectations of the great powers present.

And what happened next was beyond their expectations. Qin Feng, who had just been promoted, not only broke the spirit treasure of Great Sage Feiqian, but also forced Feiqian back with one blow, forcing this demon sage to retreat. Back defense, such a mighty power, really is what a newly promoted good fortune realm can do?

  Especially the lion camel is the most puzzled in his heart, when did the human monk possess such a powerful strength?

   You can actually make Feixian fall into a disadvantage just now. If the human monks are so tyrannical, then how can the demon race compete with the human race in the future?

  In contrast, the ancestors of Zhantian and Qingluan are extremely happy!

   They knew that Qin Feng had a profound background, but they didn't expect Qin Feng to show such tyrannical combat power when he was just promoted.

   With Qin Feng's performance at this time, they may not necessarily lose in this battle, and it is impossible to say that the situation may be reversed.

When the two sides looked at Qin Feng with surprised eyes, they found that after pushing back the Great Sage Feiqiang, he did not pursue the past, nor did he launch any attacks one after another. Instead, they stopped fighting, even the one that just revealed. All his violent aura converged, and then he even closed his eyes!


The masters of good fortune were slightly startled, and then they discovered that Qin Feng's body fluctuating aura still existed, and the power of the law continued to deduced and changed. The surrounding visions continued to emerge, and the sky full of stars descended endlessly towards Qin Feng's body. The Dao Tianyin from everywhere still didn't stop.

Seeing this scene, how the masters of good fortune did not understand why Qin Feng did not continue to attack. It turns out that his promotion has not ended yet, and he has just succeeded in the promotion. With the help of the moment of breaking through the realm, he exploded with tyrannical intimidation. The great sage retreats, unwilling to be disturbed when he is preaching.

   Otherwise, being surrounded by layers of poisonous flags, and being constantly eaten by countless poisonous insects and beasts, how can you be able to advance with peace of mind?

  The Great Sage Feiyan in the distance flushed even more, and he was obviously very angry!

  The great demon clan great sage was scared back by a descendant of the human clan who had just been promoted. If this were passed back to the original star field, wouldn't he be reduced to a laughing stock!

Under the annoyance, Feiyan Great Sage roared, his figure leaped forward, carrying an incomparably violent momentum, shaking his wings and fanning out the fishy wind, the wind contained poisonous gas that poisoned all things, and his hands successively displayed various poisonous magical powers. , I want to submerge Qin Feng.

   Even if he can't be killed, he must interrupt his promotion, and he can't let him feel at ease!

   At this time, the Great Sage Feixi also noticed that Qin Feng not only accumulated a strong cultivation base, but also practiced a variety of Dao laws at the same time, and was proficient in countless Taoist magical powers.

Once such a well-accumulated existence completes the promotion, the combat power will be very terrible. Even if Feiyan Dasheng thinks that he is powerful, the promotion time is much earlier than Qin Feng, and he has already gone a long way on the road of good fortune. Very powerful, but he didn't have the confidence to defeat Qin Feng, let alone behead him.

   Although his Poison Road is powerful and difficult to defend against, it's just that Poison Road is more difficult to prevent and strange than other roads. In terms of positive lethality, it is not as good as other roads that are better at fighting.

The most important thing is that any existence that achieves good fortune is not only incomparable to the physical body and the primordial spirit, it is far beyond the comparison of ordinary creatures, and has even surpassed the life state of creatures in a sense, and has many similarities to the way of heaven. There is also a body of good fortune, which can't be easily poisoned!

   For such a powerful person, even if he did not prevent him from poisoning the law for a while, he was hit by various Taoist magical powers, and the poison was injected into the opponent's body everywhere, it was impossible to directly obliterate it.

   As long as it fails to kill on the spot, the existence of the good fortune realm will basically not die!

   On the contrary, it will temporarily suppress the toxic attack by various means, and still be able to erupt with strong combat power. Whether it is to continue fighting or choose to flee, it will not be without the power of a battle.

   Knowing that his frontal lethality is not as good as the Great Sage Lion and Camel, so the Great Sage Feiyan directly pounced at this moment, preparing to interrupt Qin Feng's enlightenment and interrupt his promotion.

In this way, although Qin Feng has also been promoted successfully, he can be regarded as a member of the realm of good fortune, but he can only be in the initial stage, missed the promotion when he was just promoted, and if he wants to make progress in the future, he can only slowly rely on the long years. Comprehend the law of the Great Dao.

The practice of    Great Sage Feiyan is not incorrect, and standing in a hostile position is indeed the best choice.

It’s just that before the fishy wind fanning out his wings on his back blows close, before his poisonous power reaches Qin Feng, Jiuying’s body, who was previously isolated by him with a poisonous flag, suddenly slams and stops. In front of Qin Feng, the nine mouths were open, spouting water, fire and thunder, and the long tail swept, resisting the magical powers of the great sage.

Even if the defenses were shattered by the powerful poisonous magical powers, the nine infants who were corroded by the poisonous body screamed, the large scales disappeared out of thin air, and even the head was blown up by Fei. However, he still didn't retreat half a minute, and he still stood in front of Qin Feng, resisting the attack of Great Sage Feiqiong.

Even if Jiuying’s body was corroded by all kinds of toxic supernatural powers, the energy was dissipated, and to the point of being dilapidated, the ten thousand beast battle formations under the leadership of the nine-headed spirit beast showed no signs of retreat, even under the command of the old turtle. The next battle changes, the originally dilapidated Jiuying body is transformed into a demon **** Jimeng!

  The human body of the dragon head is naturally capable of manipulating clouds and rain, opening his mouth to swallow the clouds and spit out the fog, calling the wind and calling the rain, and manipulating the boundless water to set off a monstrous wave in the void, washing away countless poisonous fog.

   It's a pity that this is only a condensed energy body after all, not the deity of the demon god. Although it has the power of good fortune after gathering the power of billions of spirit beasts, it has no power for good fortune.

   Even if the old turtle is proficient in battle formation, he is good at deduction, but after all, he is only in the eternal realm, and it is only a few decades before he has been promoted to the eternal. How can he be the opponent of the strong fortune?

   So soon the boundless flood was immersed in the poisonous water by the great sage of Feiyan by the law of the poisonous way. Instead, it became the help of the opponent, and the poisonous water corroded the real body!

Seeing this, the old tortoise hurriedly dissipated the wave while the boundless water hadn't fallen into the control of the Great Sage Feixiong, and then the demon **** Ji Meng's figure changed again, turning into the demon **** with the strongest defensive power among the ancient demon gods. !

The iron demon **** really looks like a buffalo, has huge horns, and has dark fur. It has similar habits to the iron-eater. It feeds on gold and iron. The flesh is strong and indestructible. It is still impossible to be hit by the poisonous power of the sage. Avoided corrosion, but far more resistant to beatings than Ji Meng and Jiuying.

   Of course, the real power of the Iron Demon God is not defense, but offense.

   Between the waves of this demon **** is endless swords, spears, swords and halberds. Weapons made of various gold and iron gas emerged out of thin air, attacking the Great Sage Feiyan like a violent storm.

However, the Great Sage Feiyan is the power of the monster race after all. UU Reading itself knows all about the monster battle formation of the monster race. Although the Ten Thousand Beast battle formation of the Royal Beast Sect has more of their own insights, they have joined Some other things, but after all, were born out of the formation of the monster race's ten thousand monsters battle formation, with Feiyan Great Sage's familiarity with this battle formation, how could there be no means to deal with it.

What's more, in addition to being familiar with the changes in the Ten Thousand Demon Battle Array, he also has a lot of knowledge about the ancient monsters, and even he himself has seen several monsters. Of course, there is not much right to speak in front of the Ten Great Demon Sages in the Heavenly Court, but the real body of the demon **** used to deal with the energy body condensed from the ten thousand beast battle formations controlled by the old tortoise is really not particularly difficult!

   Besides, he also knew that time was tight, so he used his whole body to solve the problem and used his own combat power to the fullest. After a short time, the iron demon **** who fought again collapsed.

Even the old turtle is considered extraordinary, showing several changes one after another, showing the real body of the ancient demon god, but after all, it is not an opponent, and as the energy consumption is too large, many spirit beasts in the battlefield are no longer supported, and they are condensed again. The power of the demon god's true body is not as good as before!

Seeing that Great Sage Feixian once again defeated the real body of a demon god, he would interrupt Qin Feng’s sentiment and hurt Qin Feng’s body. At this moment, the ancestor Zhantian and the ancestor Qingluan shouted and gave up the opponent directly. Coming to the front, guarding Qin Feng, repelling Feixian!

However, in this way, all the other masters of good fortune gathered here. Qi Qi launched an attack on them. The violent Taoist magical powers and witchcraft magic appeared one by one, shattering the void and breaking the law. Chaos, I want to break through the barriers of the two good fortune ancestors and interrupt Qin Feng's promotion!

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