Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 801: Going hard to die and exploding Godhead


The demon **** Qiongqi swept his wings and swept away the two metal gods. Then he drew a tail on the golden winged roc who seemed to be fighting the most crazily. At the same time, he broke the golden winged roc's bone. It was also completely drawn into the ten thousand beast battle array.

Of course, there is a tyrannical defensive shield outside the Ten Thousand Beasts battle formation. The reason why this guy was drawn into the battle formation was because Qin Feng let go of the defenses in that area, otherwise even if it shattered a few more bones. It may not be able to break the defense.

  Because the demon **** phantom is under Qin Feng's control, although the rabbit's rising and falling movements are fast, the coordination is seamless.


The Golden Winged Roc, who was beaten into the battlefield by the phantom of the demon god, knew that he was bound to be inevitable, so he whispered repeatedly, flapped his wings, rips his claws and pecked his beak, and even burst out golden light, frantically counterattack, in a short moment Kill thousands of surrounding spirit beasts.

   As a middle-ranked god, and also a metal **** with strong attack power, it is not difficult for it to kill these ordinary spirit beasts that are the strongest but semi-divine.

   can even be said to be as simple as cutting melons and vegetables!

   not only killed so many ordinary spirit beasts before Qin Feng's demon immortal came to besie it, it was also the first time that the Ten Thousand Beast battlefield was brought out of a little chaos.

Just when it intends to continue its efforts to expand the results, kill all the surrounding spirit beasts, completely disrupt the formation of the beast battle formation, and cooperate with the gods to break the battle formation, it suddenly senses a cold behind him, a silent sound. The space rift slashed on its body.

It was Qin Feng who saw this guy falling into the battle formation instead of panic, but also into hysterical madness. He killed the spirit beasts under his command at any cost. He immediately knew that it was not good, and quickly liberated the Sky-Swallowing Toad from the battle formation. Come to stop.

   Although the Sky Swallowing Toad is one level lower than the Golden Winged Roc in realm, it may not be much weaker than this fierce bird by relying on its spatial talent.

But now the Golden Winged Roc is affected by the will of the world, not only fighting frantically, but also greatly increasing in combat power, and even improving luck. If it is a little careless, even the same level gods may be injured by some inexplicable reasons. Hands.

   So the Sky Swallowing Toad did not fight it head-on, but relied on its incomparable spatial supernatural powers to jump behind it and attack it.

   Then there was a chaotic revolution around the Golden Winged Roc, various spatial spells continued one after another, not to kill this fierce bird, just to contain it for a moment.

   Because there is enough time for the rest of the spirit beasts to siege it.

   Numerous monsters cast spells one after another to start besieging, even Qin Feng took the time to hit the Golden Winged Dapeng with a smashing fist and the injury was not light.

  Even, two ferocious dragons flew out behind him, one on the left and the right, biting the wings of the Golden Winged Roc, stopping the possibility of it flying, making it only able to withstand the siege of a group of monsters.

   This is an already accomplished magical power of the clutch, which can divide the body of the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon into nine and turn into nine evil dragons to fight each other.

   It's just that now Qin Feng has spent most of his energy on controlling the battlefield, and this has only differentiated two evil dragons.

   "Clam King, I tried my best..."

   The Golden Wing Roc turned his head and looked around. Seeing that he had no chance of escape, a scream suddenly came out of his mouth.

   immediately surged, and his mind exploded with a rumbling in his mind. With the help of the breaking of the godhead, his strength was raised to the extreme, and the power of the violent moment burst out with the help of the power of the law.

"not good!"

   Qin Feng's eyelids twitched and suddenly cried out that it was bad.

   Unexpectedly, this golden-winged roc will no longer be the same as the previous one. Unlike before, it is not as clear and wise as it was before, but it has chosen to fight with them desperately!

Although part of it is due to the influence of the will of the world, this is not enough to make it lose its sanity. It can only be said that this guy is indeed worthy of the form of a golden winged big Peng, and there is still a bit of arrogance in his temperament, so this will choose it. A staunch way of death.

   Qin Feng's fast-changing magic tricks with both hands mobilized the power of the battle formation to suppress the area where the Golden Wing Roc was located.

   It's a pity that it's still a moment late.

   I saw a dazzling golden light burst out of the Golden Winged Roc. The golden light reflected the sky and the earth. With a bang, everything around was blown to pieces. Tens of thousands of spirit beasts around were dead and injured, and there were no bones left.

   The two ferocious dragons uttered painful dragons' mouths. The mouth was broken by golden light, and the entire dragon head was almost blown out. The hard scales on the body were also fragmented, and they flew into Qin Feng's back and disappeared in mourning.

   The Sky Swallowing Toad was the most alert. It noticed that it was bad and quickly escaped into the void and fled in a flash. Even so, the golden light broke through the void and swept its body.

Fortunately, it was still surrounded by layers of space defense supernatural powers, so it was not injured. It was just blasted out of the void, turning its head over and knocking out a passage in the group of spirit beasts, until a thick pillar was installed. , And then stopped.

   looked up, where is the pillar, but the hind legs of the cunning old tortoise, and when it raised its head, it just saw the old tortoise’s tail with a bone hammer...

   Before the Sky-Swallowing Toad could react, I saw the old turtle suddenly tightened and his tail retracted. He retracted the tail and the chrysanthemum into the shell of the tortoise. He turned his head and glared at the Sky-Swallowing Toad: "Toad, what are you looking at?"


   go to your uncle!

   Sky Swallowing Toad rolled his big eyes silently, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the old tortoise with a distinctive brain circuit, his figure jumped, and he escaped into the void again without a trace.

On the other hand, because of the dying blow of the Golden Wing Roc, even if Qin Feng mobilized the defenses of the huge demon aura, he still failed to stop the fierce blow of this metal god, causing heavy casualties to the surrounding spirit beasts. The entire battle formation was a little unstable, and the demon **** phantom in the sky shook slightly, almost disappearing.

Although Qin Feng's mobilization made up for the demon spirit in time to stabilize the demon god's phantom, and did not let the demon **** collapse, at this time, Qiongqi was obviously weaker than before, and even the original action of chasing the other metal gods was slowed down. Slowly.

   However, instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to escape, the metal gods showed sorrow.

   "Fight with them!"

Suddenly, a black iron praying mantis hissed, his thin wings spread out, his figure hovered, and he rushed into the battle formation along the defense of the Golden Wing Roc, then swung two big knives into the battlefield. In the group of monsters.

   Qin Feng's mouth twitched!

   From the decisive aura of this black iron praying mantis, he can see what this guy wants to do!

   It actually wants to be like the Golden Winged Roc, slaying the spirit beasts regardless of the safety of its own life, and when it finally loses, it will also learn the broken spirit of the Golden-winged Roc and fight to the death!

   Really fucking!

   Qin Feng cursed inwardly.

   The Golden Winged Roc who came just now almost caused the battlefield to be in chaos. If this black iron praying mantis would follow suit again, I am afraid that the combat power of the Demon God Phantom would be even weaker.

   He raised his head and glanced at the other metal gods who were just about to move outside, even more helpless!

   If these guys are all rushed into the war to disrupt the formation, and then there is a suicide attack, not to mention that the battle formation will not be completely set up, even the subordinate spirit beasts will suffer heavy losses!

   It seems that you should pay attention to it in the future, and you can't just pull your opponent into the battlefield, otherwise I am afraid that you may face today's dilemma in the future!

   But Qin Feng is not an ordinary fairy after all, not only has his own means, but also the monsters under his command are beyond comparison with ordinary monsters!

Moreover, although this black iron praying mantis came desperately with the heart to die, not to mention that Qin Feng could not suffer from the same thing one after another. The strength of this black iron praying mantis was just worse. It's just a lower god, far less tyrannical than the Golden Winged Dapeng in the realm of the middle god.

   So Qin Feng just gave a cold snort and glanced at the tortoise!

   The tortoise knew immediately, at this moment it didn't dare to hide behind, and quickly opened its mouth and roared.

The sound of    was like thunder, blowing in the ears of the black iron mantis.

   Before the praying mantis spirit swung his sword to slay a few spirit beasts, he saw the tortoise the size of a hill with an unrivaled force and slammed into it!

boom! boom! boom!

   The black iron mantis swung a pair of big knives like a phantom, instantly slashing out thousands of sharp knife auras.

   It's a pity that these sword auras are very sharp when used to deal with other opponents, but they are somewhat ineffective when used to deal with the turtle!

   cut a few sparks on the tortoise shell at most, and then it has no effect anymore!

   The thin wings behind the black iron praying mantis spread out and it was about to fly away, and suddenly it felt as if the space outside had solidified into substance.

Turning his head and looking, he saw a big green toad not far away staring at it with a white belly The black iron mantis knew it was wrong, so he quickly swung his two knives to cut horizontally and vertically. , Abruptly cut through the imprisoned space with a pair of big knives.

   It's a pity that with this moment's delay, it completely lost the possibility of avoiding the impact of the supernatural tortoise.

With a dull sound of   嘭, the Black Iron Mantis was slammed into flight.

  The tortoise is not only huge as a mountain, but also as vast as a sea.

   Therefore, under this collision, the Black Iron Mantis felt as if he had been hit by a big mountain. Not only was his slender forearm broken with two big swords, his whole body was a little crooked.

  If it weren't for a metal god, it might knock its entire body into a cloud of blood!

   Before it could react, he heard a phoenix sound from above his head.

Undead Qingluan's two sharp claws grabbed the black iron praying mantis fiercely, and the sharp beak pecked down fiercely. It pierced the black iron praying mantis's triangular head and made it even self-detonate. Die unfavorably!

   In mid-air, a touch of decisiveness flashed in the eyes of the other metal gods!

   Just about to learn the black iron mantis to enter the battlefield, desperately break through the battlefield, and create a bit of possibility for Clam King to defeat Qin Feng and regain the heart of metal!

   As a result, without waiting for them to completely enter, I saw that the demonic atmosphere was permeating above the battle formation, and the gap had been completely sealed by Qin Feng.

   If they want to enter again, they can only rely on themselves to break a gap again.

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