Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 813: The way of fighting that satisfies Li Miaozhen

On Baihuling, a slender figure lifted into the sky, looking at Qin Feng who was flying towards the inner gate.

   When it comes to being familiar with Qin Feng, Li Miaozhen is of course far superior to others.

   is not only because of her different relationship with Qin Feng, but also because of her natural keen intuition!

  Although Li Miaozhen has a straightforward temperament and seems to be a little careless about many things, this does not mean that she is really sloppy, but she just doesn't care about many things.

Previously, she showed off her strength to her master in Baihuling. After hearing the undead Qingluan's call, she immediately threw down Luo Zhancheng, which was hit by her, and flew three thousand feet above the sky. Looking far away, I immediately saw Qin Feng on the back of the immortal Qingluan.

   "Ha, Brother Qin..."

   After Li Miaozhen saw Qin Feng clearly, his eyes suddenly brightened, without concealing his longing for Qin Feng, he cheered in his mouth and rushed towards Qin Feng directly.

   even became so happy that it changed the name into the most common name before.

   Immortal Qingluan's back, Qin Feng saw Li Miaozhen's appearance, his heart immediately warmed, and a warm smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

   This smile came from the heart, not miserable and half false.

   He opened his arms and waited for Li Miaozhen to pounce on his arms!

   But, before the smile on his face fully bloomed, his expression was frozen.

  Because, Li Miaozhen didn't pounce into his arms as he expected, but stretched out his arms and embraced him with joy.

   Qin Feng just remembered that Li Miaozhen was never Xiaoniaoyiren's character!

   At this time, the appearance between the two of them, on the contrary, he is more like the little bird that depends on people!


   Qin Feng struggled hard, freed his head from Li Miaozhen's chest, took a deep breath, and then looked around with a guilty conscience.

   It's not that I'm afraid of being seen the closeness between him and Li Miaozhen, but that I'm worried about being seen as if he was held in his arms by Li Miaozhen!

After all, this involves the issue of his man’s dignity. If he is seen and spread out, with the fame and popularity of him and Li Miaozhen, it is conceivable that it may spread throughout the entire southern region within a few days. , It will spread to the five domains in less than three months, and become the talk of the monks after dinner in the major sects and towns!

The actions and actions of these children of luck are very concerned. The Royal Beast Sect alone has two places that are very attractive. However, the two of them have also formed Taoists. Even in the public, they are in full view. Having made such an affectionate move is itself a topic that is easy to gossip.

   Not to mention the lace news that the two of them are surging and declining, if they are spread by others, Qin Feng still doesn't know what it is to be described!

   So Qin Feng immediately turned his head and looked around. As expected, he saw a lot of projected eyes.

   Fortunately, this is already the inner gate of the Royal Beast Sect. There is a large formation of the mountain gate, which cuts off the prying eyes of those strong in the Twelve Square City outside the mountain, so only the inner monks can see it.

  They are high in the sky, and ordinary disciples of the inner sect can’t see this far if they don’t use spiritual eye spells, and even if they give them some courage, they dare not use spiritual eye magical powers to spy on the elders who have been promoted to the gods!

  Although Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen have never confirmed the status of Taishang elders because of their special identities, this does not conceal that they have a stronger position in power than the ordinary Taishang elders.

   In addition, the royal beast sect and even most sects in the whole practice world will automatically become the status of elders as long as they become immortals, so no disciple will not treat them as elders, so they dare not spy on them.

   Ordinary inner disciples can't see them, but the cultivators at the level above the Purple Mansion are different.

   They understand the secret of the law, basically can see both of them.

   It's just that these guys who were originally watching the show instinctively moved their eyes away after they came into contact with Qin Feng's glance, and they didn't dare to look anymore!

   is not only because Qin Feng's status is too high at this time, but also because the intriguing momentum in Qin Feng's gaze is too strong, making them consciously retract their gaze.

   Everyone has already clearly indicated that everyone should not watch it again.

   and annoyed Qin Feng, and at the same time it also provokes Li Miaozhen.

   All of a sudden offended the two sects who have the most potential, and they might even be promoted to the Golden Immortal in the future. They might not be able to hold it.

   Even if you don’t need it, you can’t hold it even now!

   After all, the two of them are already celestial cultivators, where these ordinary inner door elders can offend.

   Even the few true celestial celestial beings sitting at the gate of the mountain, after seeing Qin Feng's stern gaze, they all smiled and withdrew their gazes.

  Even the youngest of them has practiced for more than a thousand years. As a senior, of course, I am embarrassed to spy on the privacy of the younger generation.

   However, the several elders looked at each other a few times, and couldn't help but smile a little overwhelmingly in their eyes.

   That kid Qin Feng is actually shy!

   is also right, being held in her arms by her own woman, if the intimate appearance of a little man is in their own cave, it might be a bit of a sentiment, and it creates a different kind of spark!

   But it’s not the same if you are seen by outsiders. Any man with a stronger self-esteem might feel a bit embarrassed!

   Qin Feng's gaze turned away the vast majority of people, but not everyone was afraid of him!

   Such as Luo Cham City!

   At this time, the super elder of the white tiger line was staring at a pair of fierce tiger eyes, glaring at both Qin Feng.

   Although he also felt that staring at his apprentice and the Taoist companion was a bit uncomfortable, he quickly turned his head, but the anger in his heart has not been reduced by half.

   There are two points of his irritation.

   One is Qin Feng, the kid who snatched away his apprentice silently. This is the irritation that anyone who is a dad suddenly finds that his watery cabbage has been swept away by a pig.

   Although Li Miaozhen is not his daughter, he spends more thought and energy in teaching Li Miaozhen than his biological daughter.

  Because his daughter is not suitable for practicing "White Tiger God Jue", and most of the time his wife is teaching her daughter, which saves him a lot of heart.

   Li Miaozhen is different from Luo Luo.

   is not only his only disciple, but also the most outstanding true biography of his white tiger line. Therefore, Luo Zhancheng spent a lot of effort to cultivate Li Miaozhen in his early years, and placed great expectations on this disciple.

   Li Miaozhen did live up to expectations. He achieved extremely high achievements in a short period of time, and even became the son of good luck favored by the heavens. How could this not let him as a master feel gratified.

But this kind of relief didn’t last long before he discovered that his apprentice had been taken down by Qin Feng. When he first noticed this, his heart was furious, if it hadn’t been the gentle counseling of his wife all night. , I'm afraid I will go to Qin Feng and beat him up to put out the fire!

Later, Qin Feng did not stay at the mountain gate, and the two would not get too close in front of him. In addition, Li Miaozhen's joking that he would marry Qin Feng to Baihuling gradually made him disappear. gas.

   Later, Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen left the mountain gate one after another, and each went out to find opportunities.

   Li Miaozhen came back more than half a year earlier than Qin Feng. After returning, everyone discovered that she had also been promoted to the Celestial Immortal.

   The news immediately made the Royal Beast Sect celebrated.

None of the two heavenly prides of the sect of    had a hip pull, all of them were promoted to the heavenly immortals, this is definitely something that makes the royal beast sect happy.

   You have to know that the twenty geniuses who occupied the place of the children of luck, but not all of them have progressed so fast!

   There are a few who have even passed the tribulation of becoming a true immortal for a few years. Some have gone to war outside the territories and so far no news has been returned. There are only six or seven who have truly achieved heavenly immortals.

   Among the six or seven heavenly immortals, the Royal Beast Sect is the only one, so how can you not make them happy?

   Luo Champa was also very excited at first when he knew it. He kept grinning and grinning all day long. He was very happy that he had taught such an outstanding apprentice!

   Until today, Li Miaozhen left the customs again, and suddenly became interested to try him as a master.

Then, Luo Zhancheng felt aggrieved and found that not only was the "White Tiger Divine Art" far less advanced than his disciple's cultivation, even the White Tiger Seven Killing Sword Technique was not as sophisticated as Li Miaozhen had comprehended. Even if Li Miaozhen suppressed his cultivation, he was even more advanced than him. A weaker force fought with him, and he was still hit hard by his apprentice.

   But he still has nowhere to send fire.

   Otherwise, what can you say?

   Does the master still criticize the apprentice for being too good and shouldn’t surpass him?

   When he was sulking, Qin Feng returned to the mountain gate.

   This was originally a good thing, and it also helped him out, so that Li Miaozhen won't let Li Miaozhen compete with him again in the name of learning.

   But when he saw his apprentice being intimate with Qin Feng in full view, his heart suddenly became even more uncomfortable, and his originally depressed mood almost hurt him!

   Not far away, a woman with a petite body and a beautiful face was standing outside the court with Lolo's little hand, originally watching the two fight.

At this moment, seeing the appearance of my husband, I couldn’t help but chuckle, smiled and glanced up at the two people in the air, and then took his daughter forward to comfort him, which made Luo Zhancheng depressed his heart and hugged him. His daughter used his steel-pin-like beard to pierce her daughter's immature little cheek.

   Luo Luo stretched out a little hand to push away his father's big face with disgust, and curiously looked at Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen in mid-air.

   She didn't care about Qin Feng's gaze, and Qin Feng wouldn't do anything to her anyway.

It's just that in her young heart, she was very puzzled by the actions of Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen, and asked curiously: "Father, mother, why does senior sister hold Brother Qin in her arms and make Senior Brother Qin? His face flushed as if out of breath!

   eh, isn't Brother Qin already cultivated to the realm of heavenly immortality? Why do you still feel bored?

   Is the senior sister bored in her arms?

   How come I didn’t feel this way before, um, I have to hug Senior Sister and feel it another day! "

   Luo Champa twitched the corners of his mouth. He really didn't know how to answer the question of his darling girl, so he could only force her to turn her fleshy little face towards herself to test her cultivation.

   In mid-air, Qin Feng moved his ears, pretending not to hear a certain childish voice, but quickly pulled Li Miaozhen away from the sky.

   He didn't dare to continue being talked about here.

Li Miaozhen was completely unaware of this, and still took Qin Feng's hand with excitement, telling about her experience over the past few years. Whenever she talks about dangerous scenes, especially when she leapfrogs her ranks or fights against the crowd, it is even more so. Excited, very excited!

   For her, ordinary battles between the same levels have no longer aroused her interest. Only battles that can bring her pressure can excite her and make her willing to devote all her energy to face it.

   Because only this kind of battle can stimulate her potential and make her feel that she is making progress!

   Many of the battles went through, even though Qin Feng knew that she was safe and sound, he still heard the ups and downs.

   I thought that my journey on this expedition was already exciting enough, but I didn’t expect that Li Miaozhen’s past few years would be even more amazing than him!

   Moreover, Li Miaozhen's progress in his cultivation is not much weaker than him, and he has reached the stage of the Heavenly Immortal Stage.

   This made Qin Feng sigh!

   Li Miaozhen really deserves to be Li Miaozhen. If she hadn't been born out of nowhere, I am afraid she would be the first young person to lead the contemporary Royal Beast Sect!

  When it comes to luck, it may not be much weaker than oneself, but when it comes to the devotion to practice, the desire to fight, and the heart to explore the great way, it is a bit stronger than yourself!

   "Good job!"

   Qin Feng stretched out his arm to put his arm around Li Miaozhen's slender waist, and said, "My family Miaozhen is amazing. If such an experience is passed on, it will be enough to become a legend that will be passed on to future generations!"

"Is it?"

   Li Miaozhen didn't care, but instead set his gaze on Qin Feng, with an eager light flashing in his eyes: "It seems that your cultivation base has improved very well over the years, and you are a bit better than me!

   Well, very good. I haven't seen each other for so long. Let's fight! "


   Qin risked being choked by Li Miaozhen's words, and then couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

   Okay, this is Li Miaozhen!

  The little couple from another family reunited after a long time. They kissed me and I, wishing to stay together all day long.

   It's good for her to see that what she thinks is not intimacy, but fight!

   It’s no wonder that she has overwhelmingly overwhelmingly and made rapid progress, so she should have such an achievement because of her temperament!

   However, Qin Feng also felt a little depressed in his heart.

   Both of them already have skin-to-skin relationship, and the relationship between the Taoist and the couple has been determined. Why hasn't seen her for so long, when she first met, she didn't covet her own beauty, but wanted to fight instead?

   Is your attraction to women so bad already?

   It shouldn’t be. He had heard the screams of many girls from the outside of the mountain all the way into the inner door before, which shows that his charm is still very powerful!

   It can only be said that Li Miaozhen’s focus is not the same as that of other women, UU reading, otherwise she would not have the Taoism practice today.

   Looking at Li Miaozhen's eager eyes, Qin Feng couldn't help but chuckle: "If you fight each other, I will be with you, but don't be impatient, why don't we try another way?"

"In what way?"

   Li Miaozhen's interest in hearing this has greatly increased: "Is there any fighting method that I don't know? Then I have to give it a try!

  Go, go, let’s go to Ten Thousand Demons Cave Sky Xuanwu Island, where is the formation restriction imposed by the ancestor of the tortoise spirit, enough to withstand the fluctuations in the fighting between us! "


Qin Feng coughed lightly. He used Li Miaozhen's slender arm with a little force without a trace, and put her half of her body into his arms. His face said solemnly, "You don't have to go to Xuanwu Island, this novelty. You don’t need to go there for the fighting style, let’s go back to the cave first!"

   "Why do you return to the cave?"

   Li Miao said strangely: "It may not be possible to use it in the cave. If our battle fluctuates too fiercely, wouldn't it be a pity to destroy the cave?"

   "Don't worry, no, my cave is big and... There are many suitable venues, enough for us to toss!"

   A little bit under Qin Feng's feet, the immortal Qingluan suddenly speeded up.

   "Really? Then I have to take a good look and see how much you have gained in the past few years!"

   "Hey, don't worry!"

   Qin Feng meant something: "I promise to make you satisfied!"

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