Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 836: Tongue lotus blooming angel

Seeing Qin Feng plunged into the long river of time, and was hit by a wave of waves into the river without a trace, the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva suddenly became furious!

   This Bodhisattva has always had a calm temperament with a calm cloud and a calm temperament. The taciturn is completely different from those Buddhist monks who are good at debating Buddhist scriptures.

   But at this moment, I can't suppress the nameless anger rising in my heart!

   Qin Feng's accident, or it happened under the care of him and Mingguang Bodhisattva, this is not only because their faces are badly damaged, but now, what is more important is how to explain to the Royal Beast Sect in the future?

   The Royal Beast Sect finally cultivated a decision genius, who is expected to advance to the Golden Immortal in the future.

If nothing else, after the two juniors Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen are promoted to the Golden Immortal, the Great Ancestor can use the fortune of the Royal Beast Sect Daxing to break through the shackles and advance to eternity in one fell swoop, and then the Royal Beast Sect can become one of the super powers. One member.

   Even if it is the last existence among the super powers, it is also a super power far beyond the ordinary big sects!

   But now, with Qin Feng falling into the long river of time, all this is gone!

Qin Feng is not only the supreme genius of the Royal Beast Sect, but also the son of Biluo’s luck. He has the blessing of great luck on his body. If he dies, although Biluo’s luck will not be damaged much, the luck of the previous Heavenly Dao. But it was gone, after all, it was a loss.

   Even though these powers of air transport are only a small part of the entire Biluo world, they are an indispensable part of the Royal Beast Sect!

Without Qin Feng, not only will the Royal Beast Sect lose a mighty power in the future and impair the luck of the Zongmen, it will also slow down the advancement speed of the Heavenly Ancestor, who was able to break through the realm and advance to eternity, and make the Royal Beast Sect The time to become a superpower has been greatly delayed.

Even if it is more unlucky, Qin Feng’s death has damaged the luck of the Zongmen, and at the same time, it has also caused some geniuses or those who are expected to advance to the golden fairy to worsen their luck. There will be casualties due to various coincidences. Will there be any more in the future? Maybe the five golden immortals are still unknown!

   If the ancestor of Juetian wants to advance to Eternity, there is no possibility of trickery, only through hard work, and I don’t know how many years will it be possible to advance again.

In this world of great controversy, it is not uncommon for Jinxian Da Neng or even higher-level powerhouses to fight life and death. If the great ancestor encounters a strong enemy, causing damage to his cultivation, the hope for promotion to eternity will only be unlimited. Snooze!

   It is precisely because they know these consequences that both bodhisattvas will be so angry.

   The price of losing Qin Feng is really too great, too big to the point that they can't afford it, even the Daguangming Temple is not easy to explain to the Royal Beast Sect this time.

   People's original momentum of prosperity, but because of you Daguangming Temple stopped moving forward, the price is too great!

  If their Daguangming Temple cannot provide corresponding compensation to make up for the loss of the Royal Beast Sect, who will cooperate with them Daguangming Temple in the future?

   Can a child of luck, a genius monk with endless potential, what compensation should he take?

   You can’t send your own Buddha to the Royal Beast Sect, right?

   Don't say I don't want to give it up, even if I dare to give it to others, I won't accept it!

   Void Zang Bodhisattva was furious like madness, his figure suddenly grew, and his whole body grew a bit taller, turning into a six-foot golden body!

   He was tall and thin, covered with golden Buddha light. The compassionate expression on his face was replaced by boundless anger. He shouted violently and slammed his palm forward.

With a bang, there was no wind in the palm of the hand, but it solidified the void like a mountain, and directly pushed the solidified and solid void directly on the twelve-winged archangel on the opposite side, and blasted the strong man out. Thousands of miles away.

The twelve-winged angel was horrified. He didn’t expect that once the dull guy got angry, he would be so powerful that even the void space can evolve into an invisible mountain, and he will fly out with boundless force. .

Just as the archangel suppressed the discomfort in his body forcibly, fearing that Void Tibetan Bodhisattva would take the opportunity to kill him, he hurriedly flapped his back wings and released layers of light shields to defend himself, but found that Void Tibetan Bodhisattva did not continue to attack him. attack!

   I saw the six golden body of Voidzang Bodhisattva suddenly turning, taking a step forward, and appearing directly above Pavas' head, the endless and majestic Buddha power gushing out, turning into a golden fist, booming...

Almost instantly, thousands of fist shadows blasted from that fist, swaying the huge mountain-like but rotten pendulum clock from side to side, making a series of creaking sounds, and there was a cracking sound. out.

   Pavas saw this, and was shocked, and quickly went forward to retract the pendulum clock.

   This treasure has long been decayed and broken, and every time he uses it, he is worried that it will be destroyed directly, so he is not willing to let the violent bombardment of the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva.

   just before he could make a move, he was roughly interrupted by Mingguang Bodhisattva who was also so angry.

Although Mingguang Bodhisattva's cultivation time is not as long as Pavas, who has been born for countless years, he is talented and intelligent, and his understanding of Buddhism is far beyond ordinary people. Otherwise, he would not choose to walk in all Buddhist temples and temples in the Western Regions. All eminent monks and great virtues debated the Dharma, and in the end they were able to prove immortal and attain the bodhisattva status.

   Therefore, in terms of the progress in the immortal realm and the comprehension of the laws of the great path, Mingguang Bodhisattva is even more advanced than the existence of Pavas, who is ruling the roost by force.

   So facing Mingguang Bodhisattva who was going all out to kill him under the anger, Pavas didn't dare to be careless, so he could only give up the action of retracting the pendulum clock and quickly parry Mingguang Bodhisattva's attack.

Lost the shelter of Pavas, although the pendulum clock is still incomparably wonderful, with the pendulum swaying from side to side, exuding the power of time, the long river of time that is caused to sway is endless, but the broken and decayed body of the clock can hardly bear the void. The endless power of the Tibetan Bodhisattva.

   After suffering thousands of heavy blows in just one breath, he finally couldn't bear such a heavy blow. With a bang, he was blasted into sky fragments, scattered everywhere in the long river of time, and disappeared after being submerged in the river.


   At the moment when the pendulum clock broke, a large and unique force of time erupted from the body of the clock, causing a huge wave of time to be set off.

   The river water spread out and escaped into the void battlefield. It swept a lot of bright angels and fallen angels in an instant. When the river retreated back to the long river of time, the silhouettes of those angels were also swept into the river bottom and disappeared.


   Pavas cried out distressedly: "Do you dare to break my baby, I will kill you!"


   Xukongzang Bodhisattva didn't care about the threat of this twelve-winged angel at all, and even ignored him. With golden light in his eyes, he stared directly at the long river of time, trying to find Qin Feng's trace through the river.

   Of course his own relic knew how powerful it was, and Qin Feng was protected by the relic in such a short period of time.

That's why he exploded with all his strength, violently blasting the decadent pendulum clock, and using the moment the pendulum clock broke, the river of time set off a huge wave, ready to take advantage of Qin Feng being washed out by the huge wave. come out!

   It's a pity that he didn't see Qin Feng in the thousands of waves!

   Although the waves on the long river of time were huge, they did not rush Qin Feng's figure out of the river.

   Even, as the pendulum clock dissipated, the weird power of time emanating from that treasure disappeared, and the river of time gradually became illusory, gradually disappearing into the void.

   If everyone had not seen the emergence of the long river of time, and saw the spread of the river swept through a large number of angels, based on the empty scene above, it would be really hard to believe what happened here before.

With a scream, Void Tibetan Bodhisattva dodged to avoid a light cut from Pavas, and looked at him with cold eyes.

   After that, without saying anything, he took a sudden step, broke through the void and came to this powerful angel of strength, with the seal of both hands, and the endless golden light blasted Pavas's body, slamming his body back again and again.

   "Qin Feng died, you all need to die!"

   One move knocked the twelve-winged angel back, and the indifferent voice of Void Tibetan Bodhisattva slowly sounded.

   The voice was not loud, but it spread all over the place, so that the countless angels who were fighting frantically on the entire battlefield could hear clearly, and they all sensed the killing intent in this sentence!

   Parvas showed a look of horror, and suddenly raised his head to look at the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva, never expected that the strength and difficulty of this Bodhisattva would be higher than that of the Mingguang Bodhisattva!

Although the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva only has the six-foot golden body, which seems to be nothing compared with the ten thousand-zhang golden body of the Mingguang Bodhisattva, this six-foot golden body has infinite strength and endless power, which is larger than that of Mingguang Bodhisattva. The golden body is more suitable for combat!

   Before he recovered and prepared to fight, he saw the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva appearing in front of him again.

   This time Pavas finally sensed a little spatial fluctuation, knowing that the Void Store Bodhisattva had broken through the sky.

   It’s a pity that this Bodhisattva is so accomplished in space ~ The whole person is so fascinating that he comes and goes suddenly, making it difficult to distinguish the specific position.

   Even because his speed is so fast that the field is full of his phantoms, in an instant, the Void Store Bodhisattva has changed hundreds of positions and launched an attack towards Pavas from all directions.

   On the other side, all four heads on the body of Mingguang Bodhisattva Wanzhangjin opened their mouths, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came from his mouth, directly covering the entire battlefield.

The bursts of Sanskrit sounds, like the waves, are endless, without the slightest smoke, but the countless bright angels who heard the true Sanskrit sounds gradually disappeared from their hearts, and even some low-powered two-winged angels have put down their weapons and are ready to leave. This sea of ​​bitterness, follow that great Bodhisattva to the other shore, free from suffering!

   But the fallen angels were not affected. They fought and became more brave. Although they were a bit strange to face the opponent who was somehow stupid to put down their weapons, they were not soft at all.

   Charm Angel Cecía's face became more cautious.

   She turned her head and glanced at Mingguang Bodhisattva. She was shocked. She didn't expect that this bald head was not worse than her in seducing people's hearts, and even stronger than her in some respects!

   As a charm angel, she also needs to use her own goddess' advantage to display her charm, and the human race's bald head can make countless bright angels depressed by their voices.

   There are even some unsettled people who have put down the butcher knife in their hands, knelt on the ground, and worshipped Mingguang Bodhisattva with a pious face!

  What kind of skill is this...?

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