Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 839: Abandoned Land


   Qin Feng stepped out of the tributary of the Water of Time, and when he came to the shore, he couldn't help feeling the joy of the rest of his life.

   After he relaxed his breath, he realized that his whole body was a little weak, his limbs were weak, and the original strong celestial power in his body became thinner at this time.

   Chun Qiu Cicada lying prone on his shoulder is also the same at this time.

This guy turned into a small cicada, no more than an inch in length. His wings are like jade, his body is golden, and his sharp and small six-legged legs hold his robe tightly. Will not fall off the owner's shoulders.

   It’s okay to fall to the ground, but Qin Feng has just come ashore, and he is too close to the water of time. If it falls into the water of time again, it will be a little unlucky.

   Fortunately, Qin Feng was unwilling to stay in such a dangerous place anymore, and soon walked forward, preparing to stay away from the water of time and explore the foggy area ahead.

   He wanted to know where exactly this piece of mist here leads to, and it is connected to the most mysterious river of time in the universe. This is really weird.

  The secrets of various spiritual worlds and news about the worlds of various worlds that Qin Feng has watched since practicing cultivation, but have never heard of which world is directly connected to the long river of time.

   Is this a big world with incomparable strength?

   Or is there a peerless strong man who has lived forever, using the heavenly magic power to draw a tributary of the long river of time to his own world, thereby strengthening the law of time within the world?


   Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help taking a breath!

   If this guess is true, it would be too amazing.

   However, the strong man is not afraid of losing control of the long river of time one day, and diverting his way along the tributary will completely destroy this world?

   Soon Qin Feng shook his head, without thinking any more.

  Because all of this is only his guess after all, the specifics are true or not, and you have to leave here to explore for a while to know.

   But it is foreseeable that no matter whether this matter is true or false, the creatures living in this world are bound to be tyrannical.

   This can be seen from the dense skeletons on the shore.

  From the water of time to the depths of the dense fog, what you can see is full of bones, and the ground is full of the corpses of various creatures after their deaths.

   These corpses are large or small, the largest of which is like a mountain, and the small is only a few inches long, but no matter how big or small, judging from the residual aura and bone density, it is obvious that they are extraordinary in life.

   is also fortunate for Qin Fengdao's proficiency and tyrannical strength. These years not only have experienced countless years, but also participated in many wars. He has seen a lot of various corpse mountains and blood seas, and he has also been to the deadly kingdom of death.

If ordinary people see these things, they may feel fear, but Qin Feng is so knowledgeable, he has seen countless dead souls, and there are not a few who beheaded by himself. How can he be afraid of these after death? They were all gone, and even turned into bones that a dead spirit couldn't do.

   So he walked forward directly on the big and small bones on the ground.

   It's just that he took no more than a dozen steps, bypassing the bones of an unknown monster in front of him who was laughing. Qin Feng, who was about to move on, saw the scene in front of him, but he didn't get a little startled.

  Because he discovered that there are not only the bones of flesh and blood creatures here, but there are other weird bones left after death.

   Some of the corpses of creatures that evolved from the golden, jade, earth, stone, vegetation, vines, tree monsters were nothing more than that, but there were still some unnamed creatures, which made Qin Feng surprised if they couldn't distinguish the types of creatures.

   But he soon stopped paying attention to it.

  Because when he walked here, he suddenly found that the surroundings were strangely quiet, except for countless kinds of bones, there was nothing else around him.

   Don't talk about creatures, there is not even a dead soul, which is a bit too unreasonable.

   Normally, in these countless areas of deadly powerhouses, even if they did not nourish all kinds of corpses, insects, beasts and gnawing bones, all kinds of weird evil spirits would be born.

Just like the ancient battlefields of Biluo, it was because too many creatures died during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, and there were too many powerful people who died in it. Therefore, many weird creatures were born, and many monsters and poisonous insects were born, which made the monks from all sides dare not go deep. Exploring, knowing that there are all kinds of treasures in it, I dare not rush into it.

   But Qin Feng scanned the four directions, neither found any ghosts, ghosts, or zombies, nor did he find any corpse, insects and monsters breeding here. Except for the fog, the vast area was left with boundless silence!

   There is neither danger nor sound!

   No, this place is not without the slightest danger.

   When Qin Feng's gaze fell on the relic in front of him, his gaze condensed and found something wrong.

   The immortal aura that should no longer be consumed after leaving the water of time is still slowly dissipating, and the golden light outside his body is weakening at an undetectable speed.

   Qin Feng was startled, and quickly released his divine consciousness, and after careful induction for a moment, he discovered that the faint mist around him was also full of time.

   It’s just maybe because the fog here is relatively thin, so the power of time is not strong, and this is not as fast as the previous consumption in the water of time.

   Seeing this, Qin Feng instantly understood why there were no corpses, worms and ghosts, and no weird existence lurking here.

   It's not that those alien species were not born, but the time in this mist is much faster than the speed of the foreigners. No matter the corpse or the weird, all have disappeared in a long time.

   After thinking about this, Qin Feng raised his leg and jumped on the ribs of the monster bone beside him, standing on it and looking forward.

   Although the fog in the area where he is located is relatively thin, the fog in the deeper part is very dense. Even if he opened the yin and yang ghost eyes and explored with supreme magical powers, he did not see through the end of the mist of time.

   He doesn't know how wide this mist is.

   Or the whole world is shrouded in mist?

   In case the energy in the relic is consumed before getting out of these mist-shrouded places, he is in danger, maybe he will become one of the countless bones in this mist!

   Thinking of this, Qin Feng's face became even more ugly.

   then didn't dare to stay here any more, and hurriedly walked forward.

   It's not that he doesn't want to fly, he also made some attempts.

   It's just that the more the mist of time flies up, the denser the mist, and the more immortal aura it consumes.

   Now that there is not much energy left in the relic, he doesn't dare to consume it randomly, so he can only step forward step by step on the tired bones.

   Originally, he saw Chun Qiu-chan lying weakly on his shoulders to recover his strength, and he wanted to summon the Hellhound to travel.

   However, after discovering that the surrounding fog would consume the immortal breath, he immediately gave up his plan to summon hellhounds or other spirit beasts to travel.

   Fortunately, in addition to various escape methods, he is also proficient in the magical power of shrinking into an inch, as well as the advanced magical powers Qianlihuting and Tianya are within easy reach.

   Under these magic methods, his speed is not weaker than any escape method.

   It's a pity that although the fog here is quiet and silent, in addition to the power of time, it is also mixed with a little space law. In addition to this, there is a strange power that can confuse the mind, forming something similar to the blindfolded ghost attacking the wall.

   Qin Feng understood that the power of space is because this is the periphery of the river of time. The river of time itself is hidden in the depths of the void. There will naturally be layers of space outside, so it is not surprising that some space forces appear.

   As for the things that confuse the mind, it is caused by too many living beings dying here.

   Even if those souls, souls, and auras all disappear under the endless power of time, but these bones gather more and more, and the death gloom will melt into the mist over time.

  In addition, after all kinds of weird spiritual bodies dissipate, a part of the spiritual energy will also be integrated into the Yin Qi in the mist, which naturally forms this natural ecstasy effect.

Although Qin Feng’s Taoism will not be deceived, once the yin and yang ghost eyes are opened, it will directly see through all obstacles, but if the speed is too fast, it will still be affected by the law of space and deviate from the direction, so he can only shrink The supernatural power of the earth into the inch came on the way.

   Even so, he can take hundreds of meters in one step, and the speed is not too slow.

   After traveling at this speed for a short period of time, it is estimated that he has already walked a distance of tens of thousands of miles, and has not yet reached the end, which made Qin Feng's heart heavier.

He had to take the risk to speed up a bit, and just walked for another two or three quarters of an hour, just as the relic became dimmed and energy was almost exhausted, and Qin Feng's mood sank to the bottom, he suddenly realized that the fog in front of him had changed again. Got thinner.

   Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly turned the yin and yang ghost eyes, cast this supreme pupil technique to look forward.

   Sure enough, he found that the fog in front was about to dissipate, and some scenery different from the fog appeared in the back.

   Although the view was blocked by the fog of time, he was still able to determine that it was different from the area where the fog was.

   Excited, Qin Feng speeded up again, went over a dozen steps, rushed out of the area where the mist was, and went outside.

Although the sky and the earth here are gray, and there seem to be tens of thousands of weird mountains and rivers in the distance blocking his vision, but Qin Feng, who has left the mist of time, can't help but yell up to the sky, venting his depression. mood.

  Since being beaten into the long river of time, Qin Feng's mind has been tense. Several times, he thought that he had no way to survive, and even with his mentality, he almost collapsed completely.

   So after coming out, Qin Feng was not suppressing his emotions when he was excited, and he let out a roar to relax.

   It's just that his physical strength is tyrannical, and under the nourishment of the jade and bones in his body, he has reached the realm of a half-step Xuanxian.

   So even if this loud roar did not deliberately add dragons and other supernatural powers, the sound was still rolling, spreading everywhere, shaking the silent fog behind him, and shaking the mountains in the distance, there was an avalanche!

  Huh, that's not right!

   Qin Feng condensed his eyes and looked intently. Only then did he find out what an avalanche was. It should be called a bone avalanche.

  Because, in the distance, the area he regarded as mountains and rivers is not a rocky mountain range, but a pile of bones piled up into a mountain!

   With a loud roar, he vibrated the loosely piled bones, and then it fell down, which looked a bit like an avalanche from a distance.

   Qin Feng stared at the mountain range made up of countless bones. Could it be that he was in the Nether World, otherwise, how could there be so many bones?

   However, if the bones of the Netherworld are piled up into, among them, there must be such things as dead ghosts, bones and skeletons, but the bones here have no aura and obviously do not have any vitality.

   Qin Feng reclaimed his gaze along the White Bone Mountain Range in the distance, and everything he gazes over, including the area of ​​combat power under his feet, is actually thick bones!


   How many creatures died here?

   No matter how strong Qin Feng's heart is, he couldn't help but raise some other thoughts when he saw it.

   More importantly, there is nothing but various corpses here, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

But when he was in a daze, suddenly, a somewhat helpless voice came from the bone mountain in the distance: "Who is yelling? In this deserted place, I don’t know how to save my strength, but I still have so much energy to yell. ?"

   The voice was full of oldness, as if an old man who was about to grow old was sighing.

   As that voice remembered, several voices came from other places: "Well, the direction of hearing seems to come from the fog of time!"

   "A new creature has broken through the fog of time? Let's go over and see if we can grab some treasures!"

   "I don't care if treasures are not treasures, but I really want to smell the smell of flesh and blood."

   This voice is full of endless desire for food: "Meat, meat, I have been hungry for thousands of years, and I have not eaten for a long time, I want to eat meat!!!"

Before   's words fell, a few figures appeared behind Bone Mountain, and they rushed toward this side quickly!

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