Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 842: 0 Eyes Evil Eye Jin Chan escapes the shell


The first to attack Qin Feng was the dwarf who controlled the mechanical puppet.

Dozens of launch holes appeared densely on this guy's mechanical puppet. With a creaking sound, all the launch holes that were originally scattered around the puppet gathered in front, and then burst out countless energy waves toward Qin Feng!

Qin Feng gave him a surprised look. He didn't expect this guy to look short and small, but he was so tough when fighting.

However, although these energy waves are not weak in power, they are relatively balanced and have an upper limit. If they are used to deal with ordinary middle-ranked gods, of course, there is no problem. There are hundreds of shock waves of attacks in an instant, which can definitely catch many middle-ranked gods by surprise.

But Qin Feng is different, he is not comparable to an ordinary mid-level god!

Seeing him whispered, he didn't shrink his figure, he just placed a few defensive shields outside.

Although these defensive shields were quickly dissipated by the continuous shockwaves, Qin Feng did not expect those defensive shields to prevent all the attacks from the opponent, he just took this to delay a little time.

During this period, a layer of dark golden scales appeared on his body.

The pieces of scale armor were closely connected, shining with pitch-black metal light, and a series of shock waves hit him, but they did not break his scale armor defense, but only took Qin Feng's fight back one step.

But then Qin Feng stopped abruptly, and then rushed towards the dwarf who was driving the mechanical puppet with the shock wave. He stepped a thousand feet, and straddled the distance between the two sides to the mechanical puppet in just a few steps. On the big fist suddenly slammed.

With a bang, the countless gold and iron on the surface of the mechanical puppet were distorted and deformed. The six legs were broken in half.

Although this mechanical puppet was good, it wasn't enough in front of Qin Feng.

Just as Qin Feng was about to reach out and break the mechanical puppet and grab the dwarf among them and pinch it to death, he suddenly felt the water vapor flooding behind him, and countless water blades attacked him.

Feeling the strength of the water blade's attack, even if Qin Feng held his own physical defense, he was unwilling to resist such powerful spells, so he had to give up his plan to squeeze the dwarf to death, and his figure flashed to avoid the attack.

However, the water blade is controlled by the octopus boss. This old octopus has survived in this spiritless land for many years. He has long been accustomed to diligence and thrift, where he is willing to waste his power.

Therefore, it did not continuously cast water blade spells, but manipulated the water blades that it had previously issued to follow Qin Feng's figure, and its speed did not increase slowly.

It seems that these years have not been idle in the deserted land, and the fighting experience is really extraordinary.


Looking at these reluctant water blades, Qin Feng let out a cold snort, and was about to cast a spell to attack him, when he heard a terrifying roar suddenly not far away.

Then I saw the violent ape's figure soaring, and the body that was originally only ten feet high suddenly became a behemoth several hundred feet high. Although it was still skinny, it was full of majestic power.

I don't know where this guy pulled out a huge bone stick, and suddenly jumped, swinging the bone stick in the air and smashing it towards Qin Feng.

This is not over yet, the round monster just frightened Qin Feng’s red lotus sword aura for hundreds of miles, Qin Feng was afraid of accidents, so he didn’t want to let the red lotus sword go too far, so he was not manipulating the sword to pursue it. As a result, this guy flew back silently again.

Moreover, its original round body was several feet in size. At this moment, its full-strength attack has not become larger, but has shrunk by more than half.

The body, which was originally tight and resembling a leather ball, was shrunk, causing the skin to wrinkle. Layers upon layers of it protect its body. Although it does not have the previous elasticity, its defense power has been reversed several times.

Moreover, because of the shrinkage of its body, its originally ridiculously short claws were also exposed. Although it is still a little short, it has become much more normal.

As its body rotated for a while, its small paws waved, and countless fragments of space blades suddenly appeared outside.

It manipulated these space blades to slam into Qin Feng's body, trying to carry out a sneak attack when Qin Feng resisted the attacks of the octopus boss and the violent ape.

Now Qin Feng couldn't hold it anymore.

It wasn't that his combat power was not enough, but that he had consumed too much during the long river of time, which caused him to have more than enough energy while fighting these guys now.

Just like his body, he originally wanted to use the magic to transform the sky and the earth into a thousand feet, but because the immortal power in his body was not enough to support that consumption, it could only become a hundred feet in size.

Just like he took out the flame spear and prepared a hard anti-violent ape volley, but he was beaten back by the violent ape. There were countless bones under his feet, and he was almost hit by the opponent’s stick into the thick bones of his feet. go.

If this is caught in, the opponent won't let him out easily, and he will definitely beat the dog.

Cough... Of course Qin Feng didn't want to be a drowning dog, so he quickly turned back with the help of his strength.

As a result, the octopus boss's water blade and the ball monster's attacks all followed one after another, hit him by surprise, and suffered a series of attacks abruptly.

Although the scales on his body were hard and his own defenses were strong, Qin Feng still felt that his internal organs had been shaken, and even the sturdy scales on his body showed signs of breaking, and blood leaked out between the scales.

His dark gold scale armor is defensive and tyrannical, but it is not that he is not afraid of any attacks. When the attack power reaches the upper limit he can bear, he will also be injured.

What's more, no matter the sharp water blade used by the upper god-level octopus boss, or the spatial turbulence captured by the ball monster, the scales on his body were chopped violently.

If he hadn't had a very high level of body refining, if he replaced a weaker Heavenly Wonderland body refining cultivator, it would really be possible that these two guys would cut his body into pieces.

Although the powerful healing ability of the body-refining cultivator can quickly reconnect it even if the body is cut off, but if the opponent's offensive is continuous and they will not be given a chance to recover, there is no way!

Seeing that these opponents were gaining power and not forgiving, various fierce attacks continued one after another, and even the dwarf jumped out of the mechanical puppet, grabbing the equipment behind it that was far larger than the transmitter on his arm. Raising his hand, he launched a wave of stronger horizontal energy towards Qin Feng.

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly cried out that it was bad, and wanted to retreat first.

He is not that kind of pedantic person, but it would be foolish to fight against it.

Of course, if there were only these few guys, Qin Feng was not afraid.

Even if his state is not at the peak, and he can't fight a few monsters together, there are still a huge number of spirit beasts under his command.

Even if he is not strong enough to control the full power of the Ten Thousand Beast Battlefield, he is not afraid of his opponents only by relying on the main spirit beast that has been promoted to the Demon Fairyland, plus a few powerful guys such as Hydra and Spider Demon God.

Even if the old octopus monster is powerful, it is at most the advanced stage of the upper gods, and it is still the kind of strength that is not in the peak state, and he does not know whether there is an old guy who has saved half of his heyday. Qin Feng really wants to release his subordinates. The beast is believed to be enough to fight his opponent.

But besides the octopus boss, there is also a more powerful Thousand-Eyed Centipede, which caused Qin Feng a little headache.

Even if the thousand-eyed centipede essence hasn't cultivated to the peak of the upper gods, it is absolutely the same.

What's more, in addition to its tyrannical realm of strength, there are thousands of evil eyes on the carapace behind it.

These eyes are obviously not decorations, otherwise Qin Feng would not feel such a crisis, so that he would always keep a part of his mind to guard against the centipede's sneak attack.

Qin Feng was sure that even if he released the spirit beasts under his command, he would definitely not be able to beat these guys.

After all, the other party has two monsters comparable to Xuanxian!

The gap in realm is not so easy to obliterate. Although he has many methods of spirit beasts, his combat power can be regarded as very tyrannical in the same realm, but after all, most of them were promoted to the demon immortal not long ago.

Except for the tree of life, the other spirit beasts can only play a containment role when dealing with Xuanxian, and it is difficult to trap their opponents.

Therefore, unless he restores his full strength and releases all the spirit beasts under his command to put out a ten thousand beast battle formation, it will be difficult to fight against two upper gods at the same time!

At this time, he saw that he fell into a disadvantage, but the opponent was not forgiving. Various offensives continued, and Qin Feng suddenly retreated.

Unfortunately, it was a little late.

Just when he wanted to forcibly repel the violent ape, break the water blade of the octopus monster, kick the ball monster and then retreat calmly, a feeling of horror suddenly rose in his heart.

Turning his head fiercely, he saw that the thousand eyes behind the centipede were all shining with a weird scarlet light.

However, this centipede also saw Qin Feng’s intention to retreat, and where would he be allowed to flee, so he seized the opportunity to take advantage of Qin Feng’s attack against the other monsters, and put thousands of eyes behind him. Supernatural powers are released.

In an instant, thousands of scarlet rays of light shot at Qin Feng's body, extremely fast, and it was very difficult for Qin Feng to dodge when he was approaching.

What's more important is that the number of these red awns is too much. The centipede has thousands of eyes, and it can emit thousands of red awns at the same time, so Qin Feng was bombarded by a large number of red awns in a blink of an eye.

I don't know what exactly the centipede has cultivated, but Qin Feng only felt that the red glow hit his body, and it immediately made him feel very painful.

Moreover, these weird red glows seemed to contain the power of dissolution, and they were dissolving the dark golden scales outside his body.

What made him even more shocked was that with the defensive power of the scale armor, he couldn't hold the opponent for a moment or three. I was afraid that a part of the red light in the eyes of the opponent would melt away in the near future, and then he would only rely on the strength of the physical body to resist. He is afraid that he will suffer a big loss!

This is not over yet.

As the so-called room leak happened in the night rain, when Qin Feng was secretly complaining, the water blade of the old octopus, the huge bone stick of the violent ape, and the ball monster grabbed seven huge space blades and launched them with the dwarf. The powerful shock wave attacked him almost at the same time.

At this moment, Qin Feng was in desperation!

It is said that his current strength is not at the peak, even in his heyday, he cannot resist such a powerful attack at the same time.

Boom boom boom...

A series of attacks fell, and the sky was filled with spells and bone debris, and Qin Feng's body was completely blown up with a bang.

"Stop, stop!"

The old octopus hurriedly stopped the other guys from continuing to attack, and even stretched out huge tentacles to hold the violent ape, and stretched out a tentacle to separate the orb monster: "Don’t take the treasures from him. If it is broken, don't blow his body, otherwise he won't collect much flesh and blood!"

As soon as these words came out, the other monsters stopped one after another and all looked into the field. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But under this look, he was taken aback, and then roared again and again.

Because the figure that was blown up in the field was Qin Feng, it was just a shell of weak cicada wings.

The real Qin Feng had already used Jin Chan's magical power to escape from the shell when all the monsters attacked him.

Qin Feng is not stupid, he knows where he will resist if he is defeated!

In addition, he is proficient in a variety of life-saving magical powers, even if he is really blown up by the opponent, he can still use a part of the original power to reconsolidate his body and escape.

Of course, that was a decision made in desperation!

If there is a chance, he doesn't want to use this magical power.

After all, this magical power consumes the power of the original source. Even if the treasures in his body can quickly make up for it, it is not very cost-effective!

So he chose Jin Chan to try it out.

As a result, the effect of this magical power was really good, and it allowed him to quietly get rid of the attacks of a few monsters, and then quietly turned into a golden light to escape.

It's just that in this non-spirited land, there will be traces left by any escape technique, so even if the golden light he casts is very inconspicuous, he will soon be seen by the strongest and most eye-catching centipede.

Then there is a series of hunts and kills!

After all, their strength is so powerful, and they have already cast so many spells and consume a lot of energy. If Qin Feng slips away, it will not be easy to make up for the previously consumed energy.

After all, this is the edge of the deserted land. Unless the luck is specially prepared, it is difficult to encounter a second creature to break in in a short time.

Without beings, there would be no flesh and blood, and no energy, making it difficult for them to be replenished.

Therefore, these monsters are now a little hard to ride a tiger, they can only chase after them!

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