Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 863: Master of the Palace of Longevity and Longevity

For the creatures of all races in the Abandoned Lands, many people feel that time flies slowly. Every day facing the gray world, they always feel that there is a breath of despair everywhere.

   So they feel that their lives are like years, and they have to find something to do.

   Whether it is killing or fighting, sneak attack or ambush, or not knowing when it became the target of other strong people.

   In general, most of the creatures in the Abandoned Land live a numb and cruel life whether they are active or passive. They are accustomed to death every day, fighting and killing, day after day, until the end of their lives!

   But for some people who have something to do and are interested in it, time flies very quickly, often without knowing it, it may pass by for a long time!

   is like Qin Feng!

   After he came to this gathering place and opened a branch of the Wan Yao Pavilion, he used his many years of accumulation as the capital, and used the resources in the refining pot to exchange various treasures with the creatures in the gathering place!

  Because treasures enter his own treasure house every day, Qin Feng is happy every day.

  Under this situation, he certainly wouldn't pay much attention to the passage of time, so that over the decades, he unknowingly made him earn a lot of treasures from the powers of various races in the gathering place.

  Because the abandoned land does not produce spiritual artifacts, cultivation resources are extremely difficult to find. Healing treasures have also been raised to sky-high prices, but most of the other treasures have been overwhelmed by an extremely low price.

   For example, the precious sacred gold capable of refining artifacts was overwhelmed by the old tortoise, who was once instructed by Qin Feng, to the point where he could only exchange for a few spirit fruits and a few healing pills!

   There are also many magical materials from all walks of life. They were originally valuable things, but in this place, they can only be used as raw materials in exchange for some ordinary spiritual things!

   It's not that Qin Feng's heart is cruel, or that the old turtle's heart is too dark, it's true that the entire abandoned place is like this.

   Even if I go to shops in other gathering places, the materials that can be used for refining artifacts are not at a high price.

After all, every strong person who comes in basically has a few magic weapons in hand, even if there are none, some magic weapons or materials can be obtained from other strong people who attack and kill, so this kind of thing is far worse than it can be improved. The treasures of strength and recovery from injuries are valuable.

   By the way, the Qin Feng Demon Refining Pot contains a lot of spiritual resources.

   That's it, he still controls the shipments of the shops, and there is no unlimited supply.

Otherwise, if you really want to do this, it will easily suppress the business of other forces, and it will also easily arouse the jealousy of others. If people find that he has treasures that can continuously produce resources, I am afraid that the powerhouses in the entire gathering area will have the mind to rob him. .

   Even so, in the past few decades, Qin Feng has also suffered many assassinations and sneak attacks while going out occasionally, and even two forces have committed large-scale crimes.

   A man who thought he had figured out the details of the small building of Wan Yao Pavilion, prepared a lot of powerful artifacts to offset the power of the formation.

As a result, I didn’t know that in addition to the spatial formation, Qin Feng also had eight hundred monsters and gods under his command, so instead of being able to take advantage in the end, Qin Feng took the opportunity to conquer many powerful people, including two high-level gods. Monster.

   This made Qin Feng quite gratified, and instead he began to look forward to another force coming in, so that he could take the opportunity to subdue a few more powerful men.

It's a pity that he destroyed the force that came to find faults. Although he didn't scare the big forces in the gathering place, the force that tried to plunder him was clever and didn't enter Qin Feng's Ten Thousand Demons Pavilion at all. Instead, he led them outside. His subordinates stormed and tried to break this small building first.

   They felt that as long as they broke the independent space in the small building and forced Qin Feng out to fight them head-on, they would definitely not be their opponent.

   As a result, they didn't know that Qin Feng had been prepared for this!

Although Qin Feng didn't want to completely expose all his hole cards, he didn't release all the monster gods who were about to be close to nine hundred, nor did he let the high-ranking gods in the demon refining pot be dispatched, but he arranged outside early. Dozens of demon gods.

  Because the old turtle and Tian Swallowing Toad are the only people in the small building of the Wan Yao Pavilion, most of the strong people in the gathering place think that Qin Feng is just a few of his men, and he does not take any more precautions.

  Where did I think that Qin Feng had sent dozens of monsters and monsters to lurk around long ago.

   These monsters, monsters and gods either found another place to live nearby, or they wandered around the gathering place, only waiting for Qin Feng's call, they immediately rushed from all directions, and then attacked from behind the forces that attacked the small building.

   And Qin Feng also took the opportunity to kill out of the Ten Thousand Demon Pavilion, behind him he led dozens of powerful spirit beasts, and the inside and outside were combined, and the enemy who committed the crime in the future immediately killed a falling flower!

   Although he failed to get all his opponents in one swoop this time, after beheading the leader and most of his opponents, the creatures in the gathering place realized the power of Qin Feng and knew that his subordinates were not without power.

   Hundreds of fierce monsters, monsters and gods, although there are too many in number, they are not something that ordinary forces can provoke.

More importantly, Qin Feng personally displayed a very strong combat power. After several killings, gradually no one came to provoke him. The entire gathering place recognized his existence, and even regarded the Ten Thousand Demons Pavilion as a ranking. One of the top twenty powers.

This is what it should be, because the forces ranked seventeenth and nineteenth have been destroyed by Qin Feng. Although Wanyao Pavilion has never shown the intention of expanding outward, with such an impressive record, it is already enough to rank in In the ranks of the big forces!

   Although Qin Feng didn't have the idea of ​​expanding his strength, his business in the Myriad Demon Pavilion was getting bigger and bigger, but now, ordinary treasures are no longer in his eyes.

   In order to collect some particularly precious and rare treasures, Qin Feng did not hesitate to come up with some real good things.

   Among them are not only the magic pill that can enhance the power of the gods, but there are even a few peaches that have the effect of prolonging life!

   This is a treasure born on a peach tree with spiritual roots in Beimingxian's Mansion. It has just matured slowly in the years since he entered the Abandoned Land.

   In fact, these fairy peaches, which are used to prolong one's life, have an awkward position in the spiritual world.

Because the lifespan that a fairy peach can grow is limited, and the effect of eating too much will definitely be greatly reduced. For an immortal who achieves longevity and can survive millions of years, the life span of several hundred years is less than several hundred years. Yuan is actually no big deal!

  Only those who admire the immortal way but cannot get ordinary people, as well as the cultivators of the Yuanshen realm who long for longevity and life is about to end, will they attach great importance to this kind of treasure that can prolong life and increase life!

Therefore, although this kind of fairy peach is rare, it is not very much valued by the immortals. According to rumors, some immortals with rich net worth will even take out these spiritual objects as hospitality when they set a feast to entertain other immortal friends. Lingguo!

   However, Xiantao has an awkward position in the spiritual world, but it is another treatment in the Land of Abandonment.

The Abandoned Land is an extremity whose time has passed by tens of thousands of times more than the outside world. The number of strong people living here is far beyond imagination, even if there are many in this gathering place that have survived for tens of thousands of years, the longevity is about to dry up and die. .

   Therefore, when Qin Feng took out the fairy peach to explain its effects, there was no publicity, and it immediately caused an uproar among some powerful people in the gathering place.

   It happened that Qin Feng also used auctions to sell these fairy peaches!

   Under the auspices of the calculating old tortoise, every fairy peach was sold for a high price, and even the strong man with a longevity in the auction would not hesitate to sacrifice all the treasures he had accumulated over the years in order to compete for a fairy peach at the auction.

   There is a big horror between life and death. Few creatures can face death peacefully!

   And these powerhouses who have lived for tens of thousands of years, instead of feeling that they have lived enough because they have lived too long, but because of the approaching death, they feel more and more fearful.

  They are too strong, they can feel the passing of vitality in the body, and calculate the time of their death!

   I just know what I can do, I can’t avoid it at all.

   This kind of feeling that death is approaching all the time, really frightens these guys.

   So when Xiantao came out, it caused such a powerful reaction.


   In a gorgeous palace full of extravagance, there are countless gems inlaid on the walls, gold on the ground as bricks, and the exquisite wall carvings are beautifully carved.

   What’s even more amazing is that there are still many vegetation growing in this palace, lush and full of greenery!

   This is incredible in the deserted place, most of the living creatures in the gathering place probably never imagined that there would be such a scenery here!

   After all, if you want to maintain so many plants in this non-spirited land, you need to consume a lot of energy.

   In the luxurious hall, an old man with firstborn horns and silver beard sits on the throne.

   He was wearing a luxurious robe and holding a delicate crystal cup in his hand. He didn't know what liquid was in the cup, it was scarlet like blood, and it also exuded a **** fragrance.

   In the hall, there are more than a dozen women of different races, but all graceful figures are dancing. They are enchanting, like water snakes when they twist, full of endless temptation.

   The one-horned silver-haired old man is very old, even if he sits there with a mountain of vigor, but this does not conceal his old state, and the deep cultivation has not prevented the wrinkles on his face.

   However, even though he looks like an old man, no creature dared to underestimate him.

  Even the women dancing in the temple or the strong men on both sides carefully flattered the old man.

  Because, this old man is not an ordinary person, but the leader of one of the four major forces in this gathering place, the leader of the natural temple, who claims to be the natural and sacred Lord of the Sheep!

This is the strong man at the top of the food chain of the entire gathering place. It has been in the gathering place for more than 100,000 years, and his strength is unfathomable. Even if he hasn't done it for tens of thousands of years, no one force dared to provoke this top-level strong. By!

   "Hall Master, it's already confirmed!"

Beside   , a guy with a dark face and his whole body seemed to be rubbing against the bottom of a pot, even his mouth was pitch black, and a mouth that seemed to have cracked a black hole beside him whispered.

   This person is not only dark and shiny, but also faintly reveals a strange and intriguing aura.

However, at this time, this strange-looking guy whispered a report to the old man sitting on the throne: "The subordinates found out that the Emperor did indeed get a fairy peach from the Ten Thousand Demon Pavilion, and his face was glowing recently. A lot younger.

   Even today, I still have the spirit to go out to hunt for treasure. It is said that I am planning to buy another fairy peach from Wan Yao Pavilion! "


   The Lord of the Dark Goat Temple, who was squinting his eyes to watch the dance of the alien women in the temple, heard the words, and the finger that was tapping the tabletop gave a slight pause, and he immediately knocked a hole through the beautifully carved tabletop in front of him.

   "Withered Emperor? It can rejuvenate that old thing, it seems that things are true!"

   Mingyang Palace's master revealed a look of expectation: "So, that kid who possesses treasures like an independent small world shouldn't run away!

Hehe...I’m not old, I’m greedy, I don’t have such a treasure, I don’t know how to practise, but I still dare to be so greedy, but I don’t know that my details have been exposed. Even if I don’t do anything, some other guys will become greedy. Heart!

   Rather than bargain others, give me things!

   Hmph, such precious fairy peaches are sold at will, really...cough cough, violent heaven...cough cough cough..."

   Before he could finish a sentence, the lord of UU Reading Mingyang Palace suddenly coughed violently, his body was stagnant, his face was filled with black aura, and a decadent aura appeared all over his body.

   "Hall Lord..."

   Several strong men on both sides were shocked when they saw this, and got up one after another, all with a worried look on their faces.

   "Cough cough cough..."

The lord of    Mingyang Palace still coughed constantly, and the blackness on his face became more obvious. He suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed a beautiful woman dancing from the hall, and bit on the white and soft neck of this woman of unknown race.


   The sound of sucking blood sounded, but in a moment, the old man consumed the woman's blood and energy, and the woman finally turned into a mass of ashes with a bang, and even the bones were not even left!


   After inhaling the woman's blood essence, Palace Master Mingyang quickly suppressed the abnormality on his body, and the black qi on his face disappeared without a trace.

   But his face is not good-looking, he just waved his hand to the strong side on both sides to signal that he was OK.

   But soon, he turned his head to look at the dark man on one side: "Mo Yu, you go for a walk yourself and catch the kid to see me.

   Since he can take out a few fairy peaches that can prolong life, there is a possibility that there will be another fairy peach tree, and maybe even other treasures that can increase longevity.

   In order to avoid accidents, you go with Chi Yan and Han Ling, and you must bring him anyway, otherwise you won't get enough treasures to make up for your life, and the Lord of the Palace will not be able to support it for many years! "

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