Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 871: Nightmare Textile

The bird face gods entangled them for a moment, and there was a strong chase behind them.

Although there were not many strong people chasing, they were only three or two, but they were all the prestigious generations in the gathering places of gluttons.

In particular, the one headed is even more conspicuous, not only is powerful, but also extremely tall, with eight arms under his ribs, and from far to near amid the violent thunder, he came to the front in an instant!

Surprisingly, Augusta, the Thunder giant, ranked only under the four major forces.

This giant is born with eight arms and is powerful and powerful. It is only a few thousand years before he has come to the gathering place to build his subordinate forces into existence second only to the four major forces. How can he be a simple generation?

That is to say, Henghou is too demanding for a true Tianzong talent, otherwise, given the strength and potential of the eight-armed giant Augusta, it is enough to be called an infinite genius in any world.

Followed by a strange guy, like a group of scarlet silk threads randomly grouped together in life, countless silk threads are constantly twisting like iron worms, exuding a frightening atmosphere!

This is a terrifying existence that makes countless creatures in the entire gathering area feel terrified, and all forces are unwilling to provoke: the nightmare weaver!

No one knows where the Nightmare Weaver comes from, or what its body is wrapped in layers of silk threads.

Maybe...the silk thread itself is its body, maybe!

However, this is rare in the entire gathering place. There is no existence of the peak realm of the upper gods that form forces, and no creature has the courage to take the initiative to take refuge in it.

As for those who oppose it, they are often killed by it in fear, and it does not bother to recruit the weak as its subordinates!

The third one came after Qin Feng's surprise. It turned out to be a huge mechanical puppet with a height of thousands of feet!

In other words, it is a mechanical master!

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes when looking at the mechanical puppet, and he felt a little familiar looking at this behemoth.

After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that it turned out to be the change of the mechanical castle in the gathering place. No wonder it is a bit familiar!

This discovery made him a little curious, but he also gave birth to a bit of surprise. He did not expect that the mechanical castle built by the mechanical **** would still have this ability to change, disguised as a castle defense in his leisure time, and turned into a mechanical puppet in war. , But the function is changeable!

Moreover, although this puppet was huge in size, it was extremely fast, and several large jet holes appeared behind him, emitting fiery flames.

Under the blessing of the firelight, the speed of this mechanical puppet is second only to the eight-armed giant Augusta, and the mysterious nightmare weaver, ranking among the gathering places even ahead of the mechanical gods. The strong are lagging behind.

Qin Feng couldn't help feeling that, although these mechanical guys put more energy on the **** skills, their perception of the law was a little slow.

But I have to say that these guys are clever in their minds, and they are able to refine the puppets to such a level by using techniques such as machinery and organs, which is really admirable.

But soon, Qin Feng suppressed this thought in his heart.

The other party is here to kill him to win the treasure, and no amount of admiration for the mechanical master is useless, and they will never let him go because of this.

The only thing that made him feel gratified was that he was also extremely fast. After only half a day's escape, he was already a million miles away from the gathering place.

Not only had the vast majority of the pursuers been far behind, but even the leaders of many big forces did not catch up for a while.

Although those guys are powerful, but not all the strong are good at speed. There will be no too many in the same realm that can follow him in speed!

That's why only the eight-armed giants, the powerful ones, came first. As for the powerful ones from other forces, including their subordinates, they all chased after them desperately, and there was still a long way to go!

"Hahaha... Pavilion Master Qin, why bother to leave in such a hurry and leave the treasure first!"

Augusta was born in the thunder giant clan, not only has a thunderous voice, but also has a violent personality.

This guy came near and laughed in his mouth. He didn't even care about the bird face who wanted to come forward to find him complaining. He waved his eight arms behind him, and instantly hit hundreds of violent thunder shadows!

"Huh! If you want my treasure, you have to see if you are dead to get it!"

Qin Feng didn't summon the spirit beasts under his command, otherwise if he summoned the spirit beast army to assist in every battle, it would not have the effect of tempering.

If he wants to one day become a strong man like Henghou, if he wants to leave the deserted land, he still has to put his own strength first!

Qin Feng changed his body, using the magical powers of heaven and earth to make his figure taller than Augusta.

Although he doesn't have eight arms like Augusta, he has nine ghosts and fire dragons!

Hearing a dragon roar sounded behind him, the nine evil dragons protruded half of his body from behind him, not only spewing out different tyrannical supernatural powers from their mouths, but also wielding their dragon claws to catch attacks.

The number of eighteen dragon claws is not only more than that of Augusta’s eight arms, but also the offensive is changeable. Sometimes the Yunlong claws are used to grab the shadow of the claws, and sometimes the void is torn apart, and the opponent’s body is directly attacked, with various magical powers in the mouth. It is constantly emerging, and in a short period of time, this thunder giant has been forced into a disadvantage!

Of course, it is only a disadvantage. It is impossible to defeat the opponent in a short time!

Augusta is not only powerful and powerful in his thunder power, but also extremely rich in combat experience, but he didn't expect Qin Feng's fighting style to be so unusual, and this suffered a small loss.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Augusta was born with eight arms. He was born to fight. In the gathering place, he was called the king of close combat. He once relied on chaotic cloak-like punching to beat countless strong men. Endless.

Augusta chased forward, originally wanting to take advantage of his natural eight-arm advantage, but did not expect Qin Feng to give birth to nine dragons behind him. Each dragon wields two dragon claws. Let him experience the feelings of those strong men who fought with him in the past, and felt bored in a series of attacks.

However, after all, his strength was tyrannical, and he quickly recovered. Although he was a little hurried for a while, he managed to survive this wave of Qin Feng's offensive after all.

"You guys don't make a move yet? Don't you want to wait until I fight him and I'll hurt both sides before making a move?"

Seeing that the other two guys were not moving, Augusta could not help but yelled in his heart, and then shouted at the nightmare weaver and the mechanical puppet: "It will be delayed until the strong from other forces are coming, under the melee. , The treasure may not fall into our hands.

At this time, you and me will join forces and fight again after the event. It is much cheaper than being picked up by someone else! "

He already felt that although Qin Feng's methods were full of tricks, his cultivation time was too short in the end. When it comes to the accumulation of strength in his body, he may not be better than his strong thunder power. It is really hard to say who wins and loses.

But in any case, it is impossible to keep the two strong men out of the way.

Otherwise, if he consumes too much divine power, he will not be able to recover in a short time. Even if he can win Qin Feng by then, he will not have the strength to take away the treasures from Qin Feng's body while the two powerhouses are looking at him!

After hearing this, the mechanical gods and nightmare weavers also knew that it was really not the time to pick up the bargain, so they used methods to attack Qin Feng.

"Boom boom boom..."

The first to take the shot was the mechanical god. This guy hid his figure in the depths of the mechanical puppet and manipulated the long-range weapons on the mechanical puppet to launch a fierce bombardment at Qin Feng.

In an instant, countless flames, thunder, ice, and hurricanes fell on Qin Feng one after another.

The energy cannon on this mechanical puppet is capable of launching energy attacks of different systems.

Even if Qin Feng cast several layers of defensive supernatural powers in time, he was beaten back by these energy cannons.

How could the strongest puppet of the mechanical gods be weak? The power of these energy cannons is not weaker than the attacks of the upper gods in terms of attack strength alone.

And so many energy cannons add up, almost as many as the existence of the peak realm of the upper gods together.

Of course, the powerhouses in the pinnacle realm of the upper gods are also divided into superior and inferior!

Strictly speaking, even Henghou is considered to exist in this realm.

However, Henghou's strength can easily obliterate the gods at the top of the ordinary, so the gap is huge.

This is not only related to the degree of comprehension of the law of personal strength accumulation, but also has a lot to do with the world they came from.

How can a **** born in a small world, even if he is promoted to the pinnacle of a higher position, be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with a strong person born in a big world?

Not to mention that Qin Feng and others are considered top geniuses even in the big world.

And the puppets of the mechanical gods are only equivalent to the attack strength of the peak of the ordinary high-level gods.

"Okay, enough energy!"

Qin Feng shook his arms that were a little numb by the series of energy cannons, and couldn't help grinning with a smile!

Being able to break his defenses and make him feel the crisis is the battle he wants.

Only fighting of this intensity can make him more tempered!

Otherwise, if one level is stronger, he will definitely not be an opponent, but if one level exists, it is difficult for him to feel the pressure, and this is just right now.

In the depths of the mechanical puppet, the mechanical wizard whose eyes were always shining with wisdom lightly frowned, and a flash of surprise flashed in his heart. Unexpectedly, his series of energy cannons had clearly broken through the defenses outside Qin Feng's body and hit him. On his body, his physical defense was not broken.

Qin Feng's physical defensive ability exceeded his imagination, which made the mechanical **** master a little embarrassed.

Although his mechanical puppet is powerful, this thing is not a creature after all, and can't perform those powerful secret techniques, nor can it stimulate potential, so the attack power has an upper limit.

"Would you like to try the newly developed quantum cannon?"

The mechanical **** hesitated in his heart.

That is the method he has recently researched, and it is also his last hole card, once it is displayed, it will be exposed to outsiders.

Of course his wisdom knows that it is not a good thing to be figured out in the deserted land, there are other existences with upper limits of ability!

Just as he hesitated in his heart, Qin Feng stepped forward to kill the mechanical puppet. When he planned to explode this puppet that could continuously launch long-range attacks to interfere with his battle, he was suddenly blocked by countless threads!


A disturbing sound came into Qin Feng's ears.

The sound seemed to be countless poisonous insects gnawing and gnawing bones, and it seemed that unknown monsters were approaching quietly, causing a sense of uncertainty in Qin Feng's heart.

But this strange sound is directly transmitted into the soul, and it is impossible to block it!

Moreover, those silk threads are approaching at an extremely fast speed, wanting to entangle him.

"Go away!"

Qin Feng grabbed it with a big hand, his five fingers were like swords, and his fingertips were shining with golden light, and dazzling golden lights appeared, as if five sharp swords cut across the air.

However, after cutting his golden sword energy, he suddenly discovered that those silk threads had not been cut.

These silk threads are between the virtual and the real, cut continuously, and the reason is still chaotic, which is annoying.

More importantly, these silk threads are still being used to interfere with the fluctuations of the soul, and they are trying to directly attack Qin Feng's primordial spirit!


If it is an ordinary strong person, it may be helpless in the face of such methods, but Qin Feng has countless methods, and how can he be afraid of the other party.

Although it is a headache to directly attack the soul, the monks in the spiritual world are mainly studying the soul.

Otherwise, during the Great Tribulation Period of the Ancients, it would not be able to contend with the countless ghosts that were good at attacking spirits in the Nether World.

Although the Royal Beast Sect focuses on dealing with monsters, it has also collected some secret techniques for dealing with ghosts and ghosts that are good at attacking the soul, not to mention Qin Feng's soul and the guardian of the red lotus!

Although the Nightmare Weaver is not a ghost, there are similarities in its methods. This monster is not only good at attacking spirits, but also likes to weave nightmares, pulling opponents into dreams.

Once you fall into its home court, if you are not careful, life and death will be controlled by it!

However, with the strength of Qin Feng's primordial spirit, it is not something he can pull if he wants to pull it!

Seeing the threads of the Nightmare Weaver twisting around, Qin Feng raised his brows and suddenly sneered, letting the threads entangle himself.

Then, before the nightmare weavers rejoiced, the countless silk threads suddenly trembled, and the body wrapped in layers of silk threads even uttered a harsh scream, and the screams revealed an endless sense of panic.

This made the eight-armed giants and the mechanical gods not far away wonder if they had misheard them. They were the nightmare weavers who had always brought fear to others, and they would also make horrified screams?

They looked at the puzzled gaze, and saw the nightmare weaver twitching the silk desperately, trying to withdraw from Qin Feng.

It's just that it's too late!

Seeing a lotus platform appeared at Qin Feng's feet, the lotus flower bloomed layer by layer, endless karma fire rose, not only burned on the silk thread, but also burned along the silk thread to the body of the nightmare weaver!

Even if the nightmare weaver desperately twisted his body, even breaking many threads on his own initiative, he was still burned by the raging fire.

This was not over yet, Qin Feng actually reached out and grabbed the thread that was actively broken by the Nightmare Weaver.

A powerful curse poured directly into the nightmare weaver's body. Under the double attack of the red lotus karma fire and the power of the curse, he suddenly screamed, and countless black qi rose up all over his body. This is the consequence of the curse in his body being burned by the karma fire!

Although the Nightmare Weaver is weird and powerful, it is too focused on the soul attack, so that as long as it finds a means to target it, this monster, which was originally regarded as the most bizarre and difficult monster among the three powerhouses, has become the easiest to deal with. The presence.

"help me……"

There was a sharp and unpleasant sound from the Nightmare Weaver, calling for help to the Eight-armed Giant and the Mechanic Master!

These two powerhouses frowned, their knowledge of Qin Feng deepened!

If it were in the outside world, they would definitely not provoke Qin Feng's powerful and endless existence.

But this is a deserted place. If they don't want to die here, if they still hold any hope of escape, if they still want to be promoted to immortality and cross the world, they can't give up any opportunity to improve their strength.

And an independent cave world, enough for them to desperately!

Therefore, Augusta and the Machinist did not hesitate, and they all launched a violent attack on Qin Feng.

They want to save the Nightmare Weaver.

Because the two of them have now lost the confidence that they can defeat Qin Feng alone, they need to work together before they feel that there is still some hope of defeating Qin Feng.

But how could Qin Feng give them this opportunity?

He shook his body, stepped forward, and used all kinds of magical spells to fight the two powerhouses together.

Qin Feng's height was a thousand feet after he used the method of the sky and the earth. Although the body of the Thunder Giant Augusta is a bit smaller, he has also become this size under the blessing of the endless thunder power. Mechanical puppets have also drawn into the circle of war.

Mechanical puppets are suitable for long-range attack and close combat, and can be bombarded with energy from long-range. In close combat, all parts of the body can be turned into weapons to attack opponents!

With one enemy and two, Qin Feng was extremely brave, fisted to the flesh with the Thunder Giant, and collided with the mechanical puppets and made an ear-splitting sound of gold and iron!

However, the mechanical **** master and the eight-armed giant in the fierce battle did not notice that the nine-headed dragon behind Qin Feng quietly lost two heads.

The two dragons were separated by Qin Feng's magical powers, and turned into shadows to flee near the Nightmare Weaver. One became Qin Feng's clone, waving his hands to gather the white bones everywhere to form an altar, standing on the altar to display nothing. Curse the supernatural powers, and worship the Nightmare Weaver several times.

The other is still the terrifying ghost dragon but several flames spurted out of the mouth one after another.

First, burn the soul demon flame, let the nightmare weaver taste the taste of the soul being burned, then spray the pure sun fire to weaken the strong gloom in the opponent's body, and finally use the sacred flame of the world to envelop the nightmare weaver and let it go It struggled left and right, but it was difficult to escape.

It also wanted to run, but the red lotus fairy sword around it turned into a lotus sword formation to block it, and there was karma burning in its body. How could it escape when it was completely restrained?

In the end, this monster that caused countless creatures in the gathering place was cleansed when burned both inside and outside by the sacred flame of the clean world and the red lotus karma, like a dream bubble, completely disappeared!

The death of the Nightmare Weaver shocked the eight-armed giant and the Mechanic.

They knew the horror of the Nightmare Weaver, but they didn't expect to be killed by Qin Feng so quickly, and they suddenly felt a little ominous in their hearts.

Fortunately, they had already appeared in the distance at this time, otherwise they would really not dare to continue fighting Qin Feng!

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