Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 110 - Three Sovereigns and Eight Desolate Realms (27)

Chapter 110 – : Three Sovereigns and Eight Desolate Realms (2/7)

“Subordinates understand!” Zhang Heng was pleased to take orders

After all the explanation goes down, a hundred meters city. The heavy steel gates are thirty meters high and six meters wide.

While the gears are meshing, they slowly open to both sides 2

Two moments of opening. The strong romance almost made the warrior standing guard at the door unable to stabilize his figure and was blown back again and again.

High above the city wall, the man calmed his mind and thanked him sincerely, “Thank you so much, we will not

It’s troublesome for you. ”

“All of our town generals have already negotiated. As long as these people are handed over to you, we will leave and return immediately.

Back to the battlefield. ”

Speaking of this, his eyes are full of endless hatred, the circles under his eyes are red again, and he gritted his teeth and said 2 “We will not treat us

Even if they died in battle, they would still bite a piece of meat from their bodies. ”

Yang Sheng and Gu Jun Qiqi-z array, = thighs are horrified, solemn emotions rise in the heart, looking at the pair in each other’s eyes

The hatred of the aliens makes their hearts tremble.

Why did the Human Race still stand tall in the world when it is too catastrophic? It is because there are such a group of people who are not afraid of death. For people

For the future of the clan, Qianpu will follow through with his own flesh and blood to forge the Great Wall and defend the sacred and inviolable territory of the △ clan.

Every z inch of Terran’s territory nowadays is spent with human lives, a little in exchange for it, how many people died, how many writings can be sung and weeping

Epic story.

At this time, there was a lot of golden light in the city of Haoran. Also rises up, and keeps coming towards this side. Finally turned into another nine

Respect the Sifang Town General.

They also received the news that L2 looked equally astonished, looking at the Sifang town general who was not much weaker than them, embarrassed.

Horrible look.

Their hearts sank, and their faces became solemn.

The Yangsheng Town will not help but sigh: “Brother, the situation on the front line is now so high that it is no longer nine of the few people who can change it.

Change, on the contrary, it will be damaged. It will consume our clan heritage, it is better to stay in our Haoran City, or it can increase our Haoran defense.

Imperial power””. ”

“Yes, go,” Gu Jun also said: “As the first front line, the situation there may not be optimistic. Half a month ago,

We made the city lord. The Manifestation of Saint Taineng was summoned urgently, and he had not returned before. The clone came back a few days ago and took away the deputy.

Santo. ”

“Yeah, why don’t you all stay here?”

Other towns will also panic. Everyone in Haoran City will stay here. Not only are the citizens of Haoran City at ease, they are also at ease.

It feels at ease, with less shoulder pressure.


However, hearing the words of the crowd, the man suddenly opened his eyes in horror, as if he had heard some terrible news, and opened his eyes too much.(Read more @

Exclaimed:. “You mean, 2 Haoran City Lord and Deputy City Lord are not in Haoran City 2”

At this point, he was trembling in horror.

Everyone was slightly-stunned, wondering why the other party was so frightened.

“It’s awful!” The man yelled in horror, and said mournfully, “It was me who killed Haoran City, everyone!”

A chill in everyone’s heart, = a bad premonition, black clouds are overwhelming the city. Instantly enveloped their hearts. Everyone’s faces are condensed

Solidify. ,

Among them, the town of Yangsheng seemed to have thought of something, his face changed wildly.

The man said sadly. “Everyone, I’m really sorry, I really don’t know, I don’t know how Haoran City is now, we

I’m sorry you guys. When we came here, we were chased by the road, and there were three beast kings in the Eight Desolation Realm who bit behind us.

It will not take long to arrive, the fastest one hour, the slowest type has no time. ”

As his voice fell. Everyone gasped. You look at me, I look at you, their eyes widened in horror.

The three fierce beast kings are coming



Everyone couldn’t help but shudder. Don’t talk about the three grasses, even if the = Zun appeared, they can really crush what they are.


What is a king, it means emperor, dominates and dominates, overbearing, the lowest has: the power of the dragon, freely punch

Rivers smashed mountains.

The physical body contends with nature, and nature is nothing in front of him, and it is as powerful as the majesty of heaven.

The one-hundred-meter wall of Haoran City. The opponent can cross with one step, = the foot can collapse the city wall. Two punches can collapse Taidi

In the absence of opponents of the same level.

Ten square town generals can only entangle each other forever. Will be bombarded one by one, not on the same level at all.

And this is the three kings, not one.

Three whole figures!

The horror, the icy feeling, instantly hit everyone’s body, death

Fear, as if to freeze their souls

Shattered their bodies.

Panic filled all of them in an instant

How to do?

How to do?

Everyone was asking this question, panicked.

“”The fastest one hour, in other words, we may still have = hours to prepare. “Healthy town general, frightened

Frightened, eyelids were shaking.

But he can’t panic. Once he panics, the shock of ten breaths will be unparalleled.

As Haoran City, at this moment, in the name of the highest commander, he is also the strongest existence among the generals of Sifang Town. He has become everyone’s

The mainstay, everyone’s eyes looked at him at this moment.

“Prepare for war: immediately start thirteen bells, let everyone enter the underground refuge, and urgently call up all martial arts halls.

Gather the army and get ready. ”

Yangshengzhen will take a deep breath and breathe (de Li Zhao) will become hot, blood is surging, since it is incomparably avoidable, then

War-a fight to repel the alien race.

With the blood of different races, thousands of ancestors were sacrificed, and the dead human races ran with them.

Gu Jun also roared beside him. Although he was terrified, he thought of the people who had been slaughtered by the foreign race and piled up hundreds of meters high.

The corpse, fear instantly turned into anger.

Boundless anger.

“Prepare for war.”

“Prepare for war.”

“Prepare for war.”

The long-lasting ease, Shen Ji’s enthusiasm, made them a little intrigued and intrigue, but at this moment

The blood was ignited, and in the face of the righteousness of the race, all of them were compatriots, brothers, and blood was thicker than water.

At first, only Gu Jun shouted, but under his strong infection, the eyes of a general Jie Zhen gradually became firm and tight.

Growl with roar l

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