Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 112 - Ten Suns Hengkong (47)

Chapter 112 – : Ten Suns Hengkong (4/7)

Every time there is a fight, the sky is dim and the earth is shattered.

The mountains were beaten to pieces. The river was diverted from the forest, and the cattle were smoothed out. The road was full and sore. Ordinary entry is like a ant

Ant-like, under the battle, a piece of death.

The crisis of death all the time. Shrouded and tired them long ago, full of despair.

But at this moment, hope rekindled in their faces and eyes.

Above the city’s heights, the Sifang town general who had fled from the grass also moved closer, plus the man before.

Ten people, all suspended when-empty.

In so panic.

It is at this time that the world ends. The position of the sea and the sky, = a terrifying aura suddenly rises, across the foot

It’s more than 20 kilometers.

There, the golden light gradually became richer and brighter, and in the end, it was as if the morning sun was about to rise from the sea level.

= A little bit illuminates the Taidi.

But it brings an unprecedented sense of pressure to everyone.

Getting closer and closer -,

Finally, below the field of vision, above the horizon. = A golden light cluster like the sun, slowly rising from below the earth

Soaring up, first revealing a half circle of light, and finally the whole one rising up.

Keep rising, flying higher and higher. Finally came to the sky completely, shed golden light, brilliant, majestic and sacred

However, this is not the end.

It is another equally powerful big sun, followed by it, rising little by little, flying higher and higher, and finally hanging above the sky.

Then came the third Tairi lift-off.

That’s not a big deal. After the Tairi Tairi, seven of Tairi are slightly smaller too-circle, and slowly rise up, just floating in those three.

Under the sun.

I don’t know why, anyone who sees the z-screen at this moment has a feeling of facing the ancient mythology, and it traverses the distance in an instant.

Gu, have witnessed what is the ten-day horizon.

Under the sun, the mighty and mighty, densely packed and connected lines, you can hear the violent one after two kilometers

The fierce beast roared and roared.

As they continue to advance, the whole earth is shaking, and those standing on the wall can even see the broken stones under their feet.

All roll up.

All ten soldiers guarding the northern city wall tensely squeezed their rifles. Looking into the distance, their pupils contracted and they had difficulty breathing.

The mountain jump accelerates.

= These cowardly warriors and soldiers trembled twice, their complexion pale.

Many of the young people of Haoran City’s generation have never been on the battlefield, but at most they follow-a hunting team has gone out of the city, in the city week(Read more @

While hunting low-level beasts.

When have you seen such scenes?

Even the Qiyi Square Town General of Haoran City, his complexion was slightly shocked and his heart suddenly accelerated.

They haven’t done anything for too long, and they have gradually cooled off their previous blood holdings.

But what is different from them is that all the Sifang town generals who escaped from Guangxi took two steps together, hovering outside the city, and they were all light.

The rumors of fishermen looked far away.

Only experience the kind of almost genocide-like battle. Only to realize their feelings at the moment.

That is endless dying, death, the madness of biting the enemy’s flesh: 6 Death is always kept out of the matter, and the only thing I’m afraid of is worrying about it.

Can kill a few more enemies.

“Beast” a Sifang town will roar frantically, his eyes are bloody, almost mad. Hate is overwhelming.

He hated it too much, his son, wife, and all his descendants died in the battle, only he Xun Yan panted.

He still clearly remembered the look in his wife’s eyes when she was dying.

Tortured him night after night. Let him almost fall into the trap.

He frantically, the Sifang Town next to him will also have the same hatred and terrifying killing intent, almost merged into the blood, let

The air was filled with crazy killing intent.


The violent earthquake tremor passed a little bit, and the sound continued to resound, densely with a crowd of fierce beasts like tides. It doesn’t matter.

Not slowly approaching.

= Can’t see the end, there are too many. Unbelievable.

How much has it exceeded, one million, or two million, or three million, or even five million, two million

No one can calculate, there are too many.

Yangsheng Town took a deep breath, and Moonlight looked around. He knew that it was time to speak up.

“All towns will obey orders.”

The moment the Yangsheng town resounded the loud voice, all the towns in the sky were all over, and everyone looked at him.

Everyone’s eyes are extremely solemn

“The situation is urgent. At this moment, I assume the position of deputy city lord of Haoran City, and pass my order and transfer other city gates to do more than that.

Warriors, all guard the North City Gate. ”

“Guangyang Town will be responsible for rectifying all the martial arts fighters, using the fastest

Formed into a large army, ready to supplement the space in the city wall at any time. ”

“Tianxiong Town will be in the headquarters to ensure the lives of all military commanders and ensure the battlefield dispatch system.


“Sun Xingzhen will form an elite team of Taizongshi to resist the opponent’s great great beasts attacking our weak links. If you see it, all will be attacked.


Orders are given in an orderly manner. The voice of the commander keeps ringing,-Zunzun Sifang Town will be busy instantly, and go to each other.

The general of Yangsheng Town, Moonlight, looked at the remaining town generals, and said with a heavy voice, “We sit in the sky, let go-= fight, = day they

The beast will do it, and we will fight to the death. ”

“No way”

The town generals on the side of Haoran City cried out in exclamation before they said anything.

“There is no time for us to sit in town. When the war-day breaks out, the three Beastmasters will act instantly. = Suppression will come, unless I

There are also three human beings in the gate, in order to restrain each other. ”

Almost before his voice fell, the town generals in Northern Xinjiang couldn’t help nodding.

There is almost no hope in this z station. Although their mid-level strength is twice as strong as the opponent, the top combat power is no more.

If the aliens come to one of the five. Even if you desperately die, there is still some hope.

But that was three statues, ah, three statues were suppressed, and no one could hold it. Sifang Town will be killed if one move is executed. Terrifying to appalling


However, the general of the town of health and only confronted Gu Jun, but there was a slight smile on his face.

“Haha, who said, if there is no city lord and deputy city lord in Haoran City, there is no human king.”

The generals in Beijiang Town are all together-= shaking and light looking at their door in astonishment.

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